April 2011 oil was $129.99/bblGood on Bill. He realized he had made a simple mistake and he took responsibility for it.
Glad he made the mistake though. It led to such gems as "O'bama oversaw oil prices go from $130/bbl to $30/bbl..." and "O'bama built the Keystone pipeline".
January 2016 oil was $36.41/bbl
Three phases of the project are in operation:
- The Keystone Pipeline (Phase I) completed in June 2010 delivers oil from Hardisty, Alberta, over 3,456 kilometres (2,147 mi) to the junction at Steele City, Nebraska, and on to Wood River Refinery in Roxana, Illinois, and Patoka Oil Terminal Hub north of Patoka, Illinois.
- The Keystone-Cushing extension (Phase II) completed in February 2011 running 468 kilometres (291 mi) from Steele City to a tank farm in Cushing, Oklahoma.
- The Gulf Coast Extension (Phase III) completed in January 2014 runs 784 kilometres (487 mi) from Cushing to refineries at Port Arthur, Texas. A lateral pipeline to refineries at Houston, Texas and a terminal was completed mid-2016, going online the following year.