How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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It isn't about them. They'll be fine. It's about the meaningless zeros sitting in their bank accounts while people are living in the streets. We're the richest nation in the world, we can easily afford to keep our people healthy, fed, and housed. Jeff Bezos makes $149,353 a minute. That's more than three times what the median US worker makes in a year. The average American man with a bachelor's degree will earn around 2.2 million over his life. Bezos makes that in under 15 minutes. His 15 minutes are not worth the average worker's entire life. We're not talking about dirt poor welfare people here, but your average red-blooded American male with a degree even. Mostly middle-class. People like you and me who contribute our entire lives to the system. That system is broken when the average person's life is worth just 15 minutes to an elite.
Translation: Jeff Bezos developed a successful business. We must punish him and those like him. Oh, and never mind that Bezos has already donated over $2 Billion to charitable causes. Damn him anyway.

Spoken like a true socialist. Congratulations.

Translation: Jeff Bezos developed a successful business. We must punish him and those like him. Oh, and never mind that Bezos has already donated over $2 Billion to charitable causes. Damn him anyway.

Spoken like a true socialist. Congratulations.

Socialist argument today, given what we know now and history being what it is (those who do not learn from it are doomed to repeat it), the socialist argument can only be ignorant or malicious. One or the other, take your pick.

This is Jeff Bezos.


Do we live in a world where you can get anything you want delivered to you this afternoon if you really want it? Not without dudes like this.

Do we live in a world where we can sit here talking about this nonsense wasting our time? Not without dudes like Bill Gates.

Do we live in a world where you can do all this from your damn pocket? Not wihtout dudes like Steve Jobs.

Do we live in a world like this without America and this evil American system designed to keep everyone down? Not without America. No, these are all Americans for a reason(s).

That doesn't mean there aren't warts in the system or that we don't need to do something about our poor... those are different arguments than this neo-communist-anti-American-ridiculousness that 50% of millennials or whatever have been snookered into believing, hook line and sinker.
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It isn't about them. They'll be fine. It's about the meaningless zeros sitting in their bank accounts while people are living in the streets. We're the richest nation in the world, we can easily afford to keep our people healthy, fed, and housed. Jeff Bezos makes $149,353 a minute. That's more than three times what the median US worker makes in a year. The average American man with a bachelor's degree will earn around 2.2 million over his life. Bezos makes that in under 15 minutes. His 15 minutes are not worth the average worker's entire life. We're not talking about dirt poor welfare people here, but your average red-blooded American male with a degree even. Mostly middle-class. People like you and me who contribute our entire lives to the system. That system is broken when the average person's life is worth just 15 minutes to an elite.

You should give all your money away. As should everyone that rambles on with these diatribes.

Noone will stop you. Suuuuuurrely you're not all hypocrites right....
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I believe Amazon is the most honest of the big tech companies, but I wouldn't put it on a pedestal. It's damn near impossible to parse honest business from intelligence/government funded bullshit, or VC funded praying for a moonshot bullshit. Wah they make too much money is a lame criticism, wah they make too much money and a giant chunk comes from tax dollars is valid.
I believe Amazon is the most honest of the big tech companies, but I wouldn't put it on a pedestal. It's damn near impossible to parse honest business from intelligence/government funded bullshit, or VC funded praying for a moonshot bullshit. Wah they make too much money is a lame criticism, wah they make too much money and a giant chunk comes from tax dollars is valid.

They're the most honest by far. Doesn't mean I agree with anything they do. In fact I disagree with much of it. But there definitely isn't some shroud or false pretenses. They're clear what they're about
Amazon makes money selling me products. The other big tech companies make money selling me.

No I don’t think amazon is some benevolent company, but I at least see a tangible benefit. If Amazon disappeared, it would suck. If Twitter and Facebook disappeared, this world would be a much better place.
If the dems had 1 solid candidate, it might be a close race next year. But given that the so called leaders in the polls continue to stick their feet up their collective asses, this landslide will be close to the one Reagan had. They don't have a platform or any significant is give this away, give that away....etc.. Their speeches rival that of an elementary class president campaigning for more recess and pizza everyday at lunch.

It is sad to say, but despite their own massive inadequacies, John Kerry and Al Gore would wipe the floor with any of this crew.
Other Somalis. Most of which are here illegally.

I know I post about this a bit but it's insane. We know for sure she lied about her identity. We have no idea who she is.

Now consider she was voted in supposedly by Somali Muslim refugees. The same group that see women as beneath men, usually equal to property.

So which is more likely: that this group showed up at the polls and voted for this young woman? Or that she was placed where she is by some powers that be?

Obviously it's the second. This is probably the most severe intelligence breach in US history.

It's really ingenious. They didn't have to spend years building a perfect cover working her way up. They just made sure to pull the strings to get refugees blindly accepted and dumped into a spot. Then rig a fairly local election to get her in.
I like the retail side of Amazon, but AWS, which makes all of their money feels like bullshit. Amazon was operating at a massive loss for years and all the sudden a few years ago every startup and small company adopted AWS! It's a vicious cycle of siphoning VC money from future failed companies, with new funding coming from the few that actually make it. It's the best ponzi since Madoff.
Amazon makes money selling me products. The other big tech companies make money selling me.

That's exactly what Amazon does. The things they know about you...they're worth a lot.

I got a lot of bones to pick Amazon. Most of it involves crap products - broken, used, refurbished....It's like a much worse version of Wal Mart. A WM for people who are too fat and lazy to go to Wal Mart. They just buy their junk, probably with stolen gift cards, then return it after they use it for a week. All without leaving their bed.
If the dems had 1 solid candidate, it might be a close race next year. But given that the so called leaders in the polls continue to stick their feet up their collective asses, this landslide will be close to the one Reagan had. They don't have a platform or any significant is give this away, give that away....etc.. Their speeches rival that of an elementary class president campaigning for more recess and pizza everyday at lunch.

It is sad to say, but despite their own massive inadequacies, John Kerry and Al Gore would wipe the floor with any of this crew.
I still think Mike Obama is a threat.

He/she could show up at the DNC, win the nomination, and they would hail him/her as "The Savior".
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If the dems had 1 solid candidate, it might be a close race next year. But given that the so called leaders in the polls continue to stick their feet up their collective asses, this landslide will be close to the one Reagan had. They don't have a platform or any significant is give this away, give that away....etc.. Their speeches rival that of an elementary class president campaigning for more recess and pizza everyday at lunch.

It is sad to say, but despite their own massive inadequacies, John Kerry and Al Gore would wipe the floor with any of this crew.
Whoever wins the nomination isn't going to have a platform other than "Donald Trump is the Boogeyman and you have to vote for me to protect the world from him"
7 years ago Bernie Sanders said that Venezuela had a superior economic system to the US and his biggest catpaw cheerleader, dion, is on here speaking of his mental superiority to us rubes. Not to mention he also thinks that Iran is worthy of our trust and cash. K. That is some Jim Jones shit.
Do not listen to unintelligent people... makes life a lot easier.