How will they rule ??!

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Doesnt make sense to me...that why i asked to have it explained...seems to me, being opressed would lead one to doing whatever is necessary whether legal or not to survive.

Sorry, I misread your post.

They question was in response to Sean saying that they are unjustly arrested at a higher rate, thus oppressing them. I brought the facts/ question was how does their arrest rate, when compared to the rate of crimes mean they are oppressed...

..I'm not saying they aren't, but thst arrest rate isn't really a justification when you look at the rest of the information. And that's just violent crimes, there are others.
Lol single mothers shouldn't get benefits? Because according to you they prolly all thots that had it coming right? Jesus it's sad to see people this blind. And yes mass incarceration is a huge issue. I just can't anymore....

I was approached and put on a team by Governor Beshear with 8 other individuals to track racial profiling, injustices in the justice system, schools etc... we have been looking at this for 4 years and every single bit of data we have compiled shows society plays a massive role in contributing to the situation African Americans tend to find themselves in. Now that's not saying they themselves don't contribute as well.

Kills me how everyone apparently thing 13% representing nearly 60% is just . Can't argue with that ignorance.
Do you realize that crime have fallen dramatically in this country since the early 1990s? It's not a coincidence that this has happened. New York, whose crime rate has fallen something like 85% since 1990, started a trend in police work that spread across the county. They decided that police could prevent crime by having a large presence in areas where there is a high crime rate. As a result police now spend a lot of man power and time in neighborhoods where there is a lot of criminal activity. Unfortunately, many of those neighborhoods are predominately black. You may complain about targeting certain minority areas because you don't like singling out racial groups, but you are losing sight of the fact that those same racial groups are the largest beneficiaries of those police practices. If you look at New York alone, over 10,000 minority lives have been saved by the fact that these police tactics have driven down the number of murders from 2,245 in 1990 to 333 in 2014.

My point is that many innocent black people have had their lives improved by the police being much more prevalent in their neighborhoods. That doesn't even speak to the economic benefit that those neighborhoods receive because businesses will locate there that wouldn't before. You criticize the use of statistics and seem to want to blame society for the actions of most of the black criminals, but you are short on details other than to say we arrest to many black men for marijuana. You are going to have to go a lot further than that to explain why black men seem to be much more willing to kill each other than pretty much any other group in this country. And those implying, or flat out calling others racist, is a BS argument. There is nothing racist about discussing real statistics about various racial groups. It's pure stupidity to suggest that a person has to be a member of the race he/she is commenting on in order for those comments to be valid or to be non-racist. Anyone with a brain can have intelligent comments about what is going on in world around them without racial hatred being the thing that is driving those comments.
But again, HOW, are they being oppressed? Especially in such a manner to incite the violence you seem to be justifying.
Never said anyone was opressed...nor did i justify violence or illegal activity...said i could understand doing something illegal if the people were oppressed...doesnt make it right..but ya gotta eat.
Do you realize that crime have fallen dramatically in this country since the early 1990s? It's not a coincidence that this has happened. New York, whose crime rate has fallen something like 85% since 1990, started a trend in police work that spread across the county. They decided that police could prevent crime by having a large presence in areas where there is a high crime rate. As a result police now spend a lot of man power and time in neighborhoods where there is a lot of criminal activity. Unfortunately, many of those neighborhoods are predominately black. You may complain about targeting certain minority areas because you don't like singling out racial groups, but you are losing sight of the fact that those same racial groups are the largest beneficiaries of those police practices. If you look at New York alone, over 10,000 minority lives have been saved by the fact that these police tactics have driven down the number of murders from 2,245 in 1990 to 333 in 2014.

My point is that many innocent black people have had their lives improved by the police being much more prevalent in their neighborhoods. That doesn't even speak to the economic benefit that those neighborhoods receive because businesses will locate there that wouldn't before. You criticize the use of statistics and seem to want to blame society for the actions of most of the black criminals, but you are short on details other than to say we arrest to many black men for marijuana. You are going to have to go a lot further than that to explain why black men seem to be much more willing to kill each other than pretty much any other group in this country. And those implying, or flat out calling others racist, is a BS argument. There is nothing racist about discussing real statistics about various racial groups. It's pure stupidity to suggest that a person has to be a member of the race he/she is commenting on in order for those comments to be valid or to be non-racist. Anyone with a brain can have intelligent comments about what is going on in world around them without racial hatred being the thing that is driving those comments.
I can comment on Asian Americans, native Americans, Indian Americans. Doesn't mean shit though. I have no idea what it is like for them to live here or anywhere for that matter from their perspective. All you're doing is projecting your perception on to a group. It doesn't matter how objective you may be, or think you are, there will always be some sort of bias that reflects your own personal experience. But please continue to enlighten us. I think a study of how the black community came to live in their current situation might give you a good understanding of why they can't escape their situation. Not some stats that say blacks kill more blacks than whites do. When you live essentially in a third world you have to get it how you live.
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I can comment on Asian Americans, native Americans, Indian Americans. Doesn't mean shit though. I have no idea what it is like for them to live here or anywhere for that matter from their perspective. All you're doing is projecting your perception on to a group. It doesn't matter how objective you may be, or think you are, there will always be some sort of bias that reflects your own personal experience. But please continue to enlighten us. I think a study of how the black community came to live in their current situation might give you a good understanding of why they can't escape their situation. Not some stats that say blacks kill more blacks than whites do. When you live essentially in a third world you have to get it how you live.
That is a crock of shit! I grew up in the west end of Louisville. The Portland area. Portland has always been poor and tough.

But my dad got up and went to work every day. Even on days he was sick, he did not graduate from HS and worked for Fawcett Haynes printing company for 27 years until they moved out of town.

I guess he'd still be waiting for his white privilege to kick in if he was still alive. Didn't help him back then.

But he didn't resort to crime or kill any of his neighbors.

Justify it all you want but until black people stop using race as a crutch, they will struggle.
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That is a crock of shit! I grew up in the west end of Louisville. The Portland are. Portland has always been poor and tough.

But my dad got up and went to work every day. Even on days he was sick, he did not graduate from HS and worked for Fawcett Haynes printing company for 27 years until they moved out of town.

I guess he'd still be waiting for his white privilege to kick in if he was still alive. Didn't help him back then.

But he didn't resort to crime or kill any of his neighbors.

Justify it all you want but until black people stop using race as a crutch, they will struggle.
Just because you lived in a "rough" neighborhood close to some black folks doesn't mean you had the same experience. Sorry.
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Just because you lived in a "rough" neighborhood close to some black folks don't mean you had the same experience. Sorry.
Didn't say anything about living close to black folks. What I said was, being poor isn't an excuse, no matter your race. That you can't seem to grasp that, says a lot.
Didn't say anything about living close to black folks. What I said was, being poor isn't an excuse, no matter your race. That you can't seem to grasp that, says a lot.
Yeah. There is quite a bit you and a lot of folks in this thread can't seem to grasp. "Hey you n******are free now! Why are you still living in hell and killing each other? Stop makin' excuses!" Effin idiots.
Still waiting to hear a response from the other side so we can get their take on the Clinton-Lynch meeting.
Bill Clinton exchanging pleasantries with Lynch could not possibly help Hillary. Now, if Lynch does ANYTHING other than accepting the recommendation of the investigators she is compromised. She basically has already admitted she will accept their recommendation so she is in a straight jacket because of that foolish meeting.
Yeah. There is quite a bit you and a lot of folks in this thread can't seem to grasp. "Hey you n******are free now! Why are you still living in hell and killing each other? Stop makin' excuses!" Effin idiots.
Well, at least you're rational. Dws
I can comment on Asian Americans, native Americans, Indian Americans. Doesn't mean shit though. I have no idea what it is like for them to live here or anywhere for that matter from their perspective. All you're doing is projecting your perception on to a group. It doesn't matter how objective you may be, or think you are, there will always be some sort of bias that reflects your own personal experience. But please continue to enlighten us. I think a study of how the black community came to live in their current situation might give you a good understanding of why they can't escape their situation. Not some stats that say blacks kill more blacks than whites do. When you live essentially in a third world you have to get it how you live.

I've been thinking about this a lot. Not just because of this thread but because of where I live and who I interact with on s daily basis.

Whst I find interesting is that this board routinely complains about biases of all kinds: the media bias agsinst conservatives, the media bias against UK, etc.

Yet when the topic of race comes up, and the argument is made that there is bias against African Americans, everyone's like nope nope not possible civil rights, etc.

It's fair to say that African Americans, based on the fact that centuries of oppression wreaked havoc on families and their culture, have quite a bit more hurdles than any other ethnic group in America.
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I've been thinking about this a lot. Not just because of this thread but because of where I live and who I interact with on s daily basis.

Whst I find interesting is that this board routinely complains about biases of all kinds: the media bias agsinst conservatives, the media bias against UK.

Yet when the topic of race comes up, and the argument is made that there is bias against African Americans, everyone's like nope nope not possible civil rights, etc.

It's fair to say that African Americans, based on the fact that centuries of oppression wreaked havoc on families and their culture, have quite a bit more hurdles than any other ethnic group in America.
I don't think anyone is denying that blacks have had it much tougher but using "whitey" as the reason for ALL of their problems, is nuts.
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Oh no, no one has run me off or changed my thinking in any way. Woohoo you proved black people commit crimes....was never the premise of my argument at all. My premise is inequality. And why there's a representation of a population that makes up less than 15% of a population but accounts for way over 55% of crime. The true cause and effect is much much deeper than anyone want to believe.

If you are saying that black people are jailed at a higher rate than white people, but don't question why that is...that is a HUGE problem. It is a reflection of societal issues.

People act like anyone should be able to pull themselves up out of the situations by their bootstraps, but that is hard to do with no boots.

and it's a societal malaise also because black people also tend to exhibit the same biases towards other back people as do people from other races... This insidious behaviour cannot be undone with the simple stroke of a pen...and also simply cannot just be ignored.

Unfortunately it's impossible for any white person that has never experienced what many blacks do on a daily basis to develop any sort of empathy and understanding. May have sympathy, but anyone can sit there and do that.

You sir here and keep pulling stats from areas like NYC, Chicago etc.... interesting choices.... Convienently they are made up of vastly more minorities so of course their data is going to tilt in one direction. Let's look at Lexington, or hell rural KY or the deep south as a whole. Look at the sentencing differences for non violent crimes. Look at why blacks are detained 22x more often with charges involving marijuana than whites. It happens. Unfortunately we just have a bunch of idiots on here that think if they don't see it or experience it, it doesn't exist when there's tons of data and proof that show the opposite. Just because you didn't experience or see the dinosaurs doesn't nullify the scientific proof of their existence.

The only thing you have pointed out (and have done so continually) is that black individuals are punished more severely than white individuals for committing crimes.

Maybe... Stop committing crimes...?

I know that might be a difficult concept for you to grasp.
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If I'm reading this right, both German and Russian intelligence officials seem to confirm that Snowden is a Russian asset - i.e., he's spying for Mother Russia. Seems like those who want to put him on a pedestal only acknowledge part of the story...

Snowden’s relationship with Russian intelligence was in the public eye recently when the issue arose during the German parliament’s special investigative commission on NSA. Last month, Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of German domestic intelligence, created a stir when he explained that, in reality, Snowden is very likely a Russian agent.

Gerhard Schindler, the head of German foreign intelligence, went further, explaining that Snowden is “a traitor” and “He has become a plaything of the FSB – which is anything but good” – the FSB being the Federal Security Service, Russia’s powerful and unsavory domestic intelligence agency.

Although these statements should not be controversial, since Snowden has been in Russia for three years and shows no signs of leaving Putin’s protection, his defenders objected to such commonsense pronouncements by Germany’s security leadership. However, Snowden did himself no favors by suddenly being able to tweet in fluent German – a language he seems to have learned overnight – which bolstered the case that he is the plaything of the FSB.

Now, the Kremlin has settled the issue once and for all by stating that Edward Snowden is indeed their man. In a remarkable interview this week, Franz Klintsevich, a senior Russian security official, explained the case matter-of-factly: “Let’s be frank. Snowden did share intelligence. This is what security services do. If there’s a possibility to get information, they will get it.”
I have found the PERFECT wedge issue for Trump to add to his arsenal:

CA City Pays Would-Be Killers $12,000 a Year Not to Murder

According to the Washington Post, the city of Richmond hires “ex-convicts to mentor dozens of its most violent offenders and allows them to take unconventional steps if it means preventing the next homicide.” Some of these “unconventional steps” include overlooking certain crimes–including a few homicides–and trying to match violent offenders with “rival gang members” as a means of checking behavior.

The mentors also pay those they are mentoring up to $1,000 a month not to kill with guns.

Washington, D.C.’s city council has approved funding to launch a similar program in their city. And the cities of Toledo, Baltimore, and other Democrat-run cities are considering a similar step.

A Rasmussen Poll released on March 31 shows that 81 percent of Americans reject the idea of paying would-be killers not to murder with guns.

Folks, that is Willy Horton good right there. Election winning. My wife and I are both as Liberal as it gets but were OUTRAGED when we saw this story on the evening news tonight. You talk about something that will play in the rust belt and across the midwest. That is it.

Trump, this is tailor made for you. I can't think of a better issue for him to hammer than this one.
Read another opinion of possible reasoning behind what Bill Clinton did. He knew exactly what he was doing to throw enough suspicion into the meeting so that a special prosecutor gets sppointed and all of this is delayed until after the election.
Of all the blacks, this one was the most oppressed.

God, was she dragged through the mud...

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I don't think anyone is denying that blacks have had it much tougher but using "whitey" as the reason for ALL of their problems, is nuts.

No one seems to understand or address this, even though it's been pointed out by almost everyone.

It's just easier to call us all racists
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the fact that Crow is openly rooting for Trump should tell the conservatives ITT all they need to know.
Redlining, racial covenants, contract buying, and block busting. That's

Are you saying this is why crime is high amongst African Americans?

None of us can change the past, we can either move on from it or carry it around our neck forever letting it weigh us down.

The issue RIGHT NOW is crime is running rampant in black communities, and it appears to me that instead of looking inward and trying to correct the issue, the black leaders would rather blame it on things that none of us can change, and that is the past.
Are you saying this is why crime is high amongst African Americans?

None of us can change the past, we can either move on from it or carry it around our neck forever letting it weigh us down.

The issue RIGHT NOW is crime is running rampant in black communities, and it appears to me that instead of looking inward and trying to correct the issue, the black leaders would rather blame it on things that none of us can change, and that is the past.
Did ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, the issues right now are the result of things that happened in the past? And that understanding the actions that led to the current situation might allow us to somehow alleviate the plight of the African American community?
Oh no, no one has run me off or changed my thinking in any way. Woohoo you proved black people commit crimes....was never the premise of my argument at all. My premise is inequality. And why there's a representation of a population that makes up less than 15% of a population but accounts for way over 55% of crime. The true cause and effect is much much deeper than anyone want to believe.

If you are saying that black people are jailed at a higher rate than white people, but don't question why that is...that is a HUGE problem. It is a reflection of societal issues.

People act like anyone should be able to pull themselves up out of the situations by their bootstraps, but that is hard to do with no boots.

and it's a societal malaise also because black people also tend to exhibit the same biases towards other back people as do people from other races... This insidious behaviour cannot be undone with the simple stroke of a pen...and also simply cannot just be ignored.

Unfortunately it's impossible for any white person that has never experienced what many blacks do on a daily basis to develop any sort of empathy and understanding. May have sympathy, but anyone can sit there and do that.

You sir here and keep pulling stats from areas like NYC, Chicago etc.... interesting choices.... Convienently they are made up of vastly more minorities so of course their data is going to tilt in one direction. Let's look at Lexington, or hell rural KY or the deep south as a whole. Look at the sentencing differences for non violent crimes. Look at why blacks are detained 22x more often with charges involving marijuana than whites. It happens. Unfortunately we just have a bunch of idiots on here that think if they don't see it or experience it, it doesn't exist when there's tons of data and proof that show the opposite. Just because you didn't experience or see the dinosaurs doesn't nullify the scientific proof of their existence.

Ask yourself why that is?

I'd like to hear your thoughts on Chicago, and Detroit as well. Two cities for the better part of 50 years controlled by democrats, and an overwhelming black population that just can't quit killing each other.

Why do you refuse to put any responsibility on the homes, yet blame the judicial system and laws for what happens well after a child should have been taught right from wrong, and good from bad?

As for the 22x more than whites...I'm gonna guess that part of the disparity is due to repeat offenders, and active warrants.

Fix the homes, and you fix a lot of the problem. That won't happen though because democrats have enslaved the black community all over again. Provide money to have more kids, free cell phones, gov't assistance the more kids you have. They know the more they provide the less the people will do for themselves, and the less people do the worse things get. Hell this goes for white trash as well, but it just happens to affect the black community more.

Kids do come out of these areas and become amazing people, but very few. To be successful it takes commitment, hard work, and determination. The gov't has taken those things from a lot of people in the black community.
If I'm reading this right, both German and Russian intelligence officials seem to confirm that Snowden is a Russian asset - i.e., he's spying for Mother Russia. Seems like those who want to put him on a pedestal only acknowledge part of the story...

Snowden’s relationship with Russian intelligence was in the public eye recently when the issue arose during the German parliament’s special investigative commission on NSA. Last month, Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of German domestic intelligence, created a stir when he explained that, in reality, Snowden is very likely a Russian agent.

Gerhard Schindler, the head of German foreign intelligence, went further, explaining that Snowden is “a traitor” and “He has become a plaything of the FSB – which is anything but good” – the FSB being the Federal Security Service, Russia’s powerful and unsavory domestic intelligence agency.

Although these statements should not be controversial, since Snowden has been in Russia for three years and shows no signs of leaving Putin’s protection, his defenders objected to such commonsense pronouncements by Germany’s security leadership. However, Snowden did himself no favors by suddenly being able to tweet in fluent German – a language he seems to have learned overnight – which bolstered the case that he is the plaything of the FSB.

Now, the Kremlin has settled the issue once and for all by stating that Edward Snowden is indeed their man. In a remarkable interview this week, Franz Klintsevich, a senior Russian security official, explained the case matter-of-factly: “Let’s be frank. Snowden did share intelligence. This is what security services do. If there’s a possibility to get information, they will get it.”

No shit. Why you think they took him.

What was his other choice?
I have found the PERFECT wedge issue for Trump to add to his arsenal:

CA City Pays Would-Be Killers $12,000 a Year Not to Murder

According to the Washington Post, the city of Richmond hires “ex-convicts to mentor dozens of its most violent offenders and allows them to take unconventional steps if it means preventing the next homicide.” Some of these “unconventional steps” include overlooking certain crimes–including a few homicides–and trying to match violent offenders with “rival gang members” as a means of checking behavior.

The mentors also pay those they are mentoring up to $1,000 a month not to kill with guns.

Washington, D.C.’s city council has approved funding to launch a similar program in their city. And the cities of Toledo, Baltimore, and other Democrat-run cities are considering a similar step.

A Rasmussen Poll released on March 31 shows that 81 percent of Americans reject the idea of paying would-be killers not to murder with guns.

Folks, that is Willy Horton good right there. Election winning. My wife and I are both as Liberal as it gets but were OUTRAGED when we saw this story on the evening news tonight. You talk about something that will play in the rust belt and across the midwest. That is it.

Trump, this is tailor made for you. I can't think of a better issue for him to hammer than this one.
Only 81%?

Who the eff are the 19% dumbazzez that would be willing to pay?

This country is so eff'd.
Did ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, the issues right now are the result of things that happened in the past? And that understanding the actions that led to the current situation might allow us to somehow alleviate the plight of the African American community?

Did it ever occur to you that we have been doing that? Why do you think Clinton and Congress eased the lending practices in the 90's? They thought it would allow people the opportunity to take ownership of their own home, it only led to damn near an economic depression that's still hampering us.

No matter what you, I or anyone can do to alleviate their plight until they take ownership of the situation they're in. I'm sorry, that's the truth, and as long as we make excuses, or try not to talk about it you and I will still be having this conversation when we're old and gray because it will not change.
I can comment on Asian Americans, native Americans, Indian Americans. Doesn't mean shit though. I have no idea what it is like for them to live here or anywhere for that matter from their perspective. All you're doing is projecting your perception on to a group. It doesn't matter how objective you may be, or think you are, there will always be some sort of bias that reflects your own personal experience. But please continue to enlighten us. I think a study of how the black community came to live in their current situation might give you a good understanding of why they can't escape their situation. Not some stats that say blacks kill more blacks than whites do. When you live essentially in a third world you have to get it how you live.
That's where you and I disagree. First, no one in this country lives like third world people unless they do by choice. Frankly, it's insulting to people living in poverty in third world countries to suggest that anyone in the United States remotely experiences the poverty in third world countries. Second, whatever your experiences are, there is no excuse for murdering and robbing other people. If you think there is, then I'm not sure what to say to you.

Your comments on the behavior of other races are absolutely valid. You live in this country and you are affected by the behavior of those around you. That gives you the right to comment and those comments are valid. In fact, that is fundamental to our justice system. We don't just let whites judge whites and blacks judge blacks. Are you suggesting that the high murder, robbery, and assault rates within the black community are justified? If so, explain how they are. You are very good at taking shots at others. Let's hear your solutions and rational for why blacks are killing and robbing each other.
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Never said anyone was opressed...nor did i justify violence or illegal activity...said i could understand doing something illegal if the people were oppressed...doesnt make it right..but ya gotta eat.

And there you go. That's the kind of bullshit logic idiots use to justify their actions. Perhaps they need to realize they are going to need to eat BEFORE they get hungry and make provisions by BUYING food with money they've EARNED from searching for and securing a JOB.
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Did ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, the issues right now are the result of things that happened in the past? And that understanding the actions that led to the current situation might allow us to somehow alleviate the plight of the African American community?
Did it ever occur to you that, even as powerful as white people are, and in spite of all the mystical powers that we possess, we cannot change the past?
Did ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, the issues right now are the result of things that happened in the past? And that understanding the actions that led to the current situation might allow us to somehow alleviate the plight of the African American community?

Did you even read what Mr derrington wrote? Because he pretty much damn well said the same exact first part.

But then he also made the 100% valid point that you can't change the past... which brings the point everyone of us has been trying to make...

...when people start taking responsibility for themselves instead of just blaming whitey, things will change. It just came full circle, folks. Thread over
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