How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Hey antifa it's time to step up your game and prove to us you're not the spoiled little white kids that gang up on the defenseless. Get away from those liberal west coast cities that give you a free hand to do whatever you want. My suggestion is to gather up your minions and head out to Sturgis. The rally begins July 31st. Plenty of time to plan. Just trying to help.

What do you think huffpost, salon, vox, media matters, buzzfeed and maddow, acosta, cuomo, the young Turks, secular talk, etc are? Activists

But he wasnt doing anything but filming. Complete fascism bc the left accused ppl of "wrong think"

I love the new trend by leftists "we dont like violence, BUT...."
When that day comes, the media and idiots like this guy will scream for justice for those innocent antifa freedom fighters.
I wear my trump stuff all the time . I had one dude who looked straight out of an antifa rally with the ******y hair and all, ask me if I liked gassing immigrants while we were in the gym . I was so shocked and my impulse was I really didn’t want to explain to him why he was wrong. Instead I told him how much he will regret this when he grows up, I know I would ......, but I carry brass knuckles now for people like him.... another old woman stopped in the stairs and turned her back to me , fine I won’t wear antagonizing shirts like libs suck but a trump 2020 shirt ... if that triggers u , u should stay in your basement until you grow up
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How many people hear wear Trump hats/shirts out ? I have a Camo Trump 2020 hat trimmed in red/white/blue. but I'm kinda selective where I wear it .. If it involves food I'm not wearing it .. no spitters for me . And I'm 52 , soon to be 53 and have a damn muscle condition that has caused some weakness , so throwing down with any loud mouth sadly has passed me by , and I'm not looking to shoot some fool because they disagree with me politically . Just wonder if many here wear their brand out in public much and if it is well received or not .. in most areas of Ky I's say people are OK with it .. doesn't it suck to have to worry about freedom of expression these days ?
The left that is heard is so far left, that anything that isn’t on the left train is alt right. Hell, Obama’s first term is starting to look right wing at this point.

And even if he was a “right wing activist” that’s means it’s okay to beat the shit out of him?

What are antifa members? Masked coward fascists? Racist, alt-left wing activists ?

Why does it always seem conservatives are in danger or being violently attacked from the “tolerant left?”
And even if he was a “right wing activist” that’s means it’s okay to beat the shit out of him?

What are antifa members? Masked coward fascists? Racist, alt-left wing activists ?

Why does it always seem conservatives are in danger or being violently attacked from the “tolerant left?”

The biggest difference is nearly everyone on this board can call a spade a spade. The white supremacist who ran over that girl? Everyone called him trash regardless of party affiliation. The white idiot that shot up mosques? Nearly everyone condemned it.

But when ANTIFA or a known democrat does something violent, it’s crickets from most. And the ones that do speak out defend it or at the very least justify it because isms and whatnot.

It’s pathetic.
The biggest difference is nearly everyone on this board can call a spade a spade. The white supremacist who ran over that girl? Everyone called him trash regardless of party affiliation. The white idiot that shot up mosques? Nearly everyone condemned it.

But when ANTIFA or a known democrat does something violent, it’s crickets from most. And the ones that do speak out defend it or at the very least justify it because isms and whatnot.

It’s pathetic.

Exactly. Any rational conservative (so the majority) absolutely doesn’t condone violence in any way. At all.

Why can the left not step up and speak out against the violent attacks? I genuinely don’t understand.
The biggest difference is nearly everyone on this board can call a spade a spade. The white supremacist who ran over that girl? Everyone called him trash regardless of party affiliation. The white idiot that shot up mosques? Nearly everyone condemned it.

But when ANTIFA or a known democrat does something violent, it’s crickets from most. And the ones that do speak out defend it or at the very least justify it because isms and whatnot.

It’s pathetic.
It is coming to a head soon. Some one will be hurt bad before it will be stopped. Unfortunately, it will be some deranged idiot with a weapon who will go out looking for trouble that will do it. Then we will have the gun activist crying about the innocent fascist antifa member who was wronged.

Oh nothing to see here! Just alt-left ANTIFA mixing up “milkshakes” to throw (thanks Carlos Maza) at innocent victims.

This was yesterday when they viciously attacked a gay, Asian journalist (unprovoked)

Only thing is, these are “milkshakes” mixed with quick drying cement ... which can kill you and cause 3rd degree chemical burns.
It is coming to a head soon. Some one will be hurt bad before it will be stopped. Unfortunately, it will be some deranged idiot with a weapon who will go out looking for trouble that will do it. Then we will have the gun activist crying about the innocent fascist antifa member who was wronged.

We didn't start it, but we sure will end it.
Don't be bringing concrete milkshakes to a gun fight. It will end badly.

Oh nothing to see here! Just alt-left ANTIFA mixing up “milkshakes” to throw (thanks Carlos Maza) at innocent victims.

This was yesterday when they viciously attacked a gay, Asian journalist (unprovoked)

Only thing is, these are “milkshakes” mixed with quick drying cement ... which can kill you and cause 3rd degree chemical burns.

That looks to be more of a group activity than a lone nut in a Dodge Challenger.
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We didn't start it, but we sure will end it.
Don't be bringing concrete milkshakes to a gun fight. It will end badly.

Also notice these coward Nazis won the try this shit in southern states or “red states” but only in liberal strong holds with strict gun laws.

They’d never try this shit in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Florida , Louisiana etc
Also notice these coward Nazis won the try this shit in southern states or “red states” but only in liberal strong holds with strict gun laws.

They’d never try this shit in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Florida , Louisiana etc

Exactly. Was gonna mention that. Also 1 vs 1 they also would get their asses kicked. They're all harry potter nerds.
How many people hear wear Trump hats/shirts out ? I have a Camo Trump 2020 hat trimmed in red/white/blue. but I'm kinda selective where I wear it .. If it involves food I'm not wearing it .. no spitters for me . And I'm 52 , soon to be 53 and have a damn muscle condition that has caused some weakness , so throwing down with any loud mouth sadly has passed me by , and I'm not looking to shoot some fool because they disagree with me politically . Just wonder if many here wear their brand out in public much and if it is well received or not .. in most areas of Ky I's say people are OK with it .. doesn't it suck to have to worry about freedom of expression these days ?

Where I live there's a guy in a four-wheel drive truck that comes by with a big Trump flag everyday, and I want to beat the crap out of him. He sets down on his horn and yells at people. And he's in a county that voted about 70% for Trump so I don't understand what he's doing.
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Exactly. Any rational conservative (so the majority) absolutely doesn’t condone violence in any way. At all.

Why can the left not step up and speak out against the violent attacks? I genuinely don’t understand.
Because conservatives consider the libs as people with bad ideas. Libs consider cons as BAD PEOPLE with ideas. So in their minds anything they do is justified because they have convinced themselves we are bad people.
Oh wow, he took some steps and helped both fatass leaders burn some calories. The 2 lovers should start a jogging club. NK is a permanent nuclear power. When the US finally accepts that and negotiates under the new reality we may get somewhere.

Try not to be pathetic in the face of absolute defeat.

You guys haven't elected a leader with enough guts to do what Trump did since Jimmy Carter. And Carter would have given away the store while there.