How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Finally something I think we can all agree on. Do you guys support don changing the name of Air Force One to Air Craft One? I personally don't.
Daddy gone?
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Are black people responsible for anything in their lives? Seriously. It’s always portrayed as someone else’s fault or some epidemic that others should try to fix. How about you fix your own communities before bitching about everything? You never hear the black community ever holding themselves accountable. It’s always the “I’m oppressed. You owe me” mentality.

When black people don’t subscribe to that mentality, they’re ridiculed as “not black.”
Admit his mistakes? Are you serious or is this sarcasm? When did he admit that you can keep your doctor was a lie, or about everyone saving $2500.00 on insurance premiums? Did he mis-speak about that too?
List the first mistake Trump has admitted to...just one. Can you do it or will you deflect and try to make it about something else because you know I’m right and you simply cannot admit it?

Just one.

You can’t because he hasn’t. He even admits he has never asked for forgiveness because he has never needed it. Not when he cheated on his first wife, or second wife or even his third wife. He’s never been wrong and if he was it was someone else’s or something else’s fault.
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List the first mistake Trump has admitted to...just one. Can you do it or will you deflect and try to make it about something else because you know I’m right and you simply cannot admit it?

Just one.

You can’t because he hasn’t. He even admits he has never asked for forgiveness because he has never needed it. Not when he cheated on his first wife, or second wife or even his third wife. He’s never been wrong and if he was it was someone else’s or something else’s fault.
You people are the worst. Your tears are delicious
Again, lefties, you guys listen to far more of Trump's words than any of his supporters. It's Independence Day weekend. Weather has been great. Had a big rally to celebrate America.

You goddam loony toons can't even enjoy the weekend because you're stuck shitposting about Trump thinking airports existed in the Revolutionary War. Are you retarded? Do you truly think Trump thought airports existed in the Revolutionary War?

Push back from the keyboard. Crack a beer. Go outside.

It's one hell of a time to be an American.

Without a doubt, if you goddam loony toons were around in 1776, you'd have been asking King George for more taxes.
Again, lefties, you guys listen to far more of Trump's words than any of his supporters. It's Independence Day weekend. Weather has been great. Had a big rally to celebrate America.

You goddam loony toons can't even enjoy the weekend because you're stuck shitposting about Trump thinking airports existed in the Revolutionary War. Are you retarded? Do you truly think Trump thought airports existed in the Revolutionary War?

Push back from the keyboard. Crack a beer. Go outside.

It's one hell of a time to be an American.

Without a doubt, if you goddam loony toons were around in 1776, you'd have been asking King George for more taxes.
Listen I've seen it first hand. My grandma suffered from Dementia. He is early stage. It will get more and more obvious. I know the people around him see it.
Need some help being the wokest ninja I can be...

Thanks to our diligent warriors in the MSM, I know I am supposed to not support Joe Biden because he is now a confirmed racist. Likewise, thanks to future first ballot HOF QB Kaepernick and our socially aware supporters of third world labor opportunities at Nike, I know that I am supposed to condemn the Betsy Ross Flag because it symbolizes racism in this country. Im good to go on those two fronts.

But I haven't received any orders yet from the MSM or the SJW's about how I should feel about the POTUS who chose the racist Biden as his VP for 8 years and who also had the Betsy Ross flag flying prominently in the background during BOTH of his inaugurations. Have I not heard anything because it is blatantly obvious? Obama is a racist also...correct??? Is he the real life version of Clayton Bigsby??? I mean he did proudly show the white power "ok" sign many times during his time as POTUS.

Any help would be much appreciated. TIA





“Ninja,” eh?

Interesting word choice
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Thanks! I thought it was clever also.


  1. a person skilled in ninjutsu.
      a person who excels in a particular skill or activity.
      "the courses vary—you don't have to be a computer ninja to apply
At least have the balls to admit what you meant.
Cannot believe you retards still can’t comprehend the difference between requiring auto insurance as a condition for licensing a vehicle to operate on publicly funded roadways, and forcing someone to buy health insurance because they are alive.
The irony is the auto uninsured %, while mandated, is very similar to the healthcare uninsured while not mandated.