How will they rule ??!

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You are singling out American blacks.
Now you're getting it. I am "singling out American blacks" because they have singularly been affected by American slavery. Which is vastly, materially different from the historical slavery "people of virtually every race, color, and creed engaged in it on every inhabited continent" Sowell wants to lump it in with to try to make his point.
Birth Control Pills, Shot, Implant, IUD, Condoms and other methods at the Downtown Austin ... Ask our staff if you qualify for free or reduced-cost birth control.

Eligible Travis County residents may qualify for FREE implant or IUD birth control. Need more answers? Our healthcare experts have them. Call today.

Free birth control is out there for US residents. Just gotta look.
Thanks to liberal policies in the "liberal shitholes".
Biden is toast. The liberal media knows he can not beat Trump so they are going to get him off the stage as soon as possible because his presence in the debates will blow the stage up. He will be called out by black candidates and women and he will get defensive and tell them to go to hell like he always has in the past. He can not help it. That is who he is. So they are going into full attack to stop in his tracks.

Sad irony is that the old unfiltered Joe Biden who would tell everyone to kiss his ass could compete with and maybe even beat Trump, especially if he dropped the progressive platform and moved towards a more reasonable moderate democrat agenda.

This beaten down, censored, apologetic, "look at me, I can be liberal too" Joe Biden has no chance. He was Obama's VP because he brought the moderate, working and middle class americans to the table...basically the people Trump won over...Now he's abandoned that at the behest of the feral wing, and it will be his and ultimately the party's undoing.

If not for 9/11, the wars, and recession that followed, Obama wouldn't have won and the libs would be 0-3 on running left of Bill.
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The world will be better off with less children being born. Doesn’t matter what color their skin is. Doesn’t matter if the mom and dad are married or not.

This weirdo “out of wedlock” stuff is some Christian bullshit. The same stuff that gets you a shotgun wedding and a 50% shot at a divorce.

What we REALLY need is free access to birth control for every single person on the planet.
You do realize that study after study shows an increase in overall success when a child has both parents around, right? Across the race spectrum. Doesn't matter if they are white, black, brown, or mixed. Doesn't matter if they are divorced as long as they both remain involved.

Just so happens that the AA community has a very problematic amount of 1 parent homes. Doesn't matter if Martin Luther King, JR is saying that or if it's David Duke. The problem is still real.

Quit trolling/being willfully ignorant and admit it's a huge problem. You'd be agreeing with scientific-backed research.

For a supposed educator you sure seem indifferent about one of the biggest problems in the school system (parents - or lack thereof).
Now you're getting it. I am "singling out American blacks" because they have singularly been affected by American slavery. Which is vastly, materially different from the historical slavery "people of virtually every race, color, and creed engaged in it on every inhabited continent" Sowell wants to lump it in with to try to make his point.

American slavery ended over 150 years ago, you are missing Sowells point.
His point is every race has been enslaved at some point. Instead of using it as a crutch, rise up from it. Don’t let it continue enslave you years, decades, and going on 2 centuries after it was ended. That was his point.
Birth Control Pills, Shot, Implant, IUD, Condoms and other methods at the Downtown Austin ... Ask our staff if you qualify for free or reduced-cost birth control.

Eligible Travis County residents may qualify for FREE implant or IUD birth control. Need more answers? Our healthcare experts have them. Call today.

Free birth control is out there for US residents. Just gotta look.

Sure. Look for places like Planned Parenthood, right?

And all those damn LIBERAL COLLEGES with the bowls of free condoms for their students.
With a Huge Punitive Damage Award, the Oberlin Verdict Becomes Even More Meaningful

First, while the facts of the case were egregious, they were not unique. In the Oberlin case, students accused the plaintiffs — owners of Gibson’s Food Market and Bakery — of racism and racial profiling after police arrested three students for attempting to steal wine and then physically attacking an employee who tried to stop the theft. The students later pled guilty to multiple criminal counts.

Second, the size of the jury award will create a legal market for litigation. There's a relatively simple reason why campus free-speech codes proliferated well before there was a concerted legal counterattack money. It takes money to sue universities, and First Amendment cases simply don't yield eye-popping jury awards. It took the creation of large networks of nonprofit, pro-bono lawyers to turn the free-speech tide on campus.

Common-law torts are different. Plaintiffs can receive real compensation, and universities have deep pockets. In a radio interview yesterday, I compared the verdict to the kind of sound that causes prairie dogs to stand alert suddenly, lawyers are paying attention:

You do realize that study after study shows an increase in overall success when a child has both parents around, right? Across the race spectrum. Doesn't matter if they are white, black, brown, or mixed. Doesn't matter if they are divorced as long as they both remain involved.

Just so happens that the AA community has a very problematic amount of 1 parent homes. Doesn't matter if Martin Luther King, JR is saying that or if it's David Duke. The problem is still real.

Quit trolling/being willfully ignorant and admit it's a huge problem. You'd be agreeing with scientific-backed research.

For a supposed educator you sure seem indifferent about one of the biggest problems in the school system (parents - or lack thereof).

Ah, the good ol’ “absent black father” routine that everyone loves so much. Even Obama’s bum ass tried that shit anytime it was election season and he was being televised in front of a black crowd.

Everyone knows the studies you’re talking about.

But have you seen the ones about how chronic unemployment/job discrimination, mass incarceration, and generational poverty have impacted the “traditional (read: approved by white people) family structure” in poor black communities?

Slavery wasn’t that long ago. Add in Jim Crow, segregation, the “War on Drugs” and the Clinton years, and here we are.

Yet here you are, thinking that if only poor black people in America got married...even married and then divorced...then our societal issues would just melt away.

Give me whatever the hell you’re toking on, assuming it’s that sweet sweet ganja. Party on, my bro, but life isn’t as simple as you make it sometimes.
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Seriously? Dude sounds like he was raised in the 90’s by racist parents. The “culture” jabs are the cherry on top. That dude does not associate with black people. Period. He’s said as much. LMAO!

He sounds like a dumbass trying to “fix their problems” while he has zero real-life connections to black Americans, besides when he stands in line to get autographs from college football and basketball players.

This dude would get destroyed in real life, but he sure is popular on the POLITICAL THREAD. Hmmm.....


Don't get carried away, my chronic loving bromigo - I still wouldn't piss on KingofBBN is he was on fire - I'd be more likely to throw gas on him. I happen to think he raised some decent points in this one particular post, though.
So when Trump gets less than 15% of the African American vote in 2020 just like 2016 will y'all finally quit with this 'them blacks love Trump!' narrative?
Bc dems will do anything they can to keep them on the plantation. Remember Biden's "he'll lock yall in chains" back in 2012?

Which is ironic its hitting him with the dems attacking Biden for him saying he worked with segregationists. All jokes aside and fairness. Is Biden Does Booker and homewrecker Kamala know this? Yes. In fact they were missing his point that he would work with the worst ppl to try and make progress...but they actually know that but dems dont miss a chance to focus on identity to run up some support.

It's what the party is built on..and the party will never win another election again if they lose AA support. So they will get as crazy as they need pushing false scare tactics.
Ah, the good ol’ “absent black father” routine that everyone loves so much. Even Obama’s bum ass tried that shit anytime it was election season and he was being televised in front of a black crowd.

Everyone knows the studies you’re talking about.

But have you seen the ones about how chronic unemployment/job discrimination, mass incarceration, and generational poverty have impacted the “traditional (read: approved by white people) family structure” in poor black communities?

Slavery wasn’t that long ago. Add in Jim Crow, segregation, the “War on Drugs” and the Clinton years, and here we are.

Yet here you are, thinking that if only poor black people in America got married...even married and then divorced...then our societal issues would just melt away.

Give me whatever the hell you’re toking on, assuming it’s that sweet sweet ganja. Party on, my bro, but life isn’t as simple as you make it sometimes.

It’s not nearly as complicated as you want it to be either. Sometimes the simple things make all the difference, like a strong father figure for young boys and girls.
It’s not nearly as complicated as you want it to be either. Sometimes the simple things make all the difference, like a strong father figure for young boys and girls.

It’s not even so much that a lot of black mothers are single - it’s that the father is nowhere to be found. I know plenty of people who came from divorced families, but still had a father who was active in their lives. Hell I got divorced when my son was 8 and I still see him 4 days a week. Conversely, I know people in marriages that are miserable and “stay together for the kids” who do a worse job parenting than a lot of divorced couples do.

So the answer isn’t simply “get married” and that’s it. It’s about both parents taking theirs responsibilities seriously. That’s much less prevalent in black America than white america.
Ah, the good ol’ “absent black father” routine that everyone loves so much. Even Obama’s bum ass tried that shit anytime it was election season and he was being televised in front of a black crowd.

Everyone knows the studies you’re talking about.

But have you seen the ones about how chronic unemployment/job discrimination, mass incarceration, and generational poverty have impacted the “traditional (read: approved by white people) family structure” in poor black communities?

Slavery wasn’t that long ago. Add in Jim Crow, segregation, the “War on Drugs” and the Clinton years, and here we are.

Yet here you are, thinking that if only poor black people in America got married...even married and then divorced...then our societal issues would just melt away.

Give me whatever the hell you’re toking on, assuming it’s that sweet sweet ganja. Party on, my bro, but life isn’t as simple as you make it sometimes.
My son is a white basketball player in the DC suburbs of Maryland who, from 4th grade on, had almost exclusively black friends because they were his hoops teammates. Over a decade we got to know a dozen or so of the kids - and their families and the African American coaches who led the AAU teams he played on. Now, most of the kids are in their second year of college and seem to be doing pretty well. One or two others are in the military and are also doing well. A few have faltered, and one is in prison. There was a direct -- 100 percent -- relationship between having fathers in the picture and life outcomes so far.

The kid who got locked up for a string of felonies had a good mother who is a nurse and became friends with my wife at a hospital where they both worked. She'd be the first to testify to the destructive result of the kid's father vanishing. So you can take or leave the studies. In the laboratory of real life, the truth is what it is.
It’s not nearly as complicated as you want it to be either. Sometimes the simple things make all the difference, like a strong father figure for young boys and girls.

Could this “father figure” be their grandfather? Their uncle? Their male teachers, coaches, and neighbors?

I get that it’s preferable for the kid’s “father figure” to be his/her actual father, but this just loops back into the janky studies about “two-parent households” that everyone brings up whenever black Americans are mentioned.

I’ve been friends with, worked with, and taught people who come from all kinds of family structures. Black people living in America is just a different thing. The discourse needs to be more nuanced than “get married, get a job, and stop listening to all that damn rap music.”
My son is a white basketball player in the DC suburbs of Maryland who, from 4th grade on, had almost exclusively black friends because they were his hoops teammates. Over a decade we got to know a dozen or so of the kids - and their families and the African American coaches who led the AAU teams he played on. Now, most of the kids are in their second year of college and seem to be doing pretty well. One or two others are in the military and are also doing well. A few have faltered, and one is in prison. There was a direct -- 100 percent -- relationship between having fathers in the picture and life outcomes so far.

The kid who got locked up for a string of felonies had a good mother who is a nurse and became friends with my wife at a hospital where they both worked. She'd be the first to testify to the destructive result of the kid's father vanishing. So you can take or leave the studies. In the laboratory of real life, the truth is what it is.

I was that white dude on my MS/HS teams in western KY. If a family is able to afford the AAU traveling lifestyle to that extent, the kid has a pretty damn good chance of being “successful” in life. Race is irrelevant. You did mention the suburbs though, right?
Could this “father figure” be their grandfather? Their uncle? Their male teachers, coaches, and neighbors?

I get that it’s preferable for the kid’s “father figure” to be his/her actual father, but this just loops back into the janky studies about “two-parent households” that everyone brings up whenever black Americans are mentioned.

I’ve been friends with, worked with, and taught people who come from all kinds of family structures. Black people living in America is just a different thing. The discourse needs to be more nuanced than “get married, get a job, and stop listening to all that damn rap music.”

Of course it can be, although a teacher or a coach isn’t really in a position to discipline a child.
No one but you mentioned any of those things you quoted.
How is black people living in America a different thing? The left is the only ones wanting to treat anyone different based on race. I think you’re a smart guy, and for the life of me I don’t know if you can’t see it, or just don’t want to accept it?
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Let me make it even more simple for you: The kids, from all over the DC area, weren't privileged. They got picked to be on AAU teams because they were good basketball players, my son included. The ones with fathers who got involved with their lives have succeeded at least so far and the ones without have not. Get it?

Ah, so now you want me to praise a bunch of PRIVILEGED ATHLETES like they’re indicative of the society at large. Got it, bro.
Criticizing a broken culture is not racist and their problems are entirely cultural. Obviously.

Nigerian immigrants have no issue economically outperforming white Americans. What's the difference between a Nigerian immigrant and a black American if it's not culture and attitude?

If you have to blame white people, blame the white knight self loathing white flabby liberal who imparts his own loser mentality on them to be their white guilt erasing savior. Even radical leftist racists like Malcolm X understood that.
Gassy is about to tell you mfers how black he is, but you still won’t listen to his opinions because you are a racist who pretends to have black friends on the internet. Shameful.

Yep. You tell'em Mash. I'm black Irish. Not only was my DNA confirmed black and able to receive reparations, but my Irish side were a part of the Irish Appalachians who were also slaves. So technically, American tax payers owe me double reparations. With gays trying to cut in, I'm about to suck my first first dong to be paid triple reparations. Life is good.. quit work today...
  • If those f’ing hicks in Bama screw this up again by running Roy Moore I’ll pray that Trump sends in the Union Army to finish the job.
  • White libs view black people as pets. Look at the Oberlin thing. Shameful!
  • Love that the left is crushing Biden for working with segregationists. He’s the only one that can beat Trump.
Ah, the good ol’ “absent black father” routine that everyone loves so much. Even Obama’s bum ass tried that shit anytime it was election season and he was being televised in front of a black crowd.

Everyone knows the studies you’re talking about.

But have you seen the ones about how chronic unemployment/job discrimination, mass incarceration, and generational poverty have impacted the “traditional (read: approved by white people) family structure” in poor black communities?

Slavery wasn’t that long ago. Add in Jim Crow, segregation, the “War on Drugs” and the Clinton years, and here we are.

Yet here you are, thinking that if only poor black people in America got married...even married and then divorced...then our societal issues would just melt away.

Give me whatever the hell you’re toking on, assuming it’s that sweet sweet ganja. Party on, my bro, but life isn’t as simple as you make it sometimes.

Could this “father figure” be their grandfather? Their uncle? Their male teachers, coaches, and neighbors?

I get that it’s preferable for the kid’s “father figure” to be his/her actual father, but this just loops back into the janky studies about “two-parent households” that everyone brings up whenever black Americans are mentioned.

I’ve been friends with, worked with, and taught people who come from all kinds of family structures. Black people living in America is just a different thing. The discourse needs to be more nuanced than “get married, get a job, and stop listening to all that damn rap music.”

I think the discussion is also more nuanced than things that happened long ago. We're a long way from Slavery, segregation, and even Jim crow. We're not so far removed from other more modern societal and cultural developments.

You can probably take in to account many things, not the least of which the welfare state and how some segments of our government and culture in more modern times have absolutely disabled the black community and made them dependent.

Reckless and unprotected sexual promiscuity is also a problem that seems really play a role in the plight. Slavery is no excuse for knocking up 2-3 different women to the tune of a 4,5,6+ kids.

Cheap immigrant labor probably contributes to the unemployment issues that disproportionately affect the black community.

Education, or lack thereof. School attendance and literacy rates are still a big issue. I suppose you can blame racist white folks and bad america, but it seems a lot areas where these are real problems are overwhelming liberal, run by liberals.

Romanticizing the "hood...thug life" culture throughout mainstream, entertainment, and popular culture. Which includes and even celebrates a dislike of any kind of authority especially cops.

Drugs. Obviously greatly affects all communities, but given that black people are a smaller segment they are really hurt by destruction brought on by drugs. Simply a numbers game. There are more white folks, therefore white folks can withstand the blows brought on by issues like drugs, single parent homes, illiteracy, unprotected sex, unemployment, and bad influences in popular culture etc.

The country has done something about slavery, jim crow, segregation. Let's do something about some of the other things and see what the trend is over the next few decades.
Who’s telling you Trump’s told 10K+ lies? CNN? Snopes? NYT? Rachael Maddow?
Actually it’s the Washington Post and they document each one. Many are the same lie told over and over.

How about the one he told the other night at his rally about how “the wall” is coming along so well? Truth, there has not been one inch of new wall built anywhere that hasn’t been replacement of old wall. He has repeated that one 172 times.

I’m also curious if you have ever read a transcript of word salad when he speaks? You’ve obviously never fact checked his claims. He pulls numbers out of his ass like a Powerball lottery drawing. He will talk about something one day and use one set of numbers and the next day a completely different set.

What difference does the source make if they have proof of what they are saying is correct? He is either lying or the dumbest motherf#cker on the face of the planet.
Everyone gets a trophy in libs sports world. Did your best but lost, he's a championship trophy. Hugs all around.

So you’re saying that “libs” run all the youth sports leagues?

If not, who’s buying all those trophies?
How many of Trump's 10,000 lies are something WaPo would rate as true if he were a Democrat?

Trump: The country is doing great
WaPo: False, the country is not doing great

If you think Trump "lies" more than Obama or any other Democrat, you're just a goddam loony toon idiot.

Trump is a hype man WWE superstar POTUS who actually seems to like the country and happened to cut my taxes. I can't tell you the last time I actually heard him speak a word. I see the tweets people post here, and that's the extent of it.

Can't imagine hanging on every one of Obama's words like these psycho lefties do with Trump. Turn the TV off, log off the internet, go outside. Maybe spend some of that cash Trump put in your pocket on a beer.
I was that white dude on my MS/HS teams in western KY. If a family is able to afford the AAU traveling lifestyle to that extent, the kid has a pretty damn good chance of being “successful” in life. Race is irrelevant. You did mention the suburbs though, right?
Ah are wealthy if you play aau. An aau team would definitely throw a kid a side if he was an awesome player but didnt have the finances. Good job.
Actually it’s the Washington Post and they document each one. Many are the same lie told over and over.

How about the one he told the other night at his rally about how “the wall” is coming along so well? Truth, there has not been one inch of new wall built anywhere that hasn’t been replacement of old wall. He has repeated that one 172 times.

I’m also curious if you have ever read a transcript of word salad when he speaks? You’ve obviously never fact checked his claims. He pulls numbers out of his ass like a Powerball lottery drawing. He will talk about something one day and use one set of numbers and the next day a completely different set.

What difference does the source make if they have proof of what they are saying is correct? He is either lying or the dumbest motherf#cker on the face of the planet.
Breaking news... @rqarnold learns politicians say things. Wonder if he believes in all the Santa claus presents his candidates are promising. Barry was 100% honest though right? So is Biden, Clinton, spread legs Kamala, etc.

I always love the focus on the wall. I think the wall is stupid...but at the same time, when Democrats refuse to give 1/10th of 1% of funding even for assistance, not even the wall, but for funding to give care, food, etc its then hard for you to pretend you are getting some kind of gotcha...when dems are playing politics just to not let him get a political promise. Laughable after all of them supported fencing just a mere few years ago.

Speaking of fact checking...I love it when he'll say 2+2=4 and then we get "WeLl ACkSHuLly 3+1=4" or dont you love fact checks when there are none. Like, Did Barry lock kids in cages? What, we were taking our 8 year nap.