How will they rule ??!

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I’ll say it again, not racist, just stupid.

“Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial.”

AOC was correct. All of it is terrible and it sets a bad example on the world stage.
That's literally not at all what's happening.

The people held at the border are NOT:

- Political prisoners
- Uniquely members of one national or minority group
- Being held for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment

They are being held because they broke US law and we do not have the resources to handle their cases in a more efficient manner.

Also, the implication to "concentration" camps is that the state is concentrating it's own citizens. How else could you "concentrate" them? Are we going to Honduras or West Africa to make sure all of those people are held in border facilities?

It's amazing how you can look at that definition and think it proves your point
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You can’t reason with someone who tries to act as if cultures and situations are the same as immigration in the 1800s versus a border invasion of shit rats who refuse to assimilate and want to drain our resources and don’t share our values.

Exactly what “values” do these people not share with Americans who were lucky enough to be born here?

Really curious as to what in the hell you’re referring to.

Yeah, there has always been anti immigrant factions in the US. That doesn't change the fact that there was no welfare state to draw them. They came to be Americans.
What Joe and others are clearly saying, despite their ambiguous support for "doing something" is that want that any of the world's 7.8b people can show up at our border sign their name and remain here as long as they want. And it is all about a hope for future power as a result. It truly is pathetic.
I’ll say it again, not racist, just stupid.

“Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial.”

AOC was correct. All of it is terrible and it sets a bad example on the world stage.
Lol..I know her accounts can be hard to differentiate from parody. But I wish she would come out and say the world is flat to see how far off shore ppl would go to defend her. Remember this is the same person that said if we dont fix climate change it will be equivalent to 25 holocaust. They sure do love the constant Jew referencing. And semantics rather than providing solutions. Weird her party keeps refusing funds for care, food, and aid at the border...bc politics.

Also what are your thoughts when the GOP said on an issue that it was like a public hanging. Then the lefts pearl clutching and automatic insulation of lynchings and slavery. So weird how these rule books change.

Also, these people do get trial. So you are making that up. It's not a particular race either, anyone crossing the border who is not a citizen. They also aren't being rounded up based on their identity as Jews were. Jews had no choice, people crossing the border are not forcibly doing so. Are Hispanic citizens in America being put into camps...oh, they arent. And again, Democrats refuse to allocate aid that the border and immigration has requested. Are the border patrol putting themselves in camps...bc the majority of them, are in fact...Hispanic.

AOC, per usual is an idiot.
With overstayed visas they need to find a way to track them while here. Put them on some type of probation where they need to check in periodically. Get their employers or university (work/student visas) involved in helping. If they are not cooperative (businesses/colleges), then don’t allow them to use immigrants in the future. If they aren’t checking in then deport. I actually like the idea of a monetary deposit someone suggested although 100k is outlandish.

Need to go after employers as much as they go after the immigrants. If you want to put a dent in hiring illegal immigrants, penalize the employers much more

Need more guest worker programs. Majority of illegal immigrants here want to work, so let them. Legitimize it and make them pay taxes. It’s time for them to come out of the shadows. Don’t need to give them citizenship. I don’t think most of them have a huge desire; they just want to make a living. If they aren’t committing serious crimes and are employed, let them stay. They are fulfilling a need. US economy is addicted to fireign workers. Always has been and always will be.

Continue to secure the border but I think the wall is pointless, expensive and ultimately won’t be overly successful. Rely on technology and manpower and beef that up. Need Mexico to be on board and trump has helped but I don’t agree completely with his methods. It’s a start though and we will see how and if it works
One rambling contradiction. Why care about overstayed visas or any border security if you believe that anyone that wants to be here can come and stay.

You want to suppress low end wages and make it harder for the poor to get a quality education....for power. You don't care about them or the immigrants.
I’m cool with anybody coming to the US within reason as long as they are making contributions to the US and not sucking off of the government teet. Also, they must be conservative, I don’t care where they are from or what color they are.
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I’ll say it again, not racist, just stupid.

“Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial.”

AOC was correct. All of it is terrible and it sets a bad example on the world stage.

That's literally not at all what's happening.

The people held at the border are NOT:

- Political prisoners
- Uniquely members of one national or minority group
- Being held for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment

They are being held because they broke US law and we do not have the resources to handle their cases in a more efficient manner.

Also, the implication to "concentration" camps is that the state is concentrating it's own citizens. How else could you "concentrate" them? Are we going to Honduras or West Africa to make sure all of those people are held in border facilities?

It's amazing how you can look at that definition and think it proves your point

I actually pulled the definition to show the idiot the language.

Regardless of the definition, wrong is wrong.

I’ll ask, should we treat those we find breaking the law by overstaying their visa the same way?
As I stated earlier, trump supporters aren’t racist, they’re stupid. Not going to argue with you on why grass is green.

Unhinged to the point that the sale was blocked, but “trump gets me” always provides a pass.

That’s a good way to win hearts and minds, call them stupid because they disagree with your viewpoint.
Bill will never back down on this. His world is black and white and it is easier to get pissed at the brown people crossing illegally rather than the whites and the browns staying illegally. Trump gets this feeling and feeds it to his base like red meat because he knows it gets them fired up. Cracking down on visas isn’t nearly as “sexy” as building a wall. Both are breaking the law but in his world one is worse even though overstayed visas typically exceed border crossings. Notice he attempts to justify it by saying accidental. Bullshit response. If I am in on a visa, I know exactly how long it lasts. BTW Bill, I do believe something as to be done with both issues. Pull your head out

What are you talking about? I’m not justifying anything, and not everyone is like you.

Where did I say visa overstays are ok, and stop being racist. The issue is the way to combat each issue is different, one person is legally allowed in the country, the other illegally enters. Don’t act like it’s the same thing, because it isn’t. Nor do you stop it the same way.
In your world of simply opposing Trump, you can’t wrap your head around that simple concept. One is a prevention of entering, the other is a prevention of staying once allowed in.
I’m all for a nationwide e verify, fine employers that knowingly hire illegals, whatever it takes. You seem to need to believe I simply oppose illegal immigration because of color? Why is everything about race to you idiots? Because that’s all you have at this point. It’s called desperation.
Lol at the liberal bullshit posted today by dumb asses who have no clue what they're talking about.

When I see these dumb asses out in public spouting the dumb shit like what's posted by left whack jobs on here, i just agree and treat them like they have mental illness in the same way some loon would tell me that they rode a magic carpet on a rainbow fueled by unicorn farts.
No using that definition and all the other rhetoric from your party's leadership against any immigration control is why there is a crisis. The message to every third world country is clear. Our border process is overwhelmed and has no way to keep up.
LIberals have proven over the years they do not care about brown people. Anyone who cares about humans could not be for an open border and undocumented entry into a nation. The proof is in a known fact. Brown teenage girls are brought into this nation to feed the sex slave business. They end up on the streets of New York, Chicago, Atlanta, LA and other cities across this nation where they are raped by men who want some young brown flesh. It is a very lucrative business and makes a lot of easy money.

By turning their back and allowing this to happen it proves where their heart is. No compassion just another Brown Girl In The Ring. A caring person would want our Border Control to screen these young girls and save them from what is going to happen to them. They are going to be treated as a piece of young ass that has no other value on earth but that. But you never hear any of the pro-illegal immigrants discuss this. I wonder why. And they call us racist for wanting some order in who comes across that river. Human trafficking of these young brown girls is the lowest form of child abuse a nation can allow. And it happens every day in America. But no Democrat candidate will say a word about it.
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Lol at the liberal bullshit posted today by dumb asses who have no clue what they're talking about.

When I see these dumb asses out in public spouting the dumb shit like what's posted by left whack jobs on here, i just agree and treat them like they have mental illness in the same way some loon would tell me that they rode a magic carpet on a rainbow fueled by unicorn farts.

I usually wear a UK hat or golf visor, but when I put my MAGA hat on I'm ready to get in a fight with dumbass libs. Assault me and I'll pull my Glock on you. Never had to or want too. Guess I'm lucky to be in Kentucky and not California.
I usually wear a UK hat or golf visor, but when I put my MAGA hat on I'm ready to get in a fight with dumbass libs. Assault me and I'll pull my Glock on you. Never had to or want too. Guess I'm lucky to be in Kentucky and not California.
I live in the heart of Trump Country. You can't go anywhere around here without seeing a MAGA hat on somebody's head. We have Trump Stores in strip malls that sell everything imaginable with Trump on it. I am blessed to live here and be surrounded by conservative neighbors and law enforcement.
Lol this is going to trigger them to outer space. "Trump saying he will refuse to leave office!"
Is there a bigger political concubine than John Lewis? They trot him out anytime they need to excuse some democrat racism.

As an aside, has anyone gotten more traction out of one thing? And he didn't even do anything. 50 years ago he was a hanger on to someone that was doing something. Rode that to a multi decade career of do nothing politics
Tell me about it! Fact is, more illegal immigrants from overstayed visas than border crossing.

But, since you abstain from reading, you don’t know that fact.

How could you possibly know?

Let me guess, an open borders think tank published some estimates based on estimates arguing we don’t need to secure our borders even though we have no idea how many people are illegally crossing our borders?

The entire point of your bullshit focus on visas is to get people to start arguing against visas so you can then say we’re anti legal immigrant, not just anti illegal alien.

You don’t know that because you are a useful idiot, but that’s obviously the next step you loons will be steered towards.

Illegal visa overstays and illegal border crossings should be 0.
What does nationalism mean? What is the age requirement? Who are those people who hate the country?

Most importantly, who’s calling you names?
Nationalism is simply being proud of your country/heritage and are prepared to defend it. No age limit. Many on the left hate what we are and therefore hate the country. You must really be blind or, are just not smart enough to see. I really don't think your dumb so, complicit and in lockstep with those who would destroy this country and are just playing the fool.
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How could you possibly know?

Let me guess, an open borders think tank published some estimates based on estimates arguing we don’t need to secure our borders even though we have no idea how many people are illegally crossing our borders?

The entire point of your bullshit focus on visas is to get people to start arguing against visas so you can then say we’re anti legal immigrant, not just anti illegal alien.

You don’t know that because you are a useful idiot, but that’s obviously the next step you loons will be steered towards.

Illegal visa overstays and illegal border crossings should be 0.

Nailed it.

I wish the U.S border would start shooting people at the border. Shoot a few and i bet that slows down the crossings.

Visas. Lol. There are not more expired visas than illegal crossings. That is the biggest outright lie. It's so full of shit that it's laughable
Yet they give up on conservatives today who are not racist or KKK members but, want to save this country from the destructive policies and language of the left. Funny how the left remain racist and controlling of minorities all in the pursuit of power yet, those that they have enslaved welcome it with open arms.

Educated and Woke? Nope.
This is one of the "moderate" Democrats

When your party's concerns are:

2)Healthcare for those immigrants
3)Jobs and/or government pay/welfare for those immigrants

Can you really claim that you are running for a better America for Americans? Which is literally the job of any elected official.

Pubs should be embarrassed if they don't blow whoever they run against, in any election, in flyover country out of the water.

Talking about immigrants and what we can do for them, what an absolute shame. It's borderline treasonous putting the welfare of non-citizens above that of Americans.

I don't care if you don't like Trump, as an American the greater good has to prevail at the ballot box. Voting for the party that is concerned about non-citizens, does not work toward that greater good.
God deadspin is trash...mens sports teams support the womens soccer team and they attempt to spin it as men having to remind everyone they play sports