How will they rule ??!

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I will sleep better tonight knowing that the western tradition is not only protected by America and western Europe's armies but also by Obama's Tranny Brigade.

Who would win in a fight between the Seals and the Tranny Brigade?

I get your point. But I'm supportive of anyone who wants to serve. If they're serving, it decreases the chances I'll ever have to serve.
Perhaps this question has already been asked, but if a natural 18 yr old male person identifies as female should that individual be required to register for the draft? Clearly, the obamlitary is prepared to accept those persons as female as soon as they are ready to become such. What if they wish to transition once in? What about the gays in the military already? Certainly among those are a number of sexually misaligned, who probably "identify" as something other than the sex that they are. Now that they are serving why should they be in a position to not transition? If those civilians who have can get in then why can't those who are in . . . get . . .well . . out ?? Sex change procedures at Walter Reed and Bethesda Naval? And hormone therapy at troop medical clinics, standard issue for medic kits . . . oh, a medic being assigned to support a rifle platoon in the 101st Airborne was never this confusing (or that confused as the case may be). And if you're a Delta operator and you suddenly decide to identify as female do you get credit for becoming the first woman to ever complete the military's most clandestine qualification program? These are burning effing questions and I hope these idiots have some damn good answers.
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Perhaps this question has already been asked, but if a natural 18 yr old male person identifies as female should that individual be required to register for the draft?.

Females have to register for the draft now. Makes no difference if he/she goes in as Dickless Wonder or Titty Johanssen. They still have to register.
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Lol, do explain these "self inflicted problems". You think black people want to be arrested at a much higher rate than whites? You think they want to be sentenced to death 2x more than whites for murder? You think they want to be frisked, pulled over, detained for things white people get off with warnings? They want to face hiring inequality on the basis of a name? They just bring all this on themselves eh? Blacks make up 16% of this countries population and account for 67% of the incarcerated population. So black people are just born criminals. That ya know all those years of enslaving, beating, raping, lynching, killing, denying them of food, housing, turning them away from hospitals, detaining them on trumped up charges could possibly have been a tad bit of a set back?

And dont even try and say "blacks commit more serious crimes" or whatever.....its the same damn charges and the same representation... just one gets the raw end of the deal more than the other..... a lot.... Yeah, pretty Stanford white boy is just too good/promising to put in jail for a long time for a 16 year old black kid with a 4.2 GPA and academic offers to Cal-Berkley....lets wrongfully throw his ass in jail for something he didn't do... I mean, he black so how "promising" of a future can he possibly have? Right?
I don't know who either of these people are and I didn't watch the video. I just wanted to comment on the idea that there isn't a cultural problem in some black communities. Here are some statistics from an article I recently read about the black lives matter movement.

Every year approximately 6,000 blacks are murdered. That number is greater than white and Hispanic homicide victims combined, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the national population. Blacks are killed at 6 times the rate of whites and hispanics combined. In Los Angeles, blacks between the ages of 20 and 24 die at a rate 20 to 30 times the national mean. The black death rate is a function of black crime. Black males between the ages of 14 and 17 commit homicide at 10 times the rate of whites and hispanics teen males combined. Blacks of all ages commit homicide at 8 times the rate of whites and hispanics combined, and 11 times the rate of whites alone.

In 2015, according to the Washington Post, the police killed 987 civilians. 50%, or 493, were white; 258, or 26% were black. The black violent crime rate would suggest the black percentage would have been higher. In America's 75 largest counties in 2009, blacks constituted 62% of all robbery defendants, 57% of all murder defendants, 45% of all assault defendants, but only 15% of the population.

40% of all cop killers have been black over the last decade. A larger percentage of white and hispanic homicide deaths are the result of police killings than black homicide deaths. 12% of all white and hispanic homicide victims are killed by police officers compared to 4% of all black homicide victims.

Finally, in New York city, blacks make up 23% of the population, but commit 75% of all shootings, 70% of all robberies, and 66% of all violent crime. If you add hispanic shootings, you account for 98% of all illegal gunfire in the city. Whites are 33% of the population but commit fewer than 2% of all shootings, 4% of all robberies, and 5% of all violent crime.

If those kinds of statistics don't indicate a serious cultural problem in many black communities, I would like know what would indicate a problem.
Well boy, it seems you are the only one displaying any insecurities. And I haven't seen anyone but you claiming white superiority.

Who you callin' boy, boy? [banana]

goddam you're being too serious. Stop being so serious. Stop it.

I just like to needle the necks, brah. It's my gimmick.

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What happens if a draft were to actually occur, and someone that identified as male when they were 18 had transgendered to a female when they were drafted? Do they still get drafted?
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So are you saying that John Wall, Demarcus Cousins, Eric Bledsoe, Anthony Davis are all just a bunch of misfit criminals that just straightened out because it was Cal? You essentially are saying you think 1 race is inherently violent and criminal....that its just their make up and all their own doing when a group of people that make up 18% of this countries population represents 65% of the incarcerated population? Thats the logic you are using?

Im most definitely not saying it ALWAYS someone elses fault.... But I also know there's a vast difference in how White people are viewed and treated and how Black people are.

That's quite a stretch, and you know it. Growing up without a father doesn't have an impact. Cal said so!
That's also using faulty logic.
My point is this. I don't care. There's never going to be some epic national debate on race. We're told, "we need to have these difficult conversations, we need to have honest dialogue." Every time something happens, apparently we all need to get together at a waffle house and hash it out. It's never going to happen because racebaiters like you already have your mind set. If someone is dead set on trying to prove me a racist, go ahead. There are worse things to be in life. I really don't care.
There are really no races. Did you know that? It's all just tribalism.
I don't know who either of these people are and I didn't watch the video. I just wanted to comment on the idea that there isn't a cultural problem in some black communities. Here are some statistics from an article I recently read about the black lives matter movement.

Every year approximately 6,000 blacks are murdered. That number is greater than white and Hispanic homicide victims combined, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the national population. Blacks are killed at 6 times the rate of whites and hispanics combined. In Los Angeles, blacks between the ages of 20 and 24 die at a rate 20 to 30 times the national mean. The black death rate is a function of black crime. Black males between the ages of 14 and 17 commit homicide at 10 times the rate of whites and hispanics teen males combined. Blacks of all ages commit homicide at 8 times the rate of whites and hispanics combined, and 11 times the rate of whites alone.

In 2015, according to the Washington Post, the police killed 987 civilians. 50%, or 493, were white; 258, or 26% were black. The black violent crime rate would suggest the black percentage would have been higher. In America's 75 largest counties in 2009, blacks constituted 62% of all robbery defendants, 57% of all murder defendants, 45% of all assault defendants, but only 15% of the population.

40% of all cop killers have been black over the last decade. A larger percentage of white and hispanic homicide deaths are the result of police killings than black homicide deaths. 12% of all white and hispanic homicide victims are killed by police officers compared to 4% of all black homicide victims.

Finally, in New York city, blacks make up 23% of the population, but commit 75% of all shootings, 70% of all robberies, and 66% of all violent crime. If you add hispanic shootings, you account for 98% of all illegal gunfire in the city. Whites are 33% of the population but commit fewer than 2% of all shootings, 4% of all robberies, and 5% of all violent crime.

If those kinds of statistics don't indicate a serious cultural problem in many black communities, I would like know what would indicate a problem.
Nailed it
I don't know who either of these people are and I didn't watch the video. I just wanted to comment on the idea that there isn't a cultural problem in some black communities. Here are some statistics from an article I recently read about the black lives matter movement.

Every year approximately 6,000 blacks are murdered. That number is greater than white and Hispanic homicide victims combined, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the national population. Blacks are killed at 6 times the rate of whites and hispanics combined. In Los Angeles, blacks between the ages of 20 and 24 die at a rate 20 to 30 times the national mean. The black death rate is a function of black crime. Black males between the ages of 14 and 17 commit homicide at 10 times the rate of whites and hispanics teen males combined. Blacks of all ages commit homicide at 8 times the rate of whites and hispanics combined, and 11 times the rate of whites alone.

In 2015, according to the Washington Post, the police killed 987 civilians. 50%, or 493, were white; 258, or 26% were black. The black violent crime rate would suggest the black percentage would have been higher. In America's 75 largest counties in 2009, blacks constituted 62% of all robbery defendants, 57% of all murder defendants, 45% of all assault defendants, but only 15% of the population.

40% of all cop killers have been black over the last decade. A larger percentage of white and hispanic homicide deaths are the result of police killings than black homicide deaths. 12% of all white and hispanic homicide victims are killed by police officers compared to 4% of all black homicide victims.

Finally, in New York city, blacks make up 23% of the population, but commit 75% of all shootings, 70% of all robberies, and 66% of all violent crime. If you add hispanic shootings, you account for 98% of all illegal gunfire in the city. Whites are 33% of the population but commit fewer than 2% of all shootings, 4% of all robberies, and 5% of all violent crime.

If those kinds of statistics don't indicate a serious cultural problem in many black communities, I would like know what would indicate a problem.

Good god. Unbelievable.
Lol, do explain these "self inflicted problems". You think black people want to be arrested at a much higher rate than whites? You think they want to be sentenced to death 2x more than whites for murder? You think they want to be frisked, pulled over, detained for things white people get off with warnings? They want to face hiring inequality on the basis of a name? They just bring all this on themselves eh? Blacks make up 16% of this countries population and account for 67% of the incarcerated population. So black people are just born criminals. That ya know all those years of enslaving, beating, raping, lynching, killing, denying them of food, housing, turning them away from hospitals, detaining them on trumped up charges could possibly have been a tad bit of a set back?

And dont even try and say "blacks commit more serious crimes" or whatever.....its the same damn charges and the same representation... just one gets the raw end of the deal more than the other..... a lot.... Yeah, pretty Stanford white boy is just too good/promising to put in jail for a long time for a 16 year old black kid with a 4.2 GPA and academic offers to Cal-Berkley....lets wrongfully throw his ass in jail for something he didn't do... I mean, he black so how "promising" of a future can he possibly have? Right?
So what is the motive behind institutional racism and why am I being blamed for it? Because I'll tell you... Calling me the root of the problem doesn't exactly increase my sympathy for this fabricated plight.
Does anyone believe our military would obey a liberal order to confiscate weapons? I dont

Right now? No.

When the government is so big 75% of the population depends on it, yes.

Soldiers in history have toted the government line and helped in aiding confiscation.

Soldiers get paid to obey order. If they don't they're out. Put people's families on the line, they'll do it.

Kill me first and I mean it. There's millions of people who are willing to die for or second amendment. The government knows this that's why no executive ban orders were issued
This is getting ridiculous.

Blacks commit crimes at an extremely high rate compared to other ethnic groups. If you don't like the incarceration rates, get in order, it'll stop.

I'm not going to waste time on the numbers. The claims that blacks are mistreated by main stream policing is a lie. The numbers show it to be a lie, and idiots like this OP buy into the propaganda for vote herding. Of course, all while the black community continues to commit genocide at african rates.

The problems in the black community today are

1. culture
2. family

Culture, like the music for example. tell us more about how rap music is "just music" and not ingrained into the african american communities today. They are literally living and acting out rap music, just look around.) It might not be cool to point to things like music, but it's absolutely a huge problem. (And I listen to rap, but I can handle it.)

The Asians in America DISMANTLE the black/liberal claims of oppression. They are even more of a minority and are performing better than whites. Its all about culture, family, and personal responsibility.

The black family has been dismantled and in some ways thanks to the government intervention into the family. If there are no fathers present to raise the boys, unless they're extra bright, it's ballgame. These neighborhoods will eat a fatherless kid up, and quick. Some of these boys are literally toting a piece in middle school. Stop thinking you can fix a problem without identifying the actual solution, which is right in your face, because of your PC bullshit.

Keep on libtards. Keep fighting poverty and racial issues using the same methods while they crash and burn. Who cares if blacks are actually better off, right? As long as you've got those slave herding devils like Sharpton to help garner some votes of your stupid cause.
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Right now? No.

When the government is so big 75% of the population depends on it, yes.

Soldiers in history have toted the government line and helped in aiding confiscation.

Soldiers get paid to obey order. If they don't they're out. Put people's families on the line, they'll do it.

Kill me first and I mean it. There's millions of people who are willing to die for or second amendment. The government knows this that's why no executive ban orders were issued

I did mean, now.

But yes I do agree with the rest. I know a lot of current/former soldiers and there is no way they would go with that.

Watching trump on Hannity tonight, the man is really coming around as far as portraying a leader/president.

I really think(and pray) hes going to pull it off. And I hope the first thing he does is see to it that hillary goes where she belongs.
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What happens if a draft were to actually occur, and someone that identified as male when they were 18 had transgendered to a female when they were drafted? Do they still get drafted?

Add to the pile of burning questions and don't for a minute think these are not crucial. Although Willy was badly mistaken earlier, what can be stated is recent legislative process on the issue of whether women should be required to register. I believe the matter has actually passed on certain levels recently, but at this point it is not yet law, and hopefully never will be. Should it become an actual requirement (law) for women - Titties Johannsen (loved that, Willy) - to register for the draft, then the good news is that any chicken shit dudette who identifies as female would not be able to dodge (an actual draft) by having his pecker and sack cut off. In the meantime, things are much more complicated, and so it will seem likely any bill that comes across the president's desk for women to register for the draft, he would be "forced" to sign into law (not veto) on the basis that doing so would aid to quell the chaos that was necessary to create in order to serve other moral goods: allow transgenders in military. Obama would likely sign any bill requiring women to register for the draft into law, provided that the future processes of doing so allows all persons to annotate the sex that they identify with, and not the sex that is stuck between their legs. This is the military this president has crafted with which to protect our lands and our children. Wow, just ever mother-loving, wow.
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Hillary doing some traitorous kinda shit. I also think she snorts blow too. You seen those crazy eyes? Shit. Telling ya now.

Kopi that was good info. I didnt know it wasnt law yet.
Man oh man. The left has brainwashed another!

Just a couple SIMPLE facts:

Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks commit around half of homicides in the United States. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed 52% of homicides, compared to 45% of homicides committed by whites.

Despite committing 52% of murders, blacks only made up 38.5% of the murder arrests. So, yes I could definitely see how they are mistreated??

Here's another. From 99-2011, despite making up at least half of the violent crimes, black people were killed by police at a rate of half that of white. 2151 white people opposed to 1130 black people killed by police. Care to explain that @BigBlueSean?

Here's another one that totally disputes your agenda since you referenced the poster earlier only being able to come up with one:

Despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit eight timesmore crimes against whites than vice-versa, according to FBI statistics from 2007. A black male is 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. These figures also show that interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white.

Again, care to explain that one. Or is it because of slavery?

Now what are some REAL reasons that might cause these statistics? I'm sure there are many, including some of it could be attributed to the past, but give me a Fricken break blaming all their problems on white people. Guess who white people acquired their slaves from? Gasp, other Africans.

Now if you want to blame liberal politics, you might be onto something. But at the same time, if they would just focus all the energy they use blaming white people on something productive, maybe just maybe this bullcrap conversation could cease to exist.
Here's another. From 99-2011, despite making up at least half of the violent crimes, black people were killed by police at a rate of half that of white. 2151 white people opposed to 1130 black people killed by police. Care to explain that @BigBlueSean?

Sure more white people are killed... theres a total of 200 million whites in the US as compared to 35 million blacks... so comparing pure volume isn't indicative of a true representation less than 1% of the total white population were killed by cops as compared to African Americans which is quadruple the rate. See this is why I cant even begin to shred the data you think you bring to the table that support your argument. You don't have the knowledge of how statistical analysis is even conducted to give accurate representation.... You can't just solely go on pure raw volume of people if one of your sample sizes is almost 10x the size of the one you are comparing it to.

It's not liberal mumbo jumbo, nor am I myself a liberal.... the right just likes to throw these stats out that are all based on a pure volume principle...that works only if the size of your two groups have the same exact amount of members.

I guess many just like to not watch the actual videos and just jump on and provide stats you don't have a goddamn clue how to even interpret.

I watched last week 7 youth enter a courtroom. For all 7 it was their first involvement with the justice system. All were charged with felonies. 6 black...1 white. All had DPA. One kid got his charge amended to a lower charge...the white kid. Only 1 kid avoided being sentenced as a YO (adult)....the white kid, who was the only one with a weapon. 6 black kids, ages 15-16 with no priors were sentenced as adults with a felony charge that will cripple their lives forever. 4 of them are honor roll students...kiss financial aid goodbye. Kiss a decent job goodbye...that sir isn't a culture or family issue. That's a frigging mockery of a system that essentially said "ya know what, fvck your're black...what promise could you possibly have." Same exact thing that happened to that Stanford swimmer....jail is just too hard for a nice white fellow like him who raped an innocent woman while she was passed out....meanwhile the same judge sentenced a 16 year old black male with a full academic scholarship to Cal Berkeley to 16 years of which he served 5 wrongfully after the victim admitted to giving consent.

Never did I say it's all whites fault. Never did I say blacks don't deserve some accountability as well. But don't sit here and tell me a system isn't rigged. Maybe you should watch the 2nd video in its entirety...and also take a couple classes on statistical analysis while you are at it.
This is getting ridiculous.

Blacks commit crimes at an extremely high rate compared to other ethnic groups. If you don't like the incarceration rates, get in order, it'll stop.

I'm not going to waste time on the numbers. The claims that blacks are mistreated by main stream policing is a lie. The numbers show it to be a lie, and idiots like this OP buy into the propaganda for vote herding. Of course, all while the black community continues to commit genocide at african rates.

The problems in the black community today are

1. culture
2. family

Culture, like the music for example. tell us more about how rap music is "just music" and not ingrained into the african american communities today. They are literally living and acting out rap music, just look around.) It might not be cool to point to things like music, but it's absolutely a huge problem. (And I listen to rap, but I can handle it.)

The Asians in America DISMANTLE the black/liberal claims of oppression. They are even more of a minority and are performing better than whites. Its all about culture, family, and personal responsibility.

The black family has been dismantled and in some ways thanks to the government intervention into the family. If there are no fathers present to raise the boys, unless they're extra bright, it's ballgame. These neighborhoods will eat a fatherless kid up, and quick. Some of these boys are literally toting a piece in middle school. Stop thinking you can fix a problem without identifying the actual solution, which is right in your face, because of your PC bullshit.

Keep on libtards. Keep fighting poverty and racial issues using the same methods while they crash and burn. Who cares if blacks are actually better off, right? As long as you've got those slave herding devils like Sharpton to help garner some votes of your stupid cause.

Just stop with the rap music ever listened to rap music? If rap music was a cause everyone....white , black. Hispanic would be going out and pulling drive by and slinging drugs....Is that what you see? No, not at sound like Bill O'REILLY.....rap music ..... hahahahaha

Hey that song that starts "mama, I just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger now he's dead"....

Who sings that again? Ice Cube? Biggie? Tupac? Ohhhhhh wait a minute Queen!? Freddie Mercury!? I can quote just as many rock songs or country or whatever songs with "illegal or morally wrong content" as rap music.... lol come on now...
Lol we have a system set up where people go into extremely poor shook districts, test 5th graders reading levels and if they aren't at a 5th grade level we build a prison bed for them. Look it up. School to prison pipeline. Screw services for anyone who lives in those areas (largely black or minorities in general). Na let's not address the issues. Let's just build a prison bed...that way BOP and the government get money for another head in their facility and can take advantage of free labor. Let's just fill those areas with liquor stores, cash advances and anything else that can prey on the ignorance....anything to make sure the elite and the government can make their profit. It's all about maintaining power....Whites wanna be sure to keep that .... Black president was just bad enough already and took a big enough dent out of the establishment.

Also I don't give a shit who sold the slaves. It was whites that bought them in the states and the overwhelming majority of slave owners in this country were white. Black dudes from African didn't enact Jim Crow laws here in America? The didn't create a KKK.......
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Here's another. From 99-2011, despite making up at least half of the violent crimes, black people were killed by police at a rate of half that of white. 2151 white people opposed to 1130 black people killed by police. Care to explain that @BigBlueSean?

Sure more white people are killed... theres a total of 200 million whites in the US as compared to 35 million blacks... so comparing pure volume isn't indicative of a true representation less than 1% of the total white population were killed by cops as compared to African Americans which is quadruple the rate. See this is why I cant even begin to shred the data you think you bring to the table that support your argument. You don't have the knowledge of how statistical analysis is even conducted to give accurate representation.... You can't just solely go on pure raw volume of people if one of your sample sizes is almost 10x the size of the one you are comparing it to.

It's not liberal mumbo jumbo, nor am I myself a liberal.... the right just likes to throw these stats out that are all based on a pure volume principle...that works only if the size of your two groups have the same exact amount of members.

I guess many just like to not watch the actual videos and just jump on and provide stats you don't have a goddamn clue how to even interpret.

I watched last week 7 youth enter a courtroom. For all 7 it was their first involvement with the justice system. All were charged with felonies. 6 black...1 white. All had DPA. One kid got his charge amended to a lower charge...the white kid. Only 1 kid avoided being sentenced as a YO (adult)....the white kid, who was the only one with a weapon. 6 black kids, ages 15-16 with no priors were sentenced as adults with a felony charge that will cripple their lives forever. 4 of them are honor roll students...kiss financial aid goodbye. Kiss a decent job goodbye...that sir isn't a culture or family issue. That's a frigging mockery of a system that essentially said "ya know what, fvck your're black...what promise could you possibly have." Same exact thing that happened to that Stanford swimmer....jail is just too hard for a nice white fellow like him who raped an innocent woman while she was passed out....meanwhile the same judge sentenced a 16 year old black male with a full academic scholarship to Cal Berkeley to 16 years of which he served 5 wrongfully after the victim admitted to giving consent.

Never did I say it's all whites fault. Never did I say blacks don't deserve some accountability as well. But don't sit here and tell me a system isn't rigged. Maybe you should watch the 2nd video in its entirety...and also take a couple classes on statistical analysis while you are at it.

I see you TOTALLY missed the point or chose to ignore it. DESPITE COMMITTING MORE THAN HALF OF VIOLENT CRIME, blacks are STILL KILLED AT A RATE OF HALF THAT OF WHITE PEOPLE BY POLICE. You don't base that off raw population sean.

Are you suggesting that Marshall law is in effect and cops are just going door to door to encounter every day Joe's ?

And I didn't even mention this...did you really cite tray von Martin? If anything, that case TOTALLY DISPROVES your argument. Had the victim(hint: not trayvon) been black or if the perpetrator(tryavon) been white...there never would have been charges brought, it never would have been a story and we never would have discussed it.

And the only thing that rings true when considering PURE VOLUME like YOU like to point out. Is that blacks COMMIT CRIME AT A HIGHLY DISPROPORTIONATE rate.

So yeah funny, you can't even have a good argument because us white folk don't understand numbers


You might not recognize yourself as a liberal hack but you sure as hell are one. A media puppet.

Now tell me, if 13% of the population is committing roughly 52% of violent crime, how are they being oppressed?

YOU are the one who is using statistics that don5 fit the argument. Not I, barrack.
I watched last week 7 youth enter a courtroom. For all 7 it was their first involvement with the justice system. All were charged with felonies. 6 black...1 white. All had DPA. One kid got his charge amended to a lower charge...the white kid. Only 1 kid avoided being sentenced as a YO (adult)....the white kid, who was the only one with a weapon. 6 black kids, ages 15-16 with no priors were sentenced as adults with a felony charge that will cripple their lives forever. 4 of them are honor roll students...kiss financial aid goodbye. Kiss a decent job goodbye...that sir isn't a culture or family issue. That's a frigging mockery of a system that essentially said "ya know what, fvck your're black...what promise could you possibly have." Same exact thing that happened to that Stanford swimmer....jail is just too hard for a nice white fellow like him who raped an innocent woman while she was passed out....meanwhile the same judge sentenced a 16 year old black male with a full academic scholarship to Cal Berkeley to 16 years of which he served 5 wrongfully after the victim admitted to giving consent.
What are their names and city?
Several polls have shown to be tainted with overwhelming numbers of democrats polled. You can throw NBC polls in the trash this year. Several others as well. Even averaging those in, RCP has the average essentially within the margin of error. What's more awesome is the key battleground states. Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida are all under 4 points for Clinton. When you take into account the inaccurate left leaning numbers, it's a tie with a huge portion of independents undecided. Clinton cannot get to 50% and that's great news for trump.

After his politically incorrect comments, the media hammering him relentlessly, and Clinton being a known politician, it's still a tie. Not one debate has been had yet.

I'm loving democrats sleeping on this one. Plus we are one more large scale terrorist attack on home soil from Clinton being out of the race completely.

I can't believe democrats would support someone so evil and corrupt. Everything that party ran on in 2008 was an absolute lie. They support what they claimed to hate. I can't wait until you have to watch trump dismantle everything Obama did through executive order.
I saw someone suggest that Trump should bring up the families of the Benghazi victims on stage and then recite what Hillary told them face-to-face when their sons died. She's a total POS.

Can't wait to see the moderators in the debate. I'm sure they will be just as good as this fat bitch was when she helped Obama side step Romney's point.

Yes, bring the family up...Brilliant
Amb. Stevens' sister: Don't blame Clinton for Benghazi
Here's another. From 99-2011, despite making up at least half of the violent crimes, black people were killed by police at a rate of half that of white. 2151 white people opposed to 1130 black people killed by police. Care to explain that @BigBlueSean?

That's a frigging mockery of a system that essentially said "ya know what, fvck your're black...what promise could you possibly have." Same exact thing that happened to that Stanford swimmer....jail is just too hard for a nice white fellow like him who raped an innocent woman while she was passed out..

Hey, you know who else jail was too hard for?

Kobe Bryant (rape)
Jameis Winston (rape)
Ray Lewis
Corie Blount
Leonard Little
Lawrence Taylor (rape)
Dantae Stallworth

In your paranoid mind, blacks don't commit a disproportionate amount of crimes (they do) and every study backs it. You'll claim systematic racism or whites drove them to crime. You blame your shitty schools and crime-ridden neighborhoods on other people as if it's not your problem.

Basically, you're another brainwashed crybaby who thinks blacks are not responsible for anything and all of their problems are because of white people while ignoring other races are blowing past you in shorter time periods. Why do you refuse to acknowledge that? Because it would require you to look in the mirror and admit some major problems within the problematic culture.
And the only thing that rings true when considering PURE VOLUME like YOU like to point out. Is that blacks COMMIT CRIME AT A HIGHLY DISPROPORTIONATE rate.

So yeah funny, you can't even have a good argument because us white folk don't understand numbers


You might not recognize yourself as a liberal hack but you sure as hell are one. A media puppet.

Now tell me, if 13% of the population is committing roughly 52% of violent crime, how are they being oppressed?

YOU are the one who is using statistics that don5 fit the argument. Not I, barrack.

That 12 percent number is even lower because that accounts for the entire black population. Black males (16-30, I believe) are the ones who commit the most crime.

But ole Sean here will say "It's not about race. It's about poverty." To that I say, why is Appalachia's crime rate about two thirds of the national average? I mean, it's because of poverty, right?

You see, people can't handle these types of uncomfortable truths. They can't handle racial realities. Their instincts are to freak out and yell "racist" as soon as you get hit with a dose of truth and they just want everyone to go along pretending this isn't reality.

We have to pretend that the cities that are the worst for crime don't all have one huge thing in common: a high black population. We have to ignore that it is most prevalent there because it's "racist" to point out any critical flaw of any group that isn't white.

No one is interested in fixing any of this crap either. The black community refuses to acknowledge any fault in the problem. Many won't even admit there is a problem outside of "white devil." Democratic Party politicians pander to their inner hatred to gain votes and those that do want to help, get demonized.

I want to bring it up again because it's a valid point. There is no appeasing this group as a whole. There is a huge desire to self segregate, bitch and moan about their plight and then if someone wants to make their area into a thriving community again with jobs and a place where people aren't afraid to go; it's called "gentrification" and they get pissed.

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