How will they rule ??!

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... Care to explain that @BigBlueSean?

You don't have the knowledge of how statistical analysis is even conducted to give accurate representation...

you don't have a goddamn clue how to even interpret...

...I watched last week 7 youth enter a courtroom. All were charged with felonies. 6 black...1 white....

...and also take a couple classes on statistical analysis while you are at it.
So the guy who chastises others about their ignorance on statistical analysis and even admonishes them to "take a couple of classes" on it, uses a personal anecdote involving a sample size of SEVEN people to bolster his argument? Do I have that about right?


No clue what that post is supposed to be

I saw that. Wonder what the clintons gave/promised to get that statement.
Just stop with the rap music ever listened to rap music? If rap music was a cause everyone....white , black. Hispanic would be going out and pulling drive by and slinging drugs....Is that what you see? No, not at sound like Bill O'REILLY.....rap music ..... hahahahaha

Hey that song that starts "mama, I just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger now he's dead"....

Who sings that again? Ice Cube? Biggie? Tupac? Ohhhhhh wait a minute Queen!? Freddie Mercury!? I can quote just as many rock songs or country or whatever songs with "illegal or morally wrong content" as rap music.... lol come on now...

"Mama... Life had just begun. And now I've gone and THROWN IT ALL AWAY."


What an AWFUL. AWFUL. AWFUL. ****ing example. Like you whackos always bring to the table.
Lol we have a system set up where people go into extremely poor shook districts, test 5th graders reading levels and if they aren't at a 5th grade level we build a prison bed for them. Look it up. School to prison pipeline. Screw services for anyone who lives in those areas (largely black or minorities in general). Na let's not address the issues. Let's just build a prison bed...that way BOP and the government get money for another head in their facility and can take advantage of free labor. Let's just fill those areas with liquor stores, cash advances and anything else that can prey on the ignorance....anything to make sure the elite and the government can make their profit. It's all about maintaining power....Whites wanna be sure to keep that .... Black president was just bad enough already and took a big enough dent out of the establishment.

Also I don't give a shit who sold the slaves. It was whites that bought them in the states and the overwhelming majority of slave owners in this country were white. Black dudes from African didn't enact Jim Crow laws here in America? The didn't create a KKK.......

Yup. The government places liquor stores and check-into-cash stores.

This is the kind of pure, unadulterated ignorance that we're up against, fellas.
So Hillary goes bonkers accusing Trump of celebrating market(Dow) tanking 4.8% over Brexist yet today it's <0.5% of where it was before Brexist & easily could have been there anyway. So is she celebrating? Of course not. Her judgment is always so wrong.
And the only thing that rings true when considering PURE VOLUME like YOU like to point out. Is that blacks COMMIT CRIME AT A HIGHLY DISPROPORTIONATE rate.

So yeah funny, you can't even have a good argument because us white folk don't understand numbers


You might not recognize yourself as a liberal hack but you sure as hell are one. A media puppet.

Now tell me, if 13% of the population is committing roughly 52% of violent crime, how are they being oppressed?

YOU are the one who is using statistics that don5 fit the argument. Not I, barrack.

So you are saying you see nothing wrong with a population that makes up 13% supposedly getting arrested for 50+% of violent crime just is completely look at that and think nope there's no injustices or some shakiness going on is just dumb. I can go back through my jobs I have in Lexington and find thousands upon thousands of instances where criminals with the same history, charges etc got different sentences, almost always resulting in a harsher punishment for the person who was black. Those 6 boys now have had their lives pigeonholed. They have no chance at a college education, and 0 chance for any sort of reputable job. So now what's their options to try and maybe make a living.....for many it's some sort of illegal activity. You can quote all you want that blacks commit crime at an alarming rate. I never made a point saying they were less violent or criminal. My point is. And it's extremely well documented that the legal system is skewed in its treatment of black people with a refusal to amend charges like what happens for whites and much much harsher sentences. It's fact. And Kobe Bryant and other celebs are completely different. The tables change when you have millions to drop on a DA that's not a public advocate that has 350 cases and 0 time. I don't disagree hat money buys innocence in this or white.

My thing is dig deeper. If you think the reasoning behind that is people be things and their culture is awful and there aren't ways Society is set up to be oppressive in many ways with those largely black communities I'm just not sure what world you are living in. Are all the problems the faults of whites? Hell no, never said that....but stop acting like in 2016 a black man isn't treated vastly different than a white man in many situations. Again, my wife walked into a high end jewelry store and was accused of stealing because she put a small baggie of candy she bought into her purse. After they were proven wrong a comment was made to her that she needed to be looking on this side of the store, that those items were more in her price range. If you don't think that bullshit happens at an astronomical rate still to this day then You really need to get outside of that bubble you are living in.
I see you TOTALLY missed the point or chose to ignore it. DESPITE COMMITTING MORE THAN HALF OF VIOLENT CRIME, blacks are STILL KILLED AT A RATE OF HALF THAT OF WHITE PEOPLE BY POLICE. You don't base that off raw population sean.

Are you suggesting that Marshall law is in effect and cops are just going door to door to encounter every day Joe's ?

And I didn't even mention this...did you really cite tray von Martin? If anything, that case TOTALLY DISPROVES your argument. Had the victim(hint: not trayvon) been black or if the perpetrator(tryavon) been white...there never would have been charges brought, it never would have been a story and we never would have discussed it.

Yes. He clearly doesn't understand statistics.
Society..... society buddy

Let's just fill those areas with liquor stores, cash advances and anything else that can prey on the ignorance....anything to make sure the elite and the government can make their profit.

Yup... Change your story.
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The main problem with Jesse Williams is he is rich and famous and talking about something he never faced.

I can't talk about black persicusion because I'm white and I don't get it. To me if you break the law respect the officer that busted your ass and maybe a warning will come of it. Act like a f'n idiot and I will most likely get a ticket or a charge and maybe go to jail overnight.

But that's just me and my white world I guess. I guess when my dad caught me doing bad stuff and corrected me I learned from that. Which is something a lot of blacks don't have. Maybe that is the root(Obama sort focused on this in '08 to get elected) of the problem.
Hillary doing some traitorous kinda shit. I also think she snorts blow too. You seen those crazy eyes? Shit. Telling ya now.

Who dresses her? That person needs to be fired like yesterday.

I realize nice clothes on her would be like lipstick on a pig but wow she's fashion challenged.
BigSean is right. It's TOTALLY racist to believe that a certain group of people, who evolved in a different environment with different challenges, could be (on the average) marginally predisposed to reacting slightly different in situations than another group of people. That's why all dog breeds of dogs are known to act exactly the same. Genetics, after all, is hogwash.
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Headlines on USA today and CNN this morning are that Lynch says she'll accept what career lawmen find in the Clinton investigation.
Why is that headline making? Shouldn't that be the duty of the attorney general?

What's missing in the headlines, and what is the real story is that they aren't releasing the Clinton foundation emails for 22 months, when they were originally to be released July 22. That tells me there something very damning in those emails, and they don't want it to affect the election. Not to mention this is also on the heels of a secretive meeting between the AG and Pres. Clinton.

I'm not sure what's worse, that our leaders think this is proper behavior, that the media is basically condoning this behavior, or that a large portion of the voting public don't care.
So Hillary goes bonkers accusing Trump of celebrating market(Dow) tanking 4.8% over Brexist yet today it's <0.5% of where it was before Brexist & easily could have been there anyway. So is she celebrating? Of course not. Her judgment is always so wrong.
Always interesting to hear the Dems accuse the GOP/Trump of preying on peoples fears yet time and time again Hilary, Obama, and many other Dems have been dead wrong in proclaiming the worst of something. Obama talking about how devastating the sequester would be. List is very long. Not only are these folks always wrong, but they put politics in front of everything they touch. Lowest forms of human life that I can think of and that goes for both sides of the aisle.
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Rival fans aside, this might be one of the better Paddock whitewashings I've seen in months.

..sorry.. non-colorspecifcwashings..
...Kobe Bryant and other celebs are completely different. The tables change when you have millions to drop on a DA that's not a public advocate that has 350 cases and 0 time.
Criminal defendants can't hire district attorneys, since, uhhh, DAs are prosecutors. Dumbass.
Speaking as a white male from Central Kentucky, I'll give my opinion on the matter.

A half white dude talking about privilege? :joy: Actually I'm tired of hearing from any wealthy person talking about the oppression of any group of people.

The problems that plague the black community are as follows:

Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton have never been anything more than wolves in sheep clothing. They have fed off the legitimate need for a true leader in the black community after the death of MLK.

L.B.J. and the left made it clear that it's not about the people, it's about getting elected. Something along the lines of "I'll have these n*****s voting democrat for the next 200 years". Sadly he was right. If you take away the incentive to work and provide, then you have disorder and dependency on a system.

Can't link certain things at work, but here are two black men who don't have their head in the sand. I actually watched this interview as it happened. Gained a lot of respect for the man for speaking the way he did especially at that time. Another man that lays it out and definitely doesn't pull any punches. The black community needs more men like him.

Keep pointing the finger at everyone else, and continue to watch Asian Americans, and Hispanics pass you by. Do as the two men above suggest and things will start to change in the black communities.
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Lynch to step back and defer to the FBI on email probe. To be announced today.

Headlines on USA today and CNN this morning are that Lynch says she'll accept what career lawmen find in the Clinton investigation.
y'all are not fully parsing this embarrassing statement by the AG

she is deferring to what the FBI and career prosecutors recommend

career prosecutors are Justice Dept employees, her underlings. still entirely possible the FBI sez Hilldawg was breaking the law, and Lynch's foot soldiers say "nah no she didnt".
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Here's another. From 99-2011, despite making up at least half of the violent crimes, black people were killed by police at a rate of half that of white. 2151 white people opposed to 1130 black people killed by police. Care to explain that @BigBlueSean?

Sure more white people are killed... theres a total of 200 million whites in the US as compared to 35 million blacks... so comparing pure volume isn't indicative of a true representation less than 1% of the total white population were killed by cops as compared to African Americans which is quadruple the rate. See this is why I cant even begin to shred the data you think you bring to the table that support your argument. You don't have the knowledge of how statistical analysis is even conducted to give accurate representation.... You can't just solely go on pure raw volume of people if one of your sample sizes is almost 10x the size of the one you are comparing it to.

It's not liberal mumbo jumbo, nor am I myself a liberal.... the right just likes to throw these stats out that are all based on a pure volume principle...that works only if the size of your two groups have the same exact amount of members.

I guess many just like to not watch the actual videos and just jump on and provide stats you don't have a goddamn clue how to even interpret.

I watched last week 7 youth enter a courtroom. For all 7 it was their first involvement with the justice system. All were charged with felonies. 6 black...1 white. All had DPA. One kid got his charge amended to a lower charge...the white kid. Only 1 kid avoided being sentenced as a YO (adult)....the white kid, who was the only one with a weapon. 6 black kids, ages 15-16 with no priors were sentenced as adults with a felony charge that will cripple their lives forever. 4 of them are honor roll students...kiss financial aid goodbye. Kiss a decent job goodbye...that sir isn't a culture or family issue. That's a frigging mockery of a system that essentially said "ya know what, fvck your're black...what promise could you possibly have." Same exact thing that happened to that Stanford swimmer....jail is just too hard for a nice white fellow like him who raped an innocent woman while she was passed out....meanwhile the same judge sentenced a 16 year old black male with a full academic scholarship to Cal Berkeley to 16 years of which he served 5 wrongfully after the victim admitted to giving consent.

Never did I say it's all whites fault. Never did I say blacks don't deserve some accountability as well. But don't sit here and tell me a system isn't rigged. Maybe you should watch the 2nd video in its entirety...and also take a couple classes on statistical analysis while you are at it.
The number of people by racial group killed by police should have nothing to do with the percentage of the population they make up. Police killing civilians are related to them coming in contact with them during violent situations or in pursuit of a suspect. The number of people killed by police is more related to the crime rate than anything else. The more crime committed by a group of people, the more police will patrol those areas and the more police will come in contact with those people with a chance of violence. Statistically speaking, we would never expect the number of people killed by police by racial group to mirror the percentage of the population those groups make up unless crime rate were identical from group to group.
Headlines on USA today and CNN this morning are that Lynch says she'll accept what career lawmen find in the Clinton investigation.
Why is that headline making? Shouldn't that be the duty of the attorney general?

What's missing in the headlines, and what is the real story is that they aren't releasing the Clinton foundation emails for 22 months, when they were originally to be released July 22. That tells me there something very damning in those emails, and they don't want it to affect the election. Not to mention this is also on the heels of a secretive meeting between the AG and Pres. Clinton.

I'm not sure what's worse, that our leaders think this is proper behavior, that the media is basically condoning this behavior, or that a large portion of the voting public don't care.

How in the hell are people not spitting mad? This is pure treason. There's a thing called the FOIA and they're intentionally ignoring it and trying to influence an election.

If anyone supports Hillary and the Obama administration today, they're anti-American scum.
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Lynch to step back and defer to the FBI on email probe. To be announced today.

You know they were furious when someone leaked that meeting. Wonder who that was? Because you know that meeting was "impromptu" so as to avoid having it go on Lynch's calendar, subject to FOI requests.

Headlines on USA today and CNN this morning are that Lynch says she'll accept what career lawmen find in the Clinton investigation.
Why is that headline making? Shouldn't that be the duty of the attorney general?

What's missing in the headlines, and what is the real story is that they aren't releasing the Clinton foundation emails for 22 months, when they were originally to be released July 22. That tells me there something very damning in those emails, and they don't want it to affect the election. Not to mention this is also on the heels of a secretive meeting between the AG and Pres. Clinton.

I'm not sure what's worse, that our leaders think this is proper behavior, that the media is basically condoning this behavior, or that a large portion of the voting public don't care.

Well how honorable of her - announcing she'll do her job as she is supposed to.
So Hillary goes bonkers accusing Trump of celebrating market(Dow) tanking 4.8% over Brexist yet today it's <0.5% of where it was before Brexist & easily could have been there anyway. So is she celebrating? Of course not. Her judgment is always so wrong.

Typical liberal win-win. e.g. market goes up, take credit - market crashes, accuse your political adversary (those not in office) of being happy. Deflect, never be in a position of accountability, the type of people who vote for you love this style of shameless, blameless, instantaneous table-turning.

Running out of my 50s, never in all my years have I witnessed two, maybe three complete generations so inept at judging human character, so inept at a how to do one of three things: (1) follow the news, (2) be led by the news, or preferably, and so very in-often, (3) understand the news. And although we live in this age of information readiness supreme, upon receipt too much of the masses are ruled by emotion, pre-conditioned by faux correctness and guilt rather than a desire to actually better their own lives, much less a willingness to do own their own what is actually necessary to make that happen.
Headlines on USA today and CNN this morning are that Lynch says she'll accept what career lawmen find in the Clinton investigation..

Reads clearly as if she's only recently come to this decision, as if she had been holding out for some other option all along? Outrageous.