How will they rule ??!

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**** palestine, **** israel, **** the saudis, **** iraq, **** Iran. **** all of the Middle East. Pull every last troop and piece of hardware out of that hellhole and let them all kill each other. When its a barren wasteland we can send in Exon and Chevron to soak up the oil.
I have been for pulling out of the middle east for a while now. The only thing is, I would still help Israel our only real ally there. Send them military equipment. They would not turn on us ever, Islamic/Muslim countries/States would. Once they finished Israel, like a cancer they would spread to their next conquest until the world was Islamic or under Islamic rule.
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and all the simpletons in the GoP fell for it hook, line, and sinker. When in reality that is exactly what they are, concentration camps without all the murder. And if people on this board had any power it would include all the murder.
Have you ever been around any of them to see the truth or have you only seen what the news media wants you to see or hear. They were here at FT. Sill before and are coming again and they were treated very well. Yes, they were separated from the rest of the post but, they were housed in billets that were just newly renovated and supposed to be used for the troops. Our troops were left in older billets until they were gone.

They were fed at soldier mess halls, taken to movies, parks, recreational areas, and other educational places that were supposed to be for the troops. Troops were not allowed to go to these places while they were being used by illegals. we don't even do that for our own homeless or poor children.

Cry me a river.
In other words, camps where people are concentrated.

Hospitals: like Nazi camps without all the medical experiments.

Schools: like Nazi camps without Mein Kampf.

Bookstores: like Nazi schools without Mein Kampf.

Boy Scouts: like Nazi Hitler Youth without Aryans.

NASA: like Nazi rocket programs.

The horror!

Friends, we allowed liberals to abuse, misuse, and otherwise rape language for 30 years. This bullshit about “concentration camps” is the evidence of why you have to fight it at every turn.
Because the feckless republicans refused to fight and kowtowed to the Liberal press. Along comes Trump and calls them all out for what they are, which is why he got elected and will be again in 2020.

Smh. This guy. Democrats have no intentions of working with you, man. Delaying this will solve absolutely nothing. The idle threats do nothing. You’ve got to understand you’re in charge and stop letting people dick you around. You don’t have time for this shit.

Hey dems, take note, I can criticize the president and my party (something you can’t do for your party).

Was coming here to question / post the same .. Dont know what angle The Donald is working but it makes him look weak as heck. my wife is pretty astute , she called his win 2 years ago . She thinks Nancy has him by the balls . It sure looks awful as a conservative , Nancy calls , ask for Trump to not export illegals , Trump without a whimper says OK .. I wish they would deport 2 million , not 2K . Come LEGALLY or dont come .
It wasn’t until marriage equality became law that gay & lesbian couples could jointly file tax returns—so they paid more in taxes. Our government owes them more than $50M for the years our discriminatory tax code left them out. We must right these wrongs.
Good post.

What about those who paid less as individuals vs. married & had less tax? Shouldn't they have to pay in more?
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Smh. This guy. Democrats have no intentions of working with you, man. Delaying this will solve absolutely nothing. The idle threats do nothing. You’ve got to understand you’re in charge and stop letting people dick you around. You don’t have time for this shit.

Hey dems, take note, I can criticize the president and my party (something you can’t do for your party).
Nonetheless, he's giving them the chance to put up or shut up. Good move imo.
Was coming here to question / post the same .. Dont know what angle The Donald is working but it makes him look weak as heck. my wife is pretty astute , she called his win 2 years ago . She thinks Nancy has him by the balls . It sure looks awful as a conservative , Nancy calls , ask for Trump to not export illegals , Trump without a whimper says OK .. I wish they would deport 2 million , not 2K . Come LEGALLY or dont come .
A two weeks delay to allow Dims to further show their intent to overrun this country with illegals - or not - is fine by me.
I have long wondered why he haven't done more of this:

"U.S. military cyber forces launched a strike against Iranian military computer systems on Thursday as President Donald Trump backed away from plans for a more conventional military strike in response to Iran’s downing of a U.S. surveillance drone, U.S. officials said Saturday."

And against the Chinese & NK & Russia, even on commercial issues. If we can't beat these people at this game we're doomed.
A two weeks delay to allow Dims to further show their intent to overrun this country with illegals - or not - is fine by me.
The whole world knows the Dims, Chamber of Commerce and GOP swamp dwellers will never change their stance on allowing as many illegals to come as a passenger train can haul, 24/7/365. There is no limit. Trump had better be ready to move them out in two weeks. He has two weeks to mobilize the forces because we all know the Dims and GOP establishment will not address legislation to stop this invasion. They have had two decades and failed to do any thing. So in two weeks we Trump voters want some action.
Funny she spoke up about this. Listening to the radio last week someone suggested we extend reparations to all the gays in America. It seems they were not allowed to marry same sex for 10,000 years and they have to be paid accordingly.

So reparations for the black race, gays and Indians. Pretty soon people will realize the Chinese in America were forced to build railroads and open Chinese restaurants. The Hispanics were mistreated when they came to America illegally not to mention all of the others in the world America has treated as second class citizens. Polish, Irish, Germany, Italians, Russians. Well I am running out of people to reparate.
Funny she spoke up about this. Listening to the radio last week someone suggested we extend reparations to all the gays in America. It seems they were not allowed to marry same sex for 10,000 years and they have to be paid accordingly.

So reparations for the black race, gays and Indians. Pretty soon people will realize the Chinese in America were forced to build railroads and open Chinese restaurants. The Hispanics were mistreated when they came to America illegally not to mention all of the others in the world America has treated as second class citizens. Polish, Irish, Germany, Italians, Russians. Well I am running out of people to reparate.

Reparations will never happen. It's a political vote pandering tool for lazy liberals to squeeze more money off hard working Americans. Basically another form of welfare.
A two weeks delay to allow Dims to further show their intent to overrun this country with illegals - or not - is fine by me.

They have been flooding in by the thousands every week , every week that passes 1000s more come in , we need to change the math and start an export business . The dims cant look any weaker .. open borders is open borders . They cant be any more open . Kinda like justice delayed .
Hannity is the Maddow of neocons. No desire to ever watch him or most of Fox. Tucker is the only thing really going for that network. Ingram isn’t bad either but Tucker is by far top notch and gives zero effs.

So libs who cry about “Faux News” you can have it. Most of it isn’t that different than your party’s media.
Read that all the latest asylum conditions faux outrage comes from an appellate argument over Obama era lawsuit and conditions.

Lmao. Dems and msm.

Too bad noone will correct the obvious and intentionally misleading assertion trump is to blame.

Also guess that's the cause for the sudden claim from the lawyers that JUST happened to visit their clients and saw these same conditions
Read that all the latest asylum conditions faux outrage comes from an appellate argument over Obama era lawsuit and conditions.

Lmao. Dems and msm.

Too bad noone will correct the obvious and intentionally misleading assertion trump is to blame.

Also guess that's the cause for the sudden claim from the lawyers that JUST happened to visit their clients and saw these same conditions

It’s going to get to the point to where they’ll put those important details they leave out in the 5th paragraph of the article and use white text so you’ll have to highlight it with your cursor just to see it.

Everyone claims asylum now because the courts have a 3 year backlog so they know they can milk it. Trump was offered money to double or triple the amount of judges multiple times and he said no, judges weren't important. Add a few thousand judges, wipe out the backlog, and you can have a week or so turnover on cases and boom, border is solved. Once the backlog is gone you can draw down the judge surge till a nice equilibrium is reached.Right now the administration isn't even hiring new judges, they froze hiring back in March.

“Ultimately, we have to have a real border, not judges,” Trump said.
"Seriously, what country does this? They said ‘sir, we’d like to hire 5,000 or 6,000 more judges,” Trump continued. “Now can you imagine the graft that must take place?”

We don’t need more judges. We need a wall. And we (meaning you liberals) need to quit sending the message to the 3rd world that if you’ll show up here at our doorstep we’ll give you everything. That’s unethical, immoral, unfair, and unsustainable.

If these people don’t have to obey our law, why do I have to obey our law? I want you to tell me the answer to that Platinum.
Thanks to liberal policies in the "liberal shitholes".
Available in other "non-shithole" locales. For example, Waco, Texas, home of Baylor University and arguably one of the most right-leaning cities in the USA, offers free birth control scripts for qualified individuals via the local Planned Parenthood clinic.

As usual, you are also dismissed.
We don’t need more judges. We need a wall. And we (meaning you liberals) need to quit sending the message to the 3rd world that if you’ll show up here at our doorstep we’ll give you everything. That’s unethical, immoral, unfair, and unsustainable.

If these people don’t have to obey our law, why do I have to obey our law? I want you to tell me the answer to that Platinum.
A wall is never being built, you can just stop asking for it. That's a dead policy. So far Trump has allocated contracts for 240 miles of fencing. only 17 miles is new construction, the rest is replacement fencing. The last update DHS gave in court back in March was that 5miles had been built this year. Atm nothing is under construction, all stopped under injunctions. from what i can gather about 30miles of replacement fencing went up last year, and half of that was contracted out before Trump took office. The section Trump put his name on with a big dumb plaque wasn't even authorized by his administration but by Obama. So in 2.5 years Trump has built ZERO inches of new construction fencing and maybe about 20 miles of replacement fencing. Not quite the YUGE and super fast wall from sea to sea he promises every other day. And the northern border still has zero miles of barrier. There was about 5000 documented apprehensions last year but there is almost no patrolling so we have no idea what the actual numbers are.
I used to go canoeing every summer on the Michigan and Superior. You see tons of people just traveling back and forth freely with no interaction from CBP. Occasionally Mounties would discourage unauthorized crossing but never actually stopped anyone. My buddies still go and they say the crossings have exploded with nonstop drug mules. But its not brown people with cocaine in their ass. It's older white people with backpacks stuffed full of generic prescriptions.
A wall is never being built, you can just stop asking for it. That's a dead policy. So far Trump has allocated contracts for 240 miles of fencing. only 17 miles is new construction, the rest is replacement fencing. The last update DHS gave in court back in March was that 5miles had been built this year. Atm nothing is under construction, all stopped under injunctions. from what i can gather about 30miles of replacement fencing went up last year, and half of that was contracted out before Trump took office. The section Trump put his name on with a big dumb plaque wasn't even authorized by his administration but by Obama. So in 2.5 years Trump has built ZERO inches of new construction fencing and maybe about 20 miles of replacement fencing. Not quite the YUGE and super fast wall from sea to sea he promises every other day. And the northern border still has zero miles of barrier. There was about 5000 documented apprehensions last year but there is almost no patrolling so we have no idea what the actual numbers are.
I used to go canoeing every summer on the Michigan and Superior. You see tons of people just traveling back and forth freely with no interaction from CBP. Occasionally Mounties would discourage unauthorized crossing but never actually stopped anyone. My buddies still go and they say the crossings have exploded with nonstop drug mules. But its not brown people with cocaine in their ass. It's older white people with backpacks stuffed full of generic prescriptions.

Why do I get sent to jail for disobeying the law and illegals don’t?