How will they rule ??!

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Blacks make up 16% of this countries population and account for 67% of the incarcerated population. ?

when a group of people that make up 18% of this countries population represents 65% of the incarcerated population? .

So you are saying you see nothing wrong with a population that makes up 13% supposedly getting arrested for 50+% of violent crime just is completely cool....

makes up less than 15% of a population but accounts for way over 55% of crime. .

Kills me how everyone apparently thing 13% representing nearly 60% is just . Can't argue with that ignorance.

I didn't realize the numbers were so fluid. I guess you're right, I do need a class.
Of course you name Condoleeza Rice.... hell why not add Ben Carson lol. Or bout you go down and ask the brother on water Street or in Sunburn in Lex.

How many fortune 500 CEO's are black?
How many judges are black?
How many police chief's?
How many legislators?

Youbare pulling out a flipping needle in a haystack and acting like it's the norm...

You seem to think there should be a mandated quota for all of these positions. You act surprised that blacks don't reach these positions in high volumes yet you don't see the correlation of blaming cops, blaming whites for all of the problems, the significant gaps in test scores as a whole, the disproportionate amount of crime committed and the simple fact that you're only 12 percent of the population.

This is a silly and elementary example but I feel it will make the point. Blacks overwhelmingly make up the NBA. I'm sure you don't think there should be a mandated quota to instill more players of other races on these teams, right? Simply because a company/organization chooses the best people for the job, right? Because some people are better at things than others, right? So why is it difficult to accept this?

Whose fault is it then if there's not more blacks in these positions?
Wouldnt oppression lead to lashing out and acts of rebellion? Your comment read as if opressed people would be happy and content.

Please tell me who is oppressing them? Do you mean they are oppressing each other? If so, then yes I guess you could be right.
Literally had a Lexington official who will remain nameless I interviewed that was white say "of course we stack the system against black people....easy to control someone and much easier to profit from them when they are dumb and oppressed."

I think you mistakened that guy for a Democratic Party politician.

Anyone white has no goddamn right to sit here and say privilege isn't based on the color of ones skin. You are friggin white. No possible way you can definitively just rule something out just because....but white people like that power and have exercised the power to just discount stuff like that all throughout history. I always love seeing white people tell black people white privilege doesn't exist lol.

I never said no one doesn't have a choice. Never have I said that. But it cracks me up how everyone up here is like discrimination and inequality just evaporated after slavery was abolished lol....

Then explain why Asian Americans are ahead of everyone, smart guy? If it's only about skin color and not culture.

Hell, we have a ton of examples of non-whites getting free rides, extra SAT points, jobs and national attention simply because of the color of their skin. Somehow that's not racist to you though.

So if the system is so stacked then how does anyone who isn't white make it in life? Why is there a significant portion of whites in poverty?

You're just filled with excuses and it's not surprising. Blacks as a whole, love making excuses and pointing the finger. It's always someone else's fault that they went to jail, or didn't raise their kid, or didn't get into a school or didn't make it in life.

Man the eff up. We are where we are because of individual choices. You don't like your situation, you're not working where you want to be then do act like you're owed something simply because of the color of your skin. And you wonder why nothing ever changes for the black community and why everyone is blowing right past them.
I think you mistakened that guy for a Democratic Party politician.

Then explain why Asian Americans are ahead of everyone, smart guy? If it's only about skin color and not culture.

Hell, we have a ton of examples of non-whites getting free rides, extra SAT points, jobs and national attention simply because of the color of their skin. Somehow that's not racist to you though.

So if the system is so stacked then how does anyone who isn't white make it in life? Why is there a significant portion of whites in poverty?

You're just filled with excuses and it's not surprising. Blacks as a whole, love making excuses and pointing the finger. It's always someone else's fault that they went to jail, or didn't raise their kid, or didn't get into a school or didn't make it in life.

Man the eff up. We are where we are because of individual choices. You don't like your situation, you're not working where you want to be then do act like you're owed something simply because of the color of your skin. And you wonder why nothing ever changes for the black community and why everyone is blowing right past them.
Just shut up. Cause you don't have a damn clue.
Literally had a Lexington official who will remain nameless I interviewed that was white say "of course we stack the system against black people....easy to control someone and much easier to profit from them when they are dumb and oppressed."

Apparently you're too dense to see the argument people are making.

Yes, black people have had a rough go of it in this country in certain instances.

I don't really think anyone is arguing that.

What we are arguing, is that blaming a person's completely on white people, like the half white Jessie Williams did and like you seem to be doing is completely and irrefutably incorrect.

The problem today is, correct, society. But not the way you're thinking.

How about you do this as a study.. follow certain minorities from birth. Keep statistics on one's that grow up in certain areas, with complate families. Also with neighbors who will call the police if they see drug dealing or violence.

I grew up with numerous people of different color and backgrounds. Still keep up with them. And numerous, despite what you liberals will label me as would consider me a friend and the opposite of racist. Not a single black man from my school is in prison. Many of them speak out with the same comments I have made.

So if you can't see how this blame whitey mentality is doing absolutely nothing to advance people or to fix race relations that's on you cracka.

And as far as your quote, yes there is a group of people who oppress blacks and unfortunately people like you and other libs keep repeating the same tireless crap which makes Democrats the party of choice which is the same exact party/people who continue to not allow them to advance. Insert LBJ quote here...

And on another note.. there are numerous opportunities out there even with convictions on your record. I personally have worked with 5 black men thst make over 20k per MONTH in the automotive sales business. And that's not an exaggeration.
You seem to think there should be a mandated quota for all of these positions. You act surprised that blacks don't reach these positions in high volumes yet you don't see the correlation of blaming cops, blaming whites for all of the problems, the significant gaps in test scores as a whole, the disproportionate amount of crime committed and the simple fact that you're only 12 percent of the population.

This is a silly and elementary example but I feel it will make the point. Blacks overwhelmingly make up the NBA. I'm sure you don't think there should be a mandated quota to instill more players of other races on these teams, right? Simply because a company/organization chooses the best people for the job, right? Because some people are better at things than others, right? So why is it difficult to accept this?

Whose fault is it then if there's not more blacks in these positions?

Great idea.. let's make all jobs equal to percentage of population. Ima whip out my Nike dunks and start stretching.
Look up Englewood Chicago crime on YouTube, watch the videos. In broad daylight, a man is gunned down. Cops everywhere, people standing around watching as the crime scene is investigated. Scroll and read the comments, and over 2/3 of the blacks who are commenting are more worried why the cops are not sad, why some are talking to other officers with smiles on their faces. They, in their minds don't understand why they aren't feeling the pain as many of the bystanders.
There, in all the videos, same scenarios, same reaction from police, is where a huge disconnect lies. If you see death on a daily basis, it affects how you relate to it daily. The blacks think totally different, and have some very ill feelings towards the police. My question, why aren't those same blacks mad at the gangs who steal quality of life on every street corner in the inner-city. ? This guy, Sean, answered it for me, it in the blacks mind, that the white people and society in general has taken away any hope of a better life. The white man, in Sean's eyes, have locked up a high percentage of black males for unjust reasons, the kids are fatherless.
Obama, Eric Holder, and all the so called black activist have beat this into the heads of all blacks that we as a nation regressed 25 years in race relations. When a human takes no responsibility for your own actions, this is the outcome. Play the blame game.
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Out of curiosity, what is the feel of the election in your neck of the woods? Here in ultra conservative upper East TN, you wouldn't even know there's a presidential election. Usually the roadsides and lawns will be flooded with campaign signs from early spring on, but this year, there's absolutely nothing except for signs from the local yokels running for dog catcher or landscaping commissioner. Maybe people are just sick of it in general. It's actually pretty nice, especially when you don't have to pull up an extra 5 feet at a stop sign to be able to see around all that shit to tell if another vehicle is coming.
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Look up Englewood Chicago crime on YouTube, watch the videos. In broad daylight, a man is gunned down. Cops everywhere, people standing around watching as the crime scene is investigated. Scroll and read the comments, and over 2/3 of the blacks who are commenting are more worried why the cops are not sad, why some are talking to other officers with smiles on their faces. They, in their minds don't understand why they aren't feeling the pain as many of the bystanders.
There, in all the videos, same scenarios, same reaction from police, is where a huge disconnect lies. If you see death on a daily basis, it affects how you relate to it daily. The blacks think totally different, and have some very ill feelings towards the police. My question, why aren't those same blacks mad at the gangs who steal quality of life on every street corner in the inner-city. ? This guy, Sean, answered it for me, it in the blacks mind, that the white people and society in general has taken away any hope of a better life. The white man, in Sean's eyes, have locked up a high percentage of black males for unjust reasons, the kids are fatherless.
Obama, Eric Holder, and all the so called black activist have beat this into the heads of all blacks that we as a nation regressed 25 years in race relations. When a human takes no responsibility for your own actions, this is the outcome. Play the blame game.


Fast forward to 5:54 and see Jesse Peterson. a black man (Ex Black Panther) that sees through the BS of the blame game while talking to two other "blame whitey" BLMV activists. It's telling. He asks "What do you want from white people?" Check out how she acts after that. You see, there's no solution. There are those who want to forever be mad and blame.

Wow... you found 1 thing to support your argument.... Want a cookie? I could literally overwhelm you with data that show specifically black men are disproportionately arrested and convicted in this nation as a whole. That is a fact. Will there be some exceptions...yes... but the overwhelming national data gathered by the FBI in the UCR says otherwise.
Black men are arrested more because they commit more crime.
Explain to me what makes it racist? Now if he would've got up there and said we got dumb cracker ass white boys killing us black folk and slapped steriotypes etc... thats racist. He simply stated facts. White people that then get up in arms and defensive and call him racist must have a guilty conscience...
He was using words that are dog whistles. You just couldn't hear them. You are part of the racist establishment.
What did williams say that was so bad?

Besides portraying Tamir Rice like he was a 5-year-old just playing in the sandbox and getting killed, here is some of his racist BS.

"We’re done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people out of sight and out of mind while extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment like oil, black gold, ghettoizing and demeaning our creations, then stealing them, gentrifying our genius and then trying us on like costumes before discarding our bodies like rinds of strange fruit. The thing is, though, just because we’re magic doesn’t mean we’re not real.”

Now let's forget that Williams has a white mother and let's pretend it's a white guy in a room of white people talking about how he's sick of blacks doing all of the things that Williams says in his speech about whites. The career victims would lose their marbles and scream racism.

They never see the double standard.
I look at this speech as a man trying to lift his people up..he may have been somewhat strong..but isnt that what people in this thread have said is missing in the black community. A male role model. Then one stands up, and is labeled a racist. Cant compare if the roles were reversed until i am black and and/or a minority. Gotta walk in those shoes.
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Out of curiosity, what is the feel of the election in your neck of the woods? Here in ultra conservative upper East TN, you wouldn't even know there's a presidential election. Usually the roadsides and lawns will be flooded with campaign signs from early spring on, but this year, there's absolutely nothing except for signs from the local yokels running for dog catcher or landscaping commissioner. Maybe people are just sick of it in general. It's actually pretty nice, especially when you don't have to pull up an extra 5 feet at a stop sign to be able to see around all that shit to tell if another vehicle is coming.
I travel a lot in the southeast and about everyone I talk politics with are voting for Trump. I really believe the closet Trump supporter theory because many I talk to are afraid to say they are voting for him until I say I am. It's 50/50 on those who really like him and those who hate Obama and Hillary so much that they will vote for anyone but her.
Besides portraying Tamir Rice like he was a 5-year-old just playing in the sandbox and getting killed, here is some of his racist BS.

"We’re done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people out of sight and out of mind while extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment like oil, black gold, ghettoizing and demeaning our creations, then stealing them, gentrifying our genius and then trying us on like costumes before discarding our bodies like rinds of strange fruit. The thing is, though, just because we’re magic doesn’t mean we’re not real.”

Now let's forget that Williams has a white mother and let's pretend it's a white guy in a room of white people talking about how he's sick of blacks doing all of the things that Williams says in his speech about whites. The career victims would lose their marbles and scream racism.

They never see the double standard.
I look at this speech as a man trying to lift his people up..he may have been somewhat strong..but isnt that what people in this thread have said is missing in the black community. A male role model. Then one stands up, and is labeled a racist. Cant compare if the roles were reversed until i am black and and/or a minority. Gotta walk in those shoes.

No that's not what anyone is saying.

We're saying that people need to step up and quit blaming whitey and take responsibility for their own actions. There are role models out there(like the video a few posts above). We can debate for days the problems they face, and the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle of both viewpoints, but until the blame game and the left promoting policies of division are gone, no progress will be made and they will be stuck in the same cycle.
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I look at this speech as a man trying to lift his people up..he may have been somewhat strong..but isnt that what people in this thread have said is missing in the black community. A male role model. Then one stands up, and is labeled a racist. Cant compare if the roles were reversed until i am black and and/or a minority. Gotta walk in those shoes.

A man who is playing to their inner paranoia about to hate cops and hate white people? To preach to them that they're being persecuted and stolen from this thing called "whiteness?"

A role model wouldn't tell you to hate another group. He'd tell you that you were responsible for yourself. To stop blaming people who have a different skin color as you as the root cause for all of your failures. A role model would tell you to stop having a chip on your shoulder and to have self reflection.

Williams is no different than every other race-baiter asshole.

"There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do do not want to lose their jobs." - Booker T. Washington
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Stealing genius has merit , just look at how influential and advanced Africa is .

This is one of my favorite things. Somehow whites steal from them and use all of their "creations" but blacks don't do that at all, right?

Look at this story from the Washington Post about the Zimbabwe farms being seized from white farmers and given to blacks.
Here is the blockbuster quote from one of the new land owners. “The problem now is that we have the land, but they have the experience,” said Mutinhiri, a black landowner. “We need to help each other.”

I don't know why they would need help. Just use your "genius."
If you are saying that black people are jailed at a higher rate than white people, but don't question why that is...that is a HUGE problem. It is a reflection of societal issues

Uh, they commit more crimes?
Page said. That if 13% of the population commit 52% of the are they oppressed? You have since changed it

So you're just straight up lying now to win this debate?

I have 3 posts on page 3, not a single one of which has been edited.

Good strategy there, bud.
Doesnt make sense to me...that why i asked to have it explained...seems to me, being opressed would lead one to doing whatever is necessary whether legal or not to survive.
But again, HOW, are they being oppressed? Especially in such a manner to incite the violence you seem to be justifying.
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