How will they rule ??!

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Lynch meeting privately with Clinton is just another example of everything that is wrong with our government. Do not care what party you support, you cannot support this kind of incompetence and total disregard shown by the US AG. Everyone knows Bill is a scumbag, but to now have an AG compromise herself in a criminal investigation and act like everything is fine is downright scary. They are all criminals protecting criminals. Sickening

We The People have lost total control of our government and country.
Oh come on. He just needed a bj.
If you disagree with me that's fine but if you want to call me a racist have the damn balls to do it straight up rather than guilty conscience innuendo.

I don't have a guilty conscience I can assure you of that.

Well why you so upset about this?
So you don't consider the Confederate Battle Flag racist, since slavery was only a small part of the war?

The confederate flag has a duality of meanings. I get the people that say its "heritage" and has no racial meaning to them. But the fact is to many people the confederate flag is a sign of oppression and one has to be mindful of that. Just because you view it as 1 thing doesnt mean you then get to say that another persons view or opinion isnt valid. It would be the equivalent of if i was Buddhist... A common ancient symbol in the Buddhist faith is a swastika.... Sure I could fly a flag of a giant swastika in front of my house to simply represent my faith...but I also have to realize that is a sign also used for oppression that has a negative connotation to many people that the Nazi's used. Doesnt meant either one is wrong... it just means to different people things can take on different meanings....some having racist undertones, and some not having those undertones. Which is ultimately why I dont think a confederate flag should be flown outside of any government building.
No fathers in the black community is the problem. The rest is just grandstandbitching.

But why is that? Maybe the fact that black males are arrested and incarcerated for non-serious/non-violent crimes and sentenced longer and harsher sentences perpetuates that...Also Calipari kinda disputed this when he went on O'Reiley... in saying that he has been in tons of black kids homes that were kind, respectful etc... that we raised by single mothers, aunts, uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers.
Transgenders in military given ok by Defense Secrdtary Carter.

I'm fine with that. I'm glad anyone that wants to serve, can. But the thought of having to pay for their transgendered elective medical costs is just absurd. I saw a report that said this was to be included. But I don't know if that's accurate.

Want to know what's funny. Any of us posting in this thread, at least the ones who are natural born citizens at least 35 years old, could be president and it wouldn't be any worse than the last 16 years.

Or any inanimate object for that matter.
Not a big fan of Trump. But push comes to shove he'll have my vote.

Just from your style I would have thought you'd love trump.

Not religious, not socially conservative, not a politician, doesn't give a f*ck, and is going to shake the hell out of washington in ways never before seen. He doesn't pander to Islamic sympathizers and doesn't give a shit what the world thinks. He's Business oriented and obviously knows how to get people to work.
But why is that? Maybe the fact that black males are arrested and incarcerated for non-serious/non-violent crimes and sentenced longer and harsher sentences perpetuates that...Also Calipari kinda disputed this when he went on O'Reiley... in saying that he has been in tons of black kids homes that were kind, respectful etc... that we raised by single mothers, aunts, uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers.

Lol, I thought you were serious this whole time. Of course, if cal were to come into your living room, you'd be on your best behavior. He's your ticket out.
Good one, Sean.
I think it was unfair to air the BET awards on 7 channels.

Jesse Williams is half white and worth millions...PREACH!
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Just from your style I would have thought you'd love trump.

Not religious, not socially conservative, not a politician, doesn't give a f*ck, and is going to shake the hell out of washington in ways never before seen. He doesn't pander to Islamic sympathizers and doesn't give a shit what the world thinks. He's Business oriented and obviously knows how to get people to work.

The only thing that worries me is how much hot air and how much is truth.
Lol, I thought you were serious this whole time. Of course, if cal were to come into your living room, you'd be on your best behavior. He's your ticket out.
Good one, Sean.

So are you saying that John Wall, Demarcus Cousins, Eric Bledsoe, Anthony Davis are all just a bunch of misfit criminals that just straightened out because it was Cal? You essentially are saying you think 1 race is inherently violent and criminal....that its just their make up and all their own doing when a group of people that make up 18% of this countries population represents 65% of the incarcerated population? Thats the logic you are using?

Im most definitely not saying it ALWAYS someone elses fault.... But I also know there's a vast difference in how White people are viewed and treated and how Black people are.
Just from your style I would have thought you'd love trump.

Not religious, not socially conservative, not a politician, doesn't give a f*ck, and is going to shake the hell out of washington in ways never before seen. He doesn't pander to Islamic sympathizers and doesn't give a shit what the world thinks. He's Business oriented and obviously knows how to get people to work.

I think Trump could be (key word being "could") a great president.
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Why are you upset with her response? Why did you feel the need to make a post about it.

Why am I upset? Because you backhandedly called me a racist. So yeah that pissed me off.

Im upset with her response because she essentially gets paid to spread ignorance a bigotry to essentially pay for her blowouts every month. That she gets to ramble on about a bunch of bullshit that have 0 facts to back anything up. Its because of dumbasses like her we have people living with attitudes that belong back in the 1800s.
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It must be terrible carrying around all that guilt.

I don't feel guilty for shit. I just refuse to play the persecuted whitey card because it's ludicrous. My life is good. I'm not going to whine about my dominant group race not receiving preferential treatment like we used to.

Persecuted whitey and persecuted American Christians are two of the dumbest "causes" in the US right now.
Im not here to make anyone "guilty" or feel bad or anything like that. I just think its a tad pretentious AND ignorant to sit here and honestly believe that 1 group of people are just inherently more violent and criminal. I think its dumb to sit here and act like slavery, the civil rights, jim crow etc.. didn't possibly have a major negative effect and set back African Americans as a whole. You look at the UCR numbers and the plethora of studies out there and its pretty evident that 1) there is such thing as white privilege, and 2) African Americans still today are not treated as equal. To sit here and ignore the cases like Trayvon Martin, Rodney King, Brown and many many others I think is a tad dumb. To sit here and act like if Flint, Michigan was the equivalent to Andover in Lexington the water issue would have been unaddressed for as long as what it went is a joke. City and State officials KNEW....and if you think that how they reacted was a tad different because it is a poverty ridden, crime ridden, black dominated neighborhood you are pretty oblivious.

I used to have a very different outlook... Then I married my wife, who is black and got the job I have now dealing with the legal system that saw what the truth really is. What my wife and young black men have to worry about and deal with on a daily basis that I dont bat an eye about.....and the main reason for that is due to the color of my skin.
Coming from an analyst who insisted Trump had no chance statistically of winning the nomination

No thanks

Yep. Usually a good statistician. But Noone can apply usual methods for this election. It blows everything up. Alot of it has to do with the closet Trump supporters.

So there can't be accurate data. And even if there was, no previous model of prediction can apply.
Im upset with her response because she essentially gets paid to spread ignorance a bigotry to essentially pay for her blowouts every month. That she gets to ramble on about a bunch of bullshit that have 0 facts to back anything up. Its because of dumbasses like her we have people living with attitudes that belong back in the 1800s.
Well we can agree on that. She's an idiot. I didn't even watch her response.
Everyone acts like slavery was sooo long ago and we are soo removed from it..... My father in laws grandfather was a slave. Thats not that long ago.
I think Trump could be (key word being "could") a great president.

I think Trump would surround himself with great thinkers like Gingrich and Ryan, create jobs and allow the generals to make the call in the field of terrorism. The next president doesn't have to be brilliant to be effective, and effective is the only ingredient a president needs in order to be great in a scholars mind.

Johnson, unfortunately for true libertarians, is a vote for Hillary in this election. Because of the unusual importance of this particular race (supreme court, future of terrorism, 20 trillion in debt) detailed principles and voter conscious need to take a back seat to basic reality.

I think most people could understand, whether religious or not, that a conservative supreme court has ruled in a manner which the American people have done extremely well. They've even ruled across lines on such issues like abortion and Healthcare. They've taken unpopular stances at times against the religious community. I don't see that kind of bend in liberals on other topics, and especially liberal judges. I wouldn't want to risk overturning the court blue if I were a libertarian. Hillary would mount an assault on things such as the second amendment because her boy took her precious healthcare bill. She needs something in her legacy.

If Hillary becomes president we will have 16 years of straight liberal hack corruption in Washington. It's a worst case scenario for America that our forefathers warned about.

I don't know, seems easy.
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Well we can agree on that. She's an idiot. I didn't even watch her response.

Same thing with Trump... Lets place blame for all of our problems on the poor minorities....when really the epitome of whats really wrong with this nation is Donald Trump himself.
Sounds like these boys can't.

Please enlighten me how I'm filled with guilt because I make fun of silly rednecks with their "poor ole whitey" nonsense.

I'd love to hear your likely hilarious explanation. I beg you, show me the error of my guilty ways.
huh? I wasn't talking to you. Was replying to that other guy up there.

He replied to me. I was just trying to figure out how making fun of the insecurities of the dominant group (of which I'm a member) make me filled with guilt.
Please enlighten me how I'm filled with guilt because I make fun of silly rednecks with their "poor ole whitey" nonsense.

I'd love to hear your likely hilarious explanation. I beg you, show me the error of my guilty ways.

He replied to me. I was just trying to figure out how making fun of the insecurities of the dominant group (of which I'm a member) make me filled with guilt.
Well boy, it seems you are the only one displaying any insecurities. And I haven't seen anyone but you claiming white superiority.
Don't like Trump. I think he's a borderline democrat, and an egomaniac.

But if he becomes POTUS, surrounding himself with good people will be the key to everything.
So, a day after having a private meeting with Bill Clinton, the DOJ put thousands of Clinton Foundation emails on ice until way after the election.

How is this not criminal? And at what point do we see disgruntled FBI, investigators and even judges speaking out and pushing back?
So, a day after having a private meeting with Bill Clinton, the DOJ put thousands of Clinton Foundation emails on ice until way after the election.

How is this not criminal? And at what point do we see disgruntled FBI, investigators and even judges speaking out and pushing back?

Same reason lying to the public about the terror attack in Benghazi wasn't. And for the same reason. Too close to the election. Corruption.
I will sleep better tonight knowing that the western tradition is not only protected by America and western Europe's armies but also by Obama's Tranny Brigade.

Who would win in a fight between the Seals and the Tranny Brigade?
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The media is to blame! Take Chicago for instance, they only report 1/2 the actual murders. They reported last weekend 68 shootings, what about the other 68 they didn't report? They just report on black crime, I never read about white crime.... .I blame Trump for all this, the world was better off before he started getting on Fox news. Fox news started this mess.
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Im upset with her response because she essentially gets paid to spread ignorance a bigotry to essentially pay for her blowouts every month. That she gets to ramble on about a bunch of bullshit that have 0 facts to back anything up. Its because of dumbasses like her we have people living with attitudes that belong back in the 1800s.

You just described every racebaiter who always wants to instill a victim complex.

Let's be honest here. Blacks will still be blaming whites as their boogeyman 100 years from now. In the paranoid mind, everyone is out to get blacks. That's why nothing improves. You know because whites make 74 percent of black fathers leave their kids, makes 12 percent of the population commit over half of the murders in this country, burn down neighborhoods every time a criminal gets killed and idolize stupid crap.

No one but whites can get ahead, right? That's why Asian Americans who are a fourth of the black population average more household income than whites do.

Serious question here...are blacks responsible for anything in your mind? Or are they just constantly victims of whitey?

I think the majority of us are sick of the bitching outside of Mega. The career victims are filled with hate and preach nothing but hate about whites and then want to self segregate and to cry racism at the same time.

There's simply no making this group as a whole very happy. Why? Because look at their blaming of whites for not being able to create anything in these cities where they're the majority and where it's nothing but crime. Whites get accused of not caring or being the cause of it and then when whitey wants to help your neighborboods, you bitch about "gentrification."

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