How will they rule ??!

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One set of lies after another. A wall will work. They work elsewhere. Properly funded, maintained, and secured, it will do the job and cost far less over time than the 130 BILLION annually it is costing to do nothing.

Another lie: that law must only be followed if one has something to lose. Don’t have to think very far on the potential problems with that. That type of thinking is scary: rules for thee, none for me.

Your next lie, that they expect nothing: if it were true, they would cost nothing. Again, over 100 BILLION a year says that’s not true.

Your last lie is the biggest whopper: that this is like previous immigration. Previous waves assimilated. They followed the law to come here. Above all, they never, ever, represented the fiscal burden that this wave does.

Not even getting into the existential threat that unassimilated people bring. They don’t give a shit about the history of liberty, from Magna Carta down to the Bill of Rights. Because it’s NOT THEIR CULTURE. When enough of them are here to vote away the fundamental Principles that we follow, there will be no more USA.

Rethink your lies.

Lol, can’t handle the truth. The only lies are those you’re telling yourself.

You’re not a very astute student of history because every single thing you’re saying about Mexican and Central American immigrants has been said about the others. Ever been to Chinatown, Little Italy, Korea-town, Little Havana? Do you know why there’s a Germantown in most every major American city?

Pick up a book and learn something.
The threat to keep them out actually encourages them to come.

You’re only fooling yourself if you think a) Trump really wants them out and b) that he would ever be successful doing so if he wanted. You and others are being played for fools. It’s why nothing happened when the GOP controlled the House, Senate and WH. The people with the money want them here because they help them make more money. Thanks to the political spectrum that you support, money has more political clout. They will let the rhetoric flow but will insure nothing ever really happens.

I agree with you that the threat of actual securing the border has caused an uptick. I don’t agree with you at all that Trump doesn’t want to secure the border.

Political spectrum I support? How much more money did Clinton spend compared to Trump in 2016?

They tried when the Reps had a the house and senate, but the Dems were able to block it because it needed 60 votes in senate. Did you forget about that?

It isn’t about money, it’s about power. That’s why Dems states and cities are doing everything they can to cater to illegals. Why would a politician cater to people that can’t vote legally? You know the answer.
Lol, can’t handle the truth. The only lies are those you’re telling yourself.

You’re not a very astute student of history because every single thing you’re saying about Mexican and Central American immigrants has been said about the others. Ever been to Chinatown, Little Italy, Korea-town, Little Havana? Do you know why there’s a Germantown in most every major American city?

Pick up a book and learn something.

Do you not understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration? Or do you just not care?
I've recently found this funny. First ppl were mad evangelicals wont vote outside of their beliefs. Then they do, which is what libs were made about, and they are still mad.

They want Republicans to trot out the weak pussies who never fight back and simply pray in front of someone to get the vote. Republicans ran that type and got the shit kicked out of them.

Democrats want their opposition to have their hands tied with “morality” while they operate with zero morality. They seriously want you to be like this...

“Oh, Trump cheated on his wife and bragged about getting women and uses mean words. Guess I better not vote for him and instead I should vote for Communists to have the SCOTUS, open borders, gun control, globalism, identity politics out the ass, Islam, media and tech coordinating with a party, and essentially becoming a one-party country for the rest of America’s existence.”
I love this adminstration for the pure entertainment value. Now Trump is accusing McAaleenan, the guy he just put in charge of ICE, of leaking out the ICE Roundup. When Trump is the dumb **** that tweeted it out. And most of the top ICE officials and Trump's secretaries told him it was a terrible idea.

The ice officer said, “One person told me, ‘I never thought I’d say this, but I miss the Obama rules. We removed more people with the rules we had in place than with all this. It was much easier when we had the priorities. It was cleaner.’ ”
. “I don’t even know what we’re doing now,” the officer said. “A lot of us see the photos of the kids at the border, and we’re wondering, ‘What the hell is going on?’ ” The influx of Central American migrants, the officer noted, has been an issue for more than a decade now, spanning three Presidential administrations. “No one built up the infrastructure to handle this, and now people are suffering at the border for it. They keep saying they were caught flat footed. That’s a bald-faced ****ing lie.”
I don't think Trumpsters understand that Trump's handling of immigration has made it a losing issue now for them. He has lawyers in court this week arguing that CBP don't have to provide KIDS with beds, soap, toothbrushes, or showers while being held in custody for weeks. And of course the judge thought the lawyer was a ****ing idiot. He had CBP take away all forms of physical activities and educational activities essentially as punishment. It's ****in kids you ingrates. The administration is going out of their way to torture kids because they believe it will discourage the parents. It was all fun and games when it was just a stupid build the wall chant. Now it is to the point where ICE and GoP Congress are embarrassed about what is going on. And instead of trying to fix this Trump instead demanded they double down and round up more. His policies have made the influx of immigrants worse not better.
You can deal with immigration without turning into Nazi POS. His base love this shit. But the majority of the country and the world think it's an embarrassment.
I don't think Trumpsters understand that Trump's handling of immigration has made it a losing issue now for them. He has lawyers in court this week arguing that CBP don't have to provide KIDS with beds, soap, toothbrushes, or showers while being held in custody for weeks. And of course the judge thought the lawyer was a ****ing idiot. He had CBP take away all forms of physical activities and educational activities essentially as punishment. It's ****in kids you ingrates. The administration is going out of their way to torture kids because they believe it will discourage the parents. It was all fun and games when it was just a stupid build the wall chant. Now it is to the point where ICE and GoP Congress are embarrassed about what is going on. And instead of trying to fix this Trump instead demanded they double down and round up more. His policies have made the influx of immigrants worse not better.
You can deal with immigration without turning into Nazi POS. His base love this shit. But the majority of the country and the world think it's an embarrassment.

So let me get this straight, the Democrats have blocked voting on funding for the detention centers, and it’s Trumps fault?

Do you realize this is exactly what the Democrats wanted to happen by continuing to stall?
I don’t love it, I wish both parties would act in the best interest of the nation, which is securing the border, however one party wants to play politics with lives.
The govt was following an agreement made in the past, it sucks, but resources have been spread out thin because liberal lawyers started the asylum nonsense. So pat yourselves on the back.

No one is buying the spin Platinum, we want the border under control.
I don't think Trumpsters understand that Trump's handling of immigration has made it a losing issue now for them. He has lawyers in court this week arguing that CBP don't have to provide KIDS with beds, soap, toothbrushes, or showers while being held in custody for weeks. And of course the judge thought the lawyer was a ****ing idiot. He had CBP take away all forms of physical activities and educational activities essentially as punishment. It's ****in kids you ingrates. The administration is going out of their way to torture kids because they believe it will discourage the parents. It was all fun and games when it was just a stupid build the wall chant. Now it is to the point where ICE and GoP Congress are embarrassed about what is going on. And instead of trying to fix this Trump instead demanded they double down and round up more. His policies have made the influx of immigrants worse not better.
You can deal with immigration without turning into Nazi POS. His base love this shit. But the majority of the country and the world think it's an embarrassment.

Where were you in 2015? Or did you just not care? Sad! It took someone to be in office before you magically became a humanitarian

Also, immigration is down, except for central America unless you are calling pew fake news.

Tell the dems to do their job and help with aid since this rise in central.americans has happened instead of playing politics until they can ignore it again
I don't think Trumpsters understand that Trump's handling of immigration has made it a losing issue now for them. He has lawyers in court this week arguing that CBP don't have to provide KIDS with beds, soap, toothbrushes, or showers while being held in custody for weeks. And of course the judge thought the lawyer was a ****ing idiot. He had CBP take away all forms of physical activities and educational activities essentially as punishment. It's ****in kids you ingrates. The administration is going out of their way to torture kids because they believe it will discourage the parents. It was all fun and games when it was just a stupid build the wall chant. Now it is to the point where ICE and GoP Congress are embarrassed about what is going on. And instead of trying to fix this Trump instead demanded they double down and round up more. His policies have made the influx of immigrants worse not better.
You can deal with immigration without turning into Nazi POS. His base love this shit. But the majority of the country and the world think it's an embarrassment.

Hey Plat

Where were you in 2015? Or did you just not care? Sad! It took someone to be in office before you magically became a humanitarian

Also, immigration is down, except for central America unless you are calling pew fake news.

Tell the dems to do their job and help with aid since this rise in central.americans has happened instead of playing politics until they can ignore it again
That Pew is from 2018. In 2019 immigration has skyrocketed to numbers we haven't seen in 40 years.
As for the kids. It was bad when Obama was doing it and it's bad now. Trump has his people going out of there way to purposely treat them as shitty as possible. This is the whole reason the government established the no long term detention policy that Trump threw out. They are incapable of doing it humanely. They have ICE agents, whos job is supposed to be going after drug trafficking and criminals, trying to take care of hundreds of kids. In facilities built to hold a few dozen. When you start torturing kids to prove a point, you have become worse than the illegal immigrants.
I don't think Trumpsters understand that Trump's handling of immigration has made it a losing issue now for them. He has lawyers in court this week arguing that CBP don't have to provide KIDS with beds, soap, toothbrushes, or showers while being held in custody for weeks. And of course the judge thought the lawyer was a ****ing idiot. He had CBP take away all forms of physical activities and educational activities essentially as punishment. It's ****in kids you ingrates. The administration is going out of their way to torture kids because they believe it will discourage the parents. It was all fun and games when it was just a stupid build the wall chant. Now it is to the point where ICE and GoP Congress are embarrassed about what is going on. And instead of trying to fix this Trump instead demanded they double down and round up more. His policies have made the influx of immigrants worse not better.
You can deal with immigration without turning into Nazi POS. His base love this shit. But the majority of the country and the world think it's an embarrassment.

I don't think you can count to 10. Or spell ABC's.
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I love this adminstration for the pure entertainment value. Now Trump is accusing McAaleenan, the guy he just put in charge of ICE, of leaking out the ICE Roundup. When Trump is the dumb **** that tweeted it out. And most of the top ICE officials and Trump's secretaries told him it was a terrible idea.

The ice officer said, “One person told me, ‘I never thought I’d say this, but I miss the Obama rules. We removed more people with the rules we had in place than with all this. It was much easier when we had the priorities. It was cleaner.’ ”
. “I don’t even know what we’re doing now,” the officer said. “A lot of us see the photos of the kids at the border, and we’re wondering, ‘What the hell is going on?’ ” The influx of Central American migrants, the officer noted, has been an issue for more than a decade now, spanning three Presidential administrations. “No one built up the infrastructure to handle this, and now people are suffering at the border for it. They keep saying they were caught flat footed. That’s a bald-faced ****ing lie.”
Good God, what an epic fail, plat.

You realize you quoted someone saying it's been a good decade of neglect, with no infrastructure in place?

And you want to blame Trump?

River. Dismissed.
The Democrat candidate pool is an unbelievable shit show. Besides Tulsi for being strongly anti war, the guy promising 1k a month to everyone is the next most reasonable simply because he's willing to limit his charity to US citizens. There has to be someone else, right?
The Democrat candidate pool is an unbelievable shit show. Besides Tulsi for being strongly anti war, the guy promising 1k a month to everyone is the next most reasonable simply because he's willing to limit his charity to US citizens. There has to be someone else, right?

I mean, they've all just watched a reality TV star who ogles beauty show contestants without their permission, wants to **** his own daughter, nails ugly porn stars, and refuses to string 2 coherent sentences together become president. I'd guess at this point, they all think they have a chance.
The media and dems will try to ignore it. But when they cant hide it anymore that one of their "rising star" congresswomen Illhan Omar skirted immigration law by marrying her brother...A. showing how disgusting they are B. Showing the issues with immigration. It's going to be utterly hilarious when Trump deports her.

It's not conspiracy...the Minneapolis newspaper, who finally has been forced to report it after dodging it, is printing it. This nasty hoe married her f'n brother
The threat to keep them out actually encourages them to come.

You’re only fooling yourself if you think a) Trump really wants them out and b) that he would ever be successful doing so if he wanted. You and others are being played for fools. It’s why nothing happened when the GOP controlled the House, Senate and WH. The people with the money want them here because they help them make more money. Thanks to the political spectrum that you support, money has more political clout. They will let the rhetoric flow but will insure nothing ever really happens.
Lol, can’t handle the truth. The only lies are those you’re telling yourself.

You’re not a very astute student of history because every single thing you’re saying about Mexican and Central American immigrants has been said about the others. Ever been to Chinatown, Little Italy, Korea-town, Little Havana? Do you know why there’s a Germantown in most every major American city?

Pick up a book and learn something.
I don't think Trumpsters understand that Trump's handling of immigration has made it a losing issue now for them. He has lawyers in court this week arguing that CBP don't have to provide KIDS with beds, soap, toothbrushes, or showers while being held in custody for weeks. And of course the judge thought the lawyer was a ****ing idiot. He had CBP take away all forms of physical activities and educational activities essentially as punishment. It's ****in kids you ingrates. The administration is going out of their way to torture kids because they believe it will discourage the parents. It was all fun and games when it was just a stupid build the wall chant. Now it is to the point where ICE and GoP Congress are embarrassed about what is going on. And instead of trying to fix this Trump instead demanded they double down and round up more. His policies have made the influx of immigrants worse not better.
You can deal with immigration without turning into Nazi POS. His base love this shit. But the majority of the country and the world think it's an embarrassment.
False, you cannot deal with immigration until you realize that you really have no plan going forward to deal with the influx so, you stop them at the border and do not let them in until they can do it legally.
That Pew is from 2018. In 2019 immigration has skyrocketed to numbers we haven't seen in 40 years.
As for the kids. It was bad when Obama was doing it and it's bad now. Trump has his people going out of there way to purposely treat them as shitty as possible. This is the whole reason the government established the no long term detention policy that Trump threw out. They are incapable of doing it humanely. They have ICE agents, whos job is supposed to be going after drug trafficking and criminals, trying to take care of hundreds of kids. In facilities built to hold a few dozen. When you start torturing kids to prove a point, you have become worse than the illegal immigrants.
Why were you not on here blasting Obama when it was happening? Your hypocrisy and TDS is a big reason why no one believes you here.
Lol, can’t handle the truth. The only lies are those you’re telling yourself.

You’re not a very astute student of history because every single thing you’re saying about Mexican and Central American immigrants has been said about the others. Ever been to Chinatown, Little Italy, Korea-town, Little Havana? Do you know why there’s a Germantown in most every major American city?

Pick up a book and learn something.

You are either the dumbest rock on the beach or 14 years old. If you were not taught the difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration then your knowledge of history isn't worth discussing. Did you read what you typed before you hit the reply button? I didn't thinks so.
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