How will they rule ??!

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I'm just glad we got all these white dudes in here with opinions and statistics to set the record straight.

I found some credible statistics from the black community on who's responsible for their problems.

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Let's just say for arguments sake that their being at the same airport at the same time was an actual coincidence. That's not a stretch. However, once we get to the part where Bill just wants to say hi and goes INSIDE her plane to do it, well then the story starts to fall apart.

The proper thing for her to have done would have been to send her regards and say that it would not be appropriate for her to meet with him at this time. Why didn't she do that? Because Bill had something she wanted. Bill could provide her with something she requires. Power.

Why didn't he just call her on her cell phone? You can't get much more private than that, can you? Hmmm...

They don't give a damn. There are no consequences anymore. The Obama administration and the Clintons do whatever they want and no one does anything about it.
They don't give a damn. There are no consequences anymore. The Obama administration and the Clintons do whatever they want and no one does anything about it.

I know O'Bama has had the luck of the Irish on his side. But I think that the "I can do what I want" is what will sink her. I have a feeling Trump wins. Personally I think if he does win, that I hope he lives somewhere other than the White House. That gold digging whore of his. Makes me angry that she'll get to sleep in the same place as the former 1st ladies, who actually did help society. I dunno. There;s something rubbing me wrong about this.
Always a conspiracy theory whatever the Clinton's do. Yet always end up with your co$k in your hands.

Classy bunch of people you Republicans saying Michelle Obama is a transvestite. Really just a sad bunch of haters with no respect.

Folks openly rooting for another attack so their guy might win. I mean you treat the First Lady the way you do so have no doubt you're rooting for it to happen.
Always a conspiracy theory whatever the Clinton's do. Yet always end up with your co$k in your hands.

Classy bunch of people you Republicans saying Michelle Obama is a transvestite. Really just a sad bunch of haters with no respect.

Folks openly rooting for another attack so their guy might win. I mean you treat the First Lady the way you do so have no doubt you're rooting for it to happen.

Those aren't really her kids. Larry Robinson, AKA, "Michelle" had a sister who birthed Malia and Sasha with Barak. But go on. Keep living in your Utopian made house that runs CNN 24/7.
It's pietty sad that you seem to be openly rooting for another attack on American soil so you can win an election...pretty pathetic, but that's essentially the only shot the right seems to have left.

Very American of you all..
You are supporting a leader that allowed Americans to die in Benghazi and lied to keep it hidden. You are such a Hypocrite.
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Uh, or its called corruption, collusion, or any other number of choice words.

You're right about one thing though - the Clintons are playing an entirely different games; complete with an entirely different set of rules.

Correct...and constantly keep winning in the process.

Vincent Foster - Nothing
Whitewater - Nothing
Benghazi - Nothing

Gotta give the Republicans credit though. In the face of consistently long odds, they will easily throw anything at the wall knowing full well there are numerous rubes out there ready to eat it up.
We should spend another $7M to exonerate Hillary one more time...please have her testify again so she can mop the floor up of those Republican clowns trying to question her. The last time that happen, it was like she was shooting fish in a barrell. Fun time.
You are a moron and a buffoon. The worse kind of insurgent, a turncoat and coward.
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You are supporting a leader that allowed Americans to die in Benghazi and lied to keep it hidden. You are such a Hypocrite.

Your Republican buddies just announced the day before Hillary had nothing to do with it.
Only cost us $7M for them to figure it out.
Always a conspiracy theory whatever the Clinton's do.

What a bunch of ignorant dumbass lemmings you guys are for thinking it was anything but. Or, you are just fine with corruption and lies all in the prgression of your agenda. Sounds similar to the Islamic version of Taqiya.
Who wants to bet that Albany was one of the idiots in the video of new yorkers blaming Republicans for orlando?

What a buffoon.... and look how easily libs stretch the truth.. s&c in no way shape or form said he was hoping for another attack.

Strange thing is, the 2 most recent attacks came on days when damaging reports about the Clinton's came out..

Who here wants to bet Albany hasn't read one sentence of the benghazi report?
So you are saying you see nothing wrong with a population that makes up 13% supposedly getting arrested for 50+% of violent crime just is completely look at that and think nope there's no injustices or some shakiness going on is just dumb. I can go back through my jobs I have in Lexington and find thousands upon thousands of instances where criminals with the same history, charges etc got different sentences, almost always resulting in a harsher punishment for the person who was black. Those 6 boys now have had their lives pigeonholed. They have no chance at a college education, and 0 chance for any sort of reputable job. So now what's their options to try and maybe make a living.....for many it's some sort of illegal activity. You can quote all you want that blacks commit crime at an alarming rate. I never made a point saying they were less violent or criminal. My point is. And it's extremely well documented that the legal system is skewed in its treatment of black people with a refusal to amend charges like what happens for whites and much much harsher sentences. It's fact. And Kobe Bryant and other celebs are completely different. The tables change when you have millions to drop on a DA that's not a public advocate that has 350 cases and 0 time. I don't disagree hat money buys innocence in this or white.

My thing is dig deeper. If you think the reasoning behind that is people be things and their culture is awful and there aren't ways Society is set up to be oppressive in many ways with those largely black communities I'm just not sure what world you are living in. Are all the problems the faults of whites? Hell no, never said that....but stop acting like in 2016 a black man isn't treated vastly different than a white man in many situations. Again, my wife walked into a high end jewelry store and was accused of stealing because she put a small baggie of candy she bought into her purse. After they were proven wrong a comment was made to her that she needed to be looking on this side of the store, that those items were more in her price range. If you don't think that bullshit happens at an astronomical rate still to this day then You really need to get outside of that bubble you are living in.

You do realize that when violence is committed, there is a victim right? It's not like police can just make up John does to blame all these blacks getting arrested for violence.

So yeah I see something wrong when 13% of the population commits half of the violence. I see something horribly wrong.

It's just YOU choose to blame others. It's people like YOU that continue to set black people back by giving them an excuse to be a victim.

Without that, maybe some accountability would be taken and steps would be taken to put an end to all the issues in their communities. But until people like YOU quit giving them an easy excuse, nothing will change.

Having said that, it's impossible to get someone who doesn't want to understand to see a point. So I will not be responding further. You will stretch, bend or twist anything to try and fit it into your argument.

Again..YOU'RE THE PROBLEM, not the solution
You are supporting a leader that allowed Americans to die in Benghazi and lied to keep it hidden. You are such a Hypocrite.
Well, except she didn't. Republicans tried but after spending millions of our tax dollars to bring down her poll numbers the blame rests squarely on the military and CIA...but keep that tin foil hat handy. Meanwhile Trump won't even pay his employees and contractors... Not millionaire lawyers. Every day hard working Americans who he consistently took advantage of.
You do realize that when violence is committed, there is a victim right? It's not like police can just make up John does to blame all these blacks getting arrested for violence.

So yeah I see something wrong when 13% of the population commits half of the violence. I see something horribly wrong.

It's just YOU choose to blame others. It's people like YOU that continue to set black people back by giving them an excuse to be a victim.

Without that, maybe some accountability would be taken and steps would be taken to put an end to all the issues in their communities. But until people like YOU quit giving them an easy excuse, nothing will change.

Having said that, it's impossible to get someone who doesn't want to understand to see a point. So I will not be responding further. You will stretch, bend or twist anything to try and fit it into your argument.

Again..YOU'RE THE PROBLEM, not the solution
If only us blacks were smart enough to stop falling for the excuses.
Well, except she didn't. Republicans tried but after spending millions of our tax dollars to bring down her poll numbers the blame rests squarely on the military and CIA...but keep that tin foil hat handy. Meanwhile Trump won't even pay his employees and contractors... Not millionaire lawyers. Every day hard working Americans who he consistently took advantage of.

Good god you're so wrong it's painfully embarrassing for me to even read your crap.

Clinton and Obama covered up so much shit during Benghazi it would take too long to go through it. We don't even know where the orders came from that night. The military on the ground busted her ass out and now you want to blame them?

Go do some research.
Well, except she didn't. Republicans tried but after spending millions of our tax dollars to bring down her poll numbers the blame rests squarely on the military and CIA...but keep that tin foil hat handy. Meanwhile Trump won't even pay his employees and contractors... Not millionaire lawyers. Every day hard working Americans who he consistently took advantage of.
She absolutely did. Keep drinking the koolaid and the Jim Jones like leader you support will kill you all.
catdaddy just blamed the military for the deaths in benghazi? surely i didn't read that right? the military that wasn't allowed to act on orders straight from the white house? you aren't that stupid are you?

Absolutely did. Catdaddy supports military operations that go awry when it's Democrats running the show. When it's anyone else that has bad shit happens, Catdaddy says they are war mongering morons who should know better.

Let it be said. Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning and Julian Assange all came out during this admin.
If there weren't highly visible blacks speaking out about the problems in black communities, and how it's the communities responsibility to take action and stop playing the victim card, I would probably side with you.

What many in the black community fail to see is that those that say they are for helping the black communities and giving them a voice, are doing nothing but holding them down. The Democratic party has lived of the struggle of the black community for decades, and intend to keep those votes by continued oppression and government assistance rather than actually provide a way out.
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I know O'Bama has had the luck of the Irish on his side. But I think that the "I can do what I want" is what will sink her. I have a feeling Trump wins. Personally I think if he does win, that I hope he lives somewhere other than the White House. That gold digging whore of his. Makes me angry that she'll get to sleep in the same place as the former 1st ladies, who actually did help society. I dunno. There;s something rubbing me wrong about this.
I volunteer you to sleep with that gold digger. If you can't do her any good, Willy, I'll pitch in and do what I can. It'll be a pubic service.
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Well, except she didn't. Republicans tried but after spending millions of our tax dollars to bring down her poll numbers the blame rests squarely on the military and CIA...but keep that tin foil hat handy. Meanwhile Trump won't even pay his employees and contractors... Not millionaire lawyers. Every day hard working Americans who he consistently took advantage of.
Are you on crack?
Even McConnell knows who is going to win in November.

You support a corrupt politician and now support republican rhinos because they'd rather keep their jobs under lock and key and support Hillary.

As long as you now realize 2008 and Obama mania was nothing more than political bullshit and none of it was true.

You're such a hack.
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To me Benghazi isn't the big deal, it was a covert CIA base that came under attack. It could've been handled better, but when things are happening in real time it's hard to direct orders from 4000 miles away.
The real issue in my mind is knowing the video had nothing to do with it, and then intentionally lying about it. Going so far as to take a mans freedom from him to cover up an error. That is not acceptable and something you'd expect in a banana republic.
To me Benghazi isn't the big deal, it was a covert CIA base that came under attack. It could've been handled better, but when things are happening in real time it's hard to direct orders from 4000 miles away.
The real issue in my mind is knowing the video had nothing to do with it, and then intentionally lying about it. Going so far as to take a mans freedom from him to cover up an error. That is not acceptable and something you'd expect in a banana republic.

That's the whole issue. The whole thing was preventable but because of political optics they didn't want to send the security Benghazi requested. It's not about how the shit goes down in real time. It's about the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton ignoring the warnings, refusing to answer even simple questions(like who gave the stand own order), and lying to the American people and to the military families. We know for a fact she lied.
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That's the whole issue. The whole thing was preventable but because of political optics they didn't want to send the security Benghazi requested. It's not about how the shit goes down in real time. It's about the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton ignoring the warnings, refusing to answer even simple questions(like who gave the stand own order), and lying to the American people and to the military families. We know for a fact she lied.

I'm not one to defend Obama or Hillary, but when people are in dangerous places sometimes bad sh*t happens. Having said that there is absolutely NO reason to lie and throw a man in jail that had nothing to do with it.