How will they rule ??!

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With the reduction in Mexican immigrants, probs...theres "no magic wand" tho..wait thatw what Barry said about the economy

I love how dems have made the wall their favorite talking point.

Also how they are responsible for a LOT of the inaction (along with the spineless republicans in Congress) and then blame Trump for their continuous roadblocks...

Liberals at the same time: "Trump's a fascist dictator!" and "Trump can't get anything done.... HAHAHAHA!"

Logic says you can't have both, though I don't know how much logic/common sense really matters to the left these days....
So how long until Antifa goes after a normal person not involved in protests or counter-protests and either kill them, or the person is legally carrying and just unloads on a hoard of them? I'm sure the mayor and police chief of Portland will have many deep and profound things to say.
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So how long until Antifa goes after a normal person not involved in protests or counter-protests and either kill them, or the person is legally carrying and just unloads on a hoard of them? I'm sure the mayor and police chief of Portland will have many deep and profound things to say.
Like any thug or bully, sooner or later you are going to mess with the wrong person and bad things will happen. Only a matter of time before someone takes out an Antifa crowd.
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Modern busing is probably the dumbest idea of all time. Is there ever a better example of liberal thinking?

"Rather than actually improve education of a low income people, let's just bus in some smart kids so the scores go up. That way it LOOKS like the kids are getting a better education, but they aren't."

That's how you make public education look better. Never demand better results, just lower the bar for what is considered good/acceptable and make it easier to reach said bar.
Sort of Antifa's greatest hits...kind of telling all this gets 1/50th the coverage of a kid from Covington smiling awkwardly as a f-cking idiot bangs a drum in his face.


It's hard to describe how much I hate these people. Everyone single one of them should be shipped to Venezuela and not allowed back in the U.S. Don't care what happens to them, they are 100% anti-American and need to be kicked out, after they get the shit kicked out of them.
So glad pride month is over you guys. That shit is getting out of hand.
Yep. I don’t do Facebook but I am somewhat active on LinkedIn. Virtue signaling companies turning their company logos into the colors of the rainbow, etc. So glad it’s over until June of next year.

I don’t care what people do in their private lives just don’t put it in my face.
So how long until Antifa goes after a normal person not involved in protests or counter-protests and either kill them, or the person is legally carrying and just unloads on a hoard of them? I'm sure the mayor and police chief of Portland will have many deep and profound things to say.
I believe that they do not care. I think that is what they want to further push their agenda. They will paint the "shooter" as a far right loon and get weeks of press for it.

What's terrifying is that Tim Poole literally moved into a bug out van and continues to post videos and tweet everyday about how he can't believe the latest insanity of the left with his stupid "I'm moderate left" disclaimer. How about listen to your own words / prepper actions and actually vocalize your support for Trump? The democrats are unsavably insane as evidence by your own videos, stop being shocked. Tim Poole, so annoying.
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Like any thug or bully, sooner or later you are going to mess with the wrong person and bad things will happen. Only a matter of time before someone takes out an Antifa crowd.

I pity the person who is the shooter, even if it’s a legal self defense shooting.
The media will convict, execute, and hang them by their heels from a street light pole.
I pity the person who is the shooter, even if it’s a legal self defense shooting.
The media will convict, execute, and hang them by their heels from a street light pole.
Yeah I am a big fan of less lethal force , younuse a gun and you are going to court and the victims family will probably want to kill you too
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Speaking of nutjobs, check out these recent ANTIFA mugshots.

Damn what a collection of misfits. Antifa allows these losers to sympathize with each other. They can get together and think that they are not really effed up losers and can act out. They think they are making a change. Unfortunately it is being tolerated too much and is going to end in a bad way for them.
I pity the person who is the shooter, even if it’s a legal self defense shooting.
The media will convict, execute, and hang them by their heels from a street light pole.

As a CCL holder, the training makes you well aware of the legal dangers of firing your weapon, even in a perfectly legal self defense situation.

You better have a GREAT attorney.
Speaking of nutjobs, check out these recent ANTIFA mugshots.

Good grief. It is hard to believe guys the age of these Island of Misfit Toys losers landed on Omaha Beach 75 years ago. That idiot in the middle looks like his mom just told him he couldn't use the car until he picked up all his dirty underwear on the floor of his basement room.
Here is the slave register listing the names of slaves owned by Kamala Harris' ancestors. The list is long and includes 56 males and 30 females. No transgenders as I can tell. The slaves were African and Creole Negroes. Ages 50 to 5 months. Miss Kamala has no rhyme or reason to be in the discussion for reparations in America. She does not have a dog in this fight. I hope her opponents can point this out. I am sure Trump will if they face off
Here is the slave register listing the names of slaves owned by Kamala Harris' ancestors. The list is long and includes 56 males and 30 females. No transgenders as I can tell. The slaves were African and Creole Negroes. Ages 50 to 5 months. Miss Kamala has no rhyme or reason to be in the discussion for reparations in America. She does not have a dog in this fight. I hope her opponents can point this out. I am sure Trump will if they face off

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Sounds like Bolton is bout to be on his way out, Trump took Tucker with him instead of the warmonger. The administration is laying the foundation to accept NK as a nuclear power. Offering to begin drawing down sanctions if NK freezes its nuke program. At least they are accepting the reality that denuclearization will never happen. The best we could hope for is North and South finally sign a peace pact and we go back to forgetting NK even exists. Iran watching and seeing that all you gotta do to pacify Trump is stroke his ego with a nice photo op.
Sounds like Bolton is bout to be on his way out, Trump took Tucker with him instead of the warmonger. The administration is laying the foundation to accept NK as a nuclear power. Offering to begin drawing down sanctions if NK freezes its nuke program. At least they are accepting the reality that denuclearization will never happen. The best we could hope for is North and South finally sign a peace pact and we go back to forgetting NK even exists. Iran watching and seeing that all you gotta do to pacify Trump is stroke his ego with a nice photo op.
Thanks. Will file with your predictions of economic collapse and war with Iran.