How will they rule ??!

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This new milkshaking trend by the left is going to end up in someone getting shot. You can get away with tossing shit at people in Europe where no one has the ability to defend themselves, but toss a milkshake at the wrong person in America (especially since apparently cement is being put in them) and someone(s) gonna get a bullet between their eyes soon enough.
Kamala Harris, Al Sharpton, Toad Queen Maxine Waters, and Reverand Jessie

Antifa attacks an innocent man in the streets and beats him to the point of where he has a brain hemorrhage.

The mayor's response, really glad that the police didn't step in and intervene. This is beyond crazy. The dude is in the freaking ER and the mayor doesn't care and wants more of this. And some of the responses about this on Twitter is disgusting. Also just love how it's pride month still and no one cares that he's a gay immigrant, just because he isn't a SJW.
Damn thats awful. Praying he will be ok
I hate all the political violence but these masked antifa ****s deserve an absolute major ass kicking. Legit beating and then have their bloodied faces (without mask) plastered all over the media/internet to show people what happens to low life, cowardly sacks of shit when their utter mob rule doesn’t work.
Liberals, ladies and gentlemen. Not only do they shoot up schools, kill hundreds of people in Vegas, and to kill 21 Republican senators, but they also beat gay reporters

Journalists are actually gloating that he deserved it. Lop so now a person has no right to stand in public. And since hes a gay man they had to resort to some other type of identity and claim hes islamophobic

Crap covered streets, homeless over running the cities, roads falling apart, trash everywhere and so much more.

Ya screw all of that crap, let's really focus on the important things, we got straws banned, now let's focus on natural hair discrimination. Because ya that was a thing hurting the state...
This new milkshaking trend by the left is going to end up in someone getting shot. You can get away with tossing shit at people in Europe where no one has the ability to defend themselves, but toss a milkshake at the wrong person in America (especially since apparently cement is being put in them) and someone(s) gonna get a bullet between their eyes soon enough.

I hope so. Leftist mobs have been able to assault and harass with impunity whether it’s on campus, following conservatives to speeches, or just in the streets. They are the foot soldiers of the Democrat Party.

For far too long, they have not faced any consequences and felt emboldened. Liberal judges let them off, police stand down, and Republicans continue to try and hold a code of civility, which if and when that stops happening, shit will turn into a civil war.

This is only going to get worse. Democrats are total nutters and have become so radical that there’s no way for them to magically come back closer to normalcy and have any type of basic unity.
Later, morons like Plat, Levi, Jameslie, and Johnthecanook will say see, Trump lied, he did not plan to build the wall in the first place, knowing all the while leftist obstructionist would try and block every attempt the the bad orange man would try to do.

Orange man bad! <-------------The level of their intelligence.
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This new milkshaking trend by the left is going to end up in someone getting shot. You can get away with tossing shit at people in Europe where no one has the ability to defend themselves, but toss a milkshake at the wrong person in America (especially since apparently cement is being put in them) and someone(s) gonna get a bullet between their eyes soon enough.
That's the only way I can see it being stopped since the liberal police department and politicians want conservatives hurt. I could see a bat to the knees of these antifa cowards or at least break their arms so they cannot throw anymore concrete filled cups.

It will only get worse until someone steps up and hurts them back. Bullying is supposed to be against the lefts way of thinking. Isn't this how fascist regimes start? Silencing opposing views.
Ngo is a right wing activist that claims to be a journalist.
What do you think huffpost, salon, vox, media matters, buzzfeed and maddow, acosta, cuomo, the young Turks, secular talk, etc are? Activists

But he wasnt doing anything but filming. Complete fascism bc the left accused ppl of "wrong think"

I love the new trend by leftists "we dont like violence, BUT...."