How will they rule ??!

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It's amazing. It really is. White people have all the power in this country. But want the black community to somehow just figure it out on their own. Whatever. Eff all y'all.
Did ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, the issues right now are the result of things that happened in the past? And that understanding the actions that led to the current situation might allow us to somehow alleviate the plight of the African American community?

Civil Rights movement, integration, affirmative action...yeah, I think I can speak for all white people when I say we are well aware.
Did it ever occur to you that, even as powerful as white people are, and in spite of all the mystical powers that we possess, we cannot change the past?

the past cant be changed. however, one can learn from the past and our experiences from the past shape who we are.
Civil Rights movement, integration, affirmative action...yeah, I think I can speak for all white people when I say we are well aware.

your best friend black?
It's amazing. It really is. White people have all the power in this country. But want the black community to somehow just figure it out on their own. Whatever. Eff all y'all.

President of the United States, Attorney General....what were you saying?

Dude, it's not that everyone wants the black community to "somehow just figure it out on their own". Fix the homes, and the problems slowly fade away. There is no magic elixir to make it all better over night, but it has to start with the homes. Take a look at Chicago, who is making all the black youth kill each other? Where the hell are the parents? Remember the mother in Baltimore that damn near beat her child during the riots? THAT is parenting! I applaud that amazing woman.
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the past cant be changed. however, one can learn from the past and our experiences from the past shape who we are.

your best friend black?

Guess this is where you want me to say "I've got black friends", right? I've got friends from all over the world and different ethnicity's. I've had discussions with my black friends about this very subject, and they agree.
You guys are blind if you can't see I posted the absolute perfect issue for Trump to seize on. Democrats paying criminals not to commit crime. That is going to blow serious flames up already pissed off middle class Democrats. Exactly who Trump is courting in the rust belt.

Everyone is stupidly paying attention to national polling which is utterly useless. This entire election is the rust belt and Florida. Any polling, any issue, and commentary outside that is useless flack.

I posted kryptonite above that will hammer right into the heart of what will totally piss off the very voters Trump needs in a big way. If he isn't talking about this within the next week his campaign is incompetent. Matter of fact he should use it in his convention speech.
More gold for Trump. Seriously, he needs to hire me ASAP:

We need US companies to hire Syrian refugees

The White House this week issued a formal Call to Action for U.S. firms to make "new, measurable, and significant commitments that will have a long-term, sustainable impact on refugees residing in countries on the frontlines of this crisis and in countries of resettlement, like the United States." The Call to Action flows from the Obama administration's ongoing leadership in response to the human tragedy of 20 million refugees being scattered across the globe today. Since the start of the Syrian conflict that has displaced 4.5 million people, the administration has provided over $5 billion in humanitarian aid. On Sept. 20, President Obama will host a summit of world leaders on the refugee crisis to secure increased pledges for aid; measures to help refugees become contributing members of their host communities, including getting one million adults the legal right to work; and a greater intake of refugees through resettlement and work programs.

How do you think that will play in Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania?

Seriously, Trump. I am the man. I know the issues that will put you in the White House and win this election in a landslide.
It's amazing. It really is. White people have all the power in this country. But want the black community to somehow just figure it out on their own. Whatever. Eff all y'all.
Your worst nightmare would be if white people actually DID have all the power. That would absolve you of any responsibility for your own situation. The black community doesn't have to figure out anything on its own. We've told you. Stop thieving, stop dealing drugs, stop raping, stop killing. Start working, start educating your children, start taking responsibility for your life instead of hiding behind your color to dismiss your actions.
In the circles I run in more people are voting and supporting Hillary because they do not believe anything they have heard and a lot of what is going on they really have not heard about it. They simply do not care to know and only follow the major networks. Just the other day I was watching CNN and they were rating what Trump was saying vs what Hillary was saying and in every instance Trump was rated false and Hillary was rated true. Now, I have seen some on here say thay only MSNBC leaned left while Fox leaned right. All of the rest were unbiased. How easily duped you morons are. I have some beach front property to sell you in Saudi.
Literally had a Lexington official who will remain nameless I interviewed that was white say "of course we stack the system against black people....easy to control someone and much easier to profit from them when they are dumb and oppressed."
You're a fool. The system is stacked against everyone. But if you're dumb enough to think that the high class elite want to make it easier for other white people (or anyone else for that matter) to join their club, then you're a mf'ing fool.

How much airplay did the caucasian utah man who was gunned downed by cops for listening to headphones get? Did it get a fraction of the play as a black man (child) killed while assaulting a neighborhood watchman?
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Why can't blacks figure it out , they got all the genius . I guess we did take they genius , fresh out can't make more .
Just like the responses from all of you guys.

Your mentality is the problem. Everyone else's fault.

There is no fricken excuse for anyone of any color in today's world. Everyone has the ability to.make something of themselves. If you choose to have a woe is me attitude and not do something, that's on you.

There Re numerous outlets for people, all types, all races to turn their life into something.

Just think of all these black lives matter people put as much time into educating themselves as they did bitching about 15 bucks an.hour(even though that would be a HORRIBLE thing for minorities).

Keep blaming others, boss. You're doing a heck of a job aspiring others and teaching the youth that they can be or do anything they want. Bravo.
I look at this speech as a man trying to lift his people up..he may have been somewhat strong..but isnt that what people in this thread have said is missing in the black community. A male role model. Then one stands up, and is labeled a racist. Cant compare if the roles were reversed until i am black and and/or a minority. Gotta walk in those shoes.
Lifting up his "people" by doing nothing but tearing another race down?

Thanks for your input, you ****ing hypocrite.
Folks, that is Willy Horton good right there. Election winning.

Willie Horton proxy to Dukakis as governor of that work release system quite a bit more tangible than a single community in California to dillary, who doesn't even hold an office at present (thing that makes her a very unique candidate). Not to mention in this day and age the type of people who vote for team liberal really couldn't care less how much stink is applied, they're gonna put their noses in it regardless because they believe salvation lies within.
It's amazing. It really is. White people have all the power in this country. But want the black community to somehow just figure it out on their own. Whatever. Eff all y'all.

The freaking president is black. Who basically spearheaded a law (colloquially named for him) that takes 15% of my paycheck and gives it to poor people (who, from what I have learned from this thread, must all be black, since only black people suffer from the grips of poverty).

But yea...... It's only ****ing whites that have power in this country.

See... Your bullshit hypocrisy is going to accomplish the exact opposite of what you apparently "want." but I'm still not convinced you don't just want to be the victim in perpetuity. It's easier to justify your individual failings that way.
Serious question.

Where would you all rate Obama as president?

Hes the worst president ever to me. I wasn't alive during the Carter years though, but I can't imagine he was even worse than Obama.
The freaking president is black. Who basically spearheaded a law (colloquially named for him) that takes 15% of my paycheck and gives it to poor people (who, from what I have learned from this thread, must all be black, since only black people suffer from the grips of poverty).

But yea...... It's only ****ing whites that have power in this country.

See... Your bullshit hypocrisy is going to accomplish the exact opposite of what you apparently "want." but I'm still not convinced you don't just want to be the victim in perpetuity. It's easier to justify your individual failings that way.

Last paragraph absolutely nailed it.
Your mentality is the problem. Everyone else's fault.

There is no fricken excuse for anyone of any color in today's world. Everyone has the ability to.make something of themselves. If you choose to have a woe is me attitude and not do something, that's on you.

There Re numerous outlets for people, all types, all races to turn their life into something.

Just think of all these black lives matter people put as much time into educating themselves as they did bitching about 15 bucks an.hour(even though that would be a HORRIBLE thing for minorities).

Keep blaming others, boss. You're doing a heck of a job aspiring others and teaching the youth that they can be or do anything they want. Bravo.
Ok. You Keep blaming blacks.
You know what creates many of those fatherless homes? Mass incarceration of black men who are convicted of lesser crimes, don't get the Convienently timed amendments and spend time in prison for stuff thats dumb as shit. Now you got a guy who has probably very little education, and nnownhas no chance at college education. No chance at any sort of respectable essentially direct them right back to a life of criminal activity. I mean this country has marijuana still classified as a level 1 drug with the likes of cocaine, lsd, meth, heroin.....
Maybe they should stop breaking the law? Just a thought.
Ok. You Keep blaming blacks.

Hey if us white Devils are so terrible to blacks, then why are Nigerian immigrants one of, if not the most succesful minority in America? Are they not black?

Could it be they work hard?

That, sir, refutes everything you use as an excuse. Game, set, MATCH, boss
The freaking president is black. Who basically spearheaded a law (colloquially named for him) that takes 15% of my paycheck and gives it to poor people (who, from what I have learned from this thread, must all be black, since only black people suffer from the grips of poverty).

But yea...... It's only ****ing whites that have power in this country.

See... Your bullshit hypocrisy is going to accomplish the exact opposite of what you apparently "want." but I'm still not convinced you don't just want to be the victim in perpetuity. It's easier to justify your individual failings that way.
My individual failings? My victimhood? Hahahaha You have no idea.
Hey if us white Devils are so terrible to blacks, then why are Nigerian immigrants one of, if not the most succesful minority in America? Are they not black?

Could it be they work hard?
Seems like an awful lot of white dudes got their feathers ruffled tonight. Mission accomplished. But you guys aren't racist. Nah. Hahaha
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Seems like an awful lot of white dudes got their feathers ruffled tonight. Mission accomplished. But you guys aren't racist. Nah. Hahaha

I see you totally failed to address the question that totally refutes everything you have said. Bravo

and typical, just admitted you are just trying to spread hate and divide.
Seems like an awful lot of white dudes got their feathers ruffled tonight. Mission accomplished. But you guys aren't racist. Nah. Hahaha
Does calling me a racist completely erase your embarrassment for the failure of your race to thrive in the land of plenty like other races and cultures have? White people have saved you from white people but we aren't powerful enough to save you from yourselves. It is a self perpetuating problem and we are no more happy about it than you are. Trust me.
I see you totally failed to address the question that totally refutes everything you have said. Bravo

and typical, just admitted you are just trying to spread hate and divide.
Does calling me a racist completely erase your embarrassment for the failure of your race to thrive in the land of plenty like other races and cultures have? White people have saved you from white people but we aren't powerful enough to save you from yourselves. It is a self perpetuating problem and we are no more happy about it than you are. Trust me.

Complete and utter buffoon.. can't even respond to a legitimate point. Because you have no answer.

Since you're now playing games.. and since Obama can make fun of white people. .."typical white person"..

..I have an honest question for you..

..on special occasions when you're fine dining at your favorite fried seafood restaurant, if you have the best waiter you've ever had, and they just cater to your every need..what % tip do you leave?
It's amazing. It really is. White people have all the power in this country. But want the black community to somehow just figure it out on their own. Whatever. Eff all y'all.

Are you familiar with the "Thanks, Obama" meme? The running joke is, that anything bad that happens is Obama's fault, and it's taken to ridiculous extreme to satirize the tendency of those in opposition to the current administration to try to pin the ails of the world on Obama.

The black community engages in the very same ridiculous blaming--and you don't even see it. Whether it is gun violence, crime, drugs, poverty, etc. in the black community , it's ultimately the white man's fault. But instead of that being a stupid punchline, you are actually serious. "Thanks, white people!"

And by doing so, you externalize the responsibility, so you don't have to do anything to fix it because it's not your fault, so nothing changes. But the delusion that it is all the white man's fault relieves you of the cognitive dissonance you would feel if it were under your control but you did nothing.

So, in response to your statement, "Eff all y'all," Rather than respond in kind, I'll just note that you're doing a mighty fine job of doing that to yourselves.
Once these future leaders from Manhattan private school get in charge we will finally see some real change.

Under Bank Street’s “Racial Justice and Advocacy” curriculum, parents say, teachers push white kids to grapple with America’s history of racism. Then they indoctrinate them into thinking “systemic racism” still exists, and that they’re part of the problem and must hold themselves accountable even for acts of racism committed by others.

“One hundred percent of the curriculum is what whites have done to other races,” said another Bank Street parent. “They offer nothing that would balance the story.”

Added the parent, who also asked to go unnamed: “Any questions they can’t answer they rationalize under the pretense of ‘institutional racism,’ which is never really defined.”

The program, these parents say, deliberately instills in white children a strong sense of guilt about their race. Some kids come home in tears, saying, “I’m a bad person.”

They say white kids are being brainwashed into thinking any success they achieve is unearned. Indeed, a young white girl is seen confessing on a Bank Street video: “I feel guilty for having a privilege I don’t deserve.”
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The black community engages in the verysame ridiculous blaming--and you don't even see it. Whether it is gun violence, crime,drugs, poverty, etc. in the black community , it's ultimately the white man's fault. Butinstead of that being a stupid punchline, you are actually serious. "Thanks, white people

"Black community"...ha..may be some but, not the whole community. Generalizations like that are just as bad as those playing the "victim" card you speak of.