How will they rule ??!

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That is different. Mexico is via tariffs. You need to remember that prior to President Trump there was no wall. He has to start from scratch in the face of overwhelming opposition. It's going to take time. He has never had the support of the house and Senate so it may take another four years. Believe me, by the time he leaves office that wall is gonna be built and illegal immigration will cease to exist. Perhaps after the wall is built he will remove the tariffs, but I say leave them in place as a way for Mexico to thank us for protecting them.
huh? what world do you live in?
1) the border has 700miles of fencing already.
2)Trump is not building a wall
3)he is just replacing fencing with newer fencing
4)in 2.5 years he has managed to replace like 30 miles of old fencing and build 10 miles of new fencing
5)Trump is not building a wall
6)Mexico doesn't pay for tariffs, you do moron
7)Trump is not building a wall
8)The courts blocked all of his construction on Friday permanently unless SCOTUS intervenes
How come conservatives aren't praising Biden atm? He just argued against federal busing policy in favor of state rights and local policy making. I actually agree with him, busing is stupid and has now made many school districts worse off. It should be up to each district whether or not they need busing. They should have enacted policy to break up single race housing areas or given money equally to every school. People are more involved with local schools. Having so many communities that are little china/little mexico/ghetto/white only/ what is currently causing the massive imbalance in school quality. Busing just makes it hard on the kids.
Honest question... why have no liberals who frequent the paddock decried the act of terroristic attacks yesterday?

Attacks of physical nature (especially attacks that use a mob against 1 person / quick drying cement) for differing political beliefs is abhorrent. From ANYONE on ANY side.

This is deplorable. The left (antifa included) literally believe anyone right of liberal is a Nazi. They dehumanize any and all conservatives as “Nazis” so they can get away with this shit. You guys don’t see a problem here? You really and truly believe a person with conservative ideals or a person. Who supports the president is a “Nazi?” Really ?

I’ll be the one to say, I’m relatively certain majority of liberals (at least those I converse with ) are normal, nice people (albeit misguided)
Why can liberals not admit most conservatives are the same? I promise you majority of conservatives are normal damn people.

The MSM/ left/Hollywood support violence and calls to violence of conservatives.

Is this what we’ve become as Americans ? We beat, assault and label those we don’t agree with as NAZIS?
How come conservatives aren't praising Biden atm? He just argued against federal busing policy in favor of state rights and local policy making. I actually agree with him, busing is stupid and has now made many school districts worse off. It should be up to each district whether or not they need busing. They should have enacted policy to break up single race housing areas or given money equally to every school. People are more involved with local schools. Having so many communities that are little china/little mexico/ghetto/white only/ what is currently causing the massive imbalance in school quality. Busing just makes it hard on the kids.

I would LOVE for Biden to get the nomination. Trump would steamroll him.

Also, YouTube “Joe Biden touching children” or something along those lines.
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Honest question... why have no liberals who frequent the paddock decried the act of terroristic attacks yesterday?

Attacks of physical nature (especially attacks that use a mob against 1 person / quick drying cement) for differing political beliefs is abhorrent. From ANYONE on ANY side.

This is deplorable. The left (antifa included) literally believe anyone right of liberal is a Nazi. They dehumanize any and all conservatives as “Nazis” so they can get away with this shit. You guys don’t see a problem here? You really and truly believe a person with conservative ideals or a person. Who supports the president is a “Nazi?” Really ?

I’ll be the one to say, I’m relatively certain majority of liberals (at least those I converse with ) are normal, nice people (albeit misguided)
Why can liberals not admit most conservatives are the same? I promise you majority of conservatives are normal damn people.

The MSM/ left/Hollywood support violence and calls to violence of conservatives.

Is this what we’ve become as Americans ? We beat, assault and label those we don’t agree with as NAZIS?

I just did. And you liked the post. You must have a very short memory.
Both sides have their idiots and their violent extremists and unfortunately it makes the two parties look bad with their antics

It is group funded violence that is likely from Soros vs lone wolf. It is more than 100 to 1. And leftist violence is ignored and praised by large portions of the media. Also police and mayors in liberal cities stand down and allow people to be attacked.
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How come conservatives aren't praising Biden atm? He just argued against federal busing policy in favor of state rights and local policy making. I actually agree with him, busing is stupid and has now made many school districts worse off. It should be up to each district whether or not they need busing. They should have enacted policy to break up single race housing areas or given money equally to every school. People are more involved with local schools. Having so many communities that are little china/little mexico/ghetto/white only/ what is currently causing the massive imbalance in school quality. Busing just makes it hard on the kids.

A serious question for you, has bussing been an issue since 1977?
huh? what world do you live in?
1) the border has 700miles of fencing already.
2)Trump is not building a wall
3)he is just replacing fencing with newer fencing
4)in 2.5 years he has managed to replace like 30 miles of old fencing and build 10 miles of new fencing
5)Trump is not building a wall
6)Mexico doesn't pay for tariffs, you do moron
7)Trump is not building a wall
8)The courts blocked all of his construction on Friday permanently unless SCOTUS intervenes

1) If the border was already fenced, how are all the illegal getting in?
2) Trump is getting it built.
3) It's a wall, not a fence. People can get through a fence.
4) Dems have been fighting him since day one. Give him Republican majority in the house and senate, and watch it go up.
5) Mexico has to pay tariffs.
6) Those judges need to be replaced it they can't fall in line. Get them out!
With the reduction in Mexican immigrants, probs...theres "no magic wand" tho..wait thatw what Barry said about the economy

I love how dems have made the wall their favorite talking point.
No doubt very, very unfair.
huh? what world do you live in?
1) the border has 700miles of fencing already.
2)Trump is not building a wall
3)he is just replacing fencing with newer fencing
4)in 2.5 years he has managed to replace like 30 miles of old fencing and build 10 miles of new fencing
5)Trump is not building a wall
6)Mexico doesn't pay for tariffs, you do moron
7)Trump is not building a wall
8)The courts blocked all of his construction on Friday permanently unless SCOTUS intervenes
Can anyone imagine Harris, Biden, Sanders, or Warren getting Kim Jong-un to meet with them at all let alone meet them at the freaken DMZ and walk into North Korea? Yeah, didn't think so.
Lil Kim would meet with anyone, its what he craves. Every other President wouldn't give him the time of day and legitimacy of meeting with the President. You send the Sec State until they do something worthy of having an audience with POTUS. It's not like Trump is accomplishing anything except getting media attention. NK already has the nukes and the missiles, they don't need to do tests anymore. They will never denuclearize and Kim will never give up his iron grip control. Everything will just stay the same as it has been for 50 years.
Lil Kim would meet with anyone, its what he craves. Every other President wouldn't give him the time of day and legitimacy of meeting with the President. You send the Sec State until they do something worthy of having an audience with POTUS. It's not like Trump is accomplishing anything except getting media attention. NK already has the nukes and the missiles, they don't need to do tests anymore. They will never denuclearize and Kim will never give up his iron grip control. Everything will just stay the same as it has been for 50 years.
1) If the border was already fenced, how are all the illegal getting in?
2) Trump is getting it built.
3) It's a wall, not a fence. People can get through a fence.
4) Dems have been fighting him since day one. Give him Republican majority in the house and senate, and watch it go up.
5) Mexico has to pay tariffs.
6) Those judges need to be replaced it they can't fall in line. Get them out!
because not all of it is fenced and people climb over them and they just go to a legal crossing and claim asylum. It is not a wall, its is metal slat fencing. 0 inches have ever or will ever be built because CPB told everyone a wall is for idiots. He had the GoP majority for 2 years and did nothing. US consumers pay tariffs, you should learn how they work.
because not all of it is fenced and people climb over them and they just go to a legal crossing and claim asylum. It is not a wall, its is metal slat fencing. 0 inches have ever or will ever be built because CPB told everyone a wall is for idiots. He had the GoP majority for 2 years and did nothing. US consumers pay tariffs, you should learn how they work.
False, federal judges and the liberal media plus dems have stopped him at very turn. You should learn how our system works.
A serious question for you, has bussing been an issue since 1977?
Every school district is different. for some forced busing was the only way to make them desegregate kicking and screaming. But they could have found more effective methods than making kids wake up at 5am to be shipped across town. Some districts needed and still do need busing because of population density. In Jefferson county busing was ok early on but has now been taken to far and is helping to expedite the collapse of the schools and the budget.
This was about showing China that Trump doesn't need China to talk to North Korea.

Who made up this whole “IT’S ALL ABOUT CHINA” thing to defend Trump’s disgusting love affair with Kim Jong Un? This is not 4D CHESS, my bros. This is Trump identifying with dictators and clamoring for press coverage that makes him look “historic.”

Oh he’s definitely making “historic” moves by cuddling up to guys like Putin and Kim Jong’s just not positive. I can’t believe the ways you guys will bend and twist to defend Donald Trump slutting out the integrity of America. If there’s *anything* that all of us should agree upon, it’s the fact that Trump’s love for Putin, KJU, MBS is....deplorable.

See what I did there?!

Wrap up your weekend with dignity, my bros. But always party on.
I think the Democrats up high force K Harris on the nation . Honestly she’s the only one other than Booker that stands a chance .. the black base isn’t coming out for a non black candidate . And therefore they can’t win with anyone but a black nominee .
Can anyone imagine Harris, Biden, Sanders, or Warren getting Kim Jong-un to meet with them at all let alone meet them at the freaken DMZ and walk into North Korea? Yeah, didn't think so.

First off, they wouldn’t be trying to meet up with KJU for a freaking photo op and talking about “falling in love” after receiving “beautiful letters.”

Past presidents would never, ever legitimize NK with a personal meeting. Seeing the NK and USA flags side-by-side is ridiculous. They’re a savage regime that’s abhorred by every civilized nation on the planet.

Trump is a reality show president though, and you’re a simpleton. Of course you think this is cool.
Who made up this whole “IT’S ALL ABOUT CHINA” thing to defend Trump’s disgusting love affair with Kim Jong Un? This is not 4D CHESS, my bros. This is Trump identifying with dictators and clamoring for press coverage that makes him look “historic.”

Oh he’s definitely making “historic” moves by cuddling up to guys like Putin and Kim Jong’s just not positive. I can’t believe the ways you guys will bend and twist to defend Donald Trump slutting out the integrity of America. If there’s *anything* that all of us should agree upon, it’s the fact that Trump’s love for Putin, KJU, MBS is....deplorable.

See what I did there?!

Wrap up your weekend with dignity, my bros. But always party on.
Doperbro, you pathetic blob of flesh. There's more to life than sitting around all day stoned, endlessly resorting your record collection, and getting triggered by Trump's every word (your fav).

You need to get on an exercise program, lose some weight, wipe your ass, and stop banging your blow up doll. Who knows, clean up and you might find an ugly skank who will let you touch her. Maybe bring some meaning to your life.
I think the Democrats up high force K Harris on the nation . Honestly she’s the only one other than Booker that stands a chance .. the black base isn’t coming out for a non black candidate . And therefore they can’t win with anyone but a black nominee .
Which means that she will probably be the nominee because they have no one else that has a chance. Booker cannot win. "I Am Spartacus".
DJT should ask for some pointers on immigration from KJU. North Korea has zero illegal immigration.
O'Rourke isnt shit without the media propping him up. Look how hes portrayed now versus when he ran for Senate
Master Beto isn't delivering Texas. That's crazy.

I'm just taking a wild guess at what they are doing.

The pictures of O'Rourke when he was young looks like he belongs in gyero. Aka Douchebag.
Doperbro, you pathetic blob of flesh. There's more to life than sitting around all day stoned, endlessly resorting your record collection, and getting triggered by Trump's every word (your fav).

You need to get on an exercise program, lose some weight, wipe your ass, and stop banging your blow up doll. Who knows, clean up and you might find an ugly skank who will let you touch her. Maybe bring some meaning to your life.

Sweet deflection, bro.