GOLF thread

My daughter has played Bridgestone E12 golf balls the last couple of seasons. She has great distance with them but she is having issues with getting the ball to stick on the greens. We bought a box of Callaway ERC Soft's last week and it definately sticks better but she has lost 10-15 yards per club in distance. We are looking for something that is a good compromise of slight loss in distance but more stopping power on greens. Any suggestions on what would be a good compromise for her?
My daughter has played Bridgestone E12 golf balls the last couple of seasons. She has great distance with them but she is having issues with getting the ball to stick on the greens. We bought a box of Callaway ERC Soft's last week and it definately sticks better but she has lost 10-15 yards per club in distance. We are looking for something that is a good compromise of slight loss in distance but more stopping power on greens. Any suggestions on what would be a good compromise for her?
AVX or -ProV1x (left dash)
My daughter has played Bridgestone E12 golf balls the last couple of seasons. She has great distance with them but she is having issues with getting the ball to stick on the greens. We bought a box of Callaway ERC Soft's last week and it definately sticks better but she has lost 10-15 yards per club in distance. We are looking for something that is a good compromise of slight loss in distance but more stopping power on greens. Any suggestions on what would be a good compromise for her?
I have been playing Pro-v's for 20 years, but every time I find a decent AVX, I keep it and play it. I always seem to have nice rounds when I play the AVX. Don't seem to lose any distance but they seem to hit more greens for me.
I only buy Kirkland balls. I’m around an 8-9 and I can’t tell the difference. They are definitely a little higher spin than a Pro V though. And maybe a tad softer.
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My daughter has played Bridgestone E12 golf balls the last couple of seasons. She has great distance with them but she is having issues with getting the ball to stick on the greens. We bought a box of Callaway ERC Soft's last week and it definately sticks better but she has lost 10-15 yards per club in distance. We are looking for something that is a good compromise of slight loss in distance but more stopping power on greens. Any suggestions on what would be a good compromise for her?
The Maxfli tour series you can get at Dicks or Golf Galaxy are about as good a bang for your buck you can get. Usually can find a sale on them for around $30 a dozen. Chrome Soft in my opinion is good ball for females as well but pricier. I’m not sure you’re gonna get the performance boost from a slower swing speed out of a ProV to justify the cost.
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She played a match last night with a Chromesoft and it seemed to get the distance she had with Bridgestone's but did stop on the greens better. Unlike me, she does a pretty good job of not losing a lot of balls so I don't mind the cost because unless she scuffs the ball she can get sometimes 2-3 rounds out of a ball. What is the difference in the left dash ProV1's?
She played a match last night with a Chromesoft and it seemed to get the distance she had with Bridgestone's but did stop on the greens better. Unlike me, she does a pretty good job of not losing a lot of balls so I don't mind the cost because unless she scuffs the ball she can get sometimes 2-3 rounds out of a ball. What is the difference in the left dash ProV1's?

👍 Buy This If​

You want every inch of distance: With its combination of high compression and low spin, most golfers will find the Left Dash among the very longest balls in golf.
You need to cut spin: You’d be hard-pressed to find a lower spinning ball with Tour-level compression.

👎 Don’t Buy This If​

✖︎ You don’t want to sacrifice greenside spin: For a firm ball with a urethane cover, greenside spin is on the low side.
✖︎ You like soft balls: Measured at 102, the Left Dash is among the firmest balls on the market.

The Bottom Line​

For golfers placing a premium on driver distance, the Pro V1x Left Dash is the safest bet.

I want length and less wide misses off the drives and this has honestly done that. And im not too worried about it being spinny on greenside shots or a harder ball, which i cannot even tell. The few yards distance and being closer to the fairway is what i want and it produces. I pay a little more and get them off amazon as they are harder to find. Its kinda been my little secret weapon and as i rise in age im still hitting it fairly long.
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She played a match last night with a Chromesoft and it seemed to get the distance she had with Bridgestone's but did stop on the greens better. Unlike me, she does a pretty good job of not losing a lot of balls so I don't mind the cost because unless she scuffs the ball she can get sometimes 2-3 rounds out of a ball. What is the difference in the left dash ProV1's?

This should help you out more than anything....
As a Pro-v guy forever, gotta admit, reading about the left dash has got me very interested.
Feels different at impact. More of a hallow like feel. I can’t tell much of a difference performance wise. Maybe a few more yards off the driver. I had thought it was designed for faster club heads speeds but maybe not.
Considering that a ball last me say 4-9 holes, it’s hard to justify spending a lot on balls. What are everyone’s favorite mid-tier-priced balls?
Jonathan W

IMO, Maxfli, Slazenger, and Wilson is a cheaper ball but does "OK". Just buy "lost balls" that are resold. I had a old man who would come around and sell balls he found on golf courses and he was really cheap. Like .50 or .75 per ball. He would put them in egg cartons, LOL. I would buy a couple dozen, throw them in my golf bag, use them on tough holes / holes with hazards, etc. I keep my good balls in their sleeves and when I begin a round, put 3 in my pockets.
Well holy crap, somebody knew what they where talking about.
Coming off an easy 78 at champions from 6600 with the left dash.
Ball flight was amazing. More straight drives and irons. My natural fade was not penal. Did not notice any loss of distance off the tee.
Chipped as close as I usually do, maybe better. Missed a few putts, but that will be cured after a couple more rounds.

Gonna see if that was a fluke this weekend, but so far I am sold on the left dash.
Well holy crap, somebody knew what they where talking about.
Coming off an easy 78 at champions from 6600 with the left dash.
Ball flight was amazing. More straight drives and irons. My natural fade was not penal. Did not notice any loss of distance off the tee.
Chipped as close as I usually do, maybe better. Missed a few putts, but that will be cured after a couple more rounds.

Gonna see if that was a fluke this weekend, but so far I am sold on the left dash.
I used the left dash for 54 holes today. 18 at park mammoth (meltdown and shot 90 ugh) then 75 and 74 at Shady Hollow. Good day, hoping the ibu pm and twisted teas tonight help me heal up for tomorrows round!
I am just getting over some surgery and was thinking about getting back in the game next spring. Back when I played I was generally a mid 80's scorer. Haven't picked up a club in probably 5 years and played seriously for 15. Any advice on how to get a decent set of clubs set up? Am I better off just buying a complete set from Dick's or someplace like that or sourcing one together. Probably would want to spend about $1,000 on a set but you know. And I will be playing the gold tees.