Hey, don’t get too down on yourself. Not all Trump voters are racist.
The ones who argue about flying a Confederate flag outside their homes, and also rock the bumper sticker/vanity plate? They’re racist.
Blue Lives Matter? Racist as hell.
All Lives Matter? Possibly racist. Around 50% - 65%.
“Personal responsibility” Trump voters? Similar racism chances as the All Lives Matter crew.
Hate LeBron James because he doesn’t have the same political views as you, the Trump voter? Racist.
Respect Nick Bosa for exercising ARE FURST AMEMMENT RIHJTS? Racist as hell.
Think Candace Owens is anything more than a 6? Probably racist, definitely unable to pull women with any frequency.
Trump bumper sticker on a 1998 Toyota Camry? Racist.
Wear the weird fishing shirts with the flap on the back? 85% chance you voted for Trump, 70% chance you’re a racist.
“Women For Trump” bumper sticker? Probably racist by proxy, follows orders from her racist husband who tells her how to think and vote. Also a 62% chance they said some racist shit while getting drunk with their sorority sisters at some random college in a podunk southern town. 30% chance it was caught on video. 100% for all of the above if they went to Ole Miss.
Attend a MAGA rally? Probably racist. Possibly racist as hell.
Buy bootleg Trump gear from the black guy at a MAGA rally and then post about how he “gets it” and “works hard?” Oh yeah, bro. You’re definitely racist.
Let me know if you need any further clarification. Hold your chin high, my bro! I’m sure you don’t fit any of these descriptions.