How will they rule ??!

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DHS IG report essentially confirms everything the Dem's have been saying. The asylum seekers are being held like animals. Maybe we should give them the Gallagher treatment and stab them in the neck to put them out of their misery?

speaking of IG reports. wasn't that one you wackjobs have been yapping about for months supposed to have come out quite a while ago?
DHS IG report essentially confirms everything the Dem's have been saying. The asylum seekers are being held like animals. Maybe we should give them the Gallagher treatment and stab them in the neck to put them out of their misery?

speaking of IG reports. wasn't that one you wackjobs have been yapping about for months supposed to have come out quite a while ago?
How is the govt supposed to adjust to a doubling of migrants that are flooding due to you nutjobs promising to let them stay? Cause the problem then bitch we can't handle the problem then say the solution is to let everyone in.
DHS IG report essentially confirms everything the Dem's have been saying. The asylum seekers are being held like animals. Maybe we should give them the Gallagher treatment and stab them in the neck to put them out of their misery?

speaking of IG reports. wasn't that one you wackjobs have been yapping about for months supposed to have come out quite a while ago?
Alright, what’s your plan? Open borders? Just let all of them wander across the border? What then? Where do they go? Just wander the streets like a Walking Dead herd?
DHS IG report essentially confirms everything the Dem's have been saying. The asylum seekers are being held like animals. Maybe we should give them the Gallagher treatment and stab them in the neck to put them out of their misery?

speaking of IG reports. wasn't that one you wackjobs have been yapping about for months supposed to have come out quite a while ago?
Very telling that you have no problem with a US citizen being tortured to death for being in the wrong country, but illegals who shouldn't be here being treated poorly is horrible! Just admit you hate America and be done with it, traitor.
Greg Gutfeld followed with a point that was both obvious and shockingly candid. “Of course they’re going to attack him,” he said of Democrats who’ve criticized Trump’s meeting with Kim. Then he admitted that if President Obama had done exactly what Trump just did, he and the other hosts on The Five would be doing a 180. “Let’s be honest: If it were an adversary from the other party, we’d be doing the same thing,” Gutfeld said.

Well at least FoxNews is willing to admit they are full of shit and just putting on a show for their flock. It's a start.

Don lemon: Kamala Harris is not African American

Trump jr: I see Harris is not African American

Don lemon: that's racist

Also Don lemon: this is a manufactured crisis
Don lemon: this is a crisis

Cnn/msnbc: we cant have non violent offenders detained at the border (ignores Obama, will ignore again if dem wins)

Cnn/MSNBC: Kamala Harris was just doing her job locking non violent offenders in cages

Everyone: trump has pushed criminal justice reform ahead, releasing 1000 inmates, 90% African American

Msnbc/cnn: .....

Everyone: Kamala Harris locking up people for truancy disproportionately affected African Americans

Msnbc/cnn: ....

Obama: expand war to 7 countries

Trump: need to pull troops out
MSNBC/cnn: we need war

Can keep going if you want.
6 months ago, Dems said there was no crisis at the border, said it was manufactured, laughed at Trump and made fun of the idea.

For the last 6 months, Dems have refused to allocate more funds to address the influx of immigrants at our southern border.

Today, those same Dems are now shocked and aghast (as often as they can, on social and traditional media) by the fact that immigrants are overflowing in our detention centers and are not able to be cared for appropriately.

If you can't see who manufactured a crisis and who was being honest...well, you're a Dem.
How is the govt supposed to adjust to a doubling of migrants that are flooding due to you nutjobs promising to let them stay? Cause the problem then bitch we can't handle the problem then say the solution is to let everyone in.

They don’t get it because it’s a part of their whole mindset- think and act recklessly, eff something up despite being warned, and then pass the buck off on someone else and point the finger elsewhere. It doesn’t matter the issue, this is a Democrat philosophy.

Trump said it would lead to this and big surprise-it did. The left hates the Founding Fathers and the Constitution while saying everything’s a constitutional crisis, and sometimes pretending to give a shit about it.

Dems have this vision where our country, history, culture and flag are not allowed to be celebrated and should be replaced with their “multiculturalism diversity third world run by big government utopia.
I'm becoming increasingly convinced there's no political solution for the armageddon the Democrats want to unleash on this country.

Seriously, just look at the insanity of the policies that literally every dem candidate has endorsed...

They're within a decade of having an imported demographic that will guarantee them power in perpetuity.... until either a total collapse or mass civil war.

Ugly times ahead.

They despise American prosperity.
Remember when Democrats said that “No one is for open borders” and then proceeds to call to abolish ICE, have sanctuary cities, refuse to do anything at the border, freaks out about detention centers, and is against enforcing any immigration laws at all.

Once again, the same thing always happens.

Conservatives rightfully point out what Democrats are and what they’re doing.

Dems say it’s a “conspiracy” and no one is for that and then proceeds to do exactly what we said they would.
DHS IG report essentially confirms everything the Dem's have been saying. The asylum seekers are being held like animals. Maybe we should give them the Gallagher treatment and stab them in the neck to put them out of their misery?

speaking of IG reports. wasn't that one you wackjobs have been yapping about for months supposed to have come out quite a while ago?
Greg Gutfeld followed with a point that was both obvious and shockingly candid. “Of course they’re going to attack him,” he said of Democrats who’ve criticized Trump’s meeting with Kim. Then he admitted that if President Obama had done exactly what Trump just did, he and the other hosts on The Five would be doing a 180. “Let’s be honest: If it were an adversary from the other party, we’d be doing the same thing,” Gutfeld said.

Well, at least FoxNews is willing to admit they are full of shit and just putting on a show for their flock. It's a start.

You mean at least Greg is human and that some on Fox are fair-minded, self-aware and truthful enough to say "hey if the other guy did it I would be skeptical..."

I'll bet dollars to donuts you couldn't get Don Lemon or Maddow, for a million dollars to their favorite charity, to say "hey, if Obama or Hillary took a stroll with Kim I'd be fanboying the F*** out and nominating him for a Nobel Peace..."
I'm becoming increasingly convinced there's no political solution for the armageddon the Democrats want to unleash on this country.

Seriously, just look at the insanity of the policies that literally every dem candidate has endorsed...

They're within a decade of having an imported demographic that will guarantee them power in perpetuity.... until either a total collapse or mass civil war.

Ugly times ahead.

They despise American prosperity.

A lot of people are trapped in unreality and at some point that has to matter.
yes, because one of his squad mates got blanket immunity from prosecutors because he also posed in the pictures. he was supposed to testify against the SEAL. And then once he had immunity he lied in the trial and said he murdered the kid so Gallagher could get away with murder. Even though 2 other people testified to watching him stab the kid in the neck. But thats courts for you, prosecutors shouldn't have been dumb enough to give the witness blanket immunity. Hopefully they can find a loophole to invalidate his deal. This just shows how ****ed up the Iraq/afghan war is making our soldiers. get the **** out.

Trump sure gave up on that fight real quick. Just yesterday he said he would delay it indefinitely.
False/Fake news NBC. You are so gullible.
Greg Gutfeld followed with a point that was both obvious and shockingly candid. “Of course they’re going to attack him,” he said of Democrats who’ve criticized Trump’s meeting with Kim. Then he admitted that if President Obama had done exactly what Trump just did, he and the other hosts on The Five would be doing a 180. “Let’s be honest: If it were an adversary from the other party, we’d be doing the same thing,” Gutfeld said.

Well at least FoxNews is willing to admit they are full of shit and just putting on a show for their flock. It's a start.
Fake, Gutfeld is always tongue-in-cheek. What a lemming you are. Too easy.

Orange Man Bad!
He wasn't framed, he took a poster off a wall. obviously that doesn't justify what they did to him but he was a ****ing moron for even being there. If his stupid ass had stayed in the US he wouldn't be dead right now. Darwinism at its finest.
And yet you scream young illegal immigrants are being mistreated, should they not also be here? Dumb ass.
DHS IG report essentially confirms everything the Dem's have been saying. The asylum seekers are being held like animals. Maybe we should give them the Gallagher treatment and stab them in the neck to put them out of their misery?

speaking of IG reports. wasn't that one you wackjobs have been yapping about for months supposed to have come out quite a while ago?
Completely false and fake news. Really? The New York Times? You are a deranged lunatic. Please get help. TDS has eaten what little grey matter you might have had. You have gone Levi'sbooty, Jameslie, and yourfraudulentbro bad. Congrats loser.
Alright, what’s your plan? Open borders? Just let all of them wander across the border? What then? Where do they go? Just wander the streets like a Walking Dead herd?
I have already ask this before, How many is enough and what is the numbr before braking point. No answer, because they have not figured that in yet.

We have to let them in before we know what the damage will be. Sound familiar. "We have to vote it in to see what's in it" How did that work out for you libnuts?
I have already ask this before, How many is enough and what is the numbr before braking point. No answer, because they have not figured that in yet.

We have to let them in before we know what the damage will be. Sound familiar. "We have to vote it in to see what's in it" How did that work out for you libnuts?
They're literally in self-destruct mode 24/7 and never learn a freaking thing.

Just more division, more hatred, more race card, more failed policies....... They. will. never. stop. Look at California (and Portland and Seattle). Literally heading off the cliff, bums literally shitting and pissing EVERYWHERE, homeless EVERYWHERE, tent cities on the sidewalks and all over their public parks and public lands, and what's their policy concern? FREE HEALTHCARE FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

PLEASE-- Any liberal reading this thread- EXPLAIN THIS INSANITY TO ME. Is there ANY point where you say "no mas"??!!