How will they rule ??!

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Reagan was fantastic, yet flawed. No doubt Iran Contra was shameful. Trickle down economics is still questionable. But he helmed our country successfully through the cold war, outmaneuvered the soviets, at a time when that was anything but a given. Then, he successfully ended the cold war, which was a GIGANTIC accomplishment. That alone was much greater than the achievements of all the other presidents you listed, all combined.

Here is what scares me about trump. He has said that he's cool with allied countries like Japan and Saudi Arabia having nuclear weapons. That sort of foreign policy, along with his neo-nationalistic rhetoric, might bring us right back to the Cold War era.
Here is what scares me about trump. He has said that he's cool with allied countries like Japan and Saudi Arabia having nuclear weapons. That sort of foreign policy, along with his neo-nationalistic rhetoric, might bring us right back to the Cold War era.

If I had my way, we'd be the only country with them. But that's not realistic.

Saudi Arabia I would definitely oppose. I know Japan is iffy due to history, but I actually think I'd be ok with it. Way better than Iran and North Korea, whom Obama watched gain nuclear capabilities
If I had my way, we'd be the only country with them. But that's not realistic.

Saudi Arabia I would definitely oppose. I know Japan is iffy due to history, but I actually think I'd be ok with it. Way better than Iran and North Korea, whom Obama watched gain nuclear capabilities
It is more realistic if you're the president of the United States. You first sentence should be every presidential candidates stance.

And I would NEVER allow Japan to have nuclear weapons. They do not need to feel the urge to wag their dick around Asians, not with crazy ass North Korea right there and China building up their military.
I always think the white privliege argument is hilarious....Asians and people from India that live in the US aren't affected by whiteness so i guess we include them as being white? Odd considering they are an even smaller minority group here.

You gonna tell me the large polish populations in cities like Chicago have grandparents that were privileged?
It is more realistic if you're the president of the United States. You first sentence should be every presidential candidates stance.

And I would NEVER allow Japan to have nuclear weapons. They do not need to feel the urge to wag their dick around Asians, not with crazy ass North Korea right there and China building up their military.

Trump is not a detailed foreign policy genius and he doesn't have to be. Is trump suggesting something (that will never happen) worse than Obama allowing political rhetoric and influence determine his foreign policy? We've had enough of the "I know best" presidents that think because they're the best at convincing the ignorant populous to elect them on charismatic charm, it also means they are the military reincarnation of Patton.

Trump has also said he would listen to the generals, put smart and capable people around him, and most decisions will be made by an assortment of highly trained individuals and himself. He's not giving absolutes right now, he's just politicking.
Trump is not a detailed foreign policy genius and he doesn't have to be. Is trump suggesting something (that will never happen) worse than Obama allowing political rhetoric and influence determine his foreign policy? We've had enough of the "I know best" presidents that think because they're the best at convincing the ignorant populous to elect them on charismatic charm, it also means they are the military reincarnation of Patton.

Trump has also said he would listen to the generals, put smart and capable people around him, and most decisions will be made by an assortment of highly trained individuals and himself. He's not giving absolutes right now, he's just politicking.

Talk is cheap, especially in this political cycle. Im skeptical, at best, of trumps ability to be a team player.
You guys misunderstood what i was trying to get at...Trump says, 'make America great again"...he is speaking to your american pride and culture. However, J.W. was trying to have his people take pride in their culture and stand up for injustices..there is no difference. You guys twisted my words.
You do not understand the difference.
White America has done a good job of lining Mr. Williams pockets. You would think he would be appreciative.
Exactly. That's what pisses me off about Sam L. Jackson saying he agrees with Williams. It's not black people that made him worth 300 million dollars. or Oprah, or Will Smith. Black people are not the reason BHO is the president. We all get lumped in together and it is gospel. We lump anyone together and it's racism.

Truth be told, actual truth, slavery should be lauded by the current generation of blacks. They are shitting on the memory of their ancestors to even REMOTELY equate their current status with those that came before them. Want to know where you would be as an African? Do a little research on your own instead of letting a privileged asshole actor make a buck off of your ignorance. Our original concept was not to make you a part of the greatest civilization that has ever existed, but we unwittingly achieved that very objective. Take advantage of the ACTUAL liberties and opportunities you have and stop hiding behind the ones that were not afforded to your ancestors.
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I never understand why all the bickering here is done. NO Left or Right winger is going to swayed by ANY type of facts. Everything will be spun to the favor of those in question, and the majority will always seek to insult and bully the minority.
I never understand why all the bickering here is done. NO Left or Right winger is going to swayed by ANY type of facts. Everything will be spun to the favor of those in question, and the majority will always seek to insult and bully the minority.
If you're the type of dumbass that doesn't understand the nature of the political thread, or the reason it is its own thread, then don't read it. By all means don't post in it.
Anyone who considers Obama to even be in the discussion of being the worst President of all time simply is incapable of understanding objective information and forming a rational logical conclusion from it.

In short, you are irrational.

By every economic standard set by Mitt Romney himself Obama has been extremely successful in righting the ship from near total global economic collapse. He killed Bin Laden. He has drawn down the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

What hurts Obama is the utter failure of an Arab Spring wholly envisioned by the Bush Administration with the hilariously failed premise that Middle Eastern countries were capable of sustaining democracies. That was foolish and as the basis for what is known as "The Bush Doctrine" has destablized the middle east. Our little expirament in nation building has been an utter disaster and that is not Obama's legacy, that is the legacy he has steadfastly attempted to extract us from while fighting tooth and nail with the blowback (including ISIS) from that failed policy.

Obama is not perfect but he is a very accomplished American President that history will look back on very favorably while lambasting Bush as a worthy candidate for worst American President of all time.
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The system is rigged man. They are for the left.
None of us are as dumb as all of us. 95% of people have no clue that the news outlets have an agenda or what that agenda is. The vast majority of voters do not keep up with politics, they just vote on the people that subject us to it. The most idiotic rule we have as a country is one person one vote. A citizen should be a property or business owner to secure the right to vote. Anyone else is a leach on the system that will vote themselves money from the public coffer if given the chance.
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Some stats yo ass the proves white privilege exists:

All I see people quoting is straight crime stats...that's not what you need to look at to see if there truly is a disparity and institutionalized racism.


  • Young black boys/men, ages 15-19, are 21 times more likely to be to be shot and killed by the police than young white boys/men.[1]
  • Blacks are less than 13% of the U.S. population, and yet they are 31% of all fatal police shooting victims, and 39% of those killed by police even though they weren’t attacking.
  • Also, since the data is entirely based upon police officers’ non-compulsory self-reporting, the bias in these data must be assumed to favor police
  • In New York City, whites comprise 44% of the population; blacks and Latinos, 53%.[4]
    • Between 2005 and 2008, 80% of NYPD stops were of blacks and Latinos. Only 10% of stops were of whites.
    • 85% of those frisked were black; only 8% were white. (Blacks and Latinos were frisked 50% of the time; whites, only 34%.)
    • Under the NYPD’s controversial “stop-and-frisk” program, in every year since 2009, 87% of those stopped-and-frisked were black or Latino. 10% were white.[5]
    • 24% of blacks and Latinos had force used against them by the NYPD, compared to only 17% of whites.
    • Only 2.6% of all stops (1.6 million stops over 3.5 years) resulted in the discovery of contraband or a weapon. Whites were more likely to be found with contraband or a weapon.
  • Similar trends are seen in Department of Justice data from Los Angeles between July 2003 and June 2004.
    • The stop rate for blacks was 3,400 stops per 10,000 residents higher than the white stop rate. The Latino stop rate was 360 stops higher.
    • Blacks were 127% more likely to get frisked and 76% more likely to get searched than whites; Latinos, 43% more likely to get frisked and 16% more likely to get searched.
    • And yet, frisked blacks were 42% less likely to be found with a weapon than frisked whites; Latinos, 32% less likely.
    • Consensual searches of blacks were “37 percent less likely to uncover weapons, 23.7 percent less likely to uncover drugs, and 25.4 percent less likely to uncover any other type of contraband, than consensual searches of Whites.”
    • Consensual searches of Latinos were “32.8 percent less likely to uncover weapons, 34.3 percent less likely to uncover drugs, and 12.3 percent less likely to uncover any other type of contraband than consensual searches of Whites.”
  • Similar statistics can be seen across the U.S.
    • A study in Arizona found state highway patrol 3.5 times more likely to search a stopped Native American, and 2.5 times more likely to search a stopped African American or Latino, than a white person. And yet, whites who were searched were more likely than all other groups to be transporting drugs, guns, or other contraband.
    • A study in West Virginia showed black drivers 1.64 times more likely, and Latinos 1.48 times more likely, to be stopped than white drivers. After being stopped, non-whites were more likely to get arrested, even though police “obtained a significantly higher contraband hit rate for white drivers than minorities.”
    • In Illinois, data showed the number of consent searches after traffic stops, for blacks and Latinos, to be “more than double that of whites”—even though “white motorists were twice as likely to have contraband”!
    • Studies in Minnesota and Texas have yielded the same results, with blacks and Latinos being stopped more often, even though whites were more likely to have contraband.
  • In another study, it was found that blacks are three times more likely to be stopped in California than whites.[6]
  • A 2007 U.S. Department of Justice report on racial profiling found that blacks and Latinos were 3 times as likely to be stopped as whites, and that blacks were twice as likely to be arrested and 4 times as likely “to experience the threat or use of force during interactions with the police.”[7][8]

Here is the entire article: educate yourselves...cuz those of you professing white privilege and institutionalized racism are a farce are sounding real ignorant...
To me, as a liberal, Obama's biggest failure was his immediate embrace of Wall Street by filling his cabinet with Goldman-Sachs and his infamous blanket dismissal of prosecuting these thieves instead of hiring them. He also failed miserably on getting rid of The Patriot Act, was incredibly inappropriate in his comments on the Trayvon Martin case, and allowed what must be one of the greatest abuses of Government power ever to perpetuate in spying on American citizens without a warrant.

Those are not small criticisms but in light of what was on his plate to deal with he will historically receive high marks for his overall presidency.
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Some stats yo ass the proves white privilege exists:

All I see people quoting is straight crime stats...that's not what you need to look at to see if there truly is a disparity and institutionalized racism.


  • Young black boys/men, ages 15-19, are 21 times more likely to be to be shot and killed by the police than young white boys/men.[1]
  • Blacks are less than 13% of the U.S. population, and yet they are 31% of all fatal police shooting victims, and 39% of those killed by police even though they weren’t attacking.
  • Also, since the data is entirely based upon police officers’ non-compulsory self-reporting, the bias in these data must be assumed to favor police

    • In New York City, whites comprise 44% of the population; blacks and Latinos, 53%.[4]
      • Between 2005 and 2008, 80% of NYPD stops were of blacks and Latinos. Only 10% of stops were of whites.
      • 85% of those frisked were black; only 8% were white. (Blacks and Latinos were frisked 50% of the time; whites, only 34%.)
      • Under the NYPD’s controversial “stop-and-frisk” program, in every year since 2009, 87% of those stopped-and-frisked were black or Latino. 10% were white.[5]
      • 24% of blacks and Latinos had force used against them by the NYPD, compared to only 17% of whites.
      • Only 2.6% of all stops (1.6 million stops over 3.5 years) resulted in the discovery of contraband or a weapon. Whites were more likely to be found with contraband or a weapon.
    • Similar trends are seen in Department of Justice data from Los Angeles between July 2003 and June 2004.
      • The stop rate for blacks was 3,400 stops per 10,000 residents higher than the white stop rate. The Latino stop rate was 360 stops higher.
      • Blacks were 127% more likely to get frisked and 76% more likely to get searched than whites; Latinos, 43% more likely to get frisked and 16% more likely to get searched.
      • And yet, frisked blacks were 42% less likely to be found with a weapon than frisked whites; Latinos, 32% less likely.
      • Consensual searches of blacks were “37 percent less likely to uncover weapons, 23.7 percent less likely to uncover drugs, and 25.4 percent less likely to uncover any other type of contraband, than consensual searches of Whites.”
      • Consensual searches of Latinos were “32.8 percent less likely to uncover weapons, 34.3 percent less likely to uncover drugs, and 12.3 percent less likely to uncover any other type of contraband than consensual searches of Whites.”
    • Similar statistics can be seen across the U.S.
      • A study in Arizona found state highway patrol 3.5 times more likely to search a stopped Native American, and 2.5 times more likely to search a stopped African American or Latino, than a white person. And yet, whites who were searched were more likely than all other groups to be transporting drugs, guns, or other contraband.
      • A study in West Virginia showed black drivers 1.64 times more likely, and Latinos 1.48 times more likely, to be stopped than white drivers. After being stopped, non-whites were more likely to get arrested, even though police “obtained a significantly higher contraband hit rate for white drivers than minorities.”
      • In Illinois, data showed the number of consent searches after traffic stops, for blacks and Latinos, to be “more than double that of whites”—even though “white motorists were twice as likely to have contraband”!
      • Studies in Minnesota and Texas have yielded the same results, with blacks and Latinos being stopped more often, even though whites were more likely to have contraband.
    • In another study, it was found that blacks are three times more likely to be stopped in California than whites.[6]
    • A 2007 U.S. Department of Justice report on racial profiling found that blacks and Latinos were 3 times as likely to be stopped as whites, and that blacks were twice as likely to be arrested and 4 times as likely “to experience the threat or use of force during interactions with the police.”[7][8]
Here is the entire article: educate yourselves...cuz those of you professing white privilege and institutionalized racism are a farce are sounding real ignorant...
Your statistics will be more meaningful if they are juxtaposed against demographic crime statistics showing overwhelmingly who is committing the vast majority of violent crime.
Anyone who considers Obama to even be in the discussion of being the worst President of all time simply is incapable of understanding objective information and forming a rational logical conclusion from it.

In short, you are irrational.

By every economic standard set by Mitt Romney himself Obama has been extremely successful in righting the ship from near total global economic collapse. He killed Bin Laden. He has drawn down the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

What hurts Obama is the utter failure of an Arab Spring wholly envisioned by the Bush Administration with the hilariously failed premise that Middle Eastern countries were capable of sustaining democracies. That was foolish and as the basis for what is known as "The Bush Doctrine" has destablized the middle east. Our little expirament in nation building has been an utter disaster and that is not Obama's legacy, that is the legacy he has steadfastly attempted to extract us from while fighting tooth and nail with the blowback (including ISIS) from that failed policy.

Obama is not perfect but he is a very accomplished American President that history will look back on very favorably while lambasting Bush as a worthy candidate for worst American President of all time.

Haha, You have officially jumped the shark
Your statistics will be more meaningful if they are juxtaposed against demographic crime statistics showing overwhelmingly who is committing the vast majority of violent crime.

They are lol....someone didn't read.
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Supreme Lord Z, post: 4790601, member: 51894"]Anyone who considers Obama to even be in the discussion of being the worst President of all time simply is incapable of understanding objective information and forming a rational logical conclusion from it.

No, idiot. Any LIBERAL that considers him to be the worst would be incapable of understanding the stupidity of being a liberal. Objectively speaking.

In short, you are irrational.

In short, you are an idiot.

By every economic standard set by Mitt Romney himself Obama has been extremely successful in righting the ship from near total global economic collapse. He killed Bin Laden. He has drawn down the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Economics find their way regardless of ideological bullshit. He is responsible for being president when many $15/hr jobs became $7.50/hr jobs and took credit for increasing the job force. As far as drawing down the war goes, how many people were killed in Bagdad today?

What hurts Obama is the utter failure of an Arab Spring wholly envisioned by the Bush Administration with the hilariously failed premise that Middle Eastern countries were capable of sustaining democracies. That was foolish and as the basis for what is known as "The Bush Doctrine" has destablized the middle east. Our little expirament in nation building has been an utter disaster and that is not Obama's legacy, that is the legacy he has steadfastly attempted to extract us from while fighting tooth and nail with the blowback (including ISIS) from that failed policy.

I will agree with you that the Bush doctrine was doomed to fail from its juvenile inception. O'bama's muslim sympathy has done nothing but allow it to continue at a faster pace down the path to ruin, though.

Obama is not perfect but he is a very accomplished American President that history will look back on very favorably while lambasting Bush as a worthy candidate for worst American President of all time.

O'bama is a half white pawn, thrust upon America by idiots who have no idea about reality or their place in directing it. Congratulations on being one of the frontrunners.
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They are lol....someone didn't read. And why is it only violent crime you are concerned with?
No, they don't. If group A is committing most of the violent crime even though they only comprise a small percentage of the overall population then that would tend to explain a disproportionate number of police interactions with said group.

This is not a very good way to talk about what ails minority communities. Now if you want to talk about poverty and opportunity you have a leg to stand on, but to whine about cops trying to stop a tidal wave of crime being committed by African American male youths then what the hell do you expect them to do.... ignore it?
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Sean, Black folks are breaking the law at a higher rate than other races. When you break the law more, you're more likely to come into contact with the police.
As a result black neighborhoods have more cop presence, because upholding the law is their job.
You can spin the as some kind of secret plan to hold down African Americans, but that is the truth.
Your statistics will be more meaningful if they are juxtaposed against demographic crime statistics showing overwhelmingly who is committing the vast majority of violent crime.
Which shows his bias in this argument and cannot be taken seriously.
Liberals love to play the "while in office" claim when it's beneficial. But do you ever hear one say" clinton benefited from a prior decade of Bush / Reagan? Hell no.

On the other hand, wasn't it Clinton who allowed Al Queda to train, use or system, and carry out the largest attack in U.S. History while launching a few rockets into the middle of nowhere? But I guess that previous decade before Bush that allowed the entire attack to happen is irrelevant. Bush had enough time to take a dump in the White House. HIS FAULT!

and republicans are terrible at attacking that point. It's ridiculous we allow bush to be basically blamed for 911.

Yes, it was Clinton's fault the Taliban/Al-Queda was able to flourish...thank you again for helping us understand this stuff. You're awesome.

Ahhh so the creation of the ghetto is just self imposed. Everything is self imposed. Black people just come out the womb as criminals, violent and druggies. It's perpetuated....can reference the war on drugs. Do you not know how prisons work? How they are big businesses? Do you not understand this country conducts reading comprehension exams in the 5th grade and if a kid doesn't read at a 5th grade level our philosophy and country builds a prison bed for them....naw screw actually addressing the needs of what often tends to be poor black men....let's just build a prison bed for them....that way we can collect anywhere from $20,000-65,000 a year profit and get either free or extremely cheap labor as well.

And I just know it's a shit ton of white dudes in here screaming that White Privilege and institutionalized racism is a farce.... do tell many black people you work with? How many do you have personal contact with daily? How many you actually go out and hang with in public? Go to a store. I watch my wife on the daily get followed from the time she walks in store, restaurant or anything else... so many of you think of this just on a grand scale.... and that's 1 way to view it in crime stats....but how many black dolls are there? It took until 2013 for Disney o finally have a movie with. Black princess....I all in walmart and I have 4-6 entire sections for my wife, who is black, has barely 1/8th of 1 row. How many shades of band aids we have?..... when my wife looked at our engagement rings and wedding bands with out me a worker came to her and said "you should come down here, this is more in your price range". My wife, who runs every day before work at 530am, was damn near arrested for a burglary attempt 3 blocks from our house in neighborhood which is a very nice area.... cops tried to handcuff her...had jack shit to prove anything and did everything in their power to ensure she couldn't call me with her phone. I used to be you. Ah, it's all such thing as privilege or institutionalized racism. I've seen it now....quite regularly and to sit here and just think it flat out doesn't exist is false....but unless you really have been in those moments and seen can't possibly understand.
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When did the taliban take control in Afghanistan? When Al Qaeda first try to take out the World Trade Center? Or the Air Force base in Saudi, or the embassies in Africa, or a GD US Navy guided missile cruiser?
Yes, it was Clinton's fault the Taliban/Al-Queda was able to flourish...thank you again for helping us understand this stuff. You're awesome.


I'm talking about the immediate jump to blame Bush for something that had absolutely nothing to do with his policy nor his influence. The terrorist that flew the planes into the towers on 9/11 trained and flourished under the Clinton Administration using our own systems against us. I've heard liberals and even Trump say it, we were attacked on Bushs watch, trying to insinuate Clinton was somehow clear of it (especially from the treason lobby).

The truth is JFK was awful, Carter was pitiful, and Clinton was the most fortunate president in history given the time, era, and who he followed.

Please pack for Europe and take the rest of the liberal filth with you.
Ahhh so the creation of the ghetto is just self imposed. Everything is self imposed. Black people just come out the womb as criminals, violent and druggies. It's perpetuated....can reference the war on drugs. Do you not know how prisons work? How they are big businesses? Do you not understand this country conducts reading comprehension exams in the 5th grade and if a kid doesn't read at a 5th grade level our philosophy and country builds a prison bed for them....naw screw actually addressing the needs of what often tends to be poor black men....let's just build a prison bed for them....that way we can collect anywhere from $20,000-65,000 a year profit and get either free or extremely cheap labor as well.

And I just know it's a shit ton of white dudes in here screaming that White Privilege and institutionalized racism is a farce.... do tell many black people you work with? How many do you have personal contact with daily? How many you actually go out and hang with in public? Go to a store. I watch my wife on the daily get followed from the time she walks in store, restaurant or anything else... so many of you think of this just on a grand scale.... and that's 1 way to view it in crime stats....but how many black dolls are there? It took until 2013 for Disney o finally have a movie with. Black princess....I all in walmart and I have 4-6 entire sections for my wife, who is black, has barely 1/8th of 1 row. How many shades of band aids we have?..... when my wife looked at our engagement rings and wedding bands with out me a worker came to her and said "you should come down here, this is more in your price range". My wife, who runs every day before work at 530am, was damn near arrested for a burglary attempt 3 blocks from our house in neighborhood which is a very nice area.... cops tried to handcuff her...had jack shit to prove anything and did everything in their power to ensure she couldn't call me with her phone. I used to be you. Ah, it's all such thing as privilege or institutionalized racism. I've seen it now....quite regularly and to sit here and just think it flat out doesn't exist is false....but unless you really have been in those moments and seen can't possibly understand.

There is so much ignorant, paranoid, and delusion in this post.......

There's nowhere to begin.

God bro you're warped.
There is so much ignorant, paranoid, and delusion in this post.......

There's nowhere to begin.

God bro you're warped.

No , he's not warped,he loves his wife very much, and her pain is his pain.
Even though I don't agree with him I can respect that.
Please pack for Europe and take the rest of the liberal filth with you.

I'm pretty sure my side is going to win in November. So feel free to start packing for....not sure what country would like to take you in to be honest with you.
I'm pretty sure my side is going to win in November. So feel free to start packing for....not sure what country would like to take you in to be honest with you.
Weren't you also pretty sure that Brexit was going to fail? Yes, you were; and you were dead wrong. You are making predictions with your heart, and not your head, and that explains why you are usually wrong.
To me, as a liberal, Obama's biggest failure was his immediate embrace of Wall Street by filling his cabinet with Goldman-Sachs and his infamous blanket dismissal of prosecuting these thieves instead of hiring them. He also failed miserably on getting rid of The Patriot Act, was incredibly inappropriate in his comments on the Trayvon Martin case, and allowed what must be one of the greatest abuses of Government power ever to perpetuate in spying on American citizens without a warrant.

Those are not small criticisms but in light of what was on his plate to deal with he will historically receive high marks for his overall presidency.
IDIOT. "even though BHO was a terrible president, I love him".
Anyone who considers Obama to even be in the discussion of being the worst President of all time simply is incapable of understanding objective information and forming a rational logical conclusion from it.

In short, you are irrational.

By every economic standard set by Mitt Romney himself Obama has been extremely successful in righting the ship from near total global economic collapse. He killed Bin Laden. He has drawn down the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

What hurts Obama is the utter failure of an Arab Spring wholly envisioned by the Bush Administration with the hilariously failed premise that Middle Eastern countries were capable of sustaining democracies. That was foolish and as the basis for what is known as "The Bush Doctrine" has destablized the middle east. Our little expirament in nation building has been an utter disaster and that is not Obama's legacy, that is the legacy he has steadfastly attempted to extract us from while fighting tooth and nail with the blowback (including ISIS) from that failed policy.

Obama is not perfect but he is a very accomplished American President that history will look back on very favorably while lambasting Bush as a worthy candidate for worst American President of all time.

Obama didn't kill Bin Laden. You're acting as if he showed up and challenged him to 1 on 1 combat, and defeated him.

W was awful. But like I said in my post, logically Obama must be worse. He doubled down on all the bad Bush policies, and increased them.

I do agree history will be kind to Obama. The msm has made sure of that
Some stats yo ass the proves white privilege exists:

All I see people quoting is straight crime stats...that's not what you need to look at to see if there truly is a disparity and institutionalized racism.


  • Young black boys/men, ages 15-19, are 21 times more likely to be to be shot and killed by the police than young white boys/men.[1]
  • Blacks are less than 13% of the U.S. population, and yet they are 31% of all fatal police shooting victims, and 39% of those killed by police even though they weren’t attacking.
  • Also, since the data is entirely based upon police officers’ non-compulsory self-reporting, the bias in these data must be assumed to favor police

    • In New York City, whites comprise 44% of the population; blacks and Latinos, 53%.[4]
      • Between 2005 and 2008, 80% of NYPD stops were of blacks and Latinos. Only 10% of stops were of whites.
      • 85% of those frisked were black; only 8% were white. (Blacks and Latinos were frisked 50% of the time; whites, only 34%.)
      • Under the NYPD’s controversial “stop-and-frisk” program, in every year since 2009, 87% of those stopped-and-frisked were black or Latino. 10% were white.[5]
      • 24% of blacks and Latinos had force used against them by the NYPD, compared to only 17% of whites.
      • Only 2.6% of all stops (1.6 million stops over 3.5 years) resulted in the discovery of contraband or a weapon. Whites were more likely to be found with contraband or a weapon.
    • Similar trends are seen in Department of Justice data from Los Angeles between July 2003 and June 2004.
      • The stop rate for blacks was 3,400 stops per 10,000 residents higher than the white stop rate. The Latino stop rate was 360 stops higher.
      • Blacks were 127% more likely to get frisked and 76% more likely to get searched than whites; Latinos, 43% more likely to get frisked and 16% more likely to get searched.
      • And yet, frisked blacks were 42% less likely to be found with a weapon than frisked whites; Latinos, 32% less likely.
      • Consensual searches of blacks were “37 percent less likely to uncover weapons, 23.7 percent less likely to uncover drugs, and 25.4 percent less likely to uncover any other type of contraband, than consensual searches of Whites.”
      • Consensual searches of Latinos were “32.8 percent less likely to uncover weapons, 34.3 percent less likely to uncover drugs, and 12.3 percent less likely to uncover any other type of contraband than consensual searches of Whites.”
    • Similar statistics can be seen across the U.S.
      • A study in Arizona found state highway patrol 3.5 times more likely to search a stopped Native American, and 2.5 times more likely to search a stopped African American or Latino, than a white person. And yet, whites who were searched were more likely than all other groups to be transporting drugs, guns, or other contraband.
      • A study in West Virginia showed black drivers 1.64 times more likely, and Latinos 1.48 times more likely, to be stopped than white drivers. After being stopped, non-whites were more likely to get arrested, even though police “obtained a significantly higher contraband hit rate for white drivers than minorities.”
      • In Illinois, data showed the number of consent searches after traffic stops, for blacks and Latinos, to be “more than double that of whites”—even though “white motorists were twice as likely to have contraband”!
      • Studies in Minnesota and Texas have yielded the same results, with blacks and Latinos being stopped more often, even though whites were more likely to have contraband.
    • In another study, it was found that blacks are three times more likely to be stopped in California than whites.[6]
    • A 2007 U.S. Department of Justice report on racial profiling found that blacks and Latinos were 3 times as likely to be stopped as whites, and that blacks were twice as likely to be arrested and 4 times as likely “to experience the threat or use of force during interactions with the police.”[7][8]
Here is the entire article: educate yourselves...cuz those of you professing white privilege and institutionalized racism are a farce are sounding real ignorant...
I can't speak for those other cities, but the statistics for New York match the crime rate for blacks. As I posted in the other thread about the subject, in a recent article I read on the subject, blacks make up 23% of the population of New York City. They commit 75% of all shootings, 70% of all robberies, and 66% of all violent crime. If you add Latinos to the mix, you account for 98% of all illegal gunfire in the city. Whites are 33% of the population and commit fewer than 2% of all shootings, 4% of all robberies, and 5% of all violent crime. As a result, cops patrol and set up stops in neighborhoods where the crime rate is very high. These are predominately black neighborhoods. Based on the statistics, one would expect that the overwhelming majority of stops, frisks, and arrests would be black. You would also expect when force is used by police, it would be largely against black suspects. In many cases, black people are going to fit the description of suspects the police is looking for, which means that more innocent blacks will be stopped and searched because they fit the description of the suspect. Your numbers aren't surprising at all given the who is committing the overwhelming majority of the crime in New York City.

Finally, those same black communities are the ones benefiting from the very tactics you seem to be criticizing. There were 2,245 homicides in New York City in 1990. In 2014 there were 333. That is the result of the police tactics that were implemented because of the high crime rates in the 1990s. Those stats indicate that over 10,000 minority males are alive today that would have been dead had those tactics not been implemented. That doesn't even account for the economic benefit of having businesses locate in neighborhoods that previously were considered too dangerous.
There is so much ignorant, paranoid, and delusion in this post.......

There's nowhere to begin.

God bro you're warped.

Yeah my wife's experiences are delusional. **** you buddy. Don't know who the hell you think you are....
Here is what scares me about trump. He has said that he's cool with allied countries like Japan and Saudi Arabia having nuclear weapons. That sort of foreign policy, along with his neo-nationalistic rhetoric, might bring us right back to the Cold War era.
Obama has already brought the cold war back. You wont have to worry about Trump doing that.
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