How will they rule ??!

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So, nuke them?

Peace not war, my bro.

Peace not war.

KJU could get locked in a torture chamber though, and we’d all be cool with that. He can eat a bag of dicks and so can everyone else who tries to defend him or any leader who identifies with him.

Watching Trump bros take the piss for North Korea is some sad, sad shit. Imagine the outrage if Ob...

I'm just taking a wild guess at what they are doing.

The pictures of O'Rourke when he was young looks like he belongs in gyero. Aka Douchebag.
Yeah but look at this guy

Peace not war, my bro.

Peace not war.

KJU could get locked in a torture chamber though, and we’d all be cool with that. He can eat a bag of dicks and so can everyone else who tries to defend him or any leader who identifies with him.

Watching Trump bros take the piss for North Korea is some sad, sad shit. Imagine the outrage if Ob...

Who has made the most progress with NK, Trump or your god prince Obama? Not that you would know. You're too dumb and ignorant to understand anything of substance. It's all about superficial leftist politics to you. Dumbass.
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So, meet with the dictator? wanted all of our previous presidents to “meet with the dictator?” Has it always been that simple? I had no idea, bro.

In any case, our current POTUS has met with KJU multiple times, touting each one as a massive success. How, exactly, have things changed though?
“Pause for a moment and imagine the media coverage if a reporter was beaten up by a bunch of guys wearing MAGA hats. Then watch how they ignore this. Leftist violence is given a free pass by the American press as they whine about Trump being mean to them. “

Didn’t we see exactly this when Jussie Smollett faked his “This is MAGA Country” attack?
Who made up this whole “IT’S ALL ABOUT CHINA” thing to defend Trump’s disgusting love affair with Kim Jong Un? This is not 4D CHESS, my bros. This is Trump identifying with dictators and clamoring for press coverage that makes him look “historic.”

Oh he’s definitely making “historic” moves by cuddling up to guys like Putin and Kim Jong’s just not positive. I can’t believe the ways you guys will bend and twist to defend Donald Trump slutting out the integrity of America. If there’s *anything* that all of us should agree upon, it’s the fact that Trump’s love for Putin, KJU, MBS is....deplorable.

See what I did there?!

Wrap up your weekend with dignity, my bros. But always party on.

It isn’t 4D chess, it’s common sense. Have you been under a rock the past couple of years? We’re trying to reign in China, NK is their puppet state.

Obama took the wide stance for Putin, but he got a mean faced pic. Everything Obama did was to bend the knee to Russia in order to get the Iran deal. Syria, 400000 dead, Ukraine, taking over Crimea. All that was because Obama wanted a shitty deal with Iran that was being brokered by Russia.
Who has made the most progress with NK, Trump or your god prince Obama? Not that you would know. You're too dumb and ignorant to understand anything of substance. It's all about superficial leftist politics to you. Dumbass.
Lol can you imagine Bernie meeting these ppl? Actually Bernie might be interested in asking how much bread is needed to minimally keep people alive.

Bernie wouldnt meet any of them..he wants to return us to pre ww2 as an isolationist l, insular country, where we all ride unicorns
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It isn’t 4D chess, it’s common sense. Have you been under a rock the past couple of years? We’re trying to reign in China, NK is their puppet state.

Obama took the wide stance for Putin, but he got a mean faced pic. Everything Obama did was to bend the knee to Russia in order to get the Iran deal. Syria, 400000 dead, Ukraine, taking over Crimea. All that was because Obama wanted a shitty deal with Iran that was being brokered by Russia.
That's his problem. Doperbro has no common sense.
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Honest question... why have no liberals who frequent the paddock decried the act of terroristic attacks yesterday?

Attacks of physical nature (especially attacks that use a mob against 1 person / quick drying cement) for differing political beliefs is abhorrent. From ANYONE on ANY side.

This is deplorable. The left (antifa included) literally believe anyone right of liberal is a Nazi. They dehumanize any and all conservatives as “Nazis” so they can get away with this shit. You guys don’t see a problem here? You really and truly believe a person with conservative ideals or a person. Who supports the president is a “Nazi?” Really ?
You make a great point. Until Libs/Dims condemn Antifa actions, they are one & the same & so I will refer to them as such: Antifa. If some are normal as you think, they will get the message.
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It isn’t 4D chess, it’s common sense. Have you been under a rock the past couple of years? We’re trying to reign in China, NK is their puppet state.

Obama took the wide stance for Putin, but he got a mean faced pic. Everything Obama did was to bend the knee to Russia in order to get the Iran deal. Syria, 400000 dead, Ukraine, taking over Crimea. All that was because Obama wanted a shitty deal with Iran that was being brokered by Russia.
He also showed weakness by bowing to Saudi leaders. Obama was an Islamic terrorist who fooled half of the country and still does. What did he do for 8 years except weaken this country. What a waste. Liberals are a domestic enemy and I swore an oath to protect this country against all enemies foreign and domestic. As the saying goes" I have never been relieved of that oath." wanted all of our previous presidents to “meet with the dictator?” Has it always been that simple? I had no idea, bro.

In any case, our current POTUS has met with KJU multiple times, touting each one as a massive success. How, exactly, have things changed though?

1. NK stopped missile tests. that was the first pressing that Obama called “greatest issue trump will face...Don solved that by being “diplomatic”.

2. NK released American prisoners. If you remember, Obama couldn’t be bothered to save that one kid.

Idc what people think about trump, but his work within is stupid. I really don’t know why he’s working hard. It’s like he has no idea what the president is supposed to do. People like you are confused. BUT BUT BUT YOU DONT MEET WITH NK!!!! ITS NOT THAT SIMPLE....YOU UH UH UH...YOU DONT DO SHIT FOR 8 YEARS THEN YOU WRITE A BOOK ABOUT IT!
Barry sent 200+ tons of food to NK. Lmao. NK refused to meet with him, told them they’d stop nukes, Barry sent food???, and NK fire missiles.

*its amazing how difficult it is to find Obama info on google compared to trump. I just googled “Obama deal with NK” and most the results were Trump lmao. No big source about Obama on the first page, couple small things. Funny how the internet works. We should probabaly use the internet more! Maybe even hold our elections there!

Btw, no way we sent “food”. I assume guns, drugs, cash, and uranium.
It isn’t 4D chess, it’s common sense. Have you been under a rock the past couple of years? We’re trying to reign in China, NK is their puppet state.

Obama took the wide stance for Putin, but he got a mean faced pic. Everything Obama did was to bend the knee to Russia in order to get the Iran deal. Syria, 400000 dead, Ukraine, taking over Crimea. All that was because Obama wanted a shitty deal with Iran that was being brokered by Russia.

No disrespect, but that sounds like a Republican.....



talking point.

Trump is a master marketer. Trump is a horrendous negotiator. The former is why he’ll probably be elected for another term. The latter is why I see this shit with Russia/Saudi Arabia/North Korea as pure garbage.

You brought up Obama, so I guess I’ll mention it: If Obama gave the good ol’ “hey...don’t meddle in our election” WINK-WINK LULZ to Putin, @cat_chaser and his neighborhood gang would already be in DC, doing whatever the hell they’re promising to do. Republican reps would lose their minds. Sean Hannity would demand a 3-hour special and Fox would grant it.

Iran is now Trump’s problem, by the way. Can’t even try to blame it on anyone else.

Also, WTF are Ivanka and Kushner doing overseas with Donny? Such a shameful representation of solid Americans like you and I. Ridiculous.

I’ll be in Paducah in a couple weeks. My hometown is lamer than ever, but we’re gonna make the most of it. Which wine shop actually has good wine?! Roof Brothers and Wagner are decent (?), but I feel like my WKY birthplace deserves better. We shouldn’t have to bring our own wine to such an iconic town.

Light one up for your bro!!!