How will they rule ??!

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Hey, don’t get too down on yourself. Not all Trump voters are racist.

The ones who argue about flying a Confederate flag outside their homes, and also rock the bumper sticker/vanity plate? They’re racist.

Blue Lives Matter? Racist as hell.

All Lives Matter? Possibly racist. Around 50% - 65%.

“Personal responsibility” Trump voters? Similar racism chances as the All Lives Matter crew.

Hate LeBron James because he doesn’t have the same political views as you, the Trump voter? Racist.

Respect Nick Bosa for exercising ARE FURST AMEMMENT RIHJTS? Racist as hell.

Think Candace Owens is anything more than a 6? Probably racist, definitely unable to pull women with any frequency.

Trump bumper sticker on a 1998 Toyota Camry? Racist.

Wear the weird fishing shirts with the flap on the back? 85% chance you voted for Trump, 70% chance you’re a racist.

“Women For Trump” bumper sticker? Probably racist by proxy, follows orders from her racist husband who tells her how to think and vote. Also a 62% chance they said some racist shit while getting drunk with their sorority sisters at some random college in a podunk southern town. 30% chance it was caught on video. 100% for all of the above if they went to Ole Miss.

Attend a MAGA rally? Probably racist. Possibly racist as hell.

Buy bootleg Trump gear from the black guy at a MAGA rally and then post about how he “gets it” and “works hard?” Oh yeah, bro. You’re definitely racist.

Let me know if you need any further clarification. Hold your chin high, my bro! I’m sure you don’t fit any of these descriptions.

Stopped after first few words. Nope I'll pass on a lecture from fast times guy.
Thank you. I’m genuinely curious as to where this “LIBERAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS” take originates. 99% of my coworkers never bring up their political beliefs in front of students. They’re too busy, you know, teaching. And that’s in a “liberal” southern city.

I pity those who break the bank just to send their kids to a private school, like they’re “escaping” something.
They are getting a better education.
Why is it the government's job to keep those business there? I thought private industry was the answer to everything?

You’re a GD idiot, the Federal Govt represents us, not cheap third world labor. When they open that door of course companies will move.
If you teach inner city kids, then YOU are part of the problem, a GD dope head is teaching the young, and talks like a GD 14 year old. No wonder those poor kids are f**ked up in the head.

No wonder inner city kids get no real education and taught common sense things, they gotta a dope head that talks like a 14 year old poisoning their delicate brains.

Just when I thought you could not get any more stupid, you prove me wrong

He's not a teacher. He's one of the party Bros on Watter's world trolling us

I cracked the case.
LOL. Derrington thinks the government ordered the private sector to do business more economically in offshore locations. This one takes the cake. Dumbest take in board history. Congrats sir.
It’s not cyclical when our elected Govt willingly ships manufacturing jobs overseas.

There is no up cycle in that, it’s only a slow descent. That was the point is “assclowns” were making, and apparently you still don’t get it. Have you ever lived in a small town that had a plant leave?

No. But if I did, I’d leave and get a new job, not wait around taking handouts hoping for the big bad federal government to force private industries to move their plants back.

I’m dying over here.
LOL. Derrington thinks the government ordered the private sector to do business more economically in offshore locations. This one takes the cake. Dumbest take in board history. Congrats sir.

Yea, that’s not what I meant, and you know it as you’ve agreed with me on it. Must be your down day, bipolar motherf*cker.
No. But if I did, I’d leave and get a new job, not wait around taking handouts hoping for the big bad federal government to force private industries to move their plants back.

I’m dying over here.

It’s not about handouts, it’s also not about forcing companies back, it’s about representing the citizens of your country.

I’ll vote for Trump before I respect a DIAMOND & SILK meme. Goodness gracious. My eyes!
Hilarious. I was in this thread before Trump got elected saying that being poor was a choice and I got lambasted by every right winger in here. Now it’s the opposite. You guys are priceless.

Hilarious! Shouldn't be too hard for you to find anything at all that you've posted in the past to back up that statement.
Hilarious! Shouldn't be too hard for you to find anything at all that you've posted in the past to back up that statement.

Qwesley just said he remembers. I’m not digging through posts from 3 years ago to prove a point that I know is correct.
It’s not about handouts, it’s also not about forcing companies back, it’s about representing the citizens of your country.

Dude this has been happening for decades. It happened under GOP and Dem presidents, senates, and congresses. The world isn’t a series of countries that exist in a vacuum. Add in the arrogance and entitled attitude of American workers and it’s a recipe to do work elsewhere.

Is your solution to fire every offshore worker currently serving US industries and hire them all here? Good luck.
Dude this has been happening for decades. It happened under GOP and Dem presidents, senates, and congresses. The world isn’t a series of countries that exist in a vacuum. Add in the arrogance and entitled attitude of American workers and it’s a recipe to do work elsewhere.

Is your solution to fire every offshore worker currently serving US industries and hire them all here? Good luck.
Entitled attitude and arrogance of the American worker my ass. A dumb ass slight considering Canadians and the whole of Europe is much worse. Reference? Time off, work hours, retirement etc....
Entitled attitude and arrogance of the American worker my ass. A dumb ass slight considering Canadians and the whole of Europe is much worse. Reference? Time off, work hours, retirement etc....

Americans (and Canadians) are lazy and entitled.

We aren’t losing jobs to Europe, Einstein. They go to low cost countries where people are grateful to have jobs and outwork their western counterparts.
I’ve got 2 kids in public and never once have I heard either of them coming home talking about how political their teachers are. They have enough of a challenge trying to do algebra.

I do think this stuff gets blown out of proportion, but I remember my Junior year in high school we had to do a report on a former president. I was not political at all at the time and my parents never pushed politics on me growing up. But I remember hearing the name Ronald Regan here and there so I told my teacher I was going to do my report on Regan.

This was her response, "Im not really sure there is much to do a report on him, how about you do yours on Jimmy Carter, he left a much bigger legacy and there is much more to write about." I just said sure and did a report on Jimmy Carter and 90% of it was about the Jimmy Carter Work Project for Habitat for Humanity, since there was nothing to actually write about for his actual presidency haha.

Looking back I can see other small things like that, but nothing drastic. And I went to a public school in Cali haha.
Americans (and Canadians) are lazy and entitled.

We aren’t losing jobs to Europe, Einstein. They go to low cost countries where people are grateful to have jobs and outwork their western counterparts.
Missed the point moron. Your normal slight will always bring out the defensive side of me because you have this mindset that you are better which by the way can't be, you still have not figured this out yet.
Looks like a 30 foot wall to me. The fact that it is solid up top but has slats towards the bottom doesn't make it any less of a wall. Only imbeciles thought it was going to be a huge solid concrete structure like the Great Wall of China. Although it could have easily been built that way if that's what they wanted. The lower slats were done purposely and strategicly to not impede border patrol view.
Dude this has been happening for decades. It happened under GOP and Dem presidents, senates, and congresses. The world isn’t a series of countries that exist in a vacuum. Add in the arrogance and entitled attitude of American workers and it’s a recipe to do work elsewhere.

Is your solution to fire every offshore worker currently serving US industries and hire them all here? Good luck.

What are you talking about? My point is the free trade agreements with 3rd world nations has sucked the manufacturing plants from the US.
Has nothing to do with the attitude of the American worker, has to do with dollars.
I don’t know where you got the idea I thought EVERY offshore job was coming back,I know they aren’t, but the solution isn’t more free trade, especially with China.
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Americans (and Canadians) are lazy and entitled.

We aren’t losing jobs to Europe, Einstein. They go to low cost countries where people are grateful to have jobs and outwork their western counterparts.

It’s because of money, and I’m not talking about telemarketers or phone support. I’m speaking on manufacturing.
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What are you talking about? My point is the free trade agreements with 3rd world nations has sucked the manufacturing plants from the US.
Has nothing to do with the attitude of the American worker, has to do with dollars.
I don’t know where you got the idea I thought EVERY offshore job was coming back,I know they aren’t, but the solution isn’t more free trade, especially with China.

The main issue is that we consume more than we make or can make. There simply aren’t enough bodies here to meet the demands. Same on the service industry side. We can’t handle the demands that we create. There are millions of positions in the US right now that we can’t fill. There are millions more offshore.

Also, I think it’s funny that hardcore right wingers can openly wish death upon liberals (half the population) and pray for California and New York to be destroyed, and at the same time defend every American worker to the death. Warrior, I don’t doubt that you’re a hard working SOB and it sounds like you’ve extracted almost every bit of good you can with the tools you have. Not everyone is like you - not even close.
No lie. My girlfriend wanted to go to that today, but I said no because I got a bad cold and needed to work. Gilroy is about 10 minutes from where Im at.

My guess is one of two things. A gangster from Salinas got into with another gangster and opened fire (happens a ton in Salinas). Or some wacko Gilroy/Hollister farmer got drugged up and snapped.
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