How will they rule ??!

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Modern busing is probably the dumbest idea of all time. Is there ever a better example of liberal thinking?

"Rather than actually improve education of a low income people, let's just bus in some smart kids so the scores go up. That way it LOOKS like the kids are getting a better education, but they aren't."
No disrespect, but that sounds like a Republican.....



talking point.

Trump is a master marketer. Trump is a horrendous negotiator. The former is why he’ll probably be elected for another term. The latter is why I see this shit with Russia/Saudi Arabia/North Korea as pure garbage.

You brought up Obama, so I guess I’ll mention it: If Obama gave the good ol’ “hey...don’t meddle in our election” WINK-WINK LULZ to Putin, @cat_chaser and his neighborhood gang would already be in DC, doing whatever the hell they’re promising to do. Republican reps would lose their minds. Sean Hannity would demand a 3-hour special and Fox would grant it.

Iran is now Trump’s problem, by the way. Can’t even try to blame it on anyone else.

Also, WTF are Ivanka and Kushner doing overseas with Donny? Such a shameful representation of solid Americans like you and I. Ridiculous.

I’ll be in Paducah in a couple weeks. My hometown is lamer than ever, but we’re gonna make the most of it. Which wine shop actually has good wine?! Roof Brothers and Wagner are decent (?), but I feel like my WKY birthplace deserves better. We shouldn’t have to bring our own wine to such an iconic town.

Light one up for your bro!!!

And you sound like you’re deflecting. They aren’t talking points, they’re simply reality. Obama really really wanted the Iran deal, and Russia knew it, and pushed the envelope in Ukraine and Syria.

You can believe whatever you want about Trump, I personally don’t care. He’s the best President we’ve had since Reagan. That’s why he’ll get re-elected.

Purple Toad has a vineyard in Lone Oak, I couldn’t tell you how it stacks up to other Wines or if it’s any count,enjoy your trip home.
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No disrespect, but that sounds like a Republican.....



talking point.

Trump is a master marketer. Trump is a horrendous negotiator. The former is why he’ll probably be elected for another term. The latter is why I see this shit with Russia/Saudi Arabia/North Korea as pure garbage.

You brought up Obama, so I guess I’ll mention it: If Obama gave the good ol’ “hey...don’t meddle in our election” WINK-WINK LULZ to Putin, @cat_chaser and his neighborhood gang would already be in DC, doing whatever the hell they’re promising to do. Republican reps would lose their minds. Sean Hannity would demand a 3-hour special and Fox would grant it.

Iran is now Trump’s problem, by the way. Can’t even try to blame it on anyone else.

Also, WTF are Ivanka and Kushner doing overseas with Donny? Such a shameful representation of solid Americans like you and I. Ridiculous.

I’ll be in Paducah in a couple weeks. My hometown is lamer than ever, but we’re gonna make the most of it. Which wine shop actually has good wine?! Roof Brothers and Wagner are decent (?), but I feel like my WKY birthplace deserves better. We shouldn’t have to bring our own wine to such an iconic town.

Light one up for your bro!!!

You need to drive up into southern Illinois to get good local wine. VonJakob or Alto Vineyards.
Florida state race, but has it all.

Elizabeth Warren has found her VP.

Bad people on both sides.

Elizabeth McCarthy to withdraw from HD 28 race
Decision comes weeks after Florida Politics exposed inconsistencies in resume.


Democratic candidate Elizabeth McCarthy announced today she is withdrawing from the state House District 28 contest.

The move comes two weeks after Florida Politics published a story exposing parts of her résumé that didn’t check out. That included claims she treated victims of the Pulse shooting in Orlando in 2016.

“These considerations have made it impossible for me to continue forward as a candidate, giving the campaign the attention it deserves, while also being able to provide the attention my work requires.”

In her email, she issues well wishes to both her Democratic and Republican opponents. She also infers that the scrutiny surrounding her candidacy has created professional problems for her.

McCarthy also asks media not to contact her about the decision: “I ask all to please respect my privacy at this time.”

Immediately after being contacted by Florida Politics about parts of her credentials that did not check out, McCarthy said she would pull her campaign. But then she vowed to stay in the race.

Also the legislative director for the Florida Democratic Party’s LGBTA Caucus, McCarthy faced growing concern whether her resume included exaggerations or outright falsehoods.

McCarthy claimed to have received a medical degree from the University of Central Florida in 2014, but the school had no such record. The same goes for a bachelor’s degree at Florida State University.

Moreover, the Department of Health has no record of McCarthy being a licensed doctor.

And despite claiming to have worked at Orlando Regional Medical Center the night of the Pulse shooting as a cardiologist, Orlando Health had no record of her working there.

She then claimed to have worked at Florida Heart Group at the time of the shooting, but that office also had no record of her.

The University of Florida and Florida State officials also contradicted her claims to have played basketball for both their teams.
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Reactions: KingOfBBN and blubo
Florida state race, but has it all.

Elizabeth Warren has found her VP.

Bad people on both sides.

Elizabeth McCarthy to withdraw from HD 28 race
Decision comes weeks after Florida Politics exposed inconsistencies in resume.


Democratic candidate Elizabeth McCarthy announced today she is withdrawing from the state House District 28 contest.

The move comes two weeks after Florida Politics published a story exposing parts of her résumé that didn’t check out. That included claims she treated victims of the Pulse shooting in Orlando in 2016.

“These considerations have made it impossible for me to continue forward as a candidate, giving the campaign the attention it deserves, while also being able to provide the attention my work requires.”

In her email, she issues well wishes to both her Democratic and Republican opponents. She also infers that the scrutiny surrounding her candidacy has created professional problems for her.

McCarthy also asks media not to contact her about the decision: “I ask all to please respect my privacy at this time.”

Immediately after being contacted by Florida Politics about parts of her credentials that did not check out, McCarthy said she would pull her campaign. But then she vowed to stay in the race.

Also the legislative director for the Florida Democratic Party’s LGBTA Caucus, McCarthy faced growing concern whether her resume included exaggerations or outright falsehoods.

McCarthy claimed to have received a medical degree from the University of Central Florida in 2014, but the school had no such record. The same goes for a bachelor’s degree at Florida State University.

Moreover, the Department of Health has no record of McCarthy being a licensed doctor.

And despite claiming to have worked at Orlando Regional Medical Center the night of the Pulse shooting as a cardiologist, Orlando Health had no record of her working there.

She then claimed to have worked at Florida Heart Group at the time of the shooting, but that office also had no record of her.

The University of Florida and Florida State officials also contradicted her claims to have played basketball for both their teams.
The woman is a sicko in more ways than one. Just a typical lying liberal Democrat.
Joe Walsh
We’ve never ever had a President who bowed down in front of and sucked up to thugs, tyrants, and dictators like Trump does.
Trump may actually be the weakest US President we’ve ever had.

Didn’t barry win a peace prize for actually bowing down to mooslims?
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people".[1] The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama's promotion of nuclear nonproliferation[2] and a "new climate" in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.[3][4]

So could there be a nobel peace prize for Pres Trump? :cool2: .
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Trump's press secretary using some elbow and her butt to move some NKoreans out the damn way...

America, via Trump and this new Roller derby Press Sec., is literally throwing it's weight around the world right now...

Hot damn folks, nothing says America like "Hey North Korea even though no American President has set foot on your soil, and very few westerners do, generally speaking, we're going to pop in cause we're in the neighborhood. Oh, and we're going to have a woman throw your people around like they're rag dolls to make room for Americans..."

Yeah...Happy 4th folks...and eat ass world!
America, via Trump and this new Roller derby Press Sec., is literally throwing it's weight around the world right now...

Hot damn folks, nothing says America like "Hey North Korea even though no American President has set foot on your soil, and very few westerners do, generally speaking, we're going to pop in cause we're in the neighborhood. Oh, and we're going to have a woman throw your people around like they're rag dolls to make room for Americans..."

Yeah...Happy 4th folks...and eat ass world!

Grisham man handled 39 North Koreans

She'll tear into Jim Acosta like wet toilet paper
Lil Kim would meet with anyone, its what he craves. Every other President wouldn't give him the time of day and legitimacy of meeting with the President. You send the Sec State until they do something worthy of having an audience with POTUS. It's not like Trump is accomplishing anything except getting media attention. NK already has the nukes and the missiles, they don't need to do tests anymore. They will never denuclearize and Kim will never give up his iron grip control. Everything will just stay the same as it has been for 50 years.
Yeah that's what they said about the Soviet union
Not one of the lefties has come on here to condemn antifa for doing this. Instead they repeat the left wing media's response that Ngo should not have been there because of his views which proves what we already know, they get their marching orders from the left wing media. Not one of them have an original thought. wanted all of our previous presidents to “meet with the dictator?” Has it always been that simple? I had no idea, bro.

In any case, our current POTUS has met with KJU multiple times, touting each one as a massive success. How, exactly, have things changed though?
^ Example #1 of what too much weed will do to your brain. This person is brain dead.

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