How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Don't get me wrong, hate war. Still work with deploying troops and the hardest thing is to watch family members cry as their loved ones deploy. Have shed a few tears secretly for them myself.
Nam messed my uncle up pretty bad. And my father in law has serious problems still.
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I bet it would be the biggest selling shoe in history. And what kind of a message would that send the gutless, wimps at Nike. I haven't bought a pair of ball shoes in years. But I would buy these.

That’s a shame, basketball shoes look so cool with jean shorts and cutoffs. I get it though, you’d have to get rid of the crocs first
ball shoes

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I bet it would be the biggest selling shoe in history. And what kind of a message would that send the gutless, wimps at Nike. I haven't bought a pair of ball shoes in years. But I would buy these.
For every old white person like you who’s offended by this stuff, there’s a hundred young people out buying the shoes. You should focus your energy on something more important.
Nam messed my uncle up pretty bad. And my father in law has serious problems still.

I wish them well. I hate war. Grandfather was shot 9 times and thrown into a body pile in France during ww2. Captured by the Germans and tortured.

He had nightmares into his 80’s. Always said he wasn’t supposed to live
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Don't get me wrong, hate war. Still work with deploying troops and the hardest thing is to watch family members cry as their loved ones deploy. Have shed a few tears secretly for them myself.

My grandfather who I wrote about above and my father told me not to join and go to college. I was the first guy in my family that wasn’t military. They said they fought so I didn’t have to.

Thank you for that. Thank you all who served. Sincerely.
I'd certainly take Reagan over what we have today on either side.

I was always a big Reagan guy. He and my grandfather who was head of the league of mayors in the US prayed together alone in the Oval Office. Reagan broke rules to do it, but said God put it on him to do it.

Our town was extremely corrupt. Maybe some of you have heard of David Lanier. Reagan said he turned around one of the most corrupt towns in the US of the 70’s. My family was actually in hiding during the election.
I wish them well. I hate war. Grandfather was shot 9 times and thrown into a body pile in France during ww2. Captured by the Germans and tortured.

He had nightmares into his 80’s. Always said he wasn’t supposed to live
They don't make them like that anymore. I watch a lot of documentaries on various wars and it always amazes me how they went days, months, years fighting knowing any second could be there last. My uncle who was basically a father to me got separated from his unit in Vietnam for several days. He was alone. On occasion he would tell stories and I just could not believe what hell he went through.
They don't make them like that anymore. I watch a lot of documentaries on various wars and it always amazes me how they went days, months, years fighting knowing any second could be there last. My uncle who was basically a father to me got separated from his unit in Vietnam for several days. He was alone. On occasion he would tell stories and I just could not believe what hell he went through.

They were the best for sure. I’m far too pussy to add up to it.
At least when I shop for auto insurance, when I tell them I have no tickets or accidents, I can get a really good rate. On hte other hand, people that have poor records pay more with some paying significantly more. That's the way it should be. Unlike with the lies bammer told us. My wife had a policy that met her/our needs. Cost only about $60 per month. bammer said we could keep it only to find out later the company had to cancel that policy because it didn't meet bammer care requirements.
Her insurance now costs me around $500 per month. Sure, the coverage is better BUT...she didn't need that amount of coverage. While some might say, "But people that have poor health DESERVE to have insurance, so the rest of us have to pay more". I should not have to pay more to cover the costs of other people.
I have no problem with taking care of the poor. In fact, I believe it's an expectation the Lord places on all of us. My contention is that it's not the government's responsibility to do it.
Ram, you never really know how much insurance you need. My wife was the epitome of health the first 58 years of her life. After 30 yrs of marriage other than annual checkups other than childbirth neither of us had spent $1 on medical care. Then we noticed a small lump in her was cancer. I’m damn sure glad I had insurance. The cancer was treated and she is now in full remission. Annual exams found nodules on her had to be removed. She is now having dental issues related to the cancer treatment and the radiation to her neck.

Your auto insurance company can tell you to go f#ck yourself and force you to go to a carrier who will cover you but you will pay dearly. You have the option of not driving. I guess you think we also have the option of not seeking medical treatment? If an insurance company sees $500K in medical claims over the next 3-4 years...what rates should they set?

Come at me again about how precious life is. Talk to me about the sanctity of life... Perhaps you fail to see your hypocrisy. You want to talk about how we should protect the unborn...but too bad, so sad if you’ve been a picture of health for 58 years. Never smoked, consumes probably less than 12 oz of alcohol a year. Eats well, exercises daily...but cancer finds you. I guess you think I should lose my home and cash out all of my retirement savings if that’s what it takes to seek medical treatment?
That or just allow the cancer to spread so that ram can have his cheap insurance and pray to God that cancer never finds anyone covered on that policy. Because if it did they would drop you like a rock and you could be faced with those life or death decisions.

Yeah, that’s right. People who are unlucky enough to be stricken with life altering diseases, often at no fault of their own...they did everything right should be forced into choosing between financial ruin and saving their own or loved ones life so you can save a few dollars.

Prior to Obamacare for all of its warts that is were we used to be. That’s ok with you. Until it is you.
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I respect you. Just disagree with you on some things.
As I said, tongue in cheek and not really mean spirited as it might seem. I just do not understand how some can hate what Trump has done for the country so far but not hate what Obama, Hillary, and many of the last admin had done to us. It does not make sense. Most of the hate for Trump has been falsely generated by politicians and media from the left and proven so. Fake dossier, fake collusion, fake mistreatment of children at border, fake rape charges that had disappeared after election, fake outrage that he had sex with a porn star (See Bill Clinton). It just seems that many have taken on the attitude that cheating and lying to win is now acceptable and that the will of the people does not matter. "It worked didn't it" Harry Reid quote about lying when interviewed after retirement in reference to Romney losing to Obama.