How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Why Ivanka’s haircut should make us very horny
This first half hour of Tucker was brilliant, had a couple of gay men making the same damn argument I grace the CatPaw with, one of them even said, and i’ve never heard it articulated publicly beforethat it’s a disgusting, disgraceful viewpoint you are wasting your damn life on a lie.

Assuming you are actually a normal person capable of some critical thinking, and not just someone psychopathic who wants to watch the world burn, you only hurt yourself believing these socialist lies.
2000's: use plastic instead of paper to save forests

2010's: use paper instead of plastic to save turtles

Instead of a climate strike all libs should drink Jim Jones koolaid and boom, environment saved. That's a real solution instead of holding hands and signing a paper in France.
I hear on here daily that the market tanking is a buying opportunity. That only true when it's an R doing the tanking? And dude, if I didn't need loans to attend an expensive liberal arts college, it's a good bet I have an extensive portfolio. Or lots of scholarships. So I'm either rich or smart. I'll let you decide.

Or your parents paid for it and are incredibly disappointed in their idiot son. Believe me, I’ve seen plenty of well to do parents and grandparents that had idiot shit for brains ungrateful kids and grandkids.
Or your parents paid for it and are incredibly disappointed in their idiot son. Believe me, I’ve seen plenty of well to do parents and grandparents that had idiot shit for brains ungrateful kids and grandkids.
"I agree". Fred trump.
Liberals ruined generations of kids with their nonsense trophy culture. Life ain't fair. People WILL learn it. The earlier the better. Otherwise you have a toddler temper tantrum in the body of an adult/teen person.

That's 90% of school shootings. Maladjusted youth robbed of tough but important lessons. Ones they learn much too late in life and without the capabilities to deal with them.

Now THAT generation is having kids and allowing them to be drag queens, identify as opposite sexes, and do whatever off the wall things that come to mind.

Those of that generation that even raise their kids. Much of the "if it feels good do it" generation either abort abandon or have their kids in foster care. Look at the number of kids raised by someone other than their parents. It's STARTLING.

You can love your kids without coddling them. We must get back to that. Otherwise our nation will see it's end. The world as we know it not long after.
Why are you so jealous of those who have worked hard and made good decisions with their lives and money?
It isn't about them. They'll be fine. It's about the meaningless zeros sitting in their bank accounts while people are living in the streets. We're the richest nation in the world, we can easily afford to keep our people healthy, fed, and housed. Jeff Bezos makes $149,353 a minute. That's more than three times what the median US worker makes in a year. The average American man with a bachelor's degree will earn around 2.2 million over his life. Bezos makes that in under 15 minutes. His 15 minutes are not worth the average worker's entire life. We're not talking about dirt poor welfare people here, but your average red-blooded American male with a degree even. Mostly middle-class. People like you and me who contribute our entire lives to the system. That system is broken when the average person's life is worth just 15 minutes to an elite.
He doesn't make that in under 15 minutes, he makes that on paper which he doesn't just leave in the bank collecting dust but does something with it, eventually something like this cgi.


And the argument for the poor is not the argument privileged elites like Warren/Sanders make... they make communist arguments to take from the wealthy to give to you, not to the poor. The end result of such a system is always to create more poor while the elites stay elite, yes they'll be fine as you admit, even better.

You don't have a clue. The reason you don't have a clue is that you think wealth creation is a zero sum game when it is most definitely not; we are the wealthiest country in the world because of a variety of factors, mainly because we create it and have a created a system conducive to its creation. Your cut above liberal arts college and those people around you failed you miserably.