How will they rule ??!

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Man, it only took Sean a whole 5 days to.try and come up with some stats for his thread.

We have addressed all those stats whole you were away, Sean! Yes, groups of people who commit more crime have more police interaction and more prison time. Thanks for clearing that up.

I live in a city that has done exsctly what you suggest.... the lower the test scores/literacy rate, the more money is given to the community for educstion..

As a result, we have schools that look better and cost more than most college campuses. Has this changed a thing as far as those statistics? Hell no. They still can't get test scores up, most of them.don't even show up. There is bullet most of these buildings where every student has a personal ipad. Did absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, you have schools in the suburbs who are struggling to keep afloat but have triple attendance percentage, way higher scores and very little violence. up for yourself. ...birmingham, al

So,.now that we've thrown hundreds of millions at these schools for no improvement, what should the next reverse racist gift we should give?
Man, it only took Sean a whole 5 days to.try and come up with some stats for his thread.

We have addressed all those stats whole you were away, Sean! Yes, groups of people who commit more crime have more police interaction and more prison time. Thanks for clearing that up.

I live in a city that has done exsctly what you suggest.... the lower the test scores/literacy rate, the more money is given to the community for educstion..

As a result, we have schools that look better and cost more than most college campuses. Has this changed a thing as far as those statistics? Hell no. They still can't get test scores up, most of them.don't even show up. There is bullet most of these buildings where every student has a personal ipad. Did absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, you have schools in the suburbs who are struggling to keep afloat but have triple attendance percentage, way higher scores and very little violence. up for yourself. ...birmingham, al

So,.now that we've thrown hundreds of millions at these schools for no improvement, what should the next reverse racist gift we should give?

Youbare simplifying the data to fit that narrative you want. The whole people who commit more crime have more police interaction thus get more prison time really have no real correlation to the data other than the fact that crime is present. Harsher sentences have 0 to do with the Neighborhood or whatever and everything to do with acourt system that sees color and let's it effect someones consequence. It goes even beyond that as well. It's not just those that commit's those stopped/pulled over that have done nothing. Searched and have nothing....and not just occurring in certain cities and areas of certain cities..... problem with much of it is the data has to be self reported by law enforcement....another benefit of the doubt siding with the law.

You got 16 year old white kids getting caught with pot at school and getting detention and 20hrs community service and a black kid getting expelled and felony charges trumped up....I literally see it walk in and out of Fayette county court every single day. Just giving the school money isn't doing shit. You have to develop have to find openings for school resource officers, be much more proactive in assessing kids for learning disabilities, mental health issues, substance abuse issues etc and then have those resources established and ready to intervene....that's the problem now is schools attitudes...just move kids along to get them out of your hands and make them not your problem...I watch schools fail kids all the time....then send all the bad ones to MLK like that's going to help the matters....
I'm wasn't the biggest Obama fan but to sit here and say he is the worst president ever and that nothing he has done has had any positive effects and say he brought the cold war back is just dumb as hell....
The Republican party will cease to exist after this election....many of you are gonna be wearing new label soon thanks to the dumbass formerly known as Donald Trump. Yeah, all the problems of this country rest on the poor illegal immigrants and poor minorities as a whole .... nah the real problem with the country are the people Donald Trump parties with and plays golf with.
Man, it only took Sean a whole 5 days to.try and come up with some stats for his thread.

We have addressed all those stats whole you were away, Sean! Yes, groups of people who commit more crime have more police interaction and more prison time. Thanks for clearing that up.

I live in a city that has done exsctly what you suggest.... the lower the test scores/literacy rate, the more money is given to the community for educstion..

As a result, we have schools that look better and cost more than most college campuses. Has this changed a thing as far as those statistics? Hell no. They still can't get test scores up, most of them.don't even show up. There is bullet most of these buildings where every student has a personal ipad. Did absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, you have schools in the suburbs who are struggling to keep afloat but have triple attendance percentage, way higher scores and very little violence. up for yourself. ...birmingham, al

So,.now that we've thrown hundreds of millions at these schools for no improvement, what should the next reverse racist gift we should give?

That's nothing unique to your area. Same thing happens out here.
I think you're last phrasing is key. Hundreds of millions of dollars thrown at these schools as a gift. Money is good and all, but it doesn't do a damn bit of good if the community doesn't buy in as well. It's a delicate thing, to try and help a community get out of a cycle of poverty while at the same time giving them the tools to be self-reliant.

In our district the iPads were a complete and total disaster. They had no clue how to implement them properly into the school curriculum and the kids hacked them like that.
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Bush 2 was terrible. But Obama has been far and away worse. In fact, logically it should be impossible to think Bush was an awful president, but argue Obama is the best in your lifetime.

Bush 2 made a bad judgment call getting us into Iraq; but that wasnt criminal. Pushed the horrible patriot act. And helmed the initial bail out. All awful.

Obama continued all those bad policies. All of them. Then doubled down on them. More bailouts. Enhanced patriot act and surveillance. Drone strikes. Plus he went above and beyond even those, by adding ridiculous obamacare and basically granting amnesty to millions upon millions.

Yes, the US took down OBL on Obama's watch. But only after every advisor had to basically twist his arm to act on the excellent intelligence they had. We almost missed him, thanks to the indecision and delay. Of course, thats also assuming we actually killed him; since they disposed of the body asap. Not above our government (no matter the president) to do such a thing.

Bush 1 was pretty solid, I agree. It was a shame he didnt get a 2nd term.

Clinton oversaw scandal after scandal. Lied under oath. Got disbarred. Ignored OBL and the rise of Al Queda. Signed Nafta, which is still the worst piece of economic legislation I can think of. And he threw open the doors for the risky lending that directly caused the housing crash. But he did happen to ride the wave of the newly exploding internet and all its economic glory. Of course, he promptly regulated it to pieces. But that didnt slow down progress till he was gone.

Reagan was fantastic, yet flawed. No doubt Iran Contra was shameful. Trickle down economics is still questionable. But he helmed our country successfully through the cold war, outmaneuvered the soviets, at a time when that was anything but a given. Then, he successfully ended the cold war, which was a GIGANTIC accomplishment. That alone was much greater than the achievements of all the other presidents you listed, all combined.

As Paul Harvey would say...And now, the rest of the story.
Reagan campaigned in 1980 on balancing the budget and cutting the national debt which stood at $900 billion when he took office. While the national debt at that time had been slowly creeping up it had taken 25 years for that debt to double from $257 billion in 1950 to $533 billion in would grow to $900 billion in 1980. Eight years later Reagan left us $2.9 trillion in debt.
Ronny was likable no doubt but his economic policy (cut taxes, increase spending) set in motion the ever mounting tsunami of debt we have today and made economic dependents of the military industrial complex that now nobody can touch because of the 100,000's of jobs tied to it. And just as invading Iraq proved to be a mistake, busting up the Soviet Union also created great instability in the region and resulted in millions of old soviet military weapons reaching the black market and getting into the wrong hands. We traded an "enemy" we knew for 1000's who now lurked in the bushes. Better the devil you know.

Bush 1 knew that "trickle down" was voodoo economics and tried to adjust the Reagan tax rates and was crucified by his own party for doing so. He made the mistake in making his "Read my lips..." statement. He had the good judgment to drive the Iraqis out of Kuwait and keeping Saddam in his box. Ultimately Bush 1 was undone by the presence of Ross Perot in the '92 election. Had Perot not entered the race Bush 1 most likely would have been re-elected. The policies that Bush 1 would have followed and what Bill Clinton did follow were very similar.

Despite all the scandals with Clinton, Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any POTUS since the end of WWII. Clinton was far from the first POTUS to like the ladies but he was the first to serve at a time that an industry existed with the sole intention of criticizing everything that a Democratic POTUS would do.
It didn't matter that he was more of a Republican than most Republicans. Yeah, he signed NAFTA...a Reagan idea that was negotiated by Bush 1.
Oh, and Islamic terrorism had begun long before Clinton got to office. Remember Beirut? 241 dead US servicemen, 58 French soldiers and a few others...injured 100's more. That was 1983 and was perpetrated by a group that called themselves "Islamic Jihad". Reagan's response was to withdraw our remaining troops.

Bush 2 was a puppet that was controlled by Dick Cheney and others. Had he sought out advice from his dad and followed it we all would have been much better off.

Obama like Clinton has had to deal with an industry that only exists to criticize Democrats. The ridiculous claims that he was/is a Muslim, that his birth certificate that has been verified countless times is somehow fake. That this was obviously all a conspiracy from the time of his birth when the Honolulu newspaper wrote his birth announcement the day after he was born.
Yes, he deserves criticism over expanding the Patriot act...I'm not sure how you criticize the drone attacks? You prefer we put our soldiers in harm's way? It's funny that he is criticized because the drones result in too many civilian deaths yet most of those criticizing would like to see somebody nuke the region. And they support someone who says he would "bomb the hell out of them". ISIS doesn't separate themselves from the civilian population. If we bomb them there will most likely be civilian casualties...but that's ok because that would be your guy's bomb.
Yeah, ObamaCare is a bad program but it's the necessary evil first step to get us to universal care. We will end up at universal care some time in the next 20 years regardless of who controls the White House.
The bailouts while setting bad precedent have been successful and have had a net result of little real costs as most of the money has been repaid. The economic turmoil that would have occurred had the bailouts not happened may have rivaled the Great Depression.
Fuzz, Reagan rebuilt the military after years of neglect following Vietnam, that's where a large portion of the debt came from.
He also oversaw an actual economic recovery, and more importantly at the time was a steady, confident voice that we desperately needed. He walked out on Gorbachev in negotiations, which put the US in the catbird seat. That takes a helluva leader to do that knowing the ridicule that would follow. But it worked.

Exit popularity means squat, Clinton was popular when he left, but look at his key policies, they have crippled the country. Nafta never gets signed without a Democrat President endorsing it, NEVER.
The loosening of lending requirements directly led to the housing bubble that caused the recession in 2008. The Bush administration tried to point this out, but the Democrats would hear none of it.
We still haven't recovered from the recession, and unless something changes we won't.
Ahhh so the creation of the ghetto is just self imposed. Everything is self imposed. Black people just come out the womb as criminals, violent and druggies. It's perpetuated....can reference the war on drugs. Do you not know how prisons work? How they are big businesses? Do you not understand this country conducts reading comprehension exams in the 5th grade and if a kid doesn't read at a 5th grade level our philosophy and country builds a prison bed for them....naw screw actually addressing the needs of what often tends to be poor black men....let's just build a prison bed for them....that way we can collect anywhere from $20,000-65,000 a year profit and get either free or extremely cheap labor as well.

And I just know it's a shit ton of white dudes in here screaming that White Privilege and institutionalized racism is a farce.... do tell many black people you work with? How many do you have personal contact with daily? How many you actually go out and hang with in public? Go to a store. I watch my wife on the daily get followed from the time she walks in store, restaurant or anything else... so many of you think of this just on a grand scale.... and that's 1 way to view it in crime stats....but how many black dolls are there? It took until 2013 for Disney o finally have a movie with. Black princess....I all in walmart and I have 4-6 entire sections for my wife, who is black, has barely 1/8th of 1 row. How many shades of band aids we have?..... when my wife looked at our engagement rings and wedding bands with out me a worker came to her and said "you should come down here, this is more in your price range". My wife, who runs every day before work at 530am, was damn near arrested for a burglary attempt 3 blocks from our house in neighborhood which is a very nice area.... cops tried to handcuff her...had jack shit to prove anything and did everything in their power to ensure she couldn't call me with her phone. I used to be you. Ah, it's all such thing as privilege or institutionalized racism. I've seen it now....quite regularly and to sit here and just think it flat out doesn't exist is false....but unless you really have been in those moments and seen can't possibly understand.

let's break this down then, to just expose how ridiculous you and your claims are.

Your prison rant is just flat out dumb. It's not worthy of a response, and most of your crap isn't.

How many black people do I work with? I work with just about as many African Americans as I do whites. Memphis is heavily black. Not that it matters or has relevance in this conversation at all.

How many do I have contact with? If you only knew how funny this was. Again, just stupid irrational dumb talk from a loud mouthed race baiter.

You watch your wife get followed around "on the daily". Unless something is out of the norm, I don't believe that. I believe a lot of black people have been conditioned to believe people are looking at them at all times (like it was still 1966) and in AA culture in general eye contact is commonly seen as a sign of disrespect. And from the sound of you I'm sure every white person that looks at your wife is a racist profiling. It just seems far fetched and paranoid. You even said, people are watching your wife NO MATTER WHERE SHE GOES, AT ALL TIMES.

Sorry to be that guy, Bullshit.

America has been HEAVILY Caucasian since the beginning of this nation. What planet do you live on? On earth, countries resemble the majority of the state. Of course there were more white dolls, or less feminine products for your wife. What the hell do you expect a business to do? Again, you're finding racism EVERYWHERE, you are PARANOID. I promise you WalMart will not give a rats ass what color you are and will conduct their business by "supply and demand" first, which you obviously don't understand the first thing about.

Shades of bandaids? This is the delusional part.

After reading this, I just throw your last comment about being arrested away. It's obvious at this point her being falsely detained (if it even happened that way) would be viewed by you as instant racism and police brutality. You wouldn't for one second entertain the idea that even a simple mistake had occurred.

So many people like yourself manifest half of this BS and I believe just flat make up the rest. Call me whatever you like, I couldn't care less.
The Republican party will cease to exist after this election....many of you are gonna be wearing new label soon thanks to the dumbass formerly known as Donald Trump. Yeah, all the problems of this country rest on the poor illegal immigrants and poor minorities as a whole .... nah the real problem with the country are the people Donald Trump parties with and plays golf with.
You know those black people you claim to care so much about, the ones that are the biggest losers in the immigration wave to this country?

What would you support first?

Black unemployment to improve, and immigration under control? Or black unemployment to get worse (its already in the toilet) and immigration to be so out of control your favorite political party has a huge run nationally?

Don't trigger yourself trying to figure that out.
Fuzz, Reagan rebuilt the military after years of neglect following Vietnam, that's where a large portion of the debt came from.
He also oversaw an actual economic recovery, and more importantly at the time was a steady, confident voice that we desperately needed. He walked out on Gorbachev in negotiations, which put the US in the catbird seat. That takes a helluva leader to do that knowing the ridicule that would follow. But it worked.

Exit popularity means squat, Clinton was popular when he left, but look at his key policies, they have crippled the country. Nafta never gets signed without a Democrat President endorsing it, NEVER.
The loosening of lending requirements directly led to the housing bubble that caused the recession in 2008. The Bush administration tried to point this out, but the Democrats would hear none of it.
We still haven't recovered from the recession, and unless something changes we won't.
Bill, you are living in never, never land. Reagan knew the state of the military before he ran for office yet he campaigned, made quite an issue over the debt and how he would balance the budget. Add the fact that the idea that the military was "down" or had been neglected is as silly then as it is when GOP foes say the same.
We weren't at war with anyone so there was no need for a war-time military budget. Then like now we outspent all of our adversaries and our key allies...COMBINED!

As I said, Clinton was more of a republican than most of the republicans. His "key policies" don't get passed without a GOP Congress and Senate. 90% of the opposition to those policies came from the Democrats.
let's break this down then, to just expose how ridiculous you and your claims are.

Your prison rant is just flat out dumb. It's not worthy of a response, and most of your crap isn't.

How many black people do I work with? I work with just about as many African Americans as I do whites. Memphis is heavily black. Not that it matters or has relevance in this conversation at all.

How many do I have contact with? If you only knew how funny this was. Again, just stupid irrational dumb talk from a loud mouthed race baiter.

You watch your wife get followed around "on the daily". Unless something is out of the norm, I don't believe that. I believe a lot of black people have been conditioned to believe people are looking at them at all times (like it was still 1966) and in AA culture in general eye contact is commonly seen as a sign of disrespect. And from the sound of you I'm sure every white person that looks at your wife is a racist profiling. It just seems far fetched and paranoid. You even said, people are watching your wife NO MATTER WHERE SHE GOES, AT ALL TIMES.

Sorry to be that guy, Bullshit.

America has been HEAVILY Caucasian since the beginning of this nation. What planet do you live on? On earth, countries resemble the majority of the state. Of course there were more white dolls, or less feminine products for your wife. What the hell do you expect a business to do? Again, you're finding racism EVERYWHERE, you are PARANOID. I promise you WalMart will not give a rats ass what color you are and will conduct their business by "supply and demand" first, which you obviously don't understand the first thing about.

Shades of bandaids? This is the delusional part.

After reading this, I just throw your last comment about being arrested away. It's obvious at this point her being falsely detained (if it even happened that way) would be viewed by you as instant racism and police brutality. You wouldn't for one second entertain the idea that even a simple mistake had occurred.

So many people like yourself manifest half of this BS and I believe just flat make up the rest. Call me whatever you like, I couldn't care less.

Yeah, I made all this shit self absorbed do you have to be to sit there behind a keyboard and essentially say "my experiences/opinions trump anyone elses." The simple mistake was my wife running in a nice neighborhood with a sweatshirt on....and being black. She had ran there god knows how many times. It's one thing to maybe stop her and ask her if she saw anything. It's another to say she matches the description of the perp and then ask the cops what description was given and them refusing to give an answer. Then they asked for her I'd which he said let me call my husband to bring it and they refused to let her use her cell phone to call anyone. You can downplay that and think it never happened all you want...but it did and multiple instances in restaurants, department stores have happened as well. Maybe you should talk and get to know all those black folk you work with....might help you get a goddamn clue which you obviously don't have as is.

What's incorrect about my prison statements? Prisons are big businesses. They get paid per head per day, plus get tax write offs for their total count being above a certain % full. Go to any college in the state and look underneath the dressers and'll see a sticker with a prison in the state on it saying "made at Blackburn". My state office has moved 6 times....each time it was inmates that moved all furniture etc....there's your free labor. There's a reason Wardens get paid near million dollar salaries.

You did nothing to disprove anything I said. No proof or anything....just an opinion of "delusional" or "paranoid" .... get out of here with hat weak sauce
You know those black people you claim to care so much about, the ones that are the biggest losers in the immigration wave to this country?

What would you support first?

Black unemployment to improve, and immigration under control? Or black unemployment to get worse (its already in the toilet) and immigration to be so out of control your favorite political party has a huge run nationally?

Don't trigger yourself trying to figure that out.

I was unaware building a wall that will cost 30-50 billion taxpayers dollars was an immigration policy that would yield any kind of results. If there's one thing the history of the world has taught us it's that Walls don't solve problems, they create more. I'm all for immigration policy reform that yields results....but Trump's wall doesn't fit that bill.

Plus, it's physically impossible to even build the wall. A crap ton of the southern boarder is land you cannot build on due to it being a natural reserve or private property that people are not going to give up. Check out the logistical issues when it comes to building a wall on our southern boarder. If there is no wall, trump literally has no policy in place....
I mean the greatest wall ever built in this world was done so in an attempt to keep the Huns out.....and it failed to do like I said, building a wall isn't an immigration policy.
I was unaware building a wall that will cost 30-50 billion taxpayers dollars was an immigration policy that would yield any kind of results. If there's one thing the history of the world has taught us it's that Walls don't solve problems, they create more. I'm all for immigration policy reform that yields results....but Trump's wall doesn't fit that bill.

That would be a freaking bargain considering illegals costs us over $113 billion a year. They also bankrupt hospitals. They're an economic burden on everyone not to mention their disgusting culture they replicate here and the lack of assimilation.

They're cheap labor because in general, they're uneducated and low-skilled but they have a million babies and the Democratic Party sees them as future voters because they're government dependent people.

How anyone could possibly want this group of ILLEGALS is beyond me. They take jobs (especially from the black community). They bring their crime, kill our hospitals, costs us a fortune to educate their anchor babies (they also drag down our schools' test scores) and the only people that are okay with it are those removed from it and those who benefit from it at the voting booths.
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The Republican party will cease to exist after this election....many of you are gonna be wearing new label soon thanks to the dumbass formerly known as Donald Trump. Yeah, all the problems of this country rest on the poor illegal immigrants and poor minorities as a whole .... nah the real problem with the country are the people Donald Trump parties with and plays golf with.

If the Republican Party doesn't exist, it's because the rest of us were sick of the spineless RINOs that sold us out and let the left do whatever they wanted in ruining our country.

Trump is a reflection of how much we are sick of the do-nothings. He's a band-aid to help stop the cancerous left until we can get crap under control. Anyone who has issue with Trump while backing Hillary is either extremely uneducated or just a blind loyalist to the Dems. She's the biggest crook, biggest globalist, all about the money type POS out there.

It's funny. Whites and conservatives of all colors get this constant BS from the left about how the problem is with us. Nope. The U.S. became the most successful country and the world's fastest superpower with our mentality, values and logic. What the left wants is just pure anarchy and to create class and racial warfare. The left has no shortage of "victims" on their fake "oppressed" train. They want as many government dependent people they can get while indoctrinating a portion of the public and importing the right people to keep them in power.

It's a damn shame that the left is going to ruin us because these ideologues are too stupid to understand logic. They destroy everything they touch and then pass the blame off to someone else.
Liberals will be the death of this country. It may be hundreds of years from now but it will happen.

Absolutely. They're against the Constitution, they hate everything that made this country great and are doing everything they can to change it for the worst. They have complete control over our education, media, Hollywood and a ton of political power. They have brainwashed so many idiots and do everything they can to silence opposing thought.

That's one thing that always infuriates me about the left. Conservatives are subjected to their views on a daily basis. We hear their BS every day. However, the left refuses to let another voice speak or another view be presented that challenges their ideology. Their biggest enemies are reality and logic.

I think they're beyond messed up and I would welcome the country being split in half. Under the left we get

- The gun control lunatics who have no regard for the 2nd amendment and refuse to admit gun control is a failed concept. They somehow forget how prohibition and the war on drugs went.
- Every idiot thinking they're a victim
- Social Justice Warriors who are stupid and mentally ill "triggered" idiots
- Youth who does not understand economics and would gladly welcome socialism
- Illegals who are economically a burden and bring more crime and refuse to assimilate
- Muslim apologists while bashing Christians at the same time
- The group who thinks you can choose gender and pushes that sickness on us 24/7
- More crime, more poverty while blaming people who are successful
- They're super anti-white racists. You see this here and European countries where there is a constant emphasis on "diversity" and "multiculturalism" which has always been code for "less whites." This is why they never pull this shit with any other country.
- Always bash the military and western civilization yet keep sending people here in droves.
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Yeah, I made all this shit self absorbed do you have to be to sit there behind a keyboard and essentially say "my experiences/opinions trump anyone elses." The simple mistake was my wife running in a nice neighborhood with a sweatshirt on....and being black. She had ran there god knows how many times. It's one thing to maybe stop her and ask her if she saw anything. It's another to say she matches the description of the perp and then ask the cops what description was given and them refusing to give an answer. Then they asked for her I'd which he said let me call my husband to bring it and they refused to let her use her cell phone to call anyone. You can downplay that and think it never happened all you want...but it did and multiple instances in restaurants, department stores have happened as well. Maybe you should talk and get to know all those black folk you work with....might help you get a goddamn clue which you obviously don't have as is.

What's incorrect about my prison statements? Prisons are big businesses. They get paid per head per day, plus get tax write offs for their total count being above a certain % full. Go to any college in the state and look underneath the dressers and'll see a sticker with a prison in the state on it saying "made at Blackburn". My state office has moved 6 times....each time it was inmates that moved all furniture etc....there's your free labor. There's a reason Wardens get paid near million dollar salaries.

You did nothing to disprove anything I said. No proof or anything....just an opinion of "delusional" or "paranoid" .... get out of here with hat weak sauce

The financial issues our prison systems are costing the state are enormous. The mental health crisis is overloading prisons and costing the taxpayer more money than I'm sure you can't count. But carry on with your paranoia.

You've got better things to do, like worry about a big white boogie man waiting on you in the closet. Maybe an evil cooperation who's bottom line is the money, the color green, but you see the true reason for business don't you? Racism.

Color of bandaids? Racist.

White person looks at wife? Racist.

Toilet seat white? Racist.

You're delusional and paranoid. It must be miserable to think so many people that couldn't care less about you, are actually scoping your every move.

I'd live life and be thankful I was born in a country that is as tolerant as the U.S. Actually is. It could be far, far worse for minorities. You need some perspective.
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Ok. You Keep blaming blacks.
That's because blacks are to blame. It is so convenient for blacks to blame whites for their inability to accept the fact that they need to provide for themselves. The problem is obvious. Blacks were plucked from the nirvana of competing with other animals for food and given to opportunity to eat for the exchange of work. They can't handle the opportunity.

Look at the world. Aborigines in South America and Australia are fully capable of sustaining their lives. They don't need the white man to provide for them. How can this be? How can they survive ?

Why is there so much black on black crime? Because they prey on the weakest link. Why can't we expose and expound on this fact? Because it's racist. No one that walks the face of the earth is as racist as the black man. They prey on each other because that is the path of least resistance. They want something that they did not earn. They can take it from white people, but there is a higher price to pay.

Blacks need to accept he FACT that they have an easier life because of the intelligence of the white man. Germans and Scots have done more to advance humanity than the entire black race. We'll feed you and give you a place to live. Quit shitting where you eat and just accept it.

Be a dumbass and call me a racist. When you do, take responsibility for creating my thoughts.
That's because blacks are to blame. It is so convenient for blacks to blame whites for their inability to accept the fact that they need to provide for themselves. The problem is obvious. Blacks were plucked from the nirvana of competing with other animals for food and given to opportunity to eat for the exchange of work. They can't handle the opportunity.

Look at the world. Aborigines in South America and Australia are fully capable of sustaining their lives. They don't need the white man to provide for them. How can this be? How can they survive ?

Why is there so much black on black crime? Because they prey on the weakest link. Why can't we expose and expound on this fact? Because it's racist. No one that walks the face of the earth is as racist as the black man. They prey on each other because that is the path of least resistance. They want something that they did not earn. They can take it from white people, but there is a higher price to pay.

Blacks need to accept he FACT that they have an easier life because of the intelligence of the white man. Germans and Scots have done more to advance humanity than the entire black race. We'll feed you and give you a place to live. Quit shitting where you eat and just accept it.

Be a dumbass and call me a racist. When you do, take responsibility for creating my thoughts.

Yes, it was Clinton's fault the Taliban/Al-Queda was able to flourish...thank you again for helping us understand this stuff. You're awesome.

Yeah, this picture is the type of proof lemmings and uneducated morons thrive on. You are a joke and the norm for the left.
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Ahhh so the creation of the ghetto is just self imposed. Everin lifething is self imposed. Black people just come out the womb as criminals, violent and druggies. It's perpetuated....can reference the war on drugs. Do you not know how prisons work? How they are big businesses? Do you not understand this country conducts reading comprehension exams in the 5th grade and if a kid doesn't read at a 5th grade level our philosophy and country builds a prison bed for them....naw screw actually addressing the needs of what often tends to be poor black men....let's just build a prison bed for them....that way we can collect anywhere from $20,000-65,000 a year profit and get either free or extremely cheap labor as well.

And I just know it's a shit ton of white dudes in here screaming that White Privilege and institutionalized racism is a farce.... do tell many black people you work with? How many do you have personal contact with daily? How many you actually go out and hang with in public? Go to a store. I watch my wife on the daily get followed from the time she walks in store, restaurant or anything else... so many of you think of this just on a grand scale.... and that's 1 way to view it in crime stats....but how many black dolls are there? It took until 2013 for Disney o finally have a movie with. Black princess....I all in walmart and I have 4-6 entire sections for my wife, who is black, has barely 1/8th of 1 row. How many shades of band aids we have?..... when my wife looked at our engagement rings and wedding bands with out me a worker came to her and said "you should come down here, this is more in your price range". My wife, who runs every day before work at 530am, was damn near arrested for a burglary attempt 3 blocks from our house in neighborhood which is a very nice area.... cops tried to handcuff her...had jack shit to prove anything and did everything in their power to ensure she couldn't call me with her phone. I used to be you. Ah, it's all such thing as privilege or institutionalized racism. I've seen it now....quite regularly and to sit here and just think it flat out doesn't exist is false....but unless you really have been in those moments and seen can't possibly understand.
Use excuses to justify criminal behavior. Everyone knows that all white people are born rich and never struggle in life. Blissful ignorance, what a concept. Life must be great for you.
I'm wasn't the biggest Obama fan but to sit here and say he is the worst president ever and that nothing he has done has had any positive effects and say he brought the cold war back is just dumb as hell....
The "FACT" that you can't see makes you dumber or just a lockstepping lemming. Congrats! You must be proud.
Bill, you are living in never, never land. Reagan knew the state of the military before he ran for office yet he campaigned, made quite an issue over the debt and how he would balance the budget. Add the fact that the idea that the military was "down" or had been neglected is as silly then as it is when GOP foes say the same.
We weren't at war with anyone so there was no need for a war-time military budget. Then like now we outspent all of our adversaries and our key allies...COMBINED!

As I said, Clinton was more of a republican than most of the republicans. His "key policies" don't get passed without a GOP Congress and Senate. 90% of the opposition to those policies came from the Democrats.
^^^^^^^^^^^lived with Michael Jackson for many years and is an expert on Never, Never, Land.
I was unaware building a wall that will cost 30-50 billion taxpayers dollars was an immigration policy that would yield any kind of results. If there's one thing the history of the world has taught us it's that Walls don't solve problems, they create more. I'm all for immigration policy reform that yields results....but Trump's wall doesn't fit that bill.

Plus, it's physically impossible to even build the wall. A crap ton of the southern boarder is land you cannot build on due to it being a natural reserve or private property that people are not going to give up. Check out the logistical issues when it comes to building a wall on our southern boarder. If there is no wall, trump literally has no policy in place....

You really can't see how minimizing illegal.immigration directly improves opportunities for blacks? They would be the ones to benefit the MOST. That's your other problem. you are brain washed by the left, just like them.
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Man, it only took Sean a whole 5 days to.try and come up with some stats for his thread.

We have addressed all those stats whole you were away, Sean! Yes, groups of people who commit more crime have more police interaction and more prison time. Thanks for clearing that up.

I live in a city that has done exsctly what you suggest.... the lower the test scores/literacy rate, the more money is given to the community for educstion..

As a result, we have schools that look better and cost more than most college campuses. Has this changed a thing as far as those statistics? Hell no. They still can't get test scores up, most of them.don't even show up. There is bullet most of these buildings where every student has a personal ipad. Did absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, you have schools in the suburbs who are struggling to keep afloat but have triple attendance percentage, way higher scores and very little violence. up for yourself. ...birmingham, al

So,.now that we've thrown hundreds of millions at these schools for no improvement, what should the next reverse racist gift we should give?

Yes I'm sure it goes on elsewhere, to an extent. We took it to another level.

These schools have more money than they know what to do with.

I'm talking, imagine William t young library, but bigger, all made with the finest materials. I can't even begin to explain them. They are just swimming in money.
Under Obama, the national debt has doubled. Think about that, in just 8 years under his watch he literally has allowed this country to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. I am absolutely convinced this man could not run his own small business more less be POTUS. To be fair, Congress has had a big hand in it as well.

Most of them are all criminals yet here we are debating whose side is right and continue to reelect the same ole. Wake up, they are screwing all of us and yet we want to pick a side? Ridiculous

Trump is by no means a great choice but as someone else pointed out he is a band aide to stop the bleeding. We need serious change in Washington. If he can shake it up to get some things done then I will call his term a success. Politics as usual and criminal activity will continue under Hillary.
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You really can't see how minimizing illegal.immigration directly improves opportunities for blacks?
It's simply ridiculous that they don't get it....I mean, the fix has been in for decades with black "leadership" trading their folks in for cash and a seat at the table but good Lord you'd think they'd have pulled the plug by now. Black people are being screwed right up the tailpipe on this one and don't even know it.

I am absolutely convinced this man could not run his own small business more less be POTUS
He couldn't. Be out of business in months, not years. To be fair, there's prolly not a single Senator that could either. Worthless bunch, the whole lot.

Goes back to my staunch opinion that R candidates for president should be governors, business owners, or to a lesser extent ex-military with extensive private sector career. No congress, no lawyers.
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Youbare simplifying the data to fit that narrative you want. The whole people who commit more crime have more police interaction thus get more prison time really have no real correlation to the data other than the fact that crime is present. Harsher sentences have 0 to do with the Neighborhood or whatever and everything to do with acourt system that sees color and let's it effect someones consequence. It goes even beyond that as well. It's not just those that commit's those stopped/pulled over that have done nothing. Searched and have nothing....and not just occurring in certain cities and areas of certain cities..... problem with much of it is the data has to be self reported by law enforcement....another benefit of the doubt siding with the law.

You got 16 year old white kids getting caught with pot at school and getting detention and 20hrs community service and a black kid getting expelled and felony charges trumped up....I literally see it walk in and out of Fayette county court every single day. Just giving the school money isn't doing shit. You have to develop have to find openings for school resource officers, be much more proactive in assessing kids for learning disabilities, mental health issues, substance abuse issues etc and then have those resources established and ready to intervene....that's the problem now is schools attitudes...just move kids along to get them out of your hands and make them not your problem...I watch schools fail kids all the time....then send all the bad ones to MLK like that's going to help the matters....
Just to play devil's advocate, why should my tax money go to replacing absent parents? That's what's been going on (and increasing) for 50 years, and it hasn't done shit. Yes, there may be a handful of success stories, but on the whole, it's an absolute failed proposition. If you aren't going to take kids out of deadbeat home situations as infants, the failure rate for these ridiculous programs is going to continue to be 99%+.

You can't teach me new tricks. Why would it be any different for those inundated with liberal policies?
Bill, you are living in never, never land. Reagan knew the state of the military before he ran for office yet he campaigned, made quite an issue over the debt and how he would balance the budget. Add the fact that the idea that the military was "down" or had been neglected is as silly then as it is when GOP foes say the same.
We weren't at war with anyone so there was no need for a war-time military budget. Then like now we outspent all of our adversaries and our key allies...COMBINED!

As I said, Clinton was more of a republican than most of the republicans. His "key policies" don't get passed without a GOP Congress and Senate. 90% of the opposition to those policies came from the Democrats.

Fuzz, the military had been neglected, especially The Navy. Massive refitting of the Navy took place under Reagan.

Have you completely forgotten about the USSR being a Communist Super Power in 1980?
They were every bit the equal militarily of the US.
What Reagan did was force the USSR to keep up with us militarily, and they couldn't and also feed their citizens.
Yeah, I made all this shit self absorbed do you have to be to sit there behind a keyboard and essentially say "my experiences/opinions trump anyone elses." The simple mistake was my wife running in a nice neighborhood with a sweatshirt on....and being black. She had ran there god knows how many times. It's one thing to maybe stop her and ask her if she saw anything. It's another to say she matches the description of the perp and then ask the cops what description was given and them refusing to give an answer. Then they asked for her I'd which he said let me call my husband to bring it and they refused to let her use her cell phone to call anyone. You can downplay that and think it never happened all you want...but it did and multiple instances in restaurants, department stores have happened as well. Maybe you should talk and get to know all those black folk you work with....might help you get a goddamn clue which you obviously don't have as is.

What's incorrect about my prison statements? Prisons are big businesses. They get paid per head per day, plus get tax write offs for their total count being above a certain % full. Go to any college in the state and look underneath the dressers and'll see a sticker with a prison in the state on it saying "made at Blackburn". My state office has moved 6 times....each time it was inmates that moved all furniture etc....there's your free labor. There's a reason Wardens get paid near million dollar salaries.

You did nothing to disprove anything I said. No proof or anything....just an opinion of "delusional" or "paranoid" .... get out of here with hat weak sauce
When I was in high school, I was pulled over for driving with my lights off in a neighborhood. There was a deck in the seat (grand marquis had bench seats), because I had just replaced the factory one. They held me until it could be verified that I was the owner of the car. They also questioned me and asked me show them the removed cd deck to verify it wasn't stolen (it probably made sense that somebody hadn't stolen a mercury factory tape deck while driving a mercury).

Did they let me call anyone?

Did they harrass my black friend in the back seat? No.

If this story had been told by one of your black friends, would you automatically assume it was a couple of racist cops illegally detaining him and assuming he was a criminal for being black? By the patterns of your posts, abso****inglutely.

I've also been cited for things I didn't do. Instead of attacking the citing officer, I told them I hoped to see them in court so that I could go on record correcting their mistake. They never showed up and the citation was dismissed. See how that works?
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Under Obama, the national debt has doubled. Think about that, in just 8 years under his watch he literally has allowed this country to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. I am absolutely convinced this man could not run his own small business more less be POTUS. To be fair, Congress has had a big hand in it as well.

Most of them are all criminals yet here we are debating whose side is right and continue to reelect the same ole. Wake up, they are screwing all of us and yet we want to pick a side? Ridiculous

Trump is by no means a great choice but as someone else pointed out he is a band aide to stop the bleeding. We need serious change in Washington. If he can shake it up to get some things done then I will call his term a success. Politics as usual and criminal activity will continue under Hillary.
To be fair, it doubled under GWB, also.

And a ton of the debt accrued under obama was due to a war he wouldn't have waged (rightly or wrongly).

So that's not to say I am defending Obama, just correcting your foolish, idiotic, myopic takes.

And I get livid when idiots say "we need a change in Washington, and that change is the other side of a two party system." How can that level of stupidity even be possible?