How will they rule ??!

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I'll push back on this some. Working in this career line, things like AWS and Google's Firebase have been game changers.

Ya the vast majority that use those platforms never make money, but that's not AWS or Firebase fault. From a programmer's stand point, things like AWS and Firebase are life savers.

The hours, man power and price to set up your own cloud based server is ridiculous. It takes me less than 5 minutes to connect an application to Firebase for a real time database and be all good to go and not have to worry about the infrastructure of my application.

I'm no fan of Bezos or all the Google crap. But as a programmer I think AWS (and firebase) are fantastic tools. Ive yet to meet another programmer who would rather spend all the time and money building their own cloud server or infrastructure in general over using AWS or firebase. Ya maybe with the ease of use it allows amateurs to do it and I guess you can say they take advantage of those people. But in general those tools have made it far more easier for people in this career path.
I work a little with Azure (Micro$oft) and it's also been a similar game changer.
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Why did Trump even bother trying to break the law to bury this? It was very obvious the entire thing would be leaked if he did, which it now is. He just naturally lies and hides everything. He dangled the military aid package as a carrot and stick to get Ukraine to go after Biden. So he is just a corrupt politician like all the others. In the end it will hurt him and now help Biden because of incompetence. Just shows how scared of Biden he is.
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Why did Trump even bother trying to break the law to bury this? It was very obvious the entire thing would be leaked if he did, which it now is. He just naturally lies and hides everything. He dangled the military aid package as a carrot and stick to get Ukraine to go after Biden. So he is just a corrupt politician like all the others. In the end it will hurt him and now help Biden because of incompetence. Just shows how scared of Biden he is.

He didn't break the law you stupid f****** gaf. You have a pile of shit for brains.

How about you clean up the Treason in your party.
Assuming the frothing at the mouth lunatic lefties are right for the first time, and what their anonymous refuse to be named off the record sources are saying is true for the first time, they really want to march down a road where investigating political opponents is unfashionable?

After what the Obama administration and Democrats have been doing for the past few years?

How goddam stupid can you possibly be to think this would even be bad for Trump?
How goddam stupid can you possibly be to think this would even be bad for Trump?
Its hilarious really. This story almost feels like team Trump trolling the media and left. This "whistleblower" wanted to leak this to hurt Trump when it actually is exposing the criminal shit Biden did. This doesn't make Trump look bad at all, quite the opposite actually.
Proposed wealth tax for multi-billionaires = “HELL NO, free market capitalism is here to stay and you should keep every cent you earn.”

NBA and NFL players making more in one year than you’ll make in ten lifetimes = “PRIVILEGED ATHLETES WHO NEED TO STFU AND PLAY A CHILD’S GAME FOR A LIVING”

Why such disdain for one group and yet such reverence for another?
Proposed wealth tax for multi-billionaires = “HELL NO, free market capitalism is here to stay and you should keep every cent you earn.”

NBA and NFL players making more in one year than you’ll make in ten lifetimes = “PRIVILEGED ATHLETES WHO NEED TO STFU AND PLAY A CHILD’S GAME FOR A LIVING”

Why such disdain for one group and yet such reverence for another?

Those are two completely different arguments though. If the argument was, "CEO's should keep the money they earn" and then the other argument was "athletes should be taxed at a higher rate, they dont deserve their money".

Then I could see the argument you're trying to make. But you are talking about two very different things here. I dont know if you're trying to make this a race thing or not, but I think the better comparison is,

Athletes we care as much about your opinion on political or social issues as much as some random dude on the street. You aren't very wealthy and famous because of your superior intellect or knowledge, its because youre tall and fast.

Actors we care as much about your opinion on political or social issues as much as some random dude on the street. You aren't very wealthy and famous because of your superior intellect or knowledge, its because youre good at playing pretend.

Whether its a CEO or an athlete, actor, musician or whatever. If you provide a service or product that obviously has a massive value, good on you, you deserve whatever monetary value you get in return. I cant stand Jeff Bezos, or Zuckerberg, but both created a product that obviously had a major monetary value, they deserve the money they got. Im not a fan of Lebron James, but people pay hundreds of dollars to watch him play basketball, people pay hundreds of dollars to buy his shoes, people watch his every move. He deserves all the money he has.
Those are two completely different arguments though. If the argument was, "CEO's should keep the money they earn" and then the other argument was "athletes should be taxed at a higher rate, they dont deserve their money".

Then I could see the argument you're trying to make. But you are talking about two very different things here. I dont know if you're trying to make this a race thing or not, but I think the better comparison is,

Athletes we care as much about your opinion on political or social issues as much as some random dude on the street. You aren't very wealthy and famous because of your superior intellect or knowledge, its because youre tall and fast.

Actors we care as much about your opinion on political or social issues as much as some random dude on the street. You aren't very wealthy and famous because of your superior intellect or knowledge, its because youre good at playing pretend.

Whether its a CEO or an athlete, actor, musician or whatever. If you provide a service or product that obviously has a massive value, good on you, you deserve whatever monetary value you get in return. I cant stand Jeff Bezos, or Zuckerberg, but both created a product that obviously had a major monetary value, they deserve the money they got. Im not a fan of Lebron James, but people pay hundreds of dollars to watch him play basketball, people pay hundreds of dollars to buy his shoes, people watch his every move. He deserves all the money he has.

How many people exist who everyone agrees has “superior intellect and knowledge,” and how many of them would be dismissed if they held political/societal views that differed from their observers?

And we’re all just “random dudes on the street” in this thread, yet everybody pretends to be experts on everything they speak on.

Or should I say that everyone has an...opinion about what they speak on.

Why does some plumber on a message board named “frankwilliams1957” get respect for speaking his mind, but LeBron James gets slammed? Neither one of them are experts on politics, but both have opinions that they’re free to share.
How many people exist who everyone agrees has “superior intellect and knowledge,” and how many of them would be dismissed if they held political/societal views that differed from their observers?

And we’re all just “random dudes on the street” in this thread, yet everybody pretends to be experts on everything they speak on.

Or should I say that everyone has an...opinion about what they speak on.

Why does some plumber on a message board named “frankwilliams1957” get respect for speaking his mind, but LeBron James gets slammed? Neither one of them are experts on politics, but both have opinions that they’re free to share.

Why do you molest your students?
I'll push back on this some. Working in this career line, things like AWS and Google's Firebase have been game changers.

Ya the vast majority that use those platforms never make money, but that's not AWS or Firebase fault. From a programmer's stand point, things like AWS and Firebase are life savers.

The hours, man power and price to set up your own cloud based server is ridiculous. It takes me less than 5 minutes to connect an application to Firebase for a real time database and be all good to go and not have to worry about the infrastructure of my application.

I'm no fan of Bezos or all the Google crap. But as a programmer I think AWS (and firebase) are fantastic tools. Ive yet to meet another programmer who would rather spend all the time and money building their own cloud server or infrastructure in general over using AWS or firebase. Ya maybe with the ease of use it allows amateurs to do it and I guess you can say they take advantage of those people. But in general those tools have made it far more easier for people in this career path.

I work in data and don't disagree it is game changing for the end user. My point was only that the insane amount of VC that must go to AWS through failed startups feels like a next level ponzi. If I wrote another sentence, it would have been "I should probably buy AMZN, funding robot warehouses with everyone else's VC is genius".
So looked into Colt discontinuing their AR.

Bad news for @Platinumdrgn and wokeville.

Turns out the market is too saturated. There are around 300 AR-15 manufacturers if you include those that make parts for builds, and for the level of quality and performance of Colts AR model you can buy one for a much better price point. Hence, Colt wasn't making a good return on their AR other than govt contracts who are too dumb, so they phased out that part of their portfolio.

They waited until now for PR so wokeville would look positively on the company as a whole. Turns out, economics as with everything was the driving point. They also know they can continue to sell larger calibers with more stopping power but dems are too dumb to know the difference bc they dont look scary.

Platty prob has the sads.
Ed Henry Quotes Senior Administration Official: ‘It’s In The President’s Interest’ To Release Trump, Ukraine Call Transcript

“I’ve got some new information tonight about a July phone call between the president of the United States and his Ukrainian counterpart that’s at the center of this controversy,” Henry said. “Details suggesting Democrats and pundits in the media may be overreaching. A senior administration official familiar with the transcript of that call told me it is way overblown to suggest there was any threat at all to national security. This top official saying ‘The media better be careful with this. There is no there there. It’s in the president’s interest to put the transcript of the call out and show there was no quid pro quo.'”

“So here’s the point, that ‘Wall Street journal’ scoop you mentioned – the ‘Washington Post’ also has a report on this tonight – they both say the president did not, basically, mention foreign aid on the phone call in July, there was no quid pro quo that basically, we will give you the money if you open up this Biden investigation, and that may be why this senior official in the Trump administration is telling me today, the White House should simply release the transcript, Martha, because this official believes having reviewed it, is going to be messy, maybe this isn’t the best thing to do but it didn’t break the law and it didn’t threaten national security. I don’t know, I haven’t seen the transcript, but that is what I’m hearing from this administration official.”