How will they rule ??!

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Left doesn't care about actual Treason with Hillary's emails. Goes balls deep with emails about ivanka trump's grocery list. Which nothing was illegal

Right, but Hilary Clinton really just sent 10,000 emails about all the yoga she does when she’s not passing out and having seizures when it’s mildly warm outside.
Pocahontas will just need to implement an even bigger wealth tax to pay off Dions student loans once the market craters. Should be a great time to be an American. Can’t wait.
As I've said before I didn't need any loans to pay for college. I'm debt free. Some of us are just a cut above.
Can you not wait until you have the first got d@mn clue what the substance of the whistleblower complaint is before you go balls-out to attack Trump on the basis of it? I know you must have giddy stiffy about all this, but try to come here with some facts to bear beforehand.

Exactly. All he knows is that Trump supposedly made a promise to another world leader. He has absolutely no idea what the promise is but is convinced it is criminal.

His reasoning is that it must be criminal because Trump is trying to hide something by not allowing Schiff access.

When in reality it's not Trump trying to hide something but is harassment and a violation of the norms by Schiff.

Trump isn't obligated to give Schiff access to privileged material and it's none of Schiff's damn business what Trump privately discusses with other world leaders.
As I've said before I didn't need any loans to pay for college. I'm debt free. Some of us are just a cut above.

A cut above what? You’re apparently a college educated adult male who doesn’t give a shit if the market craters.

That tells me you have zero assets in the stock market. Which means you’re either poor, an idiot, or an old person who is in an incredibly risk averse portfolio.
A cut above what? You’re apparently a college educated adult male who doesn’t give a shit if the market craters.

That tells me you have zero assets in the stock market. Which means you’re either poor, an idiot, or an old person who is in an incredibly risk averse portfolio.
I hear on here daily that the market tanking is a buying opportunity. That only true when it's an R doing the tanking? And dude, if I didn't need loans to attend an expensive liberal arts college, it's a good bet I have an extensive portfolio. Or lots of scholarships. So I'm either rich or smart. I'll let you decide.
A cut above what? You’re apparently a college educated adult male who doesn’t give a shit if the market craters.

That tells me you have zero assets in the stock market. Which means you’re either poor, an idiot, or an old person who is in an incredibly risk averse portfolio.

Dayum that was good...GP

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Because it is the IG's job to filter out any complaint that has no basis in reality. Its the entire point of the system. It allows federal intelligence employees to rat out corruption while also stopping them from using it as a political hatchet tool. The IG already ruled the Trump complaint was credible and serious hence why it was moved forward. The ICWPA is also a lot different from other whistleblower laws in that it doesn't offer an legal protections to the person. So they don't have much to gain with coming forward, can still lose their job. The ICWPA also allows the person to go straight to congress if they feel the DNI is not respecting a credible complaint which is what happened here.

For the IG to approve a complaint it has to meet this criteria.
(A) A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operations of an intelligence activity involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters[;]

(B) A false statement to Congress, or a willful withholding from Congress, on an issue of material fact relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity[; or]

(C) An action, including a personnel action described in section 2302(a)(2)(A) of title 5, United States Code, constituting reprisal or threat of reprisal prohibited under section 7(c) in response to an employee’s reporting an urgent concern in accordance with this section.

If it was FAKE NEWS as Trump says then he wouldn't have Barr trying to block congress from seeing the complaint. Just like how if his tax returns were clean he wouldn't be suing everyone on the planet to block their release. If this was a Dem President trying to hide a whistleblower all you nutjobs would be flipping shit. But your Lord and Savior Trump can do whatever he likes.
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Besides can you really blame Trump? Last time some weasel like Schiff had access to his conversation with the Mexican president what happened?

There was nothing criminal said/done on Trump's part yet that person still broke the law and put national security at risk by leaking to the press just so they could try to embarrass Trump.

Ds on Capitol Hill and in the IC have been breaking the law and leaking classified/privileged information like a firehose since November 9the 2016.

From Flynn 's unmasking to Trump's private conversations to grand jury material and on and on and on. As far as I'm concerned Trump should offer 0 cooperation and make them try to sue for every single little thing.
Funny thing is, if the Dems weren't the party of hypocrisy... no one would care.

NO ONE gives a shite about college age silliness. Its the HYPOCRISY of their stupid party that is the problem.
He is a victim of his own stupidity and that of the left. They will eventually implode or make the mistake of trying to enforce their own unwritten laws on those of us who will not follow them or obey.
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As I've said before I didn't need any loans to pay for college. I'm debt free. Some of us are just a cut above.

You’re in for a world of hurt... Socialism hurts you people who think you are a cut above the most, not the billionaires... dont worry, they will be fine and they aren’t worried about your Socialist delusions or your Warren Sanders pathological delusions, in fact they are behind them.
this is straight from the IG. So you are trying to argue that POTUS is above the law and cannot be investigated or held to oversight by congress. Do you idiots understand the precedent being set for future Presidents? When a Dem takes over the WH he will use all of this to declare a national emergency or pass a EO to take away all your guns, end all your relgions, and deport all you worthless rednecks.

"I set forth the reasons for my concluding that the subject matter involved in the Complainant's disclosure not only falls within the DNI's jurisdiction, but relates to one of the most significant and important of the DNI's responsibilities to the American people."

After receiving the Complainant? disclosure, the ICIG was required within 14 calendar days to determine whether the information alleged by the Complainant with respect to an urgent concern appeared credible.3 During that 14-day time period, the ICIG conducted a preliminary review of the disclosure. As a result of that preliminary review, I determined that the
Complainant?s disclosure met the de?nition of an urgent concern
, 119., a ?serious or ?agrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of
the Director of National Intelligence involving classi?ed information.?4 I also determined that there wege reasonable grounds to believe that information relating to the urgent concern appeared credible.-

On August 26, 2019, I forwarded the Complainant?s disclosure and
accompanying materials, along with my determination that the Complainant?s information appeared credible, to the Acting Director of National Intelligence (Acting DNI). Pursuant to the urgent concern statute, upon receipt of the transmittal, the Acting DNI within seven calendar days is required to forward such transmittal to the congressional intelligence committees along with any comments he considers appropriate.6
Fake news as always but, you being proven wrong again has you mindlessly posting lies being put forward by TDS lunatics. Good Luck!
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Maybe you have forgotten about the Nixon tapes which were filled with foreign leaders.
Executive privilege is a made up term Presidents use to hide shit. Nowhere in the constitution is this a thing. It is a doctrine not a law. It was never even used in court in its current form until the 60's. The only time it has ever been litigated by SCOTUS was Nixon and he lost. They ruled a President cannot claim privilege to hide evidence from congress. Clinton and Obama both tried to use Privilege to stop investigations, both failed miserably. Reagan didn't even try to use privilege in Iran-Contra because he understood it wouldn't work.
Because of Trump congress is going to have to finally actually put things like Executive Privilege into defined law.
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The whistle-blower won't do this because the info is probably a dud. Probably something petty and maybe embarrassing for Trump. But by not going to Congress themselves and revealing it Schiff and the Ds get play politics and talk to press about how there's a whistle-blower with mysterious information and paint this picture of a Trump cover up.

If the whistle-blower really had info that amounts to a national security threat or criminality on the part of Trump they wouldn't just fill out a form and forget about it. They'd do everything in their power to get that info out including going straight to Congress themselves.