How will they rule ??!

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Trump all over the world being diplomatic as hell. Shame on him!

Funny, if I believed fossil fuels were destroying our planet, like every single media outlet, I would trumpeting this as proof Trump is killing our planet. But they don’t because they are smart enough to know how great of an accomplishment this is. Only question is why the hell are we just now leading the world in oil?
The video of the Pres Secretary charging through security to get everyone a look at Kim/Trump is pretty funny. She been hanging out to much with Acosta already. Sanders would have told the press pool to **** off and left them behind.
How many people hear wear Trump hats/shirts out ? I have a Camo Trump 2020 hat trimmed in red/white/blue. but I'm kinda selective where I wear it .. If it involves food I'm not wearing it .. no spitters for me . And I'm 52 , soon to be 53 and have a damn muscle condition that has caused some weakness , so throwing down with any loud mouth sadly has passed me by , and I'm not looking to shoot some fool because they disagree with me politically . Just wonder if many here wear their brand out in public much and if it is well received or not .. in most areas of Ky I's say people are OK with it .. doesn't it suck to have to worry about freedom of expression these days ?

You should carry your brass knuckles around like Homey....
Where I live there's a guy in a four-wheel drive truck that comes by with a big Trump flag everyday, and I want to beat the crap out of him. He sets down on his horn and yells at people. And he's in a county that voted about 70% for Trump so I don't understand what he's doing.

Both sides have their idiots and their violent extremists and unfortunately it makes the two parties look bad with their antics


Promoted tweet. Every promoted tweet I see is either a dem running for office and why you should donate to them or something like this.
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Great news on the oil front. As Mash pointed out I'm not sure why it took so damn long.

Every coward from that video with the oriental guy should be rounded up and arrested. We have all this grandstanding about perceived white supremacy/nationalism in this country but its the left wing Antifa nuts doing all the illegal shit. It should be branded a terror group and anyone associated with them should be in jail IMO.

Was downtown yesterday morning at the farmers market with my kids - didn't realize the damn pride festival was also yesterday. I grabbed what I needed and left as quickly as possible. Lots of weirdos roaming around. I've got no problem if a guy wants to stick his dick in another guy or a girl wants to feast on beaver - just keep it in the privacy of your own homes (or for the latter, in porn where I can enjoy it.) These outlandish public displays of gayness are ridiculous.
I didnt know it would be an easy process. Was it supposed to be hey Kim turn em over. Okay you got it.

Did Iran turn theirs over?

Did Obama fix healthcare? I was told he did when they forced single party legislation thru. Confused why dems want to handle it again

Did Cuba stop being poor after Obama went down there
Did Mexico pay for the new wall?
Did American get millions of coal jobs, an infrastructure plan, no cuts to Medicare, a much better healthcare plan, law and order or a drained swamp?
Both sides have their idiots and their violent extremists and unfortunately it makes the two parties look bad with their antics

Where are all of these conservatives who try to shut down speeches on campus? Follow leftists to Dem Party rallies to assault them? When did Fox or Breitbart compare masked thugs to the soldiers at Normandy?

There are indeed morons on both sides but one is the thug arm of the Democrats and has the backing of politicians and media.
Did Mexico pay for the new wall?

That is different. Mexico is via tariffs. You need to remember that prior to President Trump there was no wall. He has to start from scratch in the face of overwhelming opposition. It's going to take time. He has never had the support of the house and Senate so it may take another four years. Believe me, by the time he leaves office that wall is gonna be built and illegal immigration will cease to exist. Perhaps after the wall is built he will remove the tariffs, but I say leave them in place as a way for Mexico to thank us for protecting them.
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Not to mention the false flags planted by liberals when they mailed pipe bombs to liberals.

Pipe bombs that were designed to not detonate. Literally, those bombs could not blow up. 100% sent by liberals knowing they can't detonate. Liberals are Anti-American terrorists.

Which coincidentally happened in Broward County (shocking) right after insane liberals were harassing people during the Kavanaugh attack.

Look at the early 70s and all of the domestic bombings from left wing radicals like Weather Underground (who had Bill Ayers and eventually threw Obama a fundraiser).
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As opposed to MSNBC NBC CBS ABC CNN WASHINGTON POST NY TIMES LA TIMES all being LEFT WING activists claiming to be journalists?
Both sides have their idiots and their violent extremists and unfortunately it makes the two parties look bad with their antics
wrong, that’s a commonly used bs talking point. There are no violent right wing extremists, it’s why you retards always say the kkk is a threat .