How will they rule ??!

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You guys remember when top democrat strategists and officials were using this weird pizza lingo in email communications that is also associated with pedophiles? Anyone ever get one of those people on record as to why they thought that was a good idea? As in, "hey, do you think using well known pedophilia code during communications may have been a bad idea?"

I mean, at minimum it should've at least been asked why they were that stupid. And if there was any integrity in the media at all, it should've been investigated with the full backing of every media outlet.

I want to say it's unbelievable, but we know from the Epstein "suicide" that it is not.

I hope they all burn in hell for eternity.
I hope they all burn in hell for eternity.

they'll get their's in this life in the end... 'magine you're Epstein sitting in your cell with various fears and thoughts of how they going to take you out then this mofo walks in.

hi roomie! :grimace:

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From twitter.


One of these kids made parody videos, was bullied off of the internet and had death threats sent to her parents for “exploiting” her The other is considered a brave child hero for having a mental breakdown about the world ending Guess the difference.

That girl needs to see an exorcist.
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Democrats Introduce Debate Strategy Of Holding Up Small Child Whenever Their Positions Are Challenged

HaHa—“Reports indicate that Beto O'Rourke is having a harder time finding a child-shield, not because he's a creepy furry, but because his supporters have so few children, and are mostly creepy furries.”
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That's just stupid and bullshit. We already set a precedent with Reagan on Congress intervention of foreign relations. He wanted to funnel arms to cartels and Iran and Congress told him no. He did it anyway through the CIA. Congress was to scared to go after him so they prosecuted everyone that obeyed him. If a president is dealing in his own self interest he isn't doing his job. Things like executive privilege are not in the Constitution and only exist to the extent that scotus and voters can tolerate. When president's like Nixon try to take it to far they get bitch slapped. A president is free to have conversations but should be aware that now the CIA and NSA are always listening and will do their job to protect the country. I would wager the NSA probably has recordings. Trump is used to shady wheeling and dealing where nobody will tell him when he's crossed the line.
His conversations shouldn't be getting dumped to the public. The foreign relations and intelligence committees were given the power to be read in and deal with these things. But the problem now is we no longer have functioning upper levels of government. The President is a walking shitshow. Congress is a group of mouth breathing retards. SCOTUS is a politicized group of geriatrics. Politics is now a mix of reality tv and sports entertainment. It's pretty damn sad.
Translation: "My team ain't winning, so everything bad and of course I support impeachment of Trump for anything, or even nothing at all."
It gets worse, the "reporter" himself had tweets so bad his page is now lock and he deleted them all. And members of the media are defending him of course.


Was just about to post this. Dude runs and makes his account private because he’s made some not so SJW posts in the past himself. But yet again, he’ll get a pass.

Dude and everyone behind him can GF themselves. Absolute hypocritical slime.

Was just about to post this. Dude runs and makes his account private because he’s made some not so SJW posts in the past himself. But yet again, he’ll get a pass.

Dude and everyone behind him can GF themselves. Absolute hypocritical slime.
They do "routine background checks" on guys raising $1m or charity but not for their reporters. I hate these people.
Talk about the ultimate White Privilege. Sorry excuse of a "White Son" gets "White" powerful Dad to strong-arm/bribe people to do what he wants in order for said son to make millions of dollars. Literally brags about it in front of cameras and gets laughs from the audience without much thought from the media, etc. to question it. Same Dad is leading with the Black vote in states like South Carolina. Have to hand it to ole Joe on this one.....
They do "routine background checks" on guys raising $1m or charity but not for their reporters. I hate these people.

The modern left is the toddler crying that someone pushed them back that never grew up.

It’s sick the way the MSM handles the cries (never been a more appropriate term in these cases) of SJWs. And it’s even more sick how they’ll shield their own, even if they’re clearly trash.

But eff children’s hospitals. No Tosh.0 quotes will ever see the light of day again on their watch.
Ooooh. Trump gonna release a full transcript! Except unless he is doing something stupid like recording calls there are no real transcripts. Himself or some NCS aides might take notes but they aren't going to write down "Trump just threatened aid for Biden investigation". It's Ukraine so they can probably ask Putin for a recording.

The modern left is the toddler crying that someone pushed them back that never grew up.

It’s sick the way the MSM handles the cries (never been a more appropriate term in these cases) of SJWs. And it’s even more sick how they’ll shield their own, even if they’re clearly trash.

But eff children’s hospitals. No Tosh.0 quotes will ever see the light of day again on their watch.
The media enables the ignorance and fuels the two sets of rules that grow farther apart every day. Dion, Plat, et al can go to their reliable outlets that ignore any story that does not support their worldview and feeds them GOP-hate that makes them feel superior.
Election day will almost surely be here before any impeachment proceedings conclude.

Does that mean the Dems are just conceding this election? Otherwise why not just pour this energy into voting him out?

Their internal numbers must look awful

Fairly obvious the Democrats just want a white male. Bernie obviously isn’t being picked, just like the DNC didn’t pick him last time when the actual Democrat voters wanted him. Robbie went to far off message when he flat out told everyone the Democrat position of gun confiscation. Buttigeig is from a flyover state.

That leaves Biden who’s corruption now cannot be ignored, so it’s kamikaze time.
Starting to think Victoria Secrets was named after an 8 yr old Wexner raped and was told keep it secret

Prolly so, but I jumped the gun on domino. I should say I'll believe it when there is an actual conviction.

The flaw in the Epstein plan is that they eventually grow up.

If Bill and Eppy would have included Hillary in the scheme, she would have had them offed.
Prolly so, but I jumped the gun on domino. I should say I'll believe it when there is an actual conviction.

The flaw in the Epstein plan is that they eventually grow up.

If Bill and Eppy would have included Hillary in the scheme, she would have had them offed.

Yep. As much as I think Bill is a POS, it's Hillary that is the brains behind the Clinton Body Count
POTUS says he's releasing the full transcript of the Ukraine call, and amazingly Democrats now say the whistleblower complaint is more important

Folks, the 'whistleblower' wasn't on the call

They think a secondhand account of the call will tell you more than the *actual call*
Translation: There's noting in the transcript of import.
I see the marching orders are to call the transcript fake. Even though no one has seen the transcript yet.

Democrats are children. Ask for something over and over, then when you get what you were asking for, claim that’s not what you wanted. Makes perfect sense why their current leaders are a little Swedish girl, some twink from Florida who is scared of guns, and women who can barely string a sentence together (Pelosi because she’s either drunk or has dementia, and AOC because she’s an idiot).
They just released the transcript with a note at the bottom that says its not actually a transcript. It's just notes from staff like i said. So it won't contain anything they decided to not note or anything the WH decided to remove.

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty Officers and NSC policy staff assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place.
Author of this book about our dependence on China drugs was on the radio....:scream:. Everything we use is from China.

Amazon product ASIN 1633883817
And this wasn't the case till around 2000's. US/Europe/Japan used to be where we, and the rest of the world got any pill or vitamin, antibiotic, or whatever drug we needed. Now, it allllll comes from China. Kind of similar to that rare earth fiasco where US shut down rare earth mining and sold it all to China.

Absolutely nuts.

Why in the world would we stop making our own antibiotics, penicillin, vitamins, etc, and rely solely on a communist pos country like China to manufacture and supply them to us?...and the rest of the world. This is some globalist UN bs.
They just released the transcript with a note at the bottom that says its not actually a transcript. It's just notes from staff like i said. So it won't contain anything they decided to not note or anything the WH decided to remove.

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty Officers and NSC policy staff assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place.
Lol. Keep hoping. What a dumbass.
They just released the transcript with a note at the bottom that says its not actually a transcript. It's just notes from staff like i said. So it won't contain anything they decided to not note or anything the WH decided to remove.

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty Officers and NSC policy staff assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place.


So on top of impeaching Trump for literally nothing, let’s fire all the Situation Room Duty Officers and NSC policy staff who were all contemporaneously colluding to cover Trump’s track because they knew one day some random person was going to claim Trump said some bad things.

More collusion!!!!!!
He first lays out to Zelensky how the US is very very good to them. Then immediately asks him to investigate the DNC and Biden. Then tells him if they can get this done Ukraines economy will do real well.
And of course he froze the military aid 2 days before this phone call. So just like his old business days. He lays out the quid quo pro in mafia speak to incriminate himself as little as possible. Its also pretty strange that HE repeatedly tells Zelensky that Barr is working with Giuliani on this. Barr just released a statement that he had nothing to do with it and had no conversation with Trump about it. Last night Giuliani also said that Barr personally asked him to start this investigation because the FBI couldn't get it done. A lot of lying going on.

he Attorney General was first notified of the President's conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky several weeks after the call took place, when the Department of Justice learned of a potential referral. The President has not spoken with the Attorney General about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his son. The President has not asked the Attorney General to contact Ukraine -- on this or any other matter. The Attorney General has not communicated with Ukraine -- on this or any other subject. Nor has the Attorney General discussed this matter, or anything relating to Ukraine, with Rudy Giuliani
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He first lays out to Zelensky how the US is very very good to them. Then immediately asks him to investigate the DNC and Biden. Then tells him if they can get this done Ukraines economy will do real well.
So just like his old business days. He lays out the quid quo pro in mafia speak to incriminate himself as little as possible. Its also pretty strange that HE repeatedly tells Zelensky that Barr is working with Giuliani on this. Barr just released a statement that he had nothing to do with it and had no conversation with Trump about it. Last night Giuliani also said that Barr personally asked him to start this investigation because the FBI couldn't get it done. A lot of lying going on.

"I never talked to an Ukrainian official until the State Department called me and asked me to do it," he told Ingraham. "And then I reported to every conversation back to them." Business Insider has contacted the State Department about Giuliani's claims. e then held up his phone on air, saying to host Laura Ingraham: "Laura, I'm a pretty good lawyer, just a country lawyer, but it's all here, right here. The first call from the State Department."

he Attorney General was first notified of the President's conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky several weeks after the call took place, when the Department of Justice learned of a potential referral. The President has not spoken with the Attorney General about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his son. The President has not asked the Attorney General to contact Ukraine -- on this or any other matter. The Attorney General has not communicated with Ukraine -- on this or any other subject. Nor has the Attorney General discussed this matter, or anything relating to Ukraine, with Rudy Giuliani

Do you play this stupid when you walk around in public?

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