How will they rule ??!

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But dont you see, he's checked his white privilege by changing his name, marrying into a family worth over 500 million dollars and running for president.

I wont lie, Im learning a lot from "Beto" on the proper way to check my white privilege. Now I just have to change my name to Jorge and find a daughter of a rich tech billionaire and then I would know that unlike the other naughty racist white people, I actually did something to check my white privilege.
Funny thing. We got a white Lab puppy back in May. I was joking this weekend that we should have named him Privilege.
I wont lie, there are 2 campaigns that I just dont get. Beto's the country is so racist so vote for this rich white man who changed his name to sound not white to be president.

And Elizabeth Warren still being a thing in the Democratic Party. You would think that a white women who has lied about being a minority for big chunks of her life, would be crucified in this age where everything is white privilege. But I guess if you promise enough free crap and constantly tell everyone that all of their problems are not from their own personal decisions but all because of the government. I guess people will just forget about the whole lying about race thing. Even though I dont get the whole, "all your problems in life is because of the government, vote for me and I will make the government even bigger and control even more of your life" approach of a campaign.
You're as fake as your posts are wrong.
Why are white Americans the focus of hatred for slavery? The British, French, Portuguese and the Spanish enslaved thousands not to mention the Africans slavers who sold their own people. They were the reason for slavery all through out the America’s. Not the USA. White Americans are who liberated slaves and gave blacks a country they could prosper in. it took centuries to cleanse the mind set that was brought with the original settlers or the new world. Since moving to Latin America my mindset has changed. Colombian blacks don’t ask for anything. Haitians? They don’t ask for any thing. Folks in the Caribbean and Brazil ask for nothing. For some reason though the whites in the USA are blamed for slavery. The usa did not bring slavery. It was the 4 countries mentioned and the African nations who sold their people. White Americans actually ended slavery. Wtf is going on here???
Well your lack of knowledge regarding history and how slavery was practiced in other countries is where you will find your answer. Actually you don't seem to even know the first slaves In America were white. Expecting to get a concise and accurate answer from a political message is as trustworthy as Donald Trump alone with your beauty pagent teenage daughter.
A million bucks today isn't close to the same thing as a million bucks two hundred years ago. So comparing the wealth of the 95% now vs the rest of history judged purely by dollar amount and not compared to the standards of the day is pretty pointless. That's basic economics.

Then why has China experienced the largest economic growth in the world over the last quarter century? If all forms of socialism/communism/Marxism are so obviously terrible that they're guaranteed to return us to the Dark Ages then China's state owned industries shouldn't be able to compete in the global economy, right?

I thought the left were the ones suppressing free speech and the free marketplace of ideas? Take a look in a mirror once in awhile.



Every post was awful. Just awful with low information. You should write for Vox.

He should definitely do some studying up on China. There's nothing he can do for his reading comprehension though. He lost that lottery.

Afghanistan needs to implement a strict no bombs policy immediately. BAN BOMBS NOW!

At the very least they should ban assault bombs. That's just common sense legislation.

I love Jews! They are right up there with Newfies and Pollocks in the “fun to make fun of” rankings.

Next tier would be gheys, rednecks, and anyone who believes in Jesus.

After that it’s a big drop off.

*note that all of the above is intended in good fun, I’m an equal opportunity insult hurler.

We don't get to make fun of newfies. Can't really say I've ever met one and I bet most here haven't either. What's their MO?
I love Jews! They are right up there with Newfies and Pollocks in the “fun to make fun of” rankings.

Next tier would be gheys, rednecks, and anyone who believes in Jesus.

After that it’s a big drop off.

*note that all of the above is intended in good fun, I’m an equal opportunity insult hurler.
False, it was a backhanded insult meant to be real with a cover your ass note just in case it failed.
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You're as fake as your posts are wrong.
So what you're saying is Im very real? I would love for you to point out one inaccuracy from that post.

Beto calling this a very racist country? 100% true he has been repeating this nonstop now for the last month.

Elizabeth Warren lied about being a minority? Again 100% true, not sure how this is debatable.

Elizabeth Warren blaming issues in peoples lives not on their personal mistakes but because of the government? Again 100% true. Here is an exact quote from Elizabeth Warren.

"My message is, you have things that are broken in your life? Ill tell you exactly why. Its because of giant corporations and billionaires have seized our government."

Where is the inaccuracies in my post? I mean you didnt really quote a controversial post by me.

He should definitely do some studying up on China. There's nothing he can do for his reading comprehension though. He lost that lottery.

At the very least they should ban assault bombs. That's just common sense legislation.

We don't get to make fun of newfies. Can't really say I've ever met one and I bet most here haven't either. What's their MO?

They're the Canadian equivalent of Polish folks is probably the easiest way to describe them. Any joke you've heard about a Pollock has been made about a Newfie. The rest of Canada consistently makes fun of them on the regular.
A million bucks today isn't close to the same thing as a million bucks two hundred years ago. So comparing the wealth of the 95% now vs the rest of history judged purely by dollar amount and not compared to the standards of the day is pretty pointless. That's basic economics.

Then why has China experienced the largest economic growth in the world over the last quarter century? If all forms of socialism/communism/Marxism are so obviously terrible that they're guaranteed to return us to the Dark Ages then China's state owned industries shouldn't be able to compete in the global economy, right?

I thought the left were the ones suppressing free speech and the free marketplace of ideas? Take a look in a mirror once in awhile.

So you want us to all live like the Chinese? What innovations has China made that weren’t cheap knockoffs of stolen intellectual property?
A million bucks today isn't close to the same thing as a million bucks two hundred years ago. So comparing the wealth of the 95% now vs the rest of history judged purely by dollar amount and not compared to the standards of the day is pretty pointless. That's basic economics.

Then why has China experienced the largest economic growth in the world over the last quarter century? If all forms of socialism/communism/Marxism are so obviously terrible that they're guaranteed to return us to the Dark Ages then China's state owned industries shouldn't be able to compete in the global economy, right?

I thought the left were the ones suppressing free speech and the free marketplace of ideas? Take a look in a mirror once in awhile.


I didn't notice this post till ymmot quoted it... but none of this is an argument in support of your worldview nor does it do anything to negate the position I expressed.

Do you actually think it does?
You're fake as shit. I'd rather watch a ballgame with a Duke fan than your patethic low human ass. You are worthless.
So what you're saying is Im very real? I would love for you to point out one inaccuracy from that post.

Beto calling this a very racist country? 100% true he has been repeating this nonstop now for the last month.

Elizabeth Warren lied about being a minority? Again 100% true, not sure how this is debatable.

Elizabeth Warren blaming issues in peoples lives not on their personal mistakes but because of the government? Again 100% true. Here is an exact quote from Elizabeth Warren.

"My message is, you have things that are broken in your life? Ill tell you exactly why. Its because of giant corporations and billionaires have seized our government."

Where is the inaccuracies in my post? I mean you didnt really quote a controversial post by me.

Good luck getting anything like a factual answer.

When presented facts, the left resorts to insult. Insult is all you’ll get.
2) I encourage you to fight harder to improve your lot, but not by taking from others you deem to have earned it unfairly.

3) Improvement in the rest of the world is to celebrated. You are concerned with redistributing wealth from those greater than you, to you and for you, whereas I am far more interested in how to get your wealth and give it to them since they are willing to work for it.

I recognize the growing disparity between haves and have nots and am all for measures to improve the lots of the average man. You are concerned with the haves too much and the haves not enough for your tastes when the reality is that you only got to where you are, with the luxury to complain about not having enough, on the backs of everyone else... many of whom you despise.
These are the same point, you see it as theft to take from someone in our current system and give to someone else. We do that with policy every second of every day. It's called taxes. Where's the money for those farmer bailouts coming from? For this elderly board's Medicare and Social Security? For corporate subsidies like the fossil fuel industry? Incentives and credits for having multiple children? Trump's tax cuts for the 1%? We take money from across our society and distribute it according to our priorities with policy. I'm merely advocating for a shift in those priorities towards the vast majority of the population who are workers and away from the tiny few billionaires. The billionaires will be fine.
Good luck getting anything like a factual answer.

When presented facts, the left resorts to insult. Insult is all you’ll get.
Ill keep asking him. Of all posts I really dont get why he quoted that one. It was literally just me saying I dont get, then stating 2 democratic campaigns. There really wasn't much opinion in that post. So to call that post wrong just makes no sense to me.

I feel like the obvious retort to that post would be something along the lines of.

Well Beto is right, this nation is founded on racism and white people still benefit from that racism which causes the issue of white privilege that we see today.

Then with the Warren one, well she is right. These people have failed in life because of the government and its on the government to fix these peoples issues.

I wouldnt agree with any of it, but its the obvious talking points that I've heard plenty. It also makes a lot more sense then just saying my post was wrong, when all I did was state what their campaigns are about haha.
He’s literally pimping a government that rolled over its’ own people with tanks in 1989. A system that has murdered over 100 million since 1917.

Let that sink in.
China has many problems, mostly due to oppressive far-right authoritarianism. But it's indisputable they have done more to raise their standard of living over the last quarter century than anywhere else in the world. We were having an economic discussion, not one on whether or not it's fun to be sent to a "re-education" camp. Though I guess we have camps now too so even our moral high ground there is faltering.
He’s literally pimping a government that rolled over its’ own people with tanks in 1989. A system that has murdered over 100 million since 1917.

Let that sink in.

But it's gonna work this time!

This country goes socialist and you will see a civil war and i effing guarantee you that the U.S military won't back socialism.

All these soccer moms and their bratty 20/30 yr old kids will be slaughtered. Pigs stacked up high to sky
China has many problems, mostly due to oppressive far-right authoritarianism. But it's indisputable they have done more to raise their standard of living over the last quarter century than anywhere else in the world. We were having an economic discussion, not one on whether or not it's fun to be sent to a "re-education" camp. Though I guess we have camps now too so even our moral high ground there is faltering.

Quit acting like you know anything about China. You don't know jack shit
These are the same point, you see it as theft to take from someone in our current system and give to someone else. We do that with policy every second of every day. It's called taxes. Where's the money for those farmer bailouts coming from? For this elderly board's Medicare and Social Security? For corporate subsidies like the fossil fuel industry? Incentives and credits for having multiple children? Trump's tax cuts for the 1%? We take money from across our society and distribute it according to our priorities with policy. I'm merely advocating for a shift in those priorities towards the vast majority of the population who are workers and away from the tiny few billionaires. The billionaires will be fine.

Yes, we already have a liberally progressive tax code in a free market economy which naturally redistributes wealth, particularly to those willing to work for it. Incidentally, that's part of the reason why when I say I'm actually liberal bro it's me being truthful, when it was fashionable for the tea party to argue a flat tax I was against for basically the precise reason it doesn't redistribute wealth.

The billionaires do even better in communism and social democracy. The middle class however does even worse; the only difference is that there is less of a disparity between them so they don't get envious.

Bailouts are contentious for a variety of reasons and we can talk till the cows come home about that, but we need food to eat and we actually need a functioning trustworthy credit system... you have to be extremely careful there in proposing solutions because you could very easily have potentially disastrous unintended consequences when you go fixin' what ain't broke.

What you think merely shifts wealth back to the vast majority of population in actual effect merely just moves the mean lower as it inhibits the creation of wealth, the progress of wealth forward. There's a multitude of reasons why that's the case and is in essence why when you listen to Bernie on Joe Rogan you get excited and why the rest of us get scared since history inevitably repeats itself and it can get very ugly.
I think the Jeffery Epstein R.I.P. thread probably got nuked before it even started so I wanted to pay tribute to this legend of a man

You sir, did the impossible. You took not one but two franchises that hadn’t won a title in over 100 years and made them World Series champions. A true American hero. RIP baseball king

China has many problems, mostly due to oppressive far-right authoritarianism. But it's indisputable they have done more to raise their standard of living over the last quarter century than anywhere else in the world. We were having an economic discussion, not one on whether or not it's fun to be sent to a "re-education" camp. Though I guess we have camps now too so even our moral high ground there is faltering.

You can't just blame what's wrong in China on the other side of your American view of what is the political spectrum... when you go that far left as China has, you have to also be right authoritarian and this also has cultural roots in their society as they are prone to totally upthrow their society in massive upheavals throughout history.

But the reason China is what it is is because they can devalue their currency thereby forcing their cheaply manufactured goods to be even cheaper, they massively moved people from out of the villages by basically starving them out and built empty cities where appartment buildings literally just up and fall out of nowhere after standing a few years (thankfully empty of residents), and they are swift to crackdown on any sort of dissent forcing people to work out of fear and the problems you cite with our culture of wealthy elites is even amplified there... they have ridiculously wealthy people who flaunt it even more in a greater disparity of haves and have nots; you can even go there and be entertained by them for free as their American friend they'd probably even throw you a homoerotic Dioneysian orgy worthy of your name. You'd never have to spend any time with the people working 100 hour factory work weeks for 10 dollars for 10 years just so they could send money back and retire to their village.

China's goal is to overtake us whenever they can and they'll exploit their 1.4 billion people to do it and it won't be pretty when they do.

What a day that will be, for the people.