How will they rule ??!

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I think the Drudge Report is going downhill fast . Their HUGE headline is about Bryce Harper hitting some HR's lately .. WTH ??? a baseball headline on Drudge in August ?
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Did Drudge sell a piece of the company in the past few years? Seems like there was definitely a shift to click-baity anti-Trump content at a certain point. Would imagine it’s all metric driven as opposed to ideologically driven, but I have no idea.

The New York Times has decided to launch a new propaganda campaign to rewrite American history. According to them America was founded in 1619....before the name America was thought of, before the 13 colonies were founded, before George Washington's father was BORN, etc. It turns out the year slaves were brought to America is when America was founded and everything about America is rotten to the core. Who knew?
Did Drudge sell a piece of the company in the past few years? Seems like there was definitely a shift to click-baity anti-Trump content at a certain point. Would imagine it’s all metric driven as opposed to ideologically driven, but I have no idea.

Drudge flipped against Trump when Steve Bannon was hired. Bannon and Drudge are bitter enemies.
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What you posted is the Keystone pipeline, which had nothing to do with what the poster was mentioning. The topic was a natural gas plant in Pennsylvania, the pipeline was a natural gas pipeline to the plant. That was the topic, not keystone.

Speaking on the keystone pipeline, a pipeline missing 400 miles isn't a pipeline, it's an incomplete project. Which is exactly what Obama wanted. Trump cleared that hurdle swiftly, and now the project will be complete.

You are a perfect case in point of someone so blinded by hate that you'd want a recession just to win an election. You don't use your brain, you are acting purely on emotion.

Try again to follow...

I posted among other things the fact that Obama oversaw the price of oil falling from $130/bbl to $30 something/bbl...

It was asked...what did Obama do to lower oil prices...

Among the things was the construction of the Keystone pipeline I replied and added that he caught heat for opposing Keystone XL...specifically the section that ran through Nebraska's Sandhill region.

The poster asked the same ignorant question you just asked... what good is a pipeline with a missing section...?

I posted the chart of the pipeline showing
a) the existing pipeline already complete
b) the part in question is only a shortcut for the current pipeline already built.

Now you jump in and claim...that's not the pipeline he was talking about... well...Keystone doesn't run anywhere near Pennsylvania so I'm at a loss how you could throw that out there.

Not sure how I could have been more clear. The Keystone pipeline is a specific network of pipelines. How could you or he mistake that for some other pipeline?

Again for review, KeystoneXL's proposed route passed through some enviromentally sensitive areas. There had already been spills with the existing pipeline and the enviromental impact study done for the XL section was not completed when they first sought their permit to build.
It was requested that additional routes that minimized the environmental impact be studied and proposed.

See that section running through Nebraska?
See the section running through Kansas? That line already extends north all the way into South Dakota. XL could have bee routed 50 miles to the east in SD and hooked up with the existing pipeline headed south and not place the aquifer and other enviromentally sensitive lands in as much peril.

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Anybody following Jerry Lundergan/Dale Emmons case?

Lundergan hired the attorney who contracted with Fusion GPS on behalf of Clinton Foundation and DNC. LMAO!

Lundergan's defense is basically "oops, I made a mistake" and Emmons' is "I didn't know I couldn't do that?". I'm certainly no law ball, but how did this reach trial? It sure seems like this pair of veteran KY democrat crooks are screwed.
Try again to follow...

I posted among other things the fact that Obama oversaw the price of oil falling from $130/bbl to $30 something/bbl...

It was asked...what did Obama do to lower oil prices...

Among the things was the construction of the Keystone pipeline I replied and added that he caught heat for opposing Keystone XL...specifically the section that ran through Nebraska's Sandhill region.

The poster asked the same ignorant question you just asked... what good is a pipeline with a missing section...?

I posted the chart of the pipeline showing
a) the existing pipeline already complete
b) the part in question is only a shortcut for the current pipeline already built.

Now you jump in and claim...that's not the pipeline he was talking about... well...Keystone doesn't run anywhere near Pennsylvania so I'm at a loss how you could throw that out there.

Not sure how I could have been more clear. The Keystone pipeline is a specific network of pipelines. How could you or he mistake that for some other pipeline?

Again for review, KeystoneXL's proposed route passed through some enviromentally sensitive areas. There had already been spills with the existing pipeline and the enviromental impact study done for the XL section was not completed when they first sought their permit to build.
It was requested that additional routes that minimized the environmental impact be studied and proposed.

See that section running through Nebraska?
See the section running through Kansas? That line already extends north all the way into South Dakota. XL could have bee routed 50 miles to the east in SD and hooked up with the existing pipeline headed south and not place the aquifer and other enviromentally sensitive lands in as much peril.


Nebraska had no problem with the new route. Why did O'bama continue to reject it?
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Try again to follow...

I posted among other things the fact that Obama oversaw the price of oil falling from $130/bbl to $30 something/bbl...

It was asked...what did Obama do to lower oil prices...

Among the things was the construction of the Keystone pipeline I replied and added that he caught heat for opposing Keystone XL...specifically the section that ran through Nebraska's Sandhill region.

The poster asked the same ignorant question you just asked... what good is a pipeline with a missing section...?

I posted the chart of the pipeline showing
a) the existing pipeline already complete
b) the part in question is only a shortcut for the current pipeline already built.

Now you jump in and claim...that's not the pipeline he was talking about... well...Keystone doesn't run anywhere near Pennsylvania so I'm at a loss how you could throw that out there.

Not sure how I could have been more clear. The Keystone pipeline is a specific network of pipelines. How could you or he mistake that for some other pipeline?

Again for review, KeystoneXL's proposed route passed through some enviromentally sensitive areas. There had already been spills with the existing pipeline and the enviromental impact study done for the XL section was not completed when they first sought their permit to build.
It was requested that additional routes that minimized the environmental impact be studied and proposed.

See that section running through Nebraska?
See the section running through Kansas? That line already extends north all the way into South Dakota. XL could have bee routed 50 miles to the east in SD and hooked up with the existing pipeline headed south and not place the aquifer and other enviromentally sensitive lands in as much peril.


The topic was a gas plant in Pennsylvania, which is exactly why I didn't understand why you mentioned keystone, as it is oil as you just described.

Whether it's 400 or 50 miles, it still was being held up. Which is an incomplete pipeline, that Obama could've easily approved, and didn't. Railcars is how it was being shipped instead, you think a railcar is safer than a pipeline?

You can twist it however you like, but Obama held up keystone.

I just went back and read the posts, and I was wrong. I guess I glossed over the portion where it went from the gas plant to the oil pipeline, my apologies.
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The topic was a gas plant in Pennsylvania, which is exactly why I didn't understand why you mentioned keystone, as it is oil as you just described.

Whether it's 400 or 50 miles, it still was being held up. Which is an incomplete pipeline, that Obama could've easily approved, and didn't. Railcars is how it was being shipped instead, you think a railcar is safer than a pipeline?

You can twist it however you like, but Obama held up keystone.
Last week: The economy is cyclical, DT deserves no credit even though there are numerous data points that show otherwise.
This week: Obama deserves credit for energy prices falling even though no one in that industry could/would point to any policy that aided them. The guy actually campaigned on wanting energy prices to rise to help facilitate killing fossil fuels.

I went to Danville high school from 2001-2005. That teacher was there then. She says that to everyone wearing hats or not following rules. She’s far from a racist. She gives students of all colors rides to and from home and extra curriculars.

The only mistake she made was not realizing it’s 2019 and you can’t say anything not PC anymore. I’m embarrassed to have graduated from DHS.

Apparently the students wore hats today to protest the “bigotry”. How about A) it was probably day 3 of remove your hat and B) didn’t know cell phones were allowed in class like that.

Sadly she probably loses her job she’s had for 30+ years because of PC culture.

To follow up on this, a lot of kids wore hats today to protest lol what a joke.

Even better, Danville high school gave each student wearing a hat a note that was about being inclusive, respecting their clothing choice and honoring that choice.

One kid is told to remove his hat he wasn’t supposed to be wearing (a school rule since forever), and because a few screeched racism, now the school says hats are okay because we aren’t bigots. And now the school will have to allow kids to wear whatever they want because racism.

Never been so embarrassed of my hometown.
Last week: The economy is cyclical, DT deserves no credit even though there are numerous data points that show otherwise.
This week: Obama deserves credit for energy prices falling even though no one in that industry could/would point to any policy that aided them. The guy actually campaigned on wanting energy prices to rise to help facilitate killing fossil fuels.

The media has become personal blog spots.
To follow up on this, a lot of kids wore hats today to protest lol what a joke.

Even better, Danville high school gave each student wearing a hat a note that was about being inclusive, respecting their clothing choice and honoring that choice.

One kid is told to remove his hat he wasn’t supposed to be wearing (a school rule since forever), and because a few screeched racism, now the school says hats are okay because we aren’t bigots. And now the school will have to allow kids to wear whatever they want because racism.

Never been so embarrassed of my hometown.

That is until a kid walks in with a MAGA hat on. Then all of a sudden they're back to no hats allowed.
To follow up on this, a lot of kids wore hats today to protest lol what a joke.

Even better, Danville high school gave each student wearing a hat a note that was about being inclusive, respecting their clothing choice and honoring that choice.

One kid is told to remove his hat he wasn’t supposed to be wearing (a school rule since forever), and because a few screeched racism, now the school says hats are okay because we aren’t bigots. And now the school will have to allow kids to wear whatever they want because racism.

Never been so embarrassed of my hometown.

Technology and social media is a blessing and a curse.
The topic was a gas plant in Pennsylvania, which is exactly why I didn't understand why you mentioned keystone, as it is oil as you just described.

Whether it's 400 or 50 miles, it still was being held up. Which is an incomplete pipeline, that Obama could've easily approved, and didn't. Railcars is how it was being shipped instead, you think a railcar is safer than a pipeline?

You can twist it however you like, but Obama held up keystone.

I just went back and read the posts, and I was wrong. I guess I glossed over the portion where it went from the gas plant to the oil pipeline, my apologies.
Apology accepted.

Yes, Obama held up a section of Keystone, where did I try and twist that fact?... he also oversaw the construction and completion of 3000 miles of the project which connected the Keystone terminal in Alberta Canada with the refineries and terminals in Houston. That was the purpose of the project in the first place. Oil can get from point A to point B.

Are you of the mind that enviromental concerns should never be considered when approving such projects? Whatever they want, give it to them???
Is shifting the route to avoid sensitive areas really too much to ask?
Apology accepted.

Yes, Obama held up a section of Keystone, where did I try and twist that fact?... he also oversaw the construction and completion of 3000 miles of the project which connected the Keystone terminal in Alberta Canada with the refineries and terminals in Houston. That was the purpose of the project in the first place. Oil can get from point A to point B.

Are you of the mind that enviromental concerns should never be considered when approving such projects? Whatever they want, give it to them???
Is shifting the route to avoid sensitive areas really too much to ask?

Of course environmental concerns should be considered, but there's a difference between an environmental concern, and stonewalling.

Phase 4 still hasn't started construction, as an Obama appointed judge has blocked it.
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That IS the Keystone pipeline. The green line on the chart, that is Keystone XL of which the Obama administration objected to a 400 mile section...or more correctly, the path that was proposed for Keystone XL. They wanted it rerouted to avoid some environmentally sensitive areas.

Thanks for further proving that you and the other MAGAets are ignorant about most of the crap posted on this board. You're for/against things based solely on who is pushing it and never bother to research and educate yourself on the actual issues. God help someone who actually uses their brain and be able to speak to the merits of issues.

This is a perfect case-in-point of how politicians in general and especially people like orange man can lie over and over and still people blindly follow. "Obama is anti-oil...Obama is against Keystone..."...y'all suck it up, and stay willfully ignorant. It's how someone can call for trade wars and $1T deficits and still call themselves "conservative".

BTW, I brought up Keystone, he replied to my comments. So if "that" isn't the pipeline the poster was referring then neither of you know what the Keystone pipeline is.
Good on Bill. He realized he had made a simple mistake and he took responsibility for it.

Glad he made the mistake though. It led to such gems as "O'bama oversaw oil prices go from $130/bbl to $30/bbl..." and "O'bama built the Keystone pipeline".
Meanwhile we can't get @rqarnold to apologize for wanting the economy to crash because HRC lost.
Good on Bill. He realized he had made a simple mistake and he took responsibility for it.

Glad he made the mistake though. It led to such gems as "O'bama oversaw oil prices go from $130/bbl to $30/bbl..." and "O'bama built the Keystone pipeline".
Just when you think there might be some possibility of a lib coming out of their mental fog... they give you those kind of gems.


There really is no hope for the left.

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