How will they rule ??!

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Don’t be disingenuous Plat.

There was never a plan to make any changes at the Canadian border. There is no question that Trump’s #1 campaign promise has been an abject and miserable failure, but it never included sealing off the north.
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A wall is never being built, you can just stop asking for it. That's a dead policy. So far Trump has allocated contracts for 240 miles of fencing. only 17 miles is new construction, the rest is replacement fencing. The last update DHS gave in court back in March was that 5miles had been built this year. Atm nothing is under construction, all stopped under injunctions. from what i can gather about 30miles of replacement fencing went up last year, and half of that was contracted out before Trump took office. The section Trump put his name on with a big dumb plaque wasn't even authorized by his administration but by Obama. So in 2.5 years Trump has built ZERO inches of new construction fencing and maybe about 20 miles of replacement fencing. Not quite the YUGE and super fast wall from sea to sea he promises every other day. And the northern border still has zero miles of barrier. There was about 5000 documented apprehensions last year but there is almost no patrolling so we have no idea what the actual numbers are.
I used to go canoeing every summer on the Michigan and Superior. You see tons of people just traveling back and forth freely with no interaction from CBP. Occasionally Mounties would discourage unauthorized crossing but never actually stopped anyone. My buddies still go and they say the crossings have exploded with nonstop drug mules. But its not brown people with cocaine in their ass. It's older white people with backpacks stuffed full of generic prescriptions.

Wrong again. Lies fake news from you as usual
Because we have been reliant on and addicted to cheap migrant workers for 240 years. White people aren't reproducing enough, somebody has to fill the 5 million open jobs.
Ah so you want them for slave labor. Just like your Dems wanted to keep blacks for the same reason. Now we know the real reason why you love brown people, as you call them.
Maybe this should be on a sports thread.
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We don’t need more judges. We need a wall. And we (meaning you liberals) need to quit sending the message to the 3rd world that if you’ll show up here at our doorstep we’ll give you everything. That’s unethical, immoral, unfair, and unsustainable.

If these people don’t have to obey our law, why do I have to obey our law? I want you to tell me the answer to that Platinum.
You thinking a wall would fix the problem tells me you're simple minded.
It tells me that you’ve never been to the border and witnessed the 1000’s every day that enter through border crossings...many to never to never cross back the other way. You see they need no more reason to come here than you need to go visit there.

You don’t have to follow the law anymore than do they. The difference of course is that if you get caught breaking the law you likely have something to lose. Your job, perhaps your home in addition to your freedom. They on the other hand have little to lose.

You’re mistaken to think that they are expecting anything to be given to them. Most everything that they do get is given by religious and human rights groups that are funded by people who chose to give. They want an opportunity to improve their lives. Period.

We used to allow migrant workers to freely come and go, and they did. They came and worked the fields, picked fruit and vegetables ... many farms provided them housing. Once the crop was in they would go back home. Then someone got the bright idea to build a wall, make it illegal to do what had been being done for 100 yrs. The crops still needed to be picked so they came anyway. But since they had no guarantee that if they left they could re-enter...they stayed. Now we have near entire industries highly dependent on their labor but antiquated immigration laws that don’t allow for them. You can never beat human nature. People who know they can have a better life for them and their families are going to seek that better life. The people dependent on their labor come from every corner of the political spectrum. Some will talk the game to appease those that try and demonize immigrant labor. talks about his wall...says it’s coming along nicely. Truth is not one inch of new wall has been built and it’s doubtful that it ever will. You see, he too is dependent upon their labor to work his resorts.

The truth is these immigrants just as all immigrants before them make our country stronger and more prosperous. But go ahead and keep listening to the fear mongers who are repeating the same failed arguments that have accompanied other immigrant groups.
You thinking a wall would fix the problem tells me you're simple minded.
It tells me that you’ve never been to the border and witnessed the 1000’s every day that enter through border crossings...many to never to never cross back the other way. You see they need no more reason to come here than you need to go visit there.

You don’t have to follow the law anymore than do they. The difference of course is that if you get caught breaking the law you likely have something to lose. Your job, perhaps your home in addition to your freedom. They on the other hand have little to lose.

You’re mistaken to think that they are expecting anything to be given to them. Most everything that they do get is given by religious and human rights groups that are funded by people who chose to give. They want an opportunity to improve their lives. Period.

We used to allow migrant workers to freely come and go, and they did. They came and worked the fields, picked fruit and vegetables ... many farms provided them housing. Once the crop was in they would go back home. Then someone got the bright idea to build a wall, make it illegal to do what had been being done for 100 yrs. The crops still needed to be picked so they came anyway. But since they had no guarantee that if they left they could re-enter...they stayed. Now we have near entire industries highly dependent on their labor but antiquated immigration laws that don’t allow for them. You can never beat human nature. People who know they can have a better life for them and their families are going to seek that better life. The people dependent on their labor come from every corner of the political spectrum. Some will talk the game to appease those that try and demonize immigrant labor. talks about his wall...says it’s coming along nicely. Truth is not one inch of new wall has been built and it’s doubtful that it ever will. You see, he too is dependent upon their labor to work his resorts.

The truth is these immigrants just as all immigrants before them make our country stronger and more prosperous. But go ahead and keep listening to the fear mongers who are repeating the same failed arguments that have accompanied other immigrant groups.

You thinking a wall would fix the problem tells me you're simple minded.
It tells me that you’ve never been to the border and witnessed the 1000’s every day that enter through border crossings...many to never to never cross back the other way. You see they need no more reason to come here than you need to go visit there.

You don’t have to follow the law anymore than do they. The difference of course is that if you get caught breaking the law you likely have something to lose. Your job, perhaps your home in addition to your freedom. They on the other hand have little to lose.

You’re mistaken to think that they are expecting anything to be given to them. Most everything that they do get is given by religious and human rights groups that are funded by people who chose to give. They want an opportunity to improve their lives. Period.

We used to allow migrant workers to freely come and go, and they did. They came and worked the fields, picked fruit and vegetables ... many farms provided them housing. Once the crop was in they would go back home. Then someone got the bright idea to build a wall, make it illegal to do what had been being done for 100 yrs. The crops still needed to be picked so they came anyway. But since they had no guarantee that if they left they could re-enter...they stayed. Now we have near entire industries highly dependent on their labor but antiquated immigration laws that don’t allow for them. You can never beat human nature. People who know they can have a better life for them and their families are going to seek that better life. The people dependent on their labor come from every corner of the political spectrum. Some will talk the game to appease those that try and demonize immigrant labor. talks about his wall...says it’s coming along nicely. Truth is not one inch of new wall has been built and it’s doubtful that it ever will. You see, he too is dependent upon their labor to work his resorts.

The truth is these immigrants just as all immigrants before them make our country stronger and more prosperous. But go ahead and keep listening to the fear mongers who are repeating the same failed arguments that have accompanied other immigrant groups.
Its crazy it took trump being president for media and Democrats to care about what's been going on at the border from which was rampant during the Obama admin. Barry's fiscal deportation career high is still unmatched.

Yet zero Democrats are willing to work for solution. Instead their focus is on semantics if we can call things a camp or not. They are not interested in funding for aid, or working on ways to fix a citizenship path. It's got to be one extreme or another...bc politics

The reality is constituents want something dome about immigration. A wall is unrealistic and silly imo, but that doesnt mean people dont want something to be done to fix the issue...and instead Dems arent interested in that solution
I have been for pulling out of the middle east for a while now. The only thing is, I would still help Israel our only real ally there. Send them military equipment. They would not turn on us ever, Islamic/Muslim countries/States would. Once they finished Israel, like a cancer they would spread to their next conquest until the world was Islamic or under Islamic rule.
As soon as we pull out, everybody over there will be like “OK, they’re gone, everybody huddle up.”
You thinking a wall would fix the problem tells me you're simple minded.
It tells me that you’ve never been to the border and witnessed the 1000’s every day that enter through border crossings...many to never to never cross back the other way. You see they need no more reason to come here than you need to go visit there.

You don’t have to follow the law anymore than do they. The difference of course is that if you get caught breaking the law you likely have something to lose. Your job, perhaps your home in addition to your freedom. They on the other hand have little to lose.

You’re mistaken to think that they are expecting anything to be given to them. Most everything that they do get is given by religious and human rights groups that are funded by people who chose to give. They want an opportunity to improve their lives. Period.

We used to allow migrant workers to freely come and go, and they did. They came and worked the fields, picked fruit and vegetables ... many farms provided them housing. Once the crop was in they would go back home. Then someone got the bright idea to build a wall, make it illegal to do what had been being done for 100 yrs. The crops still needed to be picked so they came anyway. But since they had no guarantee that if they left they could re-enter...they stayed. Now we have near entire industries highly dependent on their labor but antiquated immigration laws that don’t allow for them. You can never beat human nature. People who know they can have a better life for them and their families are going to seek that better life. The people dependent on their labor come from every corner of the political spectrum. Some will talk the game to appease those that try and demonize immigrant labor. talks about his wall...says it’s coming along nicely. Truth is not one inch of new wall has been built and it’s doubtful that it ever will. You see, he too is dependent upon their labor to work his resorts.

The truth is these immigrants just as all immigrants before them make our country stronger and more prosperous. But go ahead and keep listening to the fear mongers who are repeating the same failed arguments that have accompanied other immigrant groups.

And it's Democrats that refuse to help. Dumbass
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You thinking a wall would fix the problem tells me you're simple minded.
It tells me that you’ve never been to the border and witnessed the 1000’s every day that enter through border crossings...many to never to never cross back the other way. You see they need no more reason to come here than you need to go visit there.

You don’t have to follow the law anymore than do they. The difference of course is that if you get caught breaking the law you likely have something to lose. Your job, perhaps your home in addition to your freedom. They on the other hand have little to lose.

You’re mistaken to think that they are expecting anything to be given to them. Most everything that they do get is given by religious and human rights groups that are funded by people who chose to give. They want an opportunity to improve their lives. Period.

We used to allow migrant workers to freely come and go, and they did. They came and worked the fields, picked fruit and vegetables ... many farms provided them housing. Once the crop was in they would go back home. Then someone got the bright idea to build a wall, make it illegal to do what had been being done for 100 yrs. The crops still needed to be picked so they came anyway. But since they had no guarantee that if they left they could re-enter...they stayed. Now we have near entire industries highly dependent on their labor but antiquated immigration laws that don’t allow for them. You can never beat human nature. People who know they can have a better life for them and their families are going to seek that better life. The people dependent on their labor come from every corner of the political spectrum. Some will talk the game to appease those that try and demonize immigrant labor. talks about his wall...says it’s coming along nicely. Truth is not one inch of new wall has been built and it’s doubtful that it ever will. You see, he too is dependent upon their labor to work his resorts.

The truth is these immigrants just as all immigrants before them make our country stronger and more prosperous. But go ahead and keep listening to the fear mongers who are repeating the same failed arguments that have accompanied other immigrant groups.
False, Pure uneducated and uninformed opinion. LOCKSTEP! MARCH!
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Lol. Of all people on this board, you’re the last one who should say anything about education. I’d be shocked if you could even stumble your way to a GED.
Have more than you know but, you are not smart enough to realize it. You're a freaking liberal and a canuck. 2 strikes against you already. You have been told all of your life how to be in Canada and now you have joined the liberals in this country for a circle jerk as the pivot man. Problem is, they don't realize as a canuck you are not a real man.
You thinking a wall would fix the problem tells me you're simple minded.
It tells me that you’ve never been to the border and witnessed the 1000’s every day that enter through border crossings...many to never to never cross back the other way. You see they need no more reason to come here than you need to go visit there.

You don’t have to follow the law anymore than do they. The difference of course is that if you get caught breaking the law you likely have something to lose. Your job, perhaps your home in addition to your freedom. They on the other hand have little to lose.

You’re mistaken to think that they are expecting anything to be given to them. Most everything that they do get is given by religious and human rights groups that are funded by people who chose to give. They want an opportunity to improve their lives. Period.

We used to allow migrant workers to freely come and go, and they did. They came and worked the fields, picked fruit and vegetables ... many farms provided them housing. Once the crop was in they would go back home. Then someone got the bright idea to build a wall, make it illegal to do what had been being done for 100 yrs. The crops still needed to be picked so they came anyway. But since they had no guarantee that if they left they could re-enter...they stayed. Now we have near entire industries highly dependent on their labor but antiquated immigration laws that don’t allow for them. You can never beat human nature. People who know they can have a better life for them and their families are going to seek that better life. The people dependent on their labor come from every corner of the political spectrum. Some will talk the game to appease those that try and demonize immigrant labor. talks about his wall...says it’s coming along nicely. Truth is not one inch of new wall has been built and it’s doubtful that it ever will. You see, he too is dependent upon their labor to work his resorts.

The truth is these immigrants just as all immigrants before them make our country stronger and more prosperous. But go ahead and keep listening to the fear mongers who are repeating the same failed arguments that have accompanied other immigrant groups.
Boy, are you gonna be surprised.
Boy, are you gonna be surprised.

I’m surprised that the anti illegal immigration president has managed to make it so bad that it’s a bigger problem than at any point in history. That’s a neat trick - tell everyone you’re gonna put an end to illegal immigration, then become the worst president ever on illegal immigration, and somehow everyone still thinks you are the right man for the job.

For that kind of Houdini act alone, Trump deserves some high fives.
Have more than you know but, you are not smart enough to realize it. You're a freaking liberal and a canuck. 2 strikes against you already. You have been told all of your life how to be in Canada and now you have joined the liberals in this country for a circle jerk as the pivot man. Problem is, they don't realize as a canuck you are not a real man.

I was 20 when I moved here. I’ve absorbed way more American culture than Canadian.

Ironically it was exposure to the type of necks that are prevalent on this board that kicked me left. You should take some credit - all that time in Mobilhoma has turned you into the type of nut that I’m just happy to say I laugh at and disagree with. Tip your cap sir.
I’m surprised that the anti illegal immigration president has managed to make it so bad that it’s a bigger problem than at any point in history. That’s a neat trick - tell everyone you’re gonna put an end to illegal immigration, then become the worst president ever on illegal immigration, and somehow everyone still thinks you are the right man for the job.

For that kind of Houdini act alone, Trump deserves some high fives.

Specifically what policy of Trumps has caused the influx? Could it be states offering drivers licenses, free healthcare, free college, sanctuary?
Possibly the thought that the Dems can’t stall forever, and that the American people are fed up with illegal immigration?

One side of the political spectrum is dragging their feet, and it ain’t Trump, but you know that.
I was 20 when I moved here. I’ve absorbed way more American culture than Canadian.

Ironically it was exposure to the type of necks that are prevalent on this board that kicked me left. You should take some credit - all that time in Mobilhoma has turned you into the type of nut that I’m just happy to say I laugh at and disagree with. Tip your cap sir.
False, you started your postings here with disrespectful jabs at Kentuckians and our military in which you were immediately chastised for by most other posters here. You quickly cowered and fell in line for a while. Not sure you remember but, I told you as far as I am concerned, stand your ground. I would respect that more and would know exactly where you stood.

As far as me being the reason you are a left loon, typical liberal response, never taking responsibility for your failures, always blaming someone else.
I’m surprised that the anti illegal immigration president has managed to make it so bad that it’s a bigger problem than at any point in history. That’s a neat trick - tell everyone you’re gonna put an end to illegal immigration, then become the worst president ever on illegal immigration, and somehow everyone still thinks you are the right man for the job.

For that kind of Houdini act alone, Trump deserves some high fives.
You can continue making this idiotic supposition over and over, it won't make it true.

The Dem party with lawsuits and calls to end ICE (unreal to even type that) has sent a huge beacon to come. Now your party is fighting them even being stopped other than signing their name. Hell you have sanctuary DAs refusing to turn over convicts for deportation.
You thinking a wall would fix the problem tells me you're simple minded.
It tells me that you’ve never been to the border and witnessed the 1000’s every day that enter through border crossings...many to never to never cross back the other way. You see they need no more reason to come here than you need to go visit there.

You don’t have to follow the law anymore than do they. The difference of course is that if you get caught breaking the law you likely have something to lose. Your job, perhaps your home in addition to your freedom. They on the other hand have little to lose.

You’re mistaken to think that they are expecting anything to be given to them. Most everything that they do get is given by religious and human rights groups that are funded by people who chose to give. They want an opportunity to improve their lives. Period.

We used to allow migrant workers to freely come and go, and they did. They came and worked the fields, picked fruit and vegetables ... many farms provided them housing. Once the crop was in they would go back home. Then someone got the bright idea to build a wall, make it illegal to do what had been being done for 100 yrs. The crops still needed to be picked so they came anyway. But since they had no guarantee that if they left they could re-enter...they stayed. Now we have near entire industries highly dependent on their labor but antiquated immigration laws that don’t allow for them. You can never beat human nature. People who know they can have a better life for them and their families are going to seek that better life. The people dependent on their labor come from every corner of the political spectrum. Some will talk the game to appease those that try and demonize immigrant labor. talks about his wall...says it’s coming along nicely. Truth is not one inch of new wall has been built and it’s doubtful that it ever will. You see, he too is dependent upon their labor to work his resorts.

The truth is these immigrants just as all immigrants before them make our country stronger and more prosperous. But go ahead and keep listening to the fear mongers who are repeating the same failed arguments that have accompanied other immigrant groups.

One set of lies after another. A wall will work. They work elsewhere. Properly funded, maintained, and secured, it will do the job and cost far less over time than the 130 BILLION annually it is costing to do nothing.

Another lie: that law must only be followed if one has something to lose. Don’t have to think very far on the potential problems with that. That type of thinking is scary: rules for thee, none for me.

Your next lie, that they expect nothing: if it were true, they would cost nothing. Again, over 100 BILLION a year says that’s not true.

Your last lie is the biggest whopper: that this is like previous immigration. Previous waves assimilated. They followed the law to come here. Above all, they never, ever, represented the fiscal burden that this wave does.

Not even getting into the existential threat that unassimilated people bring. They don’t give a shit about the history of liberty, from Magna Carta down to the Bill of Rights. Because it’s NOT THEIR CULTURE. When enough of them are here to vote away the fundamental Principles that we follow, there will be no more USA.

Rethink your lies.
Specifically what policy of Trumps has caused the influx? Could it be states offering drivers licenses, free healthcare, free college, sanctuary?
Possibly the thought that the Dems can’t stall forever, and that the American people are fed up with illegal immigration?

One side of the political spectrum is dragging their feet, and it ain’t Trump, but you know that.

Art of the deal man, 4D chess!! Where is that guy?
One set of lies after another. A wall will work. They work elsewhere. Properly funded, maintained, and secured, it will do the job and cost far less over time than the 130 BILLION annually it is costing to do nothing.

Another lie: that law must only be followed if one has something to lose. Don’t have to think very far on the potential problems with that. That type of thinking is scary: rules for thee, none for me.

Your next lie, that they expect nothing: if it were true, they would cost nothing. Again, over 100 BILLION a year says that’s not true.

Your last lie is the biggest whopper: that this is like previous immigration. Previous waves assimilated. They followed the law to come here. Above all, they never, ever, represented the fiscal burden that this wave does.

Not even getting into the existential threat that unassimilated people bring. They don’t give a shit about the history of liberty, from Magna Carta down to the Bill of Rights. Because it’s NOT THEIR CULTURE. When enough of them are here to vote away the fundamental Principles that we follow, there will be no more USA.

Rethink your lies.

Agree with all of this. Trump has truly ushered in the biggest illegal immigrant crisis we have ever seen. That’s a great feather for his cap.
False, you started your postings here with disrespectful jabs at Kentuckians and our military in which you were immediately chastised for by most other posters here. You quickly cowered and fell in line for a while. Not sure you remember but, I told you as far as I am concerned, stand your ground. I would respect that more and would know exactly where you stood.

As far as me being the reason you are a left loon, typical liberal response, never taking responsibility for your failures, always blaming someone else.

Failures. Ahahahaha. You spent a day bragging about overpaying for a used car and thinking you got a good deal on it. My biggest failure in the last 20 years was laying down the nut flush on a paired board in a $3300 pot only to be shown a stone bluff. Compared to me, you wrote the book on failure.

This is a great deep dive into Trump and Trumpsters train of thought. It's his own damn words for all you fake news loser. If you to lazy to read the interview. Todd shows Trump charts that detail out that his first 28 months of growth have been slower than the 28 before he came into office.
"That’s been proven. And yet my economy is phenomenal. We have now the best economy, maybe in the history of our country. One -- just to finish off, when I took over, this country, the economy was ready to collapse. You take a look at the numbers. It was ready to collapse.”
Both answers are hilariously pathetic bullshit. "his economy" wouldn't even rate in the top 10 of Presidents. And the economy was not about to collapse, it was still steadily growing. And of course he blames the current slowdown on the fed for raising rates, like they are supposed to do as the economy pulls out of recession.
Mr Trump said: “Yeah, but Chuck, you have to understand, nobody was working. The whole place was a disaster. And I don’t - I’d never take that away.”
Unemployment was at 4.4% when he came in and "nobody was working', lmao.
Agree with all of this. Trump has truly ushered in the biggest illegal immigrant crisis we have ever seen. That’s a great feather for his cap.

You are a POS. Can't believe the crap you post. You are trolling I know now. No one is that stupid unless you are AOC herself. If you are good work.
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This is a great deep dive into Trump and Trumpsters train of thought. It's his own damn words for all you fake news loser. If you to lazy to read the interview. Todd shows Trump charts that detail out that his first 28 months of growth have been slower than the 28 before he came into office.
"That’s been proven. And yet my economy is phenomenal. We have now the best economy, maybe in the history of our country. One -- just to finish off, when I took over, this country, the economy was ready to collapse. You take a look at the numbers. It was ready to collapse.”
Both answers are hilariously pathetic bullshit. "his economy" wouldn't even rate in the top 10 of Presidents. And the economy was not about to collapse, it was still steadily growing. And of course he blames the current slowdown on the fed for raising rates, like they are supposed to do as the economy pulls out of recession.
Mr Trump said: “Yeah, but Chuck, you have to understand, nobody was working. The whole place was a disaster. And I don’t - I’d never take that away.”
Unemployment was at 4.4% when he came in and "nobody was working', lmao.

Wow you are dumb. Get help.