How will they rule ??!

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Reads clearly as if she's only recently come to this decision, as if she had been holding out for some other option all along? Outrageous.

That's exactly what I thought too.

What made our Nation different was that no person was above the rule of law. Not only are people above the law now, we apparently don't care.
Unsure why Sean touts the "blacks killed" and "blacks prosecuted" stats as racist, but can't comprehend the "crimes committed" stats are even more heavily skewed. If a group is committing a disproportionate % of the crimes, we'll they are going to also receive a disproportionate amount of the prosecution and cop related violence.

The better question to ask and try to solve is "how do we reduce crime by and against blacks". I don't know the answer, but you fix that, and the other stats normalize.
If you're the President of the United States, and the attorney general has a secret meeting with a high profile person they are investigating I would think you immediately ask for their resignation.
Not only is borderline criminal it shows an extreme lack of judgement
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Unsure why Sean touts the "blacks killed" and "blacks prosecuted" stats as racist, but can't comprehend the "crimes committed" stats are even more heavily skewed.
It's actually not hard to understand when you consider that Sean believes celebrity defendants can hire district attorneys to help get them a "not guilty" verdict.

That, plus he's really into drones.
Nothing but silence from the other side on here over this.

The wusserman-shultz fiasco has exposed enough corruption / scandal as it is. Now Lynch. Not to mention the abysmal physical appearance of dillary herself. And then all the replays of Michelle/Michael dancing on the Ellen show and millions of Youtubers around the globe trying to explain to themselves that pants bulge. Mercy. No, they're looking for a safe place to hide until a junior republican makes an insensitive comment about transgender bathroom use.
Why is it OK for the different clans on Game of Thrones to claim victory and power, but if a particular race claims domination in the US they have to feel guilty? Just sayin...
Just stop with the rap music ever listened to rap music? If rap music was a cause everyone....white , black. Hispanic would be going out and pulling drive by and slinging drugs....Is that what you see? No, not at sound like Bill O'REILLY.....rap music ..... hahahahaha

Hey that song that starts "mama, I just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger now he's dead"....

Who sings that again? Ice Cube? Biggie? Tupac? Ohhhhhh wait a minute Queen!? Freddie Mercury!? I can quote just as many rock songs or country or whatever songs with "illegal or morally wrong content" as rap music.... lol come on now...

I'm gonna try this one time.

The black youth in this country have a CULTURE CRISIS in large parts of predominately black neighborhoods. When no father is present, moms on rocks, brother is gang bangin, and that little 13 year old is listening to music that glorifies prison, murder, drugs, and thug life, it absolutely creates its own issue.

It's amazing to me that a group of people cannot find the correlation between what they are listening to on the daily and the way they act out in public.

Save the Johnny cash argument for idiot liberals who buy it. A white kid with two parents in 1960 sneaking off to listen to Jennings!!!! Omg that caused so many problems right?

I don't blame the music, I blame the parents, culture, and people like you who refuse to identify the real triggers and culprits. The music is just one example of something that can effect the younger kids without guidance.

And yea, I listen to rap. Grew up in the three 6 mafia days in Memphis and I'm currently listening to the new Royce album (should have had E in it). But it doesn't effect me in ways it effects the young fatherless black youth.

If it's not a culture problem, you explain why black kids don't graduate high school. Explain why they make up 50% of the murder while being 13% of the population. Explain to me why the single mother birth rate is higher than any other group. Explain to me how the black family is doing WORSE today, 50 years after the civil rights movement, than 1970. Explain to me how Asian Americans are doing better in that same time frame than whites. If it's not culture, what is it? and if blacks are worse off today than they were in the 60's, tell me how that happened?

You have no answers. You are part of the problem.
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I did mean, now.

But yes I do agree with the rest. I know a lot of current/former soldiers and there is no way they would go with that.

Watching trump on Hannity tonight, the man is really coming around as far as portraying a leader/president.

I really think(and pray) hes going to pull it off. And I hope the first thing he does is see to it that hillary goes where she belongs.

Conservatives have to manifesting this notion that he can't win. And I mean republican politicians AND every day Americans. The media has been saying he can't win since early 2014. It's almost routine for people to follow everything up with, "but he won't win." Hell half of his own supporters will say it from time to time.

It's like zombified humans that have been programed to believe it through their phones and computers/Tv.

He absolutely can win, and I think we're one more attack on home soil from Clinton being out of the race all together.
'The needs of many, outweigh the needs of the few.'

Continuation of the transforming the country into a socialist model is the most important thing here. The end justifies the means. #extremesacrcasm #corruption
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Simple facts of life:

1) Blacks hate whites and it is culturally accepted because of white guilt.

2) Black hate is not due to modern day racism but due to the strife within there own communities that blacks correlate to oppression by whites when in fact it is self inflicted.

3) Blacks have been brainwashed and conditioned from the time of birth that whites are evil and only live to torment blacks.

4)Jesse Williams looks whiter than I do.
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I'm gonna try this one time.

The black youth in this country have a CULTURE CRISIS in large parts of predominately black neighborhoods. When no father is present, moms on rocks, brother is gang bangin, and that little 13 year old is listening to music that glorifies prison, murder, drugs, and thug life, it absolutely creates its own issue.

It's amazing to me that a group of people cannot find the correlation between what they are listening to on the daily and the way they act out in public.

Save the Johnny cash argument for idiot liberals who buy it. A white kid with two parents in 1960 sneaking off to listen to Jennings!!!! Omg that caused so many problems right?

I don't blame the music, I blame the parents, culture, and people like you who refuse to identify the real triggers and culprits. The music is just one example of something that can effect the younger kids without guidance.

And yea, I listen to rap. Grew up in the three 6 mafia days in Memphis and I'm currently listening to the new Royce album (should have had E in it). But it doesn't effect me in ways it effects the young fatherless black youth.

If it's not a culture problem, you explain why black kids don't graduate high school. Explain why they make up 50% of the murder while being 13% of the population. Explain to me why the single mother birth rate is higher than any other group. Explain to me how the black family is doing WORSE today, 50 years after the civil rights movement, than 1970. Explain to me how Asian Americans are doing better in that same time frame than whites. If it's not culture, what is it? and if blacks are worse off today than they were in the 60's, tell me how that happened?

You have no answers. You are part of the problem.
I think music reflects culture as opposed to vice versa, but that could just be me.
Speaking as a teacher, the reason Asians are racing ahead of everyone is that they have education on lock. Every time a store closes in my neighborhood, a sat prep center opens up in its place. The library is full of kids every day. It's a huge part of Asian culture. Kids are kept busy with after school activities until the evening.

On a macro level, that level of investment is lacking in other communities, even white ones to some extent. Nobody and I mean NOBODY, wants to teach in black neighborhoods where I live. They're overcrowded and under supported and teachers burn out so fast. I havd friends in my program who teach there and they come to class with the thousand yard stare.

As long as communities do not invest in education, their communities will see upticks in crime. Thst goes for any community.
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He absolutely can win, and I think we're one more attack on home soil from Clinton being out of the race all together.

It's pretty sad that you seem to be openly rooting for another attack on American soil so you can win an election...pretty pathetic, but that's essentially the only shot the right seems to have left.

Very American of you all..
I would bet my house that Bill promised Lynch a SCOTUS nomination if she does not indict Hilary. That is how corrupt these people are. I feel sorry for the reporter who spoiled these scumbags private meeting. He will be targeted by the IRS or someone else soon enough.

If true, Hillary is brilliant. She's playing chess and the Republicans are playing checkers.
@jockstrap_mcgee nice observations. Do you feel that IF the education system was available to those communities as it is to others, yet the home life stayed the same that it would work? I would venture to guess that it would be wasted. Have to fix the families before you can move forward. Like Marcus Spears said, if everyone took care of their own house then things would be different.
Yes Albany, brilliant indeed! Offering someone something they would like to return for them doing a favor for you?

Christ....that would be unprecedented genius. Remarkable. She has my vote
How in the hell are people not spitting mad? This is pure treason. There's a thing called the FOIA and they're intentionally ignoring it and trying to influence an election.

If anyone supports Hillary and the Obama administration today, they're anti-American scum.

I support Obama and Hillary and can safely say I disagree with your opinion. I know you're all rilled up with the prospects of Hillary winning in November. It will be fine. Don't worry.
@jockstrap_mcgee nice observations. Do you feel that IF the education system was available to those communities as it is to others, yet the home life stayed the same that it would work? I would venture to guess that it would be wasted. Have to fix the families before you can move forward. Like Marcus Spears said, if everyone took care of their own house then things would be different.

I think you missed my point. The home life IS the key to education. That's why Asian communities have the best schools in my area. The parents invest time AND money into their schools and school doesn't stop at 3.

Families must invest in education, and in time, things will improve.
I would bet my house that Bill promised Lynch a SCOTUS nomination if she does not indict Hilary. That is how corrupt these people are. I feel sorry for the reporter who spoiled these scumbags private meeting. He will be targeted by the IRS or someone else soon enough.

New ruling yesterday says that the FBI has the rights to a journalists contacts.


You can imagine how messy/deadly that gets in the political world. So now the Clinton's can ruin that reporter if they choose, and then they can also ruin whoever leaked that information to the reporter.
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I think you missed my point. The home life IS the key to education. That's why Asian communities have the best schools in my area. The parents invest time AND money into their schools and school doesn't stop at 3.

Families must invest in education, and in time, things will improve.

Agreed. Just needed you to spell it out. Sadly anytime this race crap comes up this stuff is never mentioned.
It's pretty sad that you seem to be openly rooting for another attack on American soil so you can win an election...pretty pathetic, but that's essentially the only shot the right seems to have left.

Very American of you all..

As soon as you can cite where I said that, you might be taken seriously.

If another massive scale attack were to happen, and our internal entities are already saying it's coming, then yea she would be finished. I'm not rooting for Americans to die, I'm staying an obvious truth.

Not that the truth ever mattered to the treason lobby.
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No clue what that post is supposed to be.

That was the Unskewed was a bunch of Republicans saying these were the accurate polls as the ones being reported by the lamestream media were polling too many dems...four years later, it makes me chuckle to see my friends on the right complaining about it once again.
If true, Hillary is brilliant. She's playing chess and the Republicans are playing checkers.

Uh, or its called corruption, collusion, or any other number of choice words.

You're right about one thing though - the Clintons are playing an entirely different games; complete with an entirely different set of rules.
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I'm just glad we got all these white dudes in here with opinions and statistics to set the record straight.
Strip away all of the names of the previously secret meeting in Phoenix. First of all, coincidences of this magnitude don't exist. Beyond that, consider what would happen in your municipality if the county DA secretly met with the spouse of someone under investigation only to be exposed by the local paper. At the least, the DA would be forced to recuse herself from the case. After that, the disciplinary committee from the state's bar association would want to speak with her. At the worst, she is forced to resign followed by being disbarred then gets prosecuted for collusion.
Lynch compromised herself and her ability to continue to do her job.
Let's just say for arguments sake that their being at the same airport at the same time was an actual coincidence. That's not a stretch. However, once we get to the part where Bill just wants to say hi and goes INSIDE her plane to do it, well then the story starts to fall apart.

The proper thing for her to have done would have been to send her regards and say that it would not be appropriate for her to meet with him at this time. Why didn't she do that? Because Bill had something she wanted. Bill could provide her with something she requires. Power.

Why didn't he just call her on her cell phone? You can't get much more private than that, can you? Hmmm...