Warren would get called “Pocahontas” and struggle to combat Trump’s middle-school bully approach during debates. Plus she’s a woman.

Warren would get called “Pocahontas” and struggle to combat Trump’s middle-school bully approach during debates. Plus she’s a woman.
That’s not the pipeline the poster was referring to.
You are without a doubt the most ignorant poster on this board...and that is saying something.False, you don't wait to be attacked before you decide to fund your defense. Minutemen defense helped way back when but, it will not work now. Your dumb ass would not know that, you pansy's were protected being on our border for years and think security is because your passive nature made it happen.
SIAP, but CPS teachers going to Venezuela to get talking point for Socialism is just awesome.
Has he proclaimed he wants the country to go into a painful recession because his candidate lost an election? Those people are the worst.You are without a doubt the most ignorant poster on this board...and that is saying something.
General Potemkin would be very proud.SIAP, but CPS teachers going to Venezuela to get talking point for Socialism is just awesome.
That IS the Keystone pipeline. The green line on the chart, that is Keystone XL of which the Obama administration objected to a 400 mile section...or more correctly, the path that was proposed for Keystone XL. They wanted it rerouted to avoid some environmentally sensitive areas.
Thanks for further proving that you and the other MAGAets are ignorant about most of the crap posted on this board. You're for/against things based solely on who is pushing it and never bother to research and educate yourself on the actual issues. God help someone who actually uses their brain and be able to speak to the merits of issues.
This is a perfect case-in-point of how politicians in general and especially people like orange man can lie over and over and still people blindly follow. "Obama is anti-oil...Obama is against Keystone..."...y'all suck it up, and stay willfully ignorant. It's how someone can call for trade wars and $1T deficits and still call themselves "conservative".
BTW, I brought up Keystone, he replied to my comments. So if "that" isn't the pipeline the poster was referring then neither of you know what the Keystone pipeline is.
We understand why you won't go to one, there are women there.
That IS the Keystone pipeline. The green line on the chart, that is Keystone XL of which the Obama administration objected to a 400 mile section...or more correctly, the path that was proposed for Keystone XL. They wanted it rerouted to avoid some environmentally sensitive areas.
Thanks for further proving that you and the other MAGAets are ignorant about most of the crap posted on this board. You're for/against things based solely on who is pushing it and never bother to research and educate yourself on the actual issues. God help someone who actually uses their brain and be able to speak to the merits of issues.
This is a perfect case-in-point of how politicians in general and especially people like orange man can lie over and over and still people blindly follow. "Obama is anti-oil...Obama is against Keystone..."...y'all suck it up, and stay willfully ignorant. It's how someone can call for trade wars and $1T deficits and still call themselves "conservative".
BTW, I brought up Keystone, he replied to my comments. So if "that" isn't the pipeline the poster was referring then neither of you know what the Keystone pipeline is.
Much of what has gone on on makes House of Cards look kinda meh.Imagine trying to write geopolitical fiction. You can't even fathom things such as what actually happened with the attempted coup
Is rqarnold the Arnold from Green Acres fame?
That was arnold ziffel. he was intelligent. i think he went on to become a blt.
So the people who purport to know what is best for America, are more concerned about someone saying "America" than they are about someone illegally coming to America?
If she had said "in school the hat comes off at the door", would there have been a problem? Doubt it. It was just the word "America" that set people off. That's sad.
Teaching about pedophilia in California schools because it happened in history... while essentially completely ignoring US history, unless it paints the country in a negative light.
California is the worst. God bless the people that live there and aren’t insane.
Cut him some slack. Can you imagine Ed’s disappointment at the last baby shower he attended when he learned they weren’t giving babies.
It is just an uncontrollable outrage machine now. This weekend, Andy Lassner, a far lefty producer for Ellen (and one of James' "sources"), actually kind of called out Antifa behavior and was so bombarded he had to apologize later that day for being insensitive.https://www.lex18.com/danville-high...-showing-incident-between-student-and-teacher
I went to Danville high school from 2001-2005. That teacher was there then. She says that to everyone wearing hats or not following rules. She’s far from a racist. She gives students of all colors rides to and from home and extra curriculars.
The only mistake she made was not realizing it’s 2019 and you can’t say anything not PC anymore. I’m embarrassed to have graduated from DHS.
Apparently the students wore hats today to protest the “bigotry”. How about A) it was probably day 3 of remove your hat and B) didn’t know cell phones were allowed in class like that.
Sadly she probably loses her job she’s had for 30+ years because of PC culture.
Harvey Milk and Freddie Mercury will be the Rosa Parks of LGTBQ history class
What do you call Rock Hudson on a skateboard? Rolaids.
It is just an uncontrollable outrage machine now. This weekend, Andy Lassner, a far lefty producer for Ellen (and one of James' "sources"), actually kind of called out Antifa behavior and was so bombarded he had to apologize later that day for being insensitive.
They told Mercury to go to the back of the band. He refused. He wanted to be the catcher, and no one was going to stand in his way.
During the tranny lesson they will pull out weiner picts of Michael Obama as former Oregon Duck linebacker Michael Eugene Robinson
They told Mercury to go to the back of the band. He refused. He wanted to be the catcher, and no one was going to stand in his way.
And I bet for every comment of “you’re a racist” there were a few “exactly” responses.
I was reading through comments regarding the teacher at DHS. For every “that’s racist!!!” There were 4-5 comments that said this is a nonissue and being overblown.
Sadly society thinks it has to bow down to the few that are squawking.
Harvey Milk and Freddie Mercury will be the Rosa Parks of LGTBQ history class
What do you call Rock Hudson on a skateboard? Rolaids.
Republicans trying to talk about hate is like Nazis trying to talk about racism.