How will they rule ??!

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Wait, so @Platinumdrgn is discrediting the Pew data bc he is saying it's a year old? Lol so even tho no new data is published yet he somehow knows what it is?

Nah, bruh you're calling pew fake news.

Theres no magical upward spike after years of steady data.

Just the same as if, say someone nuts like Bernie, was president the conditions for them wouldnt change. It would simply be ignored again like it was when Barry was in office. As I've took trump becoming president for ppl to notice...they wont care again and demand change anymore once hes gone. There are several legal issues and once a Democrat is back in office the media would ignore it and the 4.5 billion Nancy is holding hostage for aid would simply be spent elsewhere on whatever is bring pushed as an issue.

Wheres this new talking point coming from that reverse psychology is happening to increase illegal immigration? Smells like a maddow conspiracy theory. Unless its double conspiracy..that soros type funded groups are helping them along bc trump is talking about it. If so, I didnt take you for an insane Alex Jones conspiracy guy. And that's pretty far out there man and nuts. Maddow is about the same tho. Or is it man bad...and that's what you got.

The New Republic is hiring an Inequality Editor; "This is a part-time role, requiring 29.5 hours per week, and does not include benefits

This is easily the greatest post ever in this thread.

This is game set match... After seeing this, I too fully support firing squads to take you people out of the gene pool, no matter how much you party or how much you've inherited.

We need you gone, for the survival of the species. For the people!

Full stop... do not pass go. GTHO
So they tell us the GOP is the party for big business, Chamber of Commerce and the wealthy. They lie

Perusing the news and see Pelosi say immigration status is not grounds for removal and see Bernie say his medicare for all absolutely covers illegals....then come on catpaw and see rq/fuzz say they are coming in higher numbers because of the threat of more border control.
I mean, they've all just watched a reality TV star who ogles beauty show contestants without their permission, wants to **** his own daughter, nails ugly porn stars, and refuses to string 2 coherent sentences together become president. I'd guess at this point, they all think they have a chance.

" ogles without permission" ? Do some beauty queens give permission to be ogled ?
Lol this lunatic is falling apart

What in the absolute world? I would say that was a disaster for MSNBC because, much like the Kavanaugh accuser, shedding too much light on them brings out the craziness. But then I realized this show comes on either right after or right before Rachel Maddow, so that's actually a really good strategy
Post barrage:

We've really turned a corner in this country vis-a-vis the news and entertainment media. I really feel like the constant attacks on Bush wore people down, even though he won reelection. Even when people didn't agree with the attacks, I think they voted for Obama to "get past" all that rhetoric. 10 years later and all it does is make people see what terrible biased hacks these people are. No more giving in, no more just letting them control the narrative.

That dramatic reading of the Mueller report would have been huge in 2006, now it is a joke.
That Pew is from 2018. In 2019 immigration has skyrocketed to numbers we haven't seen in 40 years.
As for the kids. It was bad when Obama was doing it and it's bad now. Trump has his people going out of there way to purposely treat them as shitty as possible. This is the whole reason the government established the no long term detention policy that Trump threw out. They are incapable of doing it humanely. They have ICE agents, whos job is supposed to be going after drug trafficking and criminals, trying to take care of hundreds of kids. In facilities built to hold a few dozen. When you start torturing kids to prove a point, you have become worse than the illegal immigrants.

"The New Republic is hiring an Inequality Editor; "This is a part-time role, requiring 29.5 hours per week, and does not include benefits."

So a company that will probably be writing articles slamming things like "equal pay for equal work", "living wages", and a thousand other hokie Socialist agenda items, is not willing to make it a full time gig. also, That 29.5 hours per week limit is thanks to Mr. Wonderful Obama who redefined full-time as 30 hours per week, therefore hindering businesses ability to give more hours to part time employees. It actually cut hours for a lot of part-timers who relied on those extra 10 hours per week.
The media and dems will try to ignore it. But when they cant hide it anymore that one of their "rising star" congresswomen Illhan Omar skirted immigration law by marrying her brother...A. showing how disgusting they are B. Showing the issues with immigration. It's going to be utterly hilarious when Trump deports her.

It's not conspiracy...the Minneapolis newspaper, who finally has been forced to report it after dodging it, is printing it. This nasty hoe married her f'n brother
Did they consummate the marriage?
That Pew is from 2018. In 2019 immigration has skyrocketed to numbers we haven't seen in 40 years.
As for the kids. It was bad when Obama was doing it and it's bad now. Trump has his people going out of there way to purposely treat them as shitty as possible. This is the whole reason the government established the no long term detention policy that Trump threw out. They are incapable of doing it humanely. They have ICE agents, whos job is supposed to be going after drug trafficking and criminals, trying to take care of hundreds of kids. In facilities built to hold a few dozen. When you start torturing kids to prove a point, you have become worse than the illegal immigrants.

Torturing kids?

Lol good lord.



Good grief.

JLD is retired for all intents and purposes, and I don't blame her. Hamil has been in 6 films in 50 years and has done some voice work.

Quinto, I liked Star Trek films, but those are about the only things you could name that he's been in.

Weaver, about like Hamil. Famous for space and alien movie decades ago.

Justin Long, that guy who was funny in some funny movies and then disappeared?

Piper Perabo. The babe from Coyote Ugly who was on the verge of breaking out in the early 2000s but never really did?

I will concede Michael Shannon has some acting ability, probably underrated. He's also from Lexington so even though he's gone full bore loony tune liberal, I wish him the best. However, he is B+ list at the very most.

It's like Hollywood has forgotten the criteria for something it created. "A-List" is not for some people who you may recognize and remember from that one show or those movies back in the day and have also done some theatre work.
Lol, can’t handle the truth. The only lies are those you’re telling yourself.

You’re not a very astute student of history because every single thing you’re saying about Mexican and Central American immigrants has been said about the others. Ever been to Chinatown, Little Italy, Korea-town, Little Havana? Do you know why there’s a Germantown in most every major American city?

Pick up a book and learn something.


How can you be this stupid man?
That Pew is from 2018. In 2019 immigration has skyrocketed to numbers we haven't seen in 40 years.
As for the kids. It was bad when Obama was doing it and it's bad now. Trump has his people going out of there way to purposely treat them as shitty as possible. This is the whole reason the government established the no long term detention policy that Trump threw out. They are incapable of doing it humanely. They have ICE agents, whos job is supposed to be going after drug trafficking and criminals, trying to take care of hundreds of kids. In facilities built to hold a few dozen. When you start torturing kids to prove a point, you have become worse than the illegal immigrants.

Kids aren't being tortured, you unhinged delusional dolt. Again, as an earlier poster asked, why are the Democrats blocking funding for additional detention centers and space to be used as holding centers? Your side and the worthless Chamber of Commerce is aiding and abetting and even encouraging mass illegal immigration for votes and power, while others are doing it for it for cheap labor. We can't sustain this continual enlarging welfare state.
Part of Trump's tweet from a few minutes ago:

"Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas, overwhelming will mean obliteration. No more John Kerry & Obama!"

Ouch lol. He's drilling Obama and Kerry and I love it.
Immigration problem will not get solved anytime soon. Many in Congress (both sides) have major donors who want the cheap labor, Dems need the votes since they have lost a ton of the blue-collar vote to Trump plus they need to turn states like Texas Blue, and most importantly there is no way in hell the Dems are going to give Trump any win on the issue. 50k kids can die before they will give him a victory on the issue.

Let's keep in mind the Republicans had the house for 2 years and did NOTHING to solve the issue. They had the votes. Senate would have been an issue but the GOP showed their true colors when they had a chance to push Trump's immigration agenda through.
Kids aren't being tortured, you unhinged delusional dolt. Again, as an earlier poster asked, why are the Democrats blocking funding for additional detention centers and space to be used as holding centers? Your side and the worthless Chamber of Commerce is aiding and abetting and even encouraging mass illegal immigration for votes and power, while others are doing it for it for cheap labor. We can't sustain this continual enlarging welfare state.

There are a handful of posters on this forum that are as dumb as rocks. I mean stupid stupid.
fuzz was trying to Jedi mind trick the forum on immigration , the wall makes them want to come here these are not the illegals you are looking for
Lexington Mayor Linda Gordon makes her case for dumbass of the week...

These are not immigrants. These are people who refused to go through the process and have been ordered by courts to leave the country. Even the Herald Leader can acknowledge that fact.

If we can't enforce laws, then wtf good are they? They hurt legal immigrants. Our govt hurts legal immigrants by lumping them in with illegal criminals in an attempt to push their world without borders agenda.
Lexington Mayor Linda Gordon makes her case for dumbass of the week...

These are not immigrants. These are people who refused to go through the process and have been ordered by courts to leave the country. Even the Herald Leader can acknowledge that fact.

If we can't enforce laws, then wtf good are they? They hurt legal immigrants. Our govt hurts legal immigrants by lumping them in with illegal criminals in an attempt to push their world without borders agenda.
The more I hear about Lexington the more I don't think it would be a nice place to live. Shootings are common and the liberal city government is out of step with common sense.