How will they rule ??!

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List the first mistake Trump has admitted to...just one. Can you do it or will you deflect and try to make it about something else because you know I’m right and you simply cannot admit it?

Just one.

You can’t because he hasn’t. He even admits he has never asked for forgiveness because he has never needed it. Not when he cheated on his first wife, or second wife or even his third wife. He’s never been wrong and if he was it was someone else’s or something else’s fault.
On the word Ninja...

It isnt racist. However, certain online communities use it in racist ways. Since the N word is banned, people simply use ninja instead. So anytime a black person is shown on twitch, people spam ninja.

Context matters in everything. Just throwing that out there.
On the word Ninja...

It isnt racist. However, certain online communities use it in racist ways. Since the N word is banned, people simply use ninja instead. So anytime a black person is shown on twitch, people spam ninja.

Context matters in everything. Just throwing that out there.
This will sail over the heads of most everyone on here.
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You mean like insurance to drive?
At least when I shop for auto insurance, when I tell them I have no tickets or accidents, I can get a really good rate. On hte other hand, people that have poor records pay more with some paying significantly more. That's the way it should be. Unlike with the lies bammer told us. My wife had a policy that met her/our needs. Cost only about $60 per month. bammer said we could keep it only to find out later the company had to cancel that policy because it didn't meet bammer care requirements.
Her insurance now costs me around $500 per month. Sure, the coverage is better BUT...she didn't need that amount of coverage. While some might say, "But people that have poor health DESERVE to have insurance, so the rest of us have to pay more". I should not have to pay more to cover the costs of other people.
I have no problem with taking care of the poor. In fact, I believe it's an expectation the Lord places on all of us. My contention is that it's not the government's responsibility to do it.

Sorry, the last few posts in this thread have been comical, but this one takes the cake.

You sound like a loser, bro. If you share the same “America First!!!” ideals as Donald Trump, you are too far gone to be saved. You apparently get your talking points from the MSM, and then you and your Trump buddies parrot them out in...



LOCKSTEP fashion.

Sad that you would let another person control you like this, but here we are. God bless the USA.
Exactly what's wrong with "America first?"
You never watched how she idolized him. Real men know that feeling. Come see me, I will teach you how to be a man.
Nancy was looking out for her man after some lunatic lefty tried to kill her husband. RR was never the same. That's what a bullet will do for you.
Best POTUS in our lifetime.
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Nancy was looking out for her man after some lunatic lefty tried to kill her husband. RR was never the same. That's what a bullet will do for you.
Best POTUS in our lifetime.
Many reports and articles on them said they were totally devoted to each other but, anyone who thinks she ran the show is just a nut job who is a hater and a partisan moron. You are welcome ED209.
No. So that makes you a man? Only if you been to war?
Nope, did not say that, simply said there are a few on here that I could whip into shape to become one and you are one of them. Comprehension seems to be a big problems with you liberals.