How will they rule ??!

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Once again liberal lefties, why impeach? On what grounds? This is treasonous. You guys are corrupt and anti American and I mean this sincerely. You are applauding and supporting a coup attempt in America. Going against everything this country stands for in favor of failed and oppressive governance. It's insane and quite frankly evil.
Once again liberal lefties, why impeach? On what grounds? This is treasonous. You guys are corrupt and anti American and I mean this sincerely. You are applauding and supporting a coup attempt in America. Going against everything this country stands for in favor of failed and oppressive governance. It's insane and quite frankly evil.

Welp, i can guess why the DNC is doing this. Hillary plans to take out Biden and will try to run with Warren and she thinks they will also take out Trump too, but it will backfire.

The question is. Will stupid jameslee still keep posting dumb impeachment shit when this falls through?

Yes. He'll keep posting dumbshit
Welp, i can guess why the DNC is doing this. Hillary plans to take out Biden and will try to run with Warren and she thinks they will also take out Trump too, but it will backfire.

The question is. Will stupid jameslee still keep posting dumb impeachment shit when this falls through?

Yes. He'll keep posting dumbshit
He's a little boy in mommies basement trying to play with the big boys.
The indictment scoreboard is looking rather bleak for your favorite people. Getting dirt on Biden would be big though because Mueller certainly stopped short on indicting Don Jr.

Seems revenge is Trump's favorite dish though huh? But I still can't get past how Mueller is some sort of liberal plant with a liberal agenda. Just doesn't fit the narrative.

Mueller didn’t indict anyone over anything related to Trump. My favorite people? Whom would that be?

It’s not revenge, it’s the double standard.
It won't happen, has no chance to happen, but I wish Trump would come out and say something like the following:

"This is the last straw. I'm tired of this. I have ordered the immediate declassification and release of all records with regards to the FISA warrants, illegal spying on American, collusion between the former president/DNC/Clintons/FBI/DOJ/etc, I have told the current DOJ to investigate and prosecute ANYONE involved in the the above to fullest letter of the law, we will somehow get to the bottom of Epstein and anything involving he and his friends' misdeeds, and the Seth Rich and Vegas shooter investigations are going to be reopened. Any dirty laundry will be aired to the public and the Swamp will not be allowed to protect itself any longer. I've shown incredible restraint until this point, but no longer. Good luck and God Bless America."

It would be glorious.
This. I find it obnoxious and ironic as hell when some Dem goes on one of their typical anti-Trump rants and throws out the “Nobody is above the law” line, just like Pelosi did today. They do that because they know they are above the law and will never be held accountable for anything.
Impeachment for what?
For being too awesome.

Again......their tears are delicious.

I believe the dems know that IG and Barr report are about to get serious with indictments and this is them trying to offer a smokescreen.

I was ready to march on DC if Mueller would’ve had the balls to go through with the coup; but alas, he was nothing but a bitch.

This clown show, though? Can’t do nothing but LMAO and watch the train wreck.

I thought patriots like us were gonna have to burn it down. Turns out, the dems are gonna do it for us.

Thank you, President Trump! You da man!
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For being too awesome.

Again......their tears are delicious.

I believe the dems know that IG and Barr report are about to get serious with indictments and this is them trying to offer a smokescreen.

I was ready to march on DC if Mueller would’ve had the balls to go through with the coup; but alas, he was nothing but a bitch.

This clown show, though? Can’t do nothing but LMAO and watch the train wreck.

I thought patriots like us were gonna have to burn it down. Turns out, the dems are gonna do it to themselves.

Thank you, President Trump! You da man!

Brother, hopefully Trump declasses everything and Obama is executed for Treason in front of the democrats in Congress
No Democrats will actually believe the transcript is real once it amounts to nuttin but a hill of beans, lol. Who are we really kidding here? These fools don't have or need any facts and they will only further expose their own corruption for all the world to see. Such a disgusting party! I only hope I get to see it play out on live TV. That would be great TV to see these assholes trying to convince the senate that Trump is guilty of an impeachable offense. Talk about an eye opening experience for the general public! They just need to get on with it already. They apparently are not really that interested in the transcript anymore now that they know POTUS is planning to release it. That should tell ya something. Chuck Schumer's jaws were already flapping today before he knows any details at all.
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Brother, hopefully Trump declasses everything and Obama is executed for Treason in front of the democrats in Congress
Do you really live your day to day life in perpetual hope this Q nonsense materializes? Seems a sad existence of repeated disappointment.
??? Biden helped the EU oust a corrupt prosecutor taking bribes. Trump helped "persuade" Ukraine it needed to investigate Biden's son for the 5th time and find some more nothing. The prosecutor that met with Giuliani was also fired for corruption. Its' funny the stories the GoP make up to cover for Trump.

Do you really live your day to day life in perpetual hope this Q nonsense materializes? Seems a sad existence of repeated disappointment.
I know there is no need to ask this, but do you really lack that much self-awareness?

Good F’n Lord.

-Trump will never win the nomination
-Well, he’ll never win the presidency
-Mueller will prove it
-He’s gonna be impeached
-He’ll never build the wall
-The economy will collapse

With all that disappointment (and that’s just some of it), how do you keep from killing yourself?