How will they rule ??!

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Who is the GD “whistleblower”? I want to ruin his/her life like the dems do to anyone who does it against them.

Was it the Google whistleblower who recently had the FBI raid his home?

If this was against the dems, the persons name would have already been leaked and life destroyed.

I’m ready to play by their rules.

Leak the name.
He first lays out to Zelensky how the US is very very good to them. Then immediately asks him to investigate the DNC and Biden. Then tells him if they can get this done Ukraines economy will do real well.
So just like his old business days. He lays out the quid quo pro in mafia speak to incriminate himself as little as possible. Its also pretty strange that HE repeatedly tells Zelensky that Barr is working with Giuliani on this. Barr just released a statement that he had nothing to do with it and had no conversation with Trump about it. Last night Giuliani also said that Barr personally asked him to start this investigation because the FBI couldn't get it done. A lot of lying going on.

he Attorney General was first notified of the President's conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky several weeks after the call took place, when the Department of Justice learned of a potential referral. The President has not spoken with the Attorney General about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his son. The President has not asked the Attorney General to contact Ukraine -- on this or any other matter. The Attorney General has not communicated with Ukraine -- on this or any other subject. Nor has the Attorney General discussed this matter, or anything relating to Ukraine, with Rudy Giuliani

So, what you’re saying is, basically, Trump wanted to fire Comey but decided not too, even though he had the full legal power to do it for any reason, and since he decided not to, he should be impeached because he thought about it before deciding not to?

You repeatedly claim how full of shit everyone around Trump, including Trump is when they talk, and you want them prosecuted for the way you twist their words, not their actions?

Goddam lunatic.
Trump freezes aid
Trump - Hey you know how we give you lots of money?
Zelensky - yes...
Trump - go investigate the DNC and Biden
Zelensky - on it
Trump - good boy

Yes its real hard to see the picture here. And the complaint said this was only one of many incidents. This is the WH best framing of the call they could come up with. It's 100% guaranteed even more damning pieces were left out.
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So platinum is pissed that they don’t actually record and transcribe the recordings of presidential phone calls, so rather than post the actual contemporaneous memorialization of the calls, he decides to post his twisted summary because summaries aren’t good enough.

Goddam unhinged psycho lunatics.
So apparently the upper echelon of the Ukrainian government completely understands mafia doublespeak (lol) but Biden was stupid enough to flat out admit on camera he was explicitly coercing the Ukrainian government to let his son off the hook. What an idiot.
The GoP congress is already flipping out that he released this. Why he would release even an edited memorandum when he throws out the carrot and then the stick.
So apparently the upper echelon of the Ukrainian government completely understands mafia doublespeak (lol) but Biden was stupid enough to flat out admit on camera he was explicitly coercing the Ukrainian government to let his son off the hook. What an idiot.
That is the beauty of being a Dem in America, you can say shit like that on camera with zero pushback and have plenty of mindless whores like plat play along.
So apparently the upper echelon of the Ukrainian government completely understands mafia doublespeak (lol) but Biden was stupid enough to flat out admit on camera he was explicitly coercing the Ukrainian government to let his son off the hook. What an idiot.
You dumb shits keep posting that over and over when its made up. The prosecutor Biden and the EU went after was not investigating his son. He was "investigating" the oligarch that owned the company. and he was fired because he was using the investigation to extort the oligarch. A politicians family getting cushy jobs is a conversation the country should have but it is not something new. Giuliani has been on the case for over a year now. I guess since he found nothing Hunter must be innocent?
LMAO, why the hell would Ghouliani be the lead man on this. He has to be the most incompetent lawyer ever. makes Cohen look like a genius.
The media spin is already starting - OMGDRUMPFUSINGRUSSIAKRANETOBUSTBIDEN, even mentioning voice recognition software to make it sound all the more sinister.

Strange times we're living in.
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You dumb shits keep posting that over and over when its made up. The prosecutor Biden and the EU went after was not investigating his son. He was "investigating" the oligarch that owned the company. and he was fired because he was using the investigation to extort the oligarch. A politicians family getting cushy jobs is a conversation the country should have but it is not something new. Giuliani has been on the case for over a year now. I guess since he found nothing Hunter must be innocent?

Lol you ignorant twats have spent years losing you minds over Trumps tax returns somehow being able to prove he does business in a foreign country, now we have the VP using his political influence to stop the prosecution of a company his burnout son works for in a foreign country and we need to just look the other way.

Goddam hypocrite lunatics.
Democrats Introduce Debate Strategy Of Holding Up Small Child Whenever Their Positions Are Challenged

HaHa—“Reports indicate that Beto O'Rourke is having a harder time finding a child-shield, not because he's a creepy furry, but because his supporters have so few children, and are mostly creepy furries.”
They have to rent a child to hold up. They don't have any of their own, because they've all been aborted.
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The obvious next step is releasing the memos and or transcripts of any and all discussions Joe Biden has with the Ukraine, correct?

The public has a right to know, correct?

I think we all have a right to know how someone with no experience in anything was paid millions to do nothing.

Anyone with an ounce of objectivity already knows. But I'd love to see all the proof
Can you imagine what the media would do if Eric Trump were an alcohol and drug addicted dude who got paid millions to be on the board of a Ukrainian gas company?...then Donald Trump Jr dies of cancer and Eric (while still married) scoops up his brother Donnies widow? And Donald Jr named a son Uncle Eric becomes step dad to little Eric?...thatd be fun
Trump releases the letter. Shrewd people read it. The Dow almost immediately goes up 150 points. Those with money at stake have figured out this is more political posturing that'll be a low hum in the background during 2020 campaign, and little more. It may sink Biden, in fact, and force the Dems further left, which is to say deeper into Death Valley.
Lol you ignorant twats have spent years losing you minds over Trumps tax returns somehow being able to prove he does business in a foreign country, now we have the VP using his political influence to stop the prosecution of a company his burnout son works for in a foreign country and we need to just look the other way.

Goddam hypocrite lunatics.
Ukraine’s prosecutor general said in an interview that he had no evidence of wrongdoing by U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden or his son, despite a swirl of allegations by President Donald Trump’s lawyer.
Ukraine’s prosecutor general said in an interview that he had no evidence of wrongdoing by U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden or his son, despite a swirl of allegations by President Donald Trump’s lawyer.

Just to clarify, this is the corrupt prosecutor (per you a few posts ago) the Ukraine hired after Joe Biden told them he was withholding a billion dollars until they hired a new prosecutor he approved? That guy cleared Biden’s son?
Yes its real hard to see the picture here. And the complaint said this was only one of many incidents. This is the WH best framing of the call they could come up with. It's 100% guaranteed even more damning pieces were left out.
Yep, they picked the weakest piece of evidence they could come up with as the stated basis of a whistleblowing complaint against the president, but decided to leave all the really "damning pieces" out.
You went full retard. Never go full retard.
Just to clarify, this is the corrupt prosecutor (per you a few posts ago) the Ukraine hired after Joe Biden told them he was withholding a billion dollars until they hired a new prosecutor he approved? That guy cleared Biden’s son?

This guy?

Criminal cases and imprisonment[edit]

On 13 December 2010 Lutsenko was charged with abuse of office and forgery by Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Pshonka.Lutsenko was sentenced to fours year in jail (with confiscation of his property) for embezzlement and abuse of office.[15][61][62] The total damages caused by Lutsenko to Ukraine's budget had been estimated at $125,000. On 17 August 2012 Lutsenko was sentenced to two years in prison for the extension of an investigative case concerning Valentyn Davydenko, the driver of former Security Service of Ukraine First Deputy Chief Volodymyr Satsiuk, as part of an investigation into the poisoning of then presidential candidateViktor Yuschenko.

On 12 May 2016 parliament appointed Lutsenko Prosecutor General of Ukraine.[9] This after it had changed amendments to legislation allowing a person to hold the office without a law degree.[9] Lutsenko (who has no law degree[95]) was also stripped of his MP mandate.

PS Plat - he is no longer the position.
Just to clarify, this is the corrupt prosecutor (per you a few posts ago) the Ukraine hired after Joe Biden told them he was withholding a billion dollars until they hired a new prosecutor he approved? That guy cleared Biden’s son?
Come on big guy. lay out all this evidence against Bidens son. I bet you got tons of it
Can you imagine what the media would do if Eric Trump were an alcohol and drug addicted dude who got paid millions to be on the board of a Ukrainian gas company?...then Donald Trump Jr dies of cancer and Eric (while still married) scoops up his brother Donnies widow? And Donald Jr named a son Uncle Eric becomes step dad to little Eric?...thatd be fun
plat would quit his job, if he has one, to shitpost full time
Come on big guy. lay out all this evidence against Bidens son. I bet you got tons of it
Are you joking? Hunter Biden, a guy with no experience in the energy field whatsoever gets a $600,000 per year board of director position with an energy company in the Ukraine, and you think the evidence isn't there?

Seriously, if there is such a thing as going double full retard, you have achieved it.
They just released the transcript with a note at the bottom that says its not actually a transcript. It's just notes from staff like i said. So it won't contain anything they decided to not note or anything the WH decided to remove.

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty Officers and NSC policy staff assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place.
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How about that transcript????

Having now read it, should politicians and political operatives be punished to the fullest extent of the law if they create political discourse due to their out-right lying or creating sensational items proven not true to fill their expedient needs for deviant cash/ donations. This crap must be stopped....
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He first lays out to Zelensky how the US is very very good to them. Then immediately asks him to investigate the DNC and Biden. Then tells him if they can get this done Ukraines economy will do real well.
And of course he froze the military aid 2 days before this phone call. So just like his old business days. He lays out the quid quo pro in mafia speak to incriminate himself as little as possible. Its also pretty strange that HE repeatedly tells Zelensky that Barr is working with Giuliani on this. Barr just released a statement that he had nothing to do with it and had no conversation with Trump about it. Last night Giuliani also said that Barr personally asked him to start this investigation because the FBI couldn't get it done. A lot of lying going on.

he Attorney General was first notified of the President's conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky several weeks after the call took place, when the Department of Justice learned of a potential referral. The President has not spoken with the Attorney General about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his son. The President has not asked the Attorney General to contact Ukraine -- on this or any other matter. The Attorney General has not communicated with Ukraine -- on this or any other subject. Nor has the Attorney General discussed this matter, or anything relating to Ukraine, with Rudy Giuliani
False, you added your own take as to what you think Trump meant. Pure lie by you.
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Ukraine’s prosecutor general said in an interview that he had no evidence of wrongdoing by U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden or his son, despite a swirl of allegations by President Donald Trump’s lawyer.

The liberal NY Times seemed to think that Joe Biden and his coke-head son had a Ukraine conflict of interest problem months ago.
Trump freezes aid
Trump - Hey you know how we give you lots of money?
Zelensky - yes...
Trump - go investigate the DNC and Biden
Zelensky - on it
Trump - good boy

Yes its real hard to see the picture here. And the complaint said this was only one of many incidents. This is the WH best framing of the call they could come up with. It's 100% guaranteed even more damning pieces were left out.
Not actual words used and not what was meant. TDS got you wrapped up in the game Boo.
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