How will they rule ??!

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i am not one to defend either one of them. they had between 8 and 13 hrs at a country connected to the mediterranean. we have forces all over that damn region and damn good ones at that. ones that could have been there if giving the order. you save your own and don't give two shits about the locals feelings or local politics.
Hey, you know who else jail was too hard for?

Kobe Bryant (rape)
Jameis Winston (rape)

yeah both of them were convicted, after being discovered thrusting into an unconscious woman. exact same thing

you're a serious, rational thinker

what an absolute disgrace that you and s & c and the rest of these barely-hinged nazi lunatics are permitted to subject people to your blatantly racist drivel here. it's absurd. entire pages of threads read as if they could have been lifted from
The main problem with Jesse Williams is he is rich and famous and talking about something he never faced.

I can't talk about black persicusion because I'm white and I don't get it. To me if you break the law respect the officer that busted your ass and maybe a warning will come of it.

it's almost as if you've never faced the kind of police presence people in watts, newark, or homewood deal with on a more or less everyday basis
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Hillary Clinton isn't even good at being corrupt. She stinks so bad liberals have to hold their nose and vote.

Just shows how full of shit the democrats are. It's not about helping the American people. It's not about helping the less fortunate. the whole anti war hope and change bullshit was nothing more than a popular stance.

The one good thing about Hillary Clinton is it exposes the liberal base at its core.

Hatchet men for an ideology that, at the end of the day, won't help them a bit.
i am not one to defend either one of them. they had between 8 and 13 hrs at a country connected to the mediterranean. we have forces all over that damn region and damn good ones at that. ones that could have been there if giving the order. you save your own and don't give two shits about the locals feelings or local politics.

I think it's worse than let people realize when you take the whole incident and piece it together using average intelligence. There's a reason generals in the shit are distancing themselves from all of them more and more each day. There's a reason the CIA, FBI, and other Intel agencies are distancing themselves.

Liberals only care if it can effect the political situation. They don't care that Americans died. They don't care if they died as a result of incompetence. Do the voters realize anything at all, is their only concern. They are a sad group of hypocritical sell outs who are willing to destroy this country by any means necessary for some political cause that makes them feel warm and fuzzy In the short term and puts a "w" in the "democrat" column. Never mind the obvious, that the Democratic Party died officially in 2008 and was hijacked by the Western European ideological left. The are no longer the party of JFK, Carter, or Clinton. Most of them don't even realize the party flip. It's an extremely ignorant segment of the population, and the media sure didn't explain the sitution to the politically challenged.
Where'd Sean run off to?

He was triggered.

Usually it takes a lib a good week to digest statistical fact ruling against politically motivated racial agendas.

Then another week to try and come up with some bullshit argument to defeat all those facts laid out. Usually a reference to slavery from 1800 or 1 case Of police misconduct.

Give him time. It's tough finding out your opinion is not only worthless but a complete lie
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I would love to see Trey Gowdy allowed to question the Hildabeast.

He did

Hillary Clinton leaks. She proved it during the debates.

"Please give ms. Clinton a moment mr. Putin, she's leaking at them moment.....

I'm sure it'll go over well.
The benghazi hearings were a joke. Hearings only actually work when people are truthful. Surely noone thought for a second that Hillary would do anything besides lie every breath. It's all the clintons do.

Well, except she didn't. Republicans tried but after spending millions of our tax dollars to bring down her poll numbers the blame rests squarely on the military and CIA...but keep that tin foil hat handy. Meanwhile Trump won't even pay his employees and contractors... Not millionaire lawyers. Every day hard working Americans who he consistently took advantage of.

Too bad her own emails show she already knew it was a terrorist attack while she was parading an American to federal prison saying his cheesy video caused it.

catdaddy just blamed the military for the deaths in benghazi? surely i didn't read that right? the military that wasn't allowed to act on orders straight from the white house? you aren't that stupid are you?

He's not stupid. Just typical partisan liberal. Will lie and refuse to admit anything. Learned it from their leaders.

Absolutely did. Catdaddy supports military operations that go awry when it's Democrats running the show. When it's anyone else that has bad shit happens, Catdaddy says they are war mongering morons who should know better.

Let it be said. Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning and Julian Assange all came out during this admin.

Remember when Obama promised the most transparent administration ever?
I just don't get it. What happened there is not grounds for immediate removal?

She was caught in a handful of blatant lies just in that 12 minute video. Guy buried her. So what's the legal punishment for that? IDGAS what happened, what should have happened according to our laws and procedures? She compromised confidential shit and lied about it. Under oath. What is supposed to happen to someone who does that? Because idk how our govenemt is supposed to work.
I just don't get it. What happened there is not grounds for immediate removal?

She was caught in a handful of blatant lies just in that 12 minute video. Guy buried her. So what's the legal punishment for that? IDGAS what happened, what should have happened according to our laws and procedures? She compromised confidential shit and lied about it. Under oath. What is supposed to happen to someone who does that? Because idk how our govenemt is supposed to work.

Make shit up as they go.
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Its obvious she had no idea anything about the guy who wrote the letter for Blumenthal.
Her aid hands her the response she reads to Gowdy, explaining who he is, with the little Bush nugget.
it's almost as if you've never faced the kind of police presence people in watts, newark, or homewood deal with on a more or less everyday basis

You're right, I haven't, but ask yourself why there's such a police presence.

If a White guy had gotten up and what this guy said, he'd be blacklisted, media would eat him alive, and he'd be labeled a racist, rightfully so.

Instead of blaming others the black community needs to look inward.
70% of black children born in fatherless homes, that's insane.
We hear about more money in inner city schools. I've got news, you can throw all the money in the world at a school, but if a kid has no discipline, and parents that don't give a shit or are strung out, 9 times out of 10 they aren't going to care either. That goes for whites, blacks, Hispanics or whomever.
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Oh no, no one has run me off or changed my thinking in any way. Woohoo you proved black people commit crimes....was never the premise of my argument at all. My premise is inequality. And why there's a representation of a population that makes up less than 15% of a population but accounts for way over 55% of crime. The true cause and effect is much much deeper than anyone want to believe.

If you are saying that black people are jailed at a higher rate than white people, but don't question why that is...that is a HUGE problem. It is a reflection of societal issues.

People act like anyone should be able to pull themselves up out of the situations by their bootstraps, but that is hard to do with no boots.

and it's a societal malaise also because black people also tend to exhibit the same biases towards other back people as do people from other races... This insidious behaviour cannot be undone with the simple stroke of a pen...and also simply cannot just be ignored.

Unfortunately it's impossible for any white person that has never experienced what many blacks do on a daily basis to develop any sort of empathy and understanding. May have sympathy, but anyone can sit there and do that.

You sir here and keep pulling stats from areas like NYC, Chicago etc.... interesting choices.... Convienently they are made up of vastly more minorities so of course their data is going to tilt in one direction. Let's look at Lexington, or hell rural KY or the deep south as a whole. Look at the sentencing differences for non violent crimes. Look at why blacks are detained 22x more often with charges involving marijuana than whites. It happens. Unfortunately we just have a bunch of idiots on here that think if they don't see it or experience it, it doesn't exist when there's tons of data and proof that show the opposite. Just because you didn't experience or see the dinosaurs doesn't nullify the scientific proof of their existence.
You're right, I haven't, but ask yourself why there's such a police presence.

If a White guy had gotten up and what this guy said, he'd be blacklisted, media would eat him alive, and he'd be labeled a racist, rightfully so.

Instead of blaming others the black community needs to look inward.
70% of black children born in fatherless homes, that's insane.
We hear about more money in inner city schools. I've got news, you can throw all the money in the world at a school, but if a kid has no discipline, and parents that don't give a shit or are strung out, 9 times out of 10 they aren't going to care either. That goes for whites, blacks, Hispanics or whomever.

You know what creates many of those fatherless homes? Mass incarceration of black men who are convicted of lesser crimes, don't get the Convienently timed amendments and spend time in prison for stuff thats dumb as shit. Now you got a guy who has probably very little education, and nnownhas no chance at college education. No chance at any sort of respectable essentially direct them right back to a life of criminal activity. I mean this country has marijuana still classified as a level 1 drug with the likes of cocaine, lsd, meth, heroin.....
Oh no, no one has run me off or changed my thinking in any way. Woohoo you proved black people commit crimes....was never the premise of my argument at all. My premise is inequality. And why there's a representation of a population that makes up less than 15% of a population but accounts for way over 55% of crime. The true cause and effect is much much deeper than anyone want to believe.

If you are saying that black people are jailed at a higher rate than white people, but don't question why that is...that is a HUGE problem. It is a reflection of societal issues.

People act like anyone should be able to pull themselves up out of the situations by their bootstraps, but that is hard to do with no boots.

and it's a societal malaise also because black people also tend to exhibit the same biases towards other back people as do people from other races... This insidious behaviour cannot be undone with the simple stroke of a pen...and also simply cannot just be ignored.

Unfortunately it's impossible for any white person that has never experienced what many blacks do on a daily basis to develop any sort of empathy and understanding. May have sympathy, but anyone can sit there and do that.

You sir here and keep pulling stats from areas like NYC, Chicago etc.... interesting choices.... Convienently they are made up of vastly more minorities so of course their data is going to tilt in one direction. Let's look at Lexington, or hell rural KY or the deep south as a whole. Look at the sentencing differences for non violent crimes. Look at why blacks are detained 22x more often with charges involving marijuana than whites. It happens. Unfortunately we just have a bunch of idiots on here that think if they don't see it or experience it, it doesn't exist when there's tons of data and proof that show the opposite. Just because you didn't experience or see the dinosaurs doesn't nullify the scientific proof of their existence.

How much of it is the individuals fault, how much of it is the communities fault, how much of it is "institutionalized racism".

Just a raw guess. Percentage wise?
You know what creates many of those fatherless homes? Mass incarceration of black men who are convicted of lesser crimes, don't get the Convienently timed amendments and spend time in prison for stuff thats dumb as shit. Now you got a guy who has probably very little education, and nnownhas no chance at college education. No chance at any sort of respectable essentially direct them right back to a life of criminal activity. I mean this country has marijuana still classified as a level 1 drug with the likes of cocaine, lsd, meth, heroin.....

This is a complete lie. Go look the stats up, and yea, I have, but are you interested at all in the truth?

It's a myth that black guys are locked up for smoking weed. They are mainly locked up for pushing it.

If all you are going to do is use lying talking points there's no need in debating.
You know what creates many of those fatherless homes? Mass incarceration of black men who are convicted of lesser crimes, don't get the Convienently timed amendments and spend time in prison for stuff thats dumb as shit. Now you got a guy who has probably very little education, and nnownhas no chance at college education. No chance at any sort of respectable essentially direct them right back to a life of criminal activity. I mean this country has marijuana still classified as a level 1 drug with the likes of cocaine, lsd, meth, heroin.....

It doesn't matter if you think the law on Marijuana is stupid, it's still the law. Not to mention most decent jobs piss test now, and guess what one of the drugs is they look for, THC. So, with all that info I choose not to smoke pot, because I enjoy my freedom and a good job more than getting high.

Mass incarceration isn't what causes most of those fatherless homes, it's just become accepted, and part of it is the Govts fault with giving single mothers more benefits.

Schools aren't bad in the inner city because whites want to keep them down. They're bad because parents don't care, which in turn the kids don't care, teachers don't want to teach in environments where kids have no discipline so the good kids get punished by the environment they live in.
This is a complete lie. Go look the stats up, and yea, I have, but are you interested at all in the truth?

It's a myth that black guys are locked up for smoking weed. They are mainly locked up for pushing it.

If all you are going to do is use lying talking points there's no need in debating.

I don't care if you smoking, selling, or what not....

There is a massive injustice in the legal system that exists. There's massive amount of discrimination still in this world today. If you think it's just all blacks fault, that it's all on them and that inequality issues are just made up you are the one out of touch with reality .

People like you and white folks as a majority can sit there and watch X-Men and be like yeah how they treat those mutants is pretty shitty and unfair and then can't relate it at all back to real life issues and african Americans.
Lol single mothers shouldn't get benefits? Because according to you they prolly all thots that had it coming right? Jesus it's sad to see people this blind. And yes mass incarceration is a huge issue. I just can't anymore....

I was approached and put on a team by Governor Beshear with 8 other individuals to track racial profiling, injustices in the justice system, schools etc... we have been looking at this for 4 years and every single bit of data we have compiled shows society plays a massive role in contributing to the situation African Americans tend to find themselves in. Now that's not saying they themselves don't contribute as well.

Kills me how everyone apparently thing 13% representing nearly 60% is just . Can't argue with that ignorance.
yo arsenal fan these people are racist scum. no sense attempting to engage with them in any type of reasonable way

just know they're going to become more and more irrelevant as the years pass
I don't care if you smoking, selling, or what not....

There is a massive injustice in the legal system that exists. There's massive amount of discrimination still in this world today. If you think it's just all blacks fault, that it's all on them and that inequality issues are just made up you are the one out of touch with reality .

People like you and white folks as a majority can sit there and watch X-Men and be like yeah how they treat those mutants is pretty shitty and unfair and then can't relate it at all back to real life issues and african Americans.


Here's one of the main problems. Selling weed is a crime. And lots of time these guys are pushing way harder than that. You think selling rocks to a mother who has children or to the child is a victimless crime? That's where half of the problems are coming from.

I believe lots of AA people actually do start out with a disadvantage. Of course today that disadvantage is getting smaller each year. There are many examples of great AA people who overcame terrible childhoods (Condoleeza rice) and went on to be extremely productive members of society. She grew up in a drug zone during the civil right movement. How?

She had a real father
She had a real mother
She didn't do drugs and make excuses for drug dealers.
She worked hard and got educated.
No government assistance.

Everything you think they need, she did it without any of it. The ones that follow your argument (which is defeated over and over) end up worse

Thanks for helping.

Here's one of the main problems. Selling weed is a crime. And lots of time these guys are pushing way harder than that. You think selling rocks to a mother who has children or to the child is a victimless crime? That's where half of the problems are coming from.

I believe lots of AA people actually do start out with a disadvantage. Of course today that disadvantage is getting smaller each year. There are many examples of great AA people who overcame terrible childhoods (Condoleeza rice) and went on to be extremely productive members of society. She grew up in a drug zone during the civil right movement. How?

She had a real father
She had a real mother
She didn't do drugs and make excuses for drug dealers.
She worked hard and got educated.
No government assistance.

Everything you think they need, she did it without any of it. The ones that follow your argument (which is defeated over and over) end up worse

Thanks for helping.

Of course you name Condoleeza Rice.... hell why not add Ben Carson lol. Or bout you go down and ask the brother on water Street or in Sunburn in Lex.

How many fortune 500 CEO's are black?
How many judges are black?
How many police chief's?
How many legislators?

Youbare pulling out a flipping needle in a haystack and acting like it's the norm...
You know what creates many of those fatherless homes? Mass incarceration of black men who are convicted of lesser crimes, don't get the Convienently timed amendments and spend time in prison for stuff thats dumb as shit. Now you got a guy who has probably very little education, and nnownhas no chance at college education. No chance at any sort of respectable essentially direct them right back to a life of criminal activity. I mean this country has marijuana still classified as a level 1 drug with the likes of cocaine, lsd, meth, heroin.....

For one, it's BS to act like these men are not able to stand by their kids because they're wrongfully put in jail. When 74 percent do it, that's indicative of a cultural problem not "bad luck."

You act as if no one has a choice. In your world, blacks are not doing anything wrong and racist cops are just running around with a giant butterfly net snatching up all of these people.

No one makes these guys smoke weed. You know who doesn't smoke weed or do drugs? The majority of working class people (most reputable jobs drug test you so we're not talking about working at Little Caesars and smoking weed). If you don't want to take a chance on going to jail for something stupid then don't do it. If you don't want to be like the shitty people around you then don't do the same stuff. You're responsible for yourself in life. You determine how far you're going to go.

There's always this talk of privilege and it's portrayed as skin color and it's not. The real privilege is a two parent household, which every study has shown to be a huge contributor in shaping you. It's no guarantee that it will work out for you but it's a huge boost and that is what every other race seems to value more than the black community so how about you start there with what needs to be "fixed."
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Anyone white has no goddamn right to sit here and say privilege isn't based on the color of ones skin. You are friggin white. No possible way you can definitively just rule something out just because....but white people like that power and have exercised the power to just discount stuff like that all throughout history. I always love seeing white people tell black people white privilege doesn't exist lol.

I never said no one doesn't have a choice. Never have I said that. But it cracks me up how everyone up here is like discrimination and inequality just evaporated after slavery was abolished lol....
Anyone white has no goddamn right to sit here and say privilege isn't based on the color of ones skin. You are friggin white. No possible way you can definitively just rule something out just because....but white people like that power and have exercised the power to just discount stuff like that all throughout history. I always love seeing white people tell black people white privilege doesn't exist lol.

I never said no one doesn't have a choice. Never have I said that. But it cracks me up how everyone up here is like discrimination and inequality just evaporated after slavery was abolished lol....

Then answer my question.

Percentage wise, how much is the fault of the system, the parents, the communities, and the individual.

Just a raw breakdown
Then answer my question.

Percentage wise, how much is the fault of the system, the parents, the communities, and the individual.

Just a raw breakdown

Definitively that hasn't been computed. From the #'s I've seen I'd go

60-65% System/Society
20-25% Family
20-25% Individual
Literally had a Lexington official who will remain nameless I interviewed that was white say "of course we stack the system against black people....easy to control someone and much easier to profit from them when they are dumb and oppressed."