How will they rule ??!

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Here is the slave register listing the names of slaves owned by Kamala Harris' ancestors. The list is long and includes 56 males and 30 females. No transgenders as I can tell. The slaves were African and Creole Negroes. Ages 50 to 5 months. Miss Kamala has no rhyme or reason to be in the discussion for reparations in America. She does not have a dog in this fight. I hope her opponents can point this out. I am sure Trump will if they face off

msnbc is already trying to debunk any information such as this.
They claim that many fake websites, photos/videos, and bogus facts are being spread over the net to smear democrat candidates.
Just because AOC said concentration camps doesn't automatically mean she was referring to Nazis. AKSCHULLLY concentration camp is a term with a long history, please skim this VOX article like I did so you can be an expert on the topic. This is just RETHUGLIKKKANS purposefully misinterpreting what she said. Again, we are not saying what's happening on the border is Nazism.

*sits smugly for two weeks*

Actually what's happening on the border is the literal Holocaust 2.0

You brought up Obama, so I guess I’ll mention it: If Obama gave the good ol’ “hey...don’t meddle in our election” WINK-WINK LULZ to Putin, @cat_chaser and his neighborhood gang would already be in DC, doing whatever the hell they’re promising to do. Republican reps would lose their minds. Sean Hannity would demand a 3-hour special and Fox would grant it

Obama gave secrets pallets of cash to Iran. Like, a lot of it. The same country that has expressed their desire to wipe the USA and Israel off the planet.

While that is terrible foreign policy, at least it wasn't treasonous. So my neighborhood gang talked about how stupid and awful it was, but we felt like it didn't reach the level of burning down DC.

Russia hasn't threatened to wipe us off the planet and all they basically did was produce some dank memes on Facebook. Trump has sanctioned them and made their life pretty tough on the world stage considering all they did was spend about $200,000 on Facebook memes. He also told them to cut it out...……..just like Obama did in his "tough" voice; "uhhhh, I told'em, uhhhh, to cut it out". He sounded super serious, too bad they didn't take it that way and went ahead with their "interference" under his watch anyway.

Glad you are always thinking of us...…. even when you are on your European vacation, your summer vacation, when you're burning one, drinking one, etc....

As well you should........there is an army of us ready to go. Mueller knew that. And bitched out because of it.
Remember when dems were pushing the book 1984 after trump was elected? Turns out theyve never read it bc it's about them. The newspeak and suppression that goes against big brothers socialist agenda.

Face crime- basically the cov cath kid.

Big brother controlling everything

Now antifa. While they claim they are anti fascist they are indeed fascist themselves.

Orwell's own words:
"It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless."

"Even the people who recklessly fling the word ‘Fascist’ in every direction attach at any rate an emotional significance to it. By ‘Fascism’ they mean, roughly speaking, something cruel, unscrupulous, arrogant, obscurantist, anti-liberal and anti-working-class. Except for the relatively small number of Fascist sympathizers, almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come."

Then this from British author dougkas murray recently:
"There was a time when “anti-fascist” meant what it said. People who opposed fascism called themselves “anti-fascists.” But then the term slipped. The definition of “fascist” became hazy from over-use and so the term “anti-fascist” also began to move.

"Second, anyone in any doubt over who the fascists and the anti-fascists are today should watch the footage of Ngo being attacked. Might the fascists be the thugs who wear face masks in the middle of the day in an American city and carry out mob assaults on journalists?"

"Ngo’s attackers] claim to be anti-fascists, but they certainly act like fascists — “They have no sense of irony,” says Tony. These guys never change, down the generations, down the centuries. Bully-boys are bully-boys, of whatever hue or stripe. Communists, Brownshirts, and their kin, we will always have with us."
What the **** is happening in Hong Kong? Seems serious that people losing their shit about extradition to China.
What the **** is happening in Hong Kong? Seems serious that people losing their shit about extradition to China.

Probably some nervous Communists in Beijing. If they handle this like they did Tiennamen square the world won't be as accepting.
Just because AOC said concentration camps doesn't automatically mean she was referring to Nazis. AKSCHULLLY concentration camp is a term with a long history, please skim this VOX article like I did so you can be an expert on the topic. This is just RETHUGLIKKKANS purposefully misinterpreting what she said. Again, we are not saying what's happening on the border is Nazism.

*sits smugly for two weeks*

Actually what's happening on the border is the literal Holocaust 2.0

“Literal holocaust.” Lol

American Jews, some of the most racist people on the planet, are over represented in nearly every prominent industry. They have enormous power in media, corporations, Hollywood, and academia. They’re never one to pass up bashing white people either.

It’s a bit funny though that they run interference for Muslims though as Muslims despise them.

Also, a horde of blood-suckking government leaches trying to break in to our nation should not be met with any mercy.
Obama gave secrets pallets of cash to Iran. Like, a lot of it. The same country that has expressed their desire to wipe the USA and Israel off the planet.

While that is terrible foreign policy, at least it wasn't treasonous. So my neighborhood gang talked about how stupid and awful it was, but we felt like it didn't reach the level of burning down DC.

Russia hasn't threatened to wipe us off the planet and all they basically did was produce some dank memes on Facebook. Trump has sanctioned them and made their life pretty tough on the world stage considering all they did was spend about $200,000 on Facebook memes. He also told them to cut it out...……..just like Obama did in his "tough" voice; "uhhhh, I told'em, uhhhh, to cut it out". He sounded super serious, too bad they didn't take it that way and went ahead with their "interference" under his watch anyway.

Glad you are always thinking of us...…. even when you are on your European vacation, your summer vacation, when you're burning one, drinking one, etc....

As well you should........there is an army of us ready to go. Mueller knew that. And bitched out because of it.

Right, just like Trump “very strongly” tells people to stay in line. The saddest part of the Russia thing is that Trump’s dumb ass actually throws out the “Putin said he didn’t meddle, and I believe him” line...again and again. Couple that with the joking about interference the other day and his whole “how many times can I ask the guy”’s just weak as hell.

Dank memes, yeah. But people actually believe Hillary was running some kind of child sex ring out of a Chinese restaurant, then they hear their drunk redneck husbands rambling on about Benghazi, then they vote for Donald Trump. I’d say that was $200,000 well spent by Russia. Almost as good of a return as we got with Anthony Davis for the same amount. The Kremlin meme team knows their US audience quite well.

And you’re smarter than believing the “pallets of cash” narrative. Look into it objectively. Find the truth. It’s out there.

Say what’s up to the gang for me. You guys actually sound pretty chill, bro.
When half of the Democrats are on stage speaking Spanish and you look like Castro (and your last name is Castro) and you can't speak better come up with an excuse in this Democrat party. And like a good democrat...he is a victim! It was oppression.

LOL so it's coming out that Kamala Harris's family in Jamaica does not refer to themselves as black. And she is part India Indian.

Here's the kicker. Her dad has confirmed the Harris family relative Harrison Brown was a white slave owner.

Kamala Harris's family were slave owners.
They owned 56 males and 30 females. She does not have any American blood in her. The white in her blood line is English Jamaican white mixed with Negro. I do not know if this was African Negro or Creole Negro. I guess there is a record. But the next person to call her African American or American African is just ignorant. She is a mix breed "mutt" with Jamaican heritage. A female mutt.
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Right, just like Trump “very strongly” tells people to stay in line. The saddest part of the Russia thing is that Trump’s dumb ass actually throws out the “Putin said he didn’t meddle, and I believe him” line...again and again. Couple that with the joking about interference the other day and his whole “how many times can I ask the guy”’s just weak as hell.

Dank memes, yeah. But people actually believe Hillary was running some kind of child sex ring out of a Chinese restaurant, then they hear their drunk redneck husbands rambling on about Benghazi, then they vote for Donald Trump. I’d say that was $200,000 well spent by Russia. Almost as good of a return as we got with Anthony Davis for the same amount. The Kremlin meme team knows their US audience quite well.

And you’re smarter than believing the “pallets of cash” narrative. Look into it objectively. Find the truth. It’s out there.

Say what’s up to the gang for me. You guys actually sound pretty chill, bro.
Quit smoking weed. You are hallucinating.
AOC is saying agents were threatening to rape her too.

Yeah, shes totally not a lying wack job. If any of this happened you know she would have taped it (or someone with her would have). Total bullshit and she basically runs the democrat party.

It’s a shame no one had a phone or camera on her like they did for her holocaust photo shoot, let alone her pulling out her own phone to record it happening.

But as the past has shown, the sheep don’t need evidence to convict. Just have her followers, bots and MSM keep repeating, retweeting and proclaiming “I believe AOC!” That right there will be enough to verify it for many idiots.
I’d say that was $200,000 well spent by Russia

It has been explained to you that actual policy (not feelings and emotions from Vice) toward Russian is much tougher than the previous just don't want or not capable of understanding it. Ukraine, Iran, NATO, Syria, Energy...maybe topics you should read a little (again not from Vice or Vox) about.
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“Literal holocaust.” Lol

American Jews, some of the most racist people on the planet, are over represented in nearly every prominent industry. They have enormous power in media, corporations, Hollywood, and academia. They’re never one to pass up bashing white people either.

It’s a bit funny though that they run interference for Muslims though as Muslims despise them.

Also, a horde of blood-suckking government leaches trying to break in to our nation should not be met with any mercy.
Back up that Am Jews are more racist than any other group. Of course any demographic can have racists, so why single them out w/o data, unless you're anti-semetic?

Why wouldn't Jews bash white people? They're white, in general, & whites bash whites everyday. You have a problem with certain demographics being successful? Why is that?
Can anybody here actually defend Trump’s ignorance when it comes to trade deficits? He literally does not know how to interpret that aspect of “dealmaking.” His shallow thought process of “winning” does not apply to international trade and manufacturing. LOL @ this bum talking about not being able to do a “50/50 deal” with China because they’ve had a trade surplus with the US for so long. He has no clue.

Are they drug-testing those farmers who got all that subsidized money from the government? I’ll be damned if they’re gonna TAKE MUH TAX DOLLURS and give it to some drug addict in Iowa just because Trump doesn’t understand modern global economics.

Unrelated - WHERE IN THE HELL IS MY TEACHER GUN? I get it, I’m on summer break doing whatever the hell I want for two months. But is that deal still in the works? Guns in the classroom?

I love my country, brodies. Party on!!!
Meant to respond to a couple of posts about 35 pages ago but I got busy and then forgot...but I just here it is now (better late than later)...

Those of you hoping/wishing/waiting for George Soros to die must not be aware of the fact that he has several 5 or 6. Two of which are heavily involved in Soros' businesses/organizations/schemes. The younger of the two, Alexander (who is 35 or 36 yrs old), is on the board at Open Society Foundation and Global Witness. The older one, Jonathan (who is 50), is a hedge fund manager who has set up/run several Dem party PAC's that rotate around, merge into one another, and then resurface with different names over and over (sound familiar?).

Not to mention the fact that the Open Society Foundation currently has offices in about 40 different countries. Hungary recently booted them out (or made it so tough on them they decided to relocate to Germany...where they are welcomed with open arms no doubt.)

Think about that for a minute...the country where George Soros was born (and still holds dual citizenship)...the country where he first founded his organization that transformed into the Open Society Foundation in 1984...spent over $100 million euros in order to force OSF out of the country. Hopefully more countries will take the lead from Hungary. Unfortunately, I'm sure that the US never will. At least not until major campaign reform, lobbying reform, and term limits are realized anyway.

The tentacles are spread far and wide. And the apples are still attached to the tree. So stop wishing him dead. Because (A) that's creepy; and (B) the Soros evil plan of world domination will not die when George does. His quest for a "Global Open Society" will carry on long after he is dead.
“Literal holocaust.” Lol

American Jews, some of the most racist people on the planet, are over represented in nearly every prominent industry. They have enormous power in media, corporations, Hollywood, and academia. They’re never one to pass up bashing white people either.

It’s a bit funny though that they run interference for Muslims though as Muslims despise them.

Also, a horde of blood-suckking government leaches trying to break in to our nation should not be met with any mercy.

You’re the most racist POS in our fan base, bro. You hate black people, Asians, Jews, anybody from the Middle East, and especially anybody from south of the border.

We have the receipts.

You’re a scared little scumbag who willingly spends above your means to send your kids to private school. You said you’d do anything to stay away from black people. Then you wanna post some “Where Do You Want To See B**** S**** Get Drafted” thread and pretend it’s all good.

We know who you are, bro. Come get some.