How will they rule ??!

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Carter was a good man. Though I did not like him as President, I don't recall questioning his integrity or his loyalty to the US. IMO, he was a patriot but he was weak.

On the other hand, IMO, obama is not a patriot. IMO, he does not love the USA or what it stands for. In stead, he is apologetic for America's role in world affairs. He may not be muslim, but he seems to be a muslim apologist. IMO, if you could get him to speak truthfully, he would say something like "My dad was a muslim and he was a good man. So muslims are okay. I've been around muslims all my life. Many are sincere about their beliefs and are fine people".

IMO, he wants to bring third world countries up to our level (which is not a bad thing), but he does not mind taking us down to their level.

Before obama, I would have said Carter was the worst in my life time. IMO, obama takes the prize.
Serious question.

Where would you all rate Obama as president?

Hes the worst president ever to me. I wasn't alive during the Carter years though, but I can't imagine he was even worse than Obama.
It was a push for a while but, the nation is split more than ever before, the world is in chaos over terrorism because of lack of strong leadership and the foreign policies of this president and Hillary Clinton so, worst in my lifetime.
IMO, he wants to bring third world countries up to our level (which is not a bad thing), but he does not mind taking us down to their level.

Before obama, I would have said Carter was the worst in my life time. IMO, obama takes the prize.[/QUOTE]

This is completely true. I remember just after the election when Michelle Obama said that this was the first time she felt proud to be an american. I believe her and Barak Husein were never patriotic and are still not.
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Bush II easily the worst. Almost like the third reich.

At least Obama got the biggest terrorist in American history. However, the NSA spying stuff is up there with Bush II. It might be the worst thing against the American public ever. Anyone who thinks Snowden is a Russian/Germam spy, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Bush I is most underrated president in my lifetime. Very good, just had trouble. Nixon not my lifetime, but feel history will treat him better.

Reagan most overrated. Country was in turmoil.

Clinton was hands down best. Maybe it was because of republican congress, who knows, but the country got stuff right. Everyone prospered, we cut welfare with Personal Responsibility Act, etc...
Carter was a good man. Though I did not like him as President, I don't recall questioning his integrity or his loyalty to the US. IMO, he was a patriot but he was weak.

On the other hand, IMO, obama is not a patriot. IMO, he does not love the USA or what it stands for. In stead, he is apologetic for America's role in world affairs. He may not be muslim, but he seems to be a muslim apologist. IMO, if you could get him to speak truthfully, he would say something like "My dad was a muslim and he was a good man. So muslims are okay. I've been around muslims all my life. Many are sincere about their beliefs and are fine people".

IMO, he wants to bring third world countries up to our level (which is not a bad thing), but he does not mind taking us down to their level.

Before obama, I would have said Carter was the worst in my life time. IMO, obama takes the prize.
Honest question ram... how many Muslims do you personally know?
Honest question ram... how many Muslims do you personally know?

Alert alert alert


Fuzz, as Rand Paul would say, is playing "gotcha politics"

There is a pay-off or a reward that Fuzz is looking for. Hmm, let's see how this plays out.
The black community engages in the verysame ridiculous blaming--and you don't even see it. Whether it is gun violence, crime,drugs, poverty, etc. in the black community , it's ultimately the white man's fault. Butinstead of that being a stupid punchline, you are actually serious. "Thanks, white people

"Black community"...ha..may be some but, not the whole community. Generalizations like that are just as bad as those playing the "victim" card you speak of.
I'll concede that it is not every member of the black community, which is what my words imply, but to say as you do that there "may be some" trivializes it a great deal, and is just as inaccurate (if not more so).

Would you agree that a majority of the black community thinks this way?
Alert alert alert


Fuzz, as Rand Paul would say, is playing "gotcha politics"

There is a pay-off or a reward that Fuzz is looking for. Hmm, let's see how this plays out.
Fuzz will probably reference the few he knows and tell us how they have not killed him yet. Give them time, they need him right now because he helps them to spread the word about how peaceful they are all the while preparing to kill those who believe him.
Fuzz will probably reference the few he knows and tell us how they have not killed him yet. Give them time, they need him right now because he helps them to spread the word about how peaceful they are all the while preparing to kill those who believe him.

Oh, totally. Fuzz takes showers with them. He even has a special showerhead for transgender muslims.
In some part but, a lack of moral character and a win at any cost mentality governs some peoples life.
He was making a passive aggressive swipe, but I just consider him the same as I do an uneducated child. Some people just spout words.

You're probably right though. We see this in the election cycle. It's actually why I liked Kasich. Thought he wanted to really help.

Warrior, you thought of running for public office?
FUZZ is a transgendered muslim. Fuzz is a reference to his facial and body hair.

Also called the slight hair around a goat's anus. There's even a showerheard for transgender muslim goats. Believe it or not. It's your choice Warrior.
-LEK- said:
He was making a passive aggressive swipe, but I just consider him the same as I do an uneducated child. Some people just spout words.

You're probably right though. We see this in the election cycle. It's actually why I liked Kasich. Thought he wanted to really help.

Warrior, you thought of running for public office?
No, too many ghost in my closet to get past the first round. I used to raise a lot of hell in the past and unlike Bill, I did inhale.
The people i know and are friends with dont.
You/they don't? I just reviewed your contributions to this thread, and you have asked, bewildered, what Jesse Williams said is so wrong. You can find the transcript here. Some excerpts:

"...a system built to divide and impoverish and destroy us" The system is the problem. Not black on black violence, not fatherless children, not acceptable/tolerated crime, no, it's "the system," us vs. them, that's the problem.

"police somehow manage to deescalate, disarm and not kill white people everyday." Your complaint before about generalizations? Yeah. Whites get shot every day too. Blacks get disarmed and not killed every day, too. The police do their job/don't do their job when whites are involved as well. The police are not blameless, but this statement is wholly inaccurate.

"paid public servants can pull a drive-by on 12 year old playing alone in the park in broad daylight, killing him on television and then going home to make a sandwich." Police today do shoot first, ask questions later too much, and that needs to be addressed. But to fail to mention the fact that the 12 year old had a gun and had been menacing others in the park with it, that he reached for it in his waist as the police pulled up, to say the police went home and made a sandwich and weren't at all traumatized by shooting a 12 year old, is to angelicize the 12 year old and demonize the police beyond truth or knowledge.
"brands on our bodies" (Actually I liked and appreciate this point, BUT the allusions to slavery are obvious).
"the burden of the brutalized is not to comfort the bystander." Basically tells the black community that you cannot criticize the movement unless you are part of the movement. Really? If you don't believe in the movement, shut the hell up. How's that for freedom of speech!
"we’re done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people out of sight and out of mind while extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment like oil."
This invention called whiteness? Just substitute "Whitey" in there, same sentiment. Again, it is "the system" established by white people at fault, not any fault of the black community.

Your claim that you do not believe white people are at fault is dubious in light of your belief that Mr. Williams said nothing wrong.
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Honest question ram... how many Muslims do you personally know?

Here comes one of fuzz famous worldly tales from his 10 lifetimes of roaming earth.

"When I was a young crusader, I was gravely injured in battle when a young moorish warrior took me in and tended to my wounds. From that day, I know all Muslims throughout history would be good, kind beings; with no exception" - fuzz
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Not to take up for Bush II, because I won't, but the courier that led to Bin Laden was identified in 2007, well before O'bama took office. The Security Council also had to talk long and hard to get O'bama to go along with the plan. He refused to allow the American people to have closure by showing pictures of OBL and strictly adhered to Muslim policy regarding the burial ceremony and traditions. OBL did not afford Americans that type of respect nor did he deserve any of ours, especially from our elected "leader'.
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No, I believe it. Also, there are about 30/40 guys here that bash all libs. Only about 5 that defend.

I think Obama is bad for NSA, welfare, national character, and transparency. Bush was borderline war criminal.

Obama did bag Bin Laden.

What did Bush do that was borderline war criminal? Going into Iraq was dumb looking back, although even that may be viewed differently with time, but it wasn't a war crime.

You want to speak of the Third Reich, but completely ignore how the media today goes hat in hand with this administration and democrats in general. THAT is how the third reich operated, they controlled the message the masses heard. That is how good people accept and do bad things.
The republicans will never have free reign to act as they want,the media questions every move they make, and that's a good thing, unfortunately the Democrats can and do
Act unquestioned.
Let's take Hillary for example, she is under investigation and her husband has a secret meeting with the AG, that is unacceptable, and if it were Trump or any Reublican they would be getting skewered by the media, with national pundits in one voice demanding the AG to resign. Not to mention the fact that she's under investigation fie possibly breaching the espionage act, because she wanted a way around the freedom of info act, and the media just lets it slide.
She is hellbent on power, and will do and say anything to gain it, that is third reich actions.
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Obama was playing spades when they got OBL, couldn't even tough out a couple of hours in the situation room. And if what Bush did was borderline war crimes, what in the hell would you call the extensive use of drones under BO?
What i hear is, a man talking about doing abetter job of taking care of the women, not worrying about brand name clothes, and to stand up for their culture. As much as this may bother some, there are differences between black and white culture.