How will they rule ??!

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  1. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account@realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
    The cost of our great Salute to America tomorrow will be very little compared to what it is worth. We own the planes, we have the pilots, the airport is right next door (Andrews), all we need is the fuel. We own the tanks and all. Fireworks are donated by two of the greats. Nice!

What is it worth? What will it cost?

Whatever the cost is, it's too much. What's our return on this cost?

Willi itmake someone suddenly become patriotic? Will another country suddenly be deterred from challenging us? Will the libs suddenly get some sense?

No. So whatever the cost, it's too much. And don't be fooled - even if lower than expected the cost will still be substantial
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What is it worth? What will it cost?

Whatever the cost is, it's too much. What's our return on this cost?

Willi itmake someone suddenly become patriotic? Will another country suddenly be deterred from challenging us? Will the libs suddenly get some sense?

No. So whatever the cost, it's too much. And don't be fooled - even if lower than expected the cost will still be substantial

Relax Francis it's the Fourth of July. :americanflag::boom::americanflag::boom::americanflag:
Trump has made me a fortune in the market and I am your everyday average American who works hard and has some sense about investing for retirement. Everyday I go to check on my investments is like opening a gift on Christmas.
Good for you. I have liquidated most of mine over the past 2 years based on the impending doom forecast by renowned world affairs and economist @Platinumdrgn and missed out.

Hey bartender, pour me a gin & tonic & add me in a reparation check for the fact that my great, great, grandmother wasn't allowed to vote in the year 1899.
Obama Administration Scandal #23:

Obama buddies Marty Nesbitt and Harreld Kirkpatrick III formed a private equity investment firm called Vistria, right around the time Obama was re-elected in 2012.

Nothing wrong with that, except, as Schweizer notes in his book, "A curious pattern began to emerge. Obama and his administration would attack industries with government power, which led to substantially lower valuations for these companies. Nesbitt and Vistria, or others close to Obama, could then acquire those assets for pennies on the dollar."

As an example, Schweizer cites the case of for-profit higher education schools like University of Phoenix, ITT Technical Institute, and DeVry University. In 2013, Obama blamed the schools for taking advantage of students by saddling them with massive amounts of student debt, ruining their credit and making a profit on it. He ordered the Federal Trade Commission to go after them.

In the case of the University of Phoenix, its parent Apollo Education Group was suspended after a Federal Trade Commission investigation in 2015. The following year, three companies, including Vistria, swooped in to buy what remained of Apollo at a price 90% below its share price before the investigation.

As Vistria's education investment portfolio bulged, a number of Obama Education Department officials, including Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, ended up taking high-level jobs with Vistria.

Don't forget to revisit past Obama Administration Scandal favorites such as:

#6 the IRS targeting Republicans scandal
#12 the VA's deadly waiting lists for veterans
#2 Hillary Clinton's illegal use of an unsecured, hackable home-brew server for her official duties as secretary of state
#21 Fast and Furious gunwalking program
Obama Administration Scandal #23:

Obama buddies Marty Nesbitt and Harreld Kirkpatrick III formed a private equity investment firm called Vistria, right around the time Obama was re-elected in 2012.

Nothing wrong with that, except, as Schweizer notes in his book, "A curious pattern began to emerge. Obama and his administration would attack industries with government power, which led to substantially lower valuations for these companies. Nesbitt and Vistria, or others close to Obama, could then acquire those assets for pennies on the dollar."

As an example, Schweizer cites the case of for-profit higher education schools like University of Phoenix, ITT Technical Institute, and DeVry University. In 2013, Obama blamed the schools for taking advantage of students by saddling them with massive amounts of student debt, ruining their credit and making a profit on it. He ordered the Federal Trade Commission to go after them.

In the case of the University of Phoenix, its parent Apollo Education Group was suspended after a Federal Trade Commission investigation in 2015. The following year, three companies, including Vistria, swooped in to buy what remained of Apollo at a price 90% below its share price before the investigation.

As Vistria's education investment portfolio bulged, a number of Obama Education Department officials, including Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, ended up taking high-level jobs with Vistria.

Don't forget to revisit past Obama Administration Scandal favorites such as:

#6 the IRS targeting Republicans scandal
#12 the VA's deadly waiting lists for veterans
#2 Hillary Clinton's illegal use of an unsecured, hackable home-brew server for her official duties as secretary of state
#21 Fast and Furious gunwalking program
I assume #1 is his Justice dept. and IC spying on Trump and initiating a coup attempt to overthrow his presidency? I could be mistaken since there are plenty of other egregious examples.

The "cleanest, most scandle free administration ever"! [laughing]

The truth is always the exact opposite of what a democrat says. Always.

And doperbro has never heard of any of this shit. F**king dumbass.
What is it worth? What will it cost?

Whatever the cost is, it's too much. What's our return on this cost?

Willi itmake someone suddenly become patriotic? Will another country suddenly be deterred from challenging us? Will the libs suddenly get some sense?

No. So whatever the cost, it's too much. And don't be fooled - even if lower than expected the cost will still be substantial
Why does any small town or municipality have a "city name here" Day with a parade, square dancing, fireworks, etc.? Why does Louisville have Thunder over Louisville? Why do my neighbors go and buy a shit ton of fireworks and invite everyone in the neighborhood, even the ones they don't know, over to watch their fireworks? Gaining something from it isn't the point. It's showing pride in our country, pride in our Armed Forces, pride in our traditions and freedoms that are daily trying to be shit on by the far left.
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Is this military parade tomorrow more expensive than the Mueller investigation? Just wondering.
Is this military parade tomorrow more expensive than the Mueller investigation? Just wondering.
Considering the full cost including the time and distraction from actual government business, how much was the Mueller investigation?
I don't really have an issue with Trumps 4th parade/celebration. I understand not liking the spending but it probably is a piss in the ocean compared to other things DC spends money on. If you're gonna spend money at least spend it for pro America things.

It could end up being a cool tradition that goes on even after Trump leaves office. I'm ok with it. Plus the most important thing is it'll make libs cry, and that matters most right?
Why does any small town or municipality have a "city name here" Day with a parade, square dancing, fireworks, etc.? Why does Louisville have Thunder over Louisville? Why do my neighbors go and buy a shit ton of fireworks and invite everyone in the neighborhood, even the ones they don't know, over to watch their fireworks? Gaining something from it isn't the point. It's showing pride in our country, pride in our Armed Forces, pride in our traditions and freedoms that are daily trying to be shit on by the far left.


Relax Francis it's the Fourth of July. :americanflag::boom::americanflag::boom::americanflag:

You could spend half the federal budget on fireworks and a massive airshow and it would be a better use of taxpayer dollars than what we are currently spending it on.

Maybe more than half.

Yes but no need to throw good money after bad.

Tells you the narrative they're setting up. Libs will be fighting over who gets to throw themselves in front of a moving tank to replicate the famous pic

Why does any small town or municipality have a "city name here" Day with a parade, square dancing, fireworks, etc.? Why does Louisville have Thunder over Louisville? Why do my neighbors go and buy a shit ton of fireworks and invite everyone in the neighborhood, even the ones they don't know, over to watch their fireworks? Gaining something from it isn't the point. It's showing pride in our country, pride in our Armed Forces, pride in our traditions and freedoms that are daily trying to be shit on by the far left.

Difference is that cost is very minimal. They don't roll out the military tanks and all. Louisville supposedly monitizes it in the form of the derby festival, even though their mayor is an idiot.

Look I get the morale angle. There just won't be enough RoI here. Everyone that has pride in it, still will. Everyone that doesn't, still won't. Nothing will change except we'll be spending tons of cash and military people will be working on what should be a day off
"A new poll shows only 45% of men and women in the U.S. are 'extremely proud' to be American. That is the lowest amount ever recorded by this poll. What do you think is causing the decline?"

My opinion, which is worth a hill of beans, is that the far lefts attempted takeover of the every aspects of our lives and the media, has contributed greatly to hurting our pride as Americans.

We have the far left pushing agendas that literally take away the very constitutional freedoms and liberties our Country was built on. They attack and try to stifle our freedom of speech, they want to take away law abiding citizens rightfully owned guns. The media is pushing narratives that are so far gone and hypocritical from days past that people can't even trust the very resources they rely upon for fair and balanced news reporting.

I am a proud American, but I'm not proud to be in America right now. It's kinda hard when our own people want to radically alter how every American lives their everyday lives, and want to protect those who are here legally over the ones who have been here for generations.
Yes but no need to throw good money after bad.

Tells you the narrative they're setting up. Libs will be fighting over who gets to throw themselves in front of a moving tank to replicate the famous pic

Difference is that cost is very minimal. They don't roll out the military tanks and all. Louisville supposedly monitizes it in the form of the derby festival, even though their mayor is an idiot.

Look I get the morale angle. There just won't be enough RoI here. Everyone that has pride in it, still will. Everyone that doesn't, still won't. Nothing will change except we'll be spending tons of cash and military people will be working on what should be a day off
Have you seen the air show they put on at Thunder? quite the military influence throughout it.
I don't really have an issue with Trumps 4th parade/celebration. I understand not liking the spending but it probably is a piss in the ocean compared to other things DC spends money on. If you're gonna spend money at least spend it for pro America things.

It could end up being a cool tradition that goes on even after Trump leaves office. I'm ok with it. Plus the most important thing is it'll make libs cry, and that matters most right?

Left gets pissed when the POTUS wants to celebrate our country, but stand tall and celebrate openly, weeks at a time when men tell the world they take it up the ass by other men. How much taxpayer money goes "up" their drain when cities literally shut down to do that? ....Go figure
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Considering the full cost including the time and distraction from actual government business, how much was the Mueller investigation?

LMAO! Nice response to a simple question. Let’s see, what was the last number that Trump quoted? $40M? Do you believe that? He has a history of just making shit up. In any case, let’s assume that number is correct.

“Distraction from actual government business...”

Are you kidding me, bro? Trump sits around and watches hours and hours of TV no matter what. He’s perpetually distracted (influenced?) by the media. His “executive time” would have been the same whether there was an investigation or not.

You know this military parade is a ridiculous waste of government funds. Take a lowbrow “own the libs” stance if you want, but don’t act like you’re a conservative. You’re a simple old man who’s easily influenced. A useful idiot.
A mod has taken away my privilege from posting in the Kap thread. Lol.

Someone is on deefense.


Not one progressive nut has been stopped from posting in that thread. Wish defense would ban me already and quit being a puss.

I learned a lot from that thread.

Kentucky is above Maryland.

Blacks are holy men because their ancestors were enslaved 154 years ago.

Somerset is as far south as you can get in KY.

I need to learn Geography, although I can calculate in my head what time it will get dark or light based on lat long with only one time data point.

When it comes to race black liberals explain to you what is correct. You have no say.

Kill whitey.
"A new poll shows only 45% of men and women in the U.S. are 'extremely proud' to be American. That is the lowest amount ever recorded by this poll. What do you think is causing the decline?"

My opinion, which is worth a hill of beans, is that the far lefts attempted takeover of the every aspects of our lives and the media, has contributed greatly to hurting our pride as Americans.

We have the far left pushing agendas that literally take away the very constitutional freedoms and liberties our Country was built on. They attack and try to stifle our freedom of speech, they want to take away law abiding citizens rightfully owned guns. The media is pushing narratives that are so far gone and hypocritical from days past that people can't even trust the very resources they rely upon for fair and balanced news reporting.

I am a proud American, but I'm not proud to be in America right now. It's kinda hard when our own people want to radically alter how every American lives their everyday lives, and want to protect those who are here legally over the ones who have been here for generations.
Our largest political party's main initiative is pushing victimhood. See the CK thread.
Our largest political party's main initiative is pushing victimhood. See the CK thread.

The fact slavery was ubiquitous in 1776 seemed to just fly over every liberals head. Some really dumb libs in that thread.

But hey they just want to protest racism in 1865 as the inner city slaughter continues.
LMAO! Nice response to a simple question. Let’s see, what was the last number that Trump quoted? $40M? Do you believe that? He has a history of just making shit up. In any case, let’s assume that number is correct.

“Distraction from actual government business...”

Are you kidding me, bro? Trump sits around and watches hours and hours of TV no matter what. He’s perpetually distracted (influenced?) by the media. His “executive time” would have been the same whether there was an investigation or not.

You know this military parade is a ridiculous waste of government funds. Take a lowbrow “own the libs” stance if you want, but don’t act like you’re a conservative. You’re a simple old man who’s easily influenced. A useful idiot.
And you'd rather he sent much more in pallets of cash to the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. You should throw yourself in front of a tank. Your only chance to become famous.
I learned a lot from that thread.

Kentucky is above Maryland.

Blacks are holy men because their ancestors were enslaved 154 years ago.

Somerset is as far south as you can get in KY.

I need to learn Geography, although I can calculate in my head what time it will get dark or light based on lat long with only one time data point.

When it comes to race black liberals explain to you what is correct. You have no say.

Kill whitey.

Glad you’re getting it finally.

Also a baby doesn’t feel, taste, hear until it’s 3 years old.