How will they rule ??!

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I know there is no need to ask this, but do you really lack that much self-awareness?

Good F’n Lord.

-Trump will never win the nomination
-Well, he’ll never win the presidency
-Mueller will prove it <--True
-He’s gonna be impeached <--True
-He’ll never build the wall <--True
-The economy will collapse

With all that disappointment (and that’s just some of it), how do you keep from killing yourself?
FTFY. You couldn't come up with a list even half accurate.
I’m ready for a special tax on career politicians. One rate just for being a career politician. The rate gets higher the more money they made while in office over and above their gubment salary. Double the rate on a compounded basis for each $1million earned.

I would vote for anyone with that platform. Republican or Democrat.

Agreed: I would also like to see some of Warren's anti-corruption plan implemented. I don't agree with all of it, but there are some good ideas (ban from lobbying for high ranking politicians, corporate boards, release of tax returns for potential candidates).
I know there is no need to ask this, but do you really lack that much self-awareness?

Good F’n Lord.

-Trump will never win the nomination
-Well, he’ll never win the presidency
-Mueller will prove it
-He’s gonna be impeached
-He’ll never build the wall
-The economy will collapse

With all that disappointment (and that’s just some of it), how do you keep from killing yourself?
He will never get Mexico to pay for the wall. Well that one is true
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This is the most corrupt group of Dems I've ever seen. I was watching the Cory L hearing the other day and it was nauseating watching the ugly toad Nadler changing the rules to allow his minions to aggressively abuse Cory while demanding that he respect them. Toad gets really testy when some peasant he is grilling doesn't bow and scrape to his highness. You should have seen him with Candace Owens. She really ripped him a new one and I was so proud of her. I hold him in utter contempt. As far as I'm concerned Nadler and Shift are absolute frauds. Most of them are to be honest. But those two are probably the stinkiest of them all..
You don't need that to come across the border. Buy American. Am I asking too much from you?

When I can buy and possess it legally in my state, best believe I’m gonna be getting the finest American weed I can get my hands on. California has the best marijuana in the world. You wouldn’t know that though.

In the meantime, I’ll continue to line my fellow Americans’ free...for some damn good bud. Currently smoking some Rainmaker before I hang it up for the night.

“God” bless the USA.
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Speaking of dope, what in the hell was Trump on when he made that UN speech? Xanax instead of speed? Was this to calm him down while Pelosi made the announcement?
Ooooh. Trump gonna release a full transcript! Except unless he is doing something stupid like recording calls there are no real transcripts. Himself or some NCS aides might take notes but they aren't going to write down "Trump just threatened aid for Biden investigation". It's Ukraine so they can probably ask Putin for a recording.
Beware of Impeaching Trump. It Could Hurt the Presidency.

But we should beware that rushing into an impeachment may do long-term harm to the presidency and our national security.

The Constitution vests the president with the authority to conduct foreign policy and the responsibility to protect the nation’s security. A president, even one who is possibly engaging in wrongdoing, must have confidence in the confidentiality of his communications or he will be unable to perform his constitutional duties and our international relations will fall victim to government by committee.

“Of all the cares or concerns of government, the direction of war most peculiarly demands those qualities which distinguish the exercise of power by a single hand,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 74.

The framers concentrated these powers in the president so the nation could act effectively in a dangerous world. “That unity is conducive to energy will not be disputed,” Hamilton observed in Federalist 70. “Decision, activity, secrecy and dispatch will generally characterize the proceedings of one man.”

Congressional interference into presidential conversations with foreign leaders would violate Article II. According to Mr. Trump’s critics, the inspector general for the intelligence community can forward any whistle-blower complaint to Congress if it involves a matter of “urgent concern.”

But Congress cannot subject the president to the supervision, control or review of a subordinate officer. As the Supreme Court made clear in a 1926 case, all executive branch officials exist to assist the president in the performance of his constitutional duties. An intelligence officer cannot file a whistle-blower complaint against the president, because the president is not a member of the intelligence community; nor does a presidential phone call with a foreign leader qualify as an intelligence operation. The intelligence community works for the president, not the other way around.

Under the Constitution and long practice, the president alone conducts foreign relations. As Justice George Sutherland wrote for the majority in a 1936 Supreme Court opinion (quoting Chief Justice John Marshall), the president “is the sole organ of the nation in its external relations, and its sole representative with foreign nations.”

Beginning with George Washington’s 1796 refusal to provide the House with the Jay Treaty negotiating record, presidents have claimed the right not just to communicate with foreign leaders but also to keep national security information secret. Thomas Jefferson even expanded executive privilege to protect national security information against the courts in 1807, when he refused to testify in the treason trial of Aaron Burr (Chief Justice Marshall, presiding as trial judge, accepted Jefferson’s claim).

Here, good constitutional structure matches good policy. If Congress could regulate presidential discussions with foreign leaders, presidents and foreign leaders would speak less candidly or stop making the calls altogether. United States foreign policy — approved by the American people at each election — would be crippled.
Beware of Impeaching Trump. It Could Hurt the Presidency.

But we should beware that rushing into an impeachment may do long-term harm to the presidency and our national security.

The Constitution vests the president with the authority to conduct foreign policy and the responsibility to protect the nation’s security. A president, even one who is possibly engaging in wrongdoing, must have confidence in the confidentiality of his communications or he will be unable to perform his constitutional duties and our international relations will fall victim to government by committee.

“Of all the cares or concerns of government, the direction of war most peculiarly demands those qualities which distinguish the exercise of power by a single hand,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 74.

The framers concentrated these powers in the president so the nation could act effectively in a dangerous world. “That unity is conducive to energy will not be disputed,” Hamilton observed in Federalist 70. “Decision, activity, secrecy and dispatch will generally characterize the proceedings of one man.”

Congressional interference into presidential conversations with foreign leaders would violate Article II. According to Mr. Trump’s critics, the inspector general for the intelligence community can forward any whistle-blower complaint to Congress if it involves a matter of “urgent concern.”

But Congress cannot subject the president to the supervision, control or review of a subordinate officer. As the Supreme Court made clear in a 1926 case, all executive branch officials exist to assist the president in the performance of his constitutional duties. An intelligence officer cannot file a whistle-blower complaint against the president, because the president is not a member of the intelligence community; nor does a presidential phone call with a foreign leader qualify as an intelligence operation. The intelligence community works for the president, not the other way around.

Under the Constitution and long practice, the president alone conducts foreign relations. As Justice George Sutherland wrote for the majority in a 1936 Supreme Court opinion (quoting Chief Justice John Marshall), the president “is the sole organ of the nation in its external relations, and its sole representative with foreign nations.”

Beginning with George Washington’s 1796 refusal to provide the House with the Jay Treaty negotiating record, presidents have claimed the right not just to communicate with foreign leaders but also to keep national security information secret. Thomas Jefferson even expanded executive privilege to protect national security information against the courts in 1807, when he refused to testify in the treason trial of Aaron Burr (Chief Justice Marshall, presiding as trial judge, accepted Jefferson’s claim).

Here, good constitutional structure matches good policy. If Congress could regulate presidential discussions with foreign leaders, presidents and foreign leaders would speak less candidly or stop making the calls altogether. United States foreign policy — approved by the American people at each election — would be crippled.
That's just stupid and bullshit. We already set a precedent with Reagan on Congress intervention of foreign relations. He wanted to funnel arms to cartels and Iran and Congress told him no. He did it anyway through the CIA. Congress was to scared to go after him so they prosecuted everyone that obeyed him. If a president is dealing in his own self interest he isn't doing his job. Things like executive privilege are not in the Constitution and only exist to the extent that scotus and voters can tolerate. When president's like Nixon try to take it to far they get bitch slapped. A president is free to have conversations but should be aware that now the CIA and NSA are always listening and will do their job to protect the country. I would wager the NSA probably has recordings. Trump is used to shady wheeling and dealing where nobody will tell him when he's crossed the line.
His conversations shouldn't be getting dumped to the public. The foreign relations and intelligence committees were given the power to be read in and deal with these things. But the problem now is we no longer have functioning upper levels of government. The President is a walking shitshow. Congress is a group of mouth breathing retards. SCOTUS is a politicized group of geriatrics. Politics is now a mix of reality tv and sports entertainment. It's pretty damn sad.
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The saying is, "Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." You lost the entire meaning of the maxim with your garbled George W-ism.
You missed the real point, status Quo for you though.
When I can buy and possess it legally in my state, best believe I’m gonna be getting the finest American weed I can get my hands on. California has the best marijuana in the world. You wouldn’t know that though.

In the meantime, I’ll continue to line my fellow Americans’ free...for some damn good bud. Currently smoking some Rainmaker before I hang it up for the night.

“God” bless the USA.
You're right, I could not know. Keep on choking my friend, me and people like me will keep the country running. Don't worry, we will tell you who to vote for. Now, get back to being in the FOG.
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Ooooh. Trump gonna release a full transcript! Except unless he is doing something stupid like recording calls there are no real transcripts. Himself or some NCS aides might take notes but they aren't going to write down "Trump just threatened aid for Biden investigation". It's Ukraine so they can probably ask Putin for a recording.
Ooooh, False, and that has you guys worried.
That's just stupid and bullshit. We already set a precedent with Reagan on Congress intervention of foreign relations. He wanted to funnel arms to cartels and Iran and Congress told him no. He did it anyway through the CIA. Congress was to scared to go after him so they prosecuted everyone that obeyed him. If a president is dealing in his own self interest he isn't doing his job. Things like executive privilege are not in the Constitution and only exist to the extent that scotus and voters can tolerate. When president's like Nixon try to take it to far they get bitch slapped. A president is free to have conversations but should be aware that now the CIA and NSA are always listening and will do their job to protect the country. I would wager the NSA probably has recordings. Trump is used to shady wheeling and dealing where nobody will tell him when he's crossed the line.
His conversations shouldn't be getting dumped to the public. The foreign relations and intelligence committees were given the power to be read in and deal with these things. But the problem now is we no longer have functioning upper levels of government. The President is a walking shitshow. Congress is a group of mouth breathing retards. SCOTUS is a politicized group of geriatrics. Politics is now a mix of reality tv and sports entertainment. It's pretty damn sad.
Wait, what? Didn't you just a couple of post up say there were no recordings or transcripts of Trumps calls? Do you even think Bro?
Ooooh. Trump gonna release a full transcript! Except unless he is doing something stupid like recording calls there are no real transcripts. Himself or some NCS aides might take notes but they aren't going to write down "Trump just threatened aid for Biden investigation". It's Ukraine so they can probably ask Putin for a recording.

Lol. I feel sorry for you.

Hunter Biden got kicked out of the navy for smoking crack and then lands a $600k yr job on Ukraine's energy sector board with no experience. And that isn't even the tip of the iceberg considering his relationship with the Chinese.

Guy, get some help. You're losing it. I hope you don't own any guns and live near a school.
That's just stupid and bullshit. We already set a precedent with Reagan on Congress intervention of foreign relations. He wanted to funnel arms to cartels and Iran and Congress told him no. He did it anyway through the CIA. Congress was to scared to go after him so they prosecuted everyone that obeyed him. If a president is dealing in his own self interest he isn't doing his job. Things like executive privilege are not in the Constitution and only exist to the extent that scotus and voters can tolerate. When president's like Nixon try to take it to far they get bitch slapped. A president is free to have conversations but should be aware that now the CIA and NSA are always listening and will do their job to protect the country. I would wager the NSA probably has recordings. Trump is used to shady wheeling and dealing where nobody will tell him when he's crossed the line.
His conversations shouldn't be getting dumped to the public. The foreign relations and intelligence committees were given the power to be read in and deal with these things. But the problem now is we no longer have functioning upper levels of government. The President is a walking shitshow. Congress is a group of mouth breathing retards. SCOTUS is a politicized group of geriatrics. Politics is now a mix of reality tv and sports entertainment. It's pretty damn sad.

Precedent is all a progressive has. They will do anything to create it. Damn the constitution...
I see the marching orders are to call the transcript fake. Even though no one has seen the transcript yet.

Democrats are children. Ask for something over and over, then when you get what you were asking for, claim that’s not what you wanted. Makes perfect sense why their current leaders are a little Swedish girl, some twink from Florida who is scared of guns, and women who can barely string a sentence together (Pelosi because she’s either drunk or has dementia, and AOC because she’s an idiot).

Pure trash. Feel for the guy. It seems you can only make mistakes if you’re a democrat or liberal mouthpiece. Otherwise, you could be crucified for what you said when you were 8.

Omar lies her ass off, spews antisemitic hate, hates America and gets a pass for everything she does. I loathe identity politics.
Ooooh. Trump gonna release a full transcript! Except unless he is doing something stupid like recording calls there are no real transcripts. Himself or some NCS aides might take notes but they aren't going to write down "Trump just threatened aid for Biden investigation". It's Ukraine so they can probably ask Putin for a recording.

I remember when notes really mattered to your team.
Trump does not release phone tapes unless he is 100% sure it's safe..He is just playing these fools and he knows it. He has been three chess moves in front of them since his election. They think he is stupid because he has no opinion filter. He tells it like it is..They don't like that. He has a genius business mind and not paid by any interest groups. That scares them, plus they are shitting because of what he WILL uncover on them. IE Biden's Ukraine involvement .. ..amazing what some will do to hide their tracks of treachery.

I hope he postpones releasing the tapes a few times just to tighten the tourniquet that he has around their brains a bit more.