How will they rule ??!

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Interesting reference from above:

1. Bill Clinton meets directly with AG, trying to keep it private. Claimed it was to check on the grandkids.
2. Trump makes a comment about the potential conflict of interest a judge may have regarding an ongoing lawsuit.

Which one received more attention by the mainstream media?
What i hear is, a man talking about doing abetter job of taking care of the women, not worrying about brand name clothes, and to stand up for their culture. As much as this may bother some, there are differences between black and white culture.
Those were positives you can take from his speech, but you are ignoring the points I made above.

Absolutely, there are differences between black and white culture. I don't think it is controversial at all to say so. We should all recognize and appreciate those differences, but get beyond them to realize the vastness of our commonality.
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He is trying to get people to recognize and appreciate their culture and take ownership of it..then, you can move to the common ground...guess im just wired different from the majority of people that have posted in this thread.
Obama was playing spades when they got OBL, couldn't even tough out a couple of hours in the situation room. And if what Bush did was borderline war crimes, what in the hell would you call the extensive use of drones under BO?
I agree with that too. The drones.

And don't downplay that Obama got the worlds nastiest. If Bush had done that, that act alone would have deified him to another level with the right.
What i hear is, a man talking about doing abetter job of taking care of the women, not worrying about brand name clothes, and to stand up for their culture. As much as this may bother some, there are differences between black and white culture.

You're delusional. We all know you'd be the same person to call Trump a racist yet see nothing wrong with this speech.

Once these future leaders from Manhattan private school get in charge we will finally see some real change.

Under Bank Street’s “Racial Justice and Advocacy” curriculum, parents say, teachers push white kids to grapple with America’s history of racism. Then they indoctrinate them into thinking “systemic racism” still exists, and that they’re part of the problem and must hold themselves accountable even for acts of racism committed by others.

“One hundred percent of the curriculum is what whites have done to other races,” said another Bank Street parent. “They offer nothing that would balance the story.”

Added the parent, who also asked to go unnamed: “Any questions they can’t answer they rationalize under the pretense of ‘institutional racism,’ which is never really defined.”

The program, these parents say, deliberately instills in white children a strong sense of guilt about their race. Some kids come home in tears, saying, “I’m a bad person.”

They say white kids are being brainwashed into thinking any success they achieve is unearned. Indeed, a young white girl is seen confessing on a Bank Street video: “I feel guilty for having a privilege I don’t deserve.”

It's all just in "everyone's head." There's no blatant hatred being preached against whites.

There is a huge portion of the left that is just like this, so sick, have no problems teaching this garbage to kids. You didn't post it but she also separated the blacks and whites and gave black kids candy.

How in the hell do people allow this garbage? Probably some self loathing lunatics like dville.
If you think Obama got Bin Laden, you are too stupid to vote. Comparing an American President to the Nazi Regime is also stupid.
He only said that because OBL was killed during BHO's presidency. You can't argue that small point. Never mind the fact the key to OBL's whereabouts was located during the Bush presidency.
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Has that reporter that broke it gone missing yet?

Only thing that saved their life was reporting it immediately. Otherwise, they were a goner for sure.

Interesting reference from above:

1. Bill Clinton meets directly with AG, trying to keep it private. Claimed it was to check on the grandkids.
2. Trump makes a comment about the potential conflict of interest a judge may have regarding an ongoing lawsuit.

Which one received more attention by the mainstream media?

Nothing just the attention, but the tone. The media acts as if they're ashamed they must reveal the Clinton meeting. Yet pounced Trump for a week.
I remember fondly the US attacking Canada and Mexico and the death camps. I remember Bush sinking all the British shipping and Stalingrad.

Log off and stay home from the polls.
Do I really need to link this for you? It doesn't matter. Facts don't persuade you, emotions do.

This is why people laugh. Or are scared.

Edit: I mean seriously, you're trying to argue he didn't give the order. [roll]
Higher ups in the military, including the special forces, were VERY frustrated at Obama's inability to sign off on anything. Oftentimes they had targets in sight and Obama would delay, delay, delay until they lost them. This is coming directly from someone intimately involved leading up to and at the time of the OBL situation.

In addition, if you research the decision process leading up to the OBL assassination, Obama had his ass completely covered in case it failed---completely and it was a source of contention and direct importance to he and Jarrett. Was he President when Obama was killed-yes, but that's about the only GD thing he did. And he almost screwed that up.
Doesnt make sense to me...that why i asked to have it explained...seems to me, being opressed would lead one to doing whatever is necessary whether legal or not to survive.

So gang bangers and drug dealing thugs are forced to sell crack to single mothers and kill each other over pride and territory, because they are being oppressed?

That punk selling crack to his peers couldn't go to the unemployment offices and get a job, like regular people who start at the bottom, because he's oppressed? He couldn't join the military instead of starting a criminal career because? What? Does the military discriminate against being black? Are you forgetting the social reverse racism going on called affirmative action? Do you not realize higher skilled positions are almost always recruiting african americans and women to fill positions to meet quota? School districts all over America actually encourage blacks to become teachers.

Some friendly advice, stop perpetuating the myth that has helped cripple black youth. I work in inner city madness in Memphis. I have first hand experience in trying to help these kids. The only ones who are able to make it are the ones who reject victimization and accept their misfortune as well as individual responsibility. And that's truth. Lots of AA kids start out disadvantaged, for numerous reasons. Why dig the hole deeper?
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Serious question.

Where would you all rate Obama as president?

Hes the worst president ever to me. I wasn't alive during the Carter years though, but I can't imagine he was even worse than Obama.

Worst presidents in modern history.

1. Obama
2. Carter
3. JFK (was horrible but had his legacy bailed out because of assassination.)

Jfk's idea of waging war was the bay of pigs and blowup cigars. Completely terrible.
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I mean seriously, it's though some of you guys ignore all facts. Obama gave the order. Unreal.

Look up the war crimes. You won't. Facts are optional with some.

What were the war crimes LEK? Water boarding? Do you understand the Geneva conventions only covered uniformed soldiers? Terrorists aren't covered, in fact they could be shot onsite and it be perfectly legal under the rules of war, not saying that's what we should do, just explaining to you what a war crime is and isn't.
We do things in time of conflict we wouldn't normally do, like kill people. When the enemy uses women and children as shields, targets civilians, decapitates their captives and is hellbent on killing Americans forgive me if I don't give a sh*t if we make them think they are drowning.
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But you still didn't refute his assertion that it happened while BHO was the sitting president. That is the ONLY "fact" that matters. Can't you see?
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You're delusional. We all know you'd be the same person to call Trump a racist yet see nothing wrong with this speech.

Trump has rascits policies..JW gave an divisive(at worst) speech according to this thread. Trump is praised by many for his "make America great again" talk...yet, JW does the same for black people and he is racists..same onds bitching about J.W. rhink what trump says is ok. You not gonna get me.
Waterboarding = War Crimes
Droning the shit out of them = :cool2:
As I said Wed above....the Nazi comp though makes it even more glorious. Personally, I think having my whole family drone-bombed is worse than being waterboarded but ok.
So gang bangers and drug dealing thugs are forced to sell crack to single mothers and kill each other over pride and territory, because they are being oppressed?

That punk selling crack to his peers couldn't go to the unemployment offices and get a job, like regular people who start at the bottom, because he's oppressed? He couldn't join the military instead of starting a criminal career because? What? Does the military discriminate against being black? Are you forgetting the social reverse racism going on called affirmative action? Do you not realize higher skilled positions are almost always recruiting african americans and women to fill positions to meet quota? School districts all over America actually encourage blacks to become teachers.

Some friendly advice, stop perpetuating the myth that has helped cripple black youth. I work in inner city madness in Memphis. I have first hand experience in trying to help these kids. The only ones who are able to make it are the ones who reject victimization and accept their misfortune as well as individual responsibility. And that's truth. Lots of AA kids start out disadvantaged, for numerous reasons. Why dig the hole deeper?

Not once did i say any of that was ok...thanks for the advice.
Bush II easily the worst. Almost like the third reich.

At least Obama got the biggest terrorist in American history. However, the NSA spying stuff is up there with Bush II. It might be the worst thing against the American public ever. Anyone who thinks Snowden is a Russian/Germam spy, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Bush I is most underrated president in my lifetime. Very good, just had trouble. Nixon not my lifetime, but feel history will treat him better.

Reagan most overrated. Country was in turmoil.

Clinton was hands down best. Maybe it was because of republican congress, who knows, but the country got stuff right. Everyone prospered, we cut welfare with Personal Responsibility Act, etc...

Bush 2 was terrible. But Obama has been far and away worse. In fact, logically it should be impossible to think Bush was an awful president, but argue Obama is the best in your lifetime.

Bush 2 made a bad judgment call getting us into Iraq; but that wasnt criminal. Pushed the horrible patriot act. And helmed the initial bail out. All awful.

Obama continued all those bad policies. All of them. Then doubled down on them. More bailouts. Enhanced patriot act and surveillance. Drone strikes. Plus he went above and beyond even those, by adding ridiculous obamacare and basically granting amnesty to millions upon millions.

Yes, the US took down OBL on Obama's watch. But only after every advisor had to basically twist his arm to act on the excellent intelligence they had. We almost missed him, thanks to the indecision and delay. Of course, thats also assuming we actually killed him; since they disposed of the body asap. Not above our government (no matter the president) to do such a thing.

Bush 1 was pretty solid, I agree. It was a shame he didnt get a 2nd term.

Clinton oversaw scandal after scandal. Lied under oath. Got disbarred. Ignored OBL and the rise of Al Queda. Signed Nafta, which is still the worst piece of economic legislation I can think of. And he threw open the doors for the risky lending that directly caused the housing crash. But he did happen to ride the wave of the newly exploding internet and all its economic glory. Of course, he promptly regulated it to pieces. But that didnt slow down progress till he was gone.

Reagan was fantastic, yet flawed. No doubt Iran Contra was shameful. Trickle down economics is still questionable. But he helmed our country successfully through the cold war, outmaneuvered the soviets, at a time when that was anything but a given. Then, he successfully ended the cold war, which was a GIGANTIC accomplishment. That alone was much greater than the achievements of all the other presidents you listed, all combined.
You're delusional. We all know you'd be the same person to call Trump a racist yet see nothing wrong with this speech.

Trump has rascits policies..JW gave an divisive(at worst) speech according to this thread. Trump is praised by many for his "make America great again" talk...yet, JW does the same for black people and he is racists..same onds bitching about J.W. rhink what trump says is ok. You not gonna get me.

Trump saying make America great again is racist? Like I said earlier, if you are told something enough times, and want to believe it, it becomes reality.

Name a Trump policy thats racist.
All those white people wearing "Make America Great Again " are racist?? Eric Holder, is that you?
Not once did i say any of that was ok...thanks for the advice.

No you're saying the riddled communities are a result of white people, the system, and the ghost of inequality.

Complete bullshit.

Starrting life disadvantaged is not the same as oppression.

Learn the difference.
You guys misunderstood what i was trying to get at...Trump says, 'make America great again"...he is speaking to your american pride and culture. However, J.W. was trying to have his people take pride in their culture and stand up for injustices..there is no difference. You guys twisted my words.
He is trying to get people to recognize and appreciate their culture and take ownership of it..then, you can move to the common ground...guess im just wired different from the majority of people that have posted in this thread.
Why does he have to even mention white people if that is all he is doing. Why the derogatory comments about white people? If he is just trying to get people to appreciate their culture, then why not just say positive things about that culture? Why does it require insulting another culture in order to do that?
Why does he have to even mention white people if that is all he is doing. Why the derogatory comments about white people? If he is just trying to get people to appreciate their culture, then why not just say positive things about that culture? Why does it require insulting another culture in order to do that?

His arguments are the typical bullshit leftist points, which fail using 1/10th of logic and reasoning. Then they usually fall back on a straw man, or some "it's a feeling" idea that cannot be proven and is nothing more than a way to win a losing battle. It's also real easy to spout statistical lies to a crowd of 20 year old idiots who do nothing more than clap and yell at the mention of race. Harder to make valid points when people are there to question, not look for a reason to start a mob.

They do the same with the failed government ran educational system. Remember the black principal rallying against vouchers for better choice for blacks, saying the statistical data showing kids perform better in charter schools isn't accurate because "he can see his students learning when he looks into their eyes." Never mind the actual grades showing they arent learning anything.

You've got a grievance industry right now made up of black lawyers and white / black politicians, keeping the majority of disadvantaged AA chained to the floor, because it keeps the systematic liberal machine working FOR THEM. It's easy to manipulate huge portions of these communities riddled with the uneducated and addicted.

Common voters are partisan hacks. They tote the line they are given and back any cause attempted by party affiliated names. The ones at the top, Obama, Clinton, Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, etc. have a special place in hell. They know exactly how to succeed and they do not want to pass on that knowledge to the less fortunate for political gain.
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The law of now will always reign supreme, so naturally people on the left say Bush was the worst ever, and those on the right say it's Obama. My guess is anyone who won't say Carter is the worst didn't live through it...
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But you still didn't refute his assertion that it happened while BHO was the sitting president. That is the ONLY "fact" that matters. Can't you see?

Liberals love to play the "while in office" claim when it's beneficial. But do you ever hear one say" clinton benefited from a prior decade of Bush / Reagan? Hell no.

On the other hand, wasn't it Clinton who allowed Al Queda to train, use or system, and carry out the largest attack in U.S. History while launching a few rockets into the middle of nowhere? But I guess that previous decade before Bush that allowed the entire attack to happen is irrelevant. Bush had enough time to take a dump in the White House. HIS FAULT!

and republicans are terrible at attacking that point. It's ridiculous we allow bush to be basically blamed for 911.
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Liberals love to play the "while in office" claim when it's beneficial. But do you ever hear one say" clinton benefited from a prior decade of Reagan? Hell no.

On the other hand, wasn't it Clinton who allowed Al Queda to train, use or system, and carry out the largest attack in U.S. History while launching a few rockets into the middle of nowhere? But I guess that previous decade before Busch that allowed the entire attack to happen is irrelevant. Bush had enough time to take a dump in the White House. HIS FAULT!

and republicans are terrible at attacking that point. It's ridiculous we allow bush to be basically blamed for 911.
Nor does Clinton get credit for the economic downturn that Bush inherited. If any of you doubt, I can pull up 401K statements from Clinton's last year as president. If I'm not mistaken the market declined around 2K points. The stock market was already in decline when Bush took over.
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