How will they rule ??!

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The people that should really come out against this is the gay community. People automatically lump in them with these bunch of freaks. If the Gays truly want to be treated and thought of in a normal way then they need to come out against this bunch of disgusting freaks versus defending it.

Just a guess, but i’d bet that many times more gays than straights don’t look at that bunch as being disgusting freaks.
No stereotyping, you racist Trump loving conservatives!
That is all you have? Racist, racist, racist, racist. There were more blacks at the Trump Rally in Orlando than all of the blacks who have attended all 20 of the Democrat presidential candidates announcements. You might want to look around. The brothers are on the Trump Train. They are working now and making good money. This changes things.

This is exceedingly ignorant. American/British slavery in colonial times was race based and generational, unlike slavery throughout history which was based on personal circumstance. Only here were people born into permanent bondage just because of the color of their skin.
Let me see. Do I trust Thomas Sowell's opinion or a random liberal nut job? Sorry, I'm going with Sowell.
They realize blacks are drifting to the Trump camp and will be voting for him in mass. So why not stir up the pot and offer them a bone. It worked for 100 years but today is a new day. They have a president now who actually does what he said he would do. Like create jobs for millions of blacks who sat on the couch but now go to work and earn a good pay. So hey liberal, socialist, democrats


That is all you have? Racist, racist, racist, racist. There were more blacks at the Trump Rally in Orlando than all of the blacks who have attended all 20 of the Democrat presidential candidates announcements. You might want to look around. The brothers are on the Trump Train. They are working now and making good money. This changes things.

So when Trump gets less than 15% of the African American vote in 2020 just like 2016 will y'all finally quit with this 'them blacks love Trump!' narrative?
The Supreme Court is absolutely killing it today. A magnificent Peace Cross erected outside DC to honor the World War 1 dead -- regardless of their religion or lack of one -- won't be torn down because a few nuts were offended. I used to drive by the memorial on my way to work. Very happy to know it'll be there for decades to come.
7-2 vote and we can guess who the two were. Great victory in memory our brave WWI boys.
Nowhere in his quote did he mention the reasons people were enslaved, you stupid twat. I'm sure the anglos enslaved by the barbary pirates felt better that it wasn't due to their skin color.
His tweet was attempting to defend American slavery by pointing out historical slavery wasn't tied to race. American slavery was the exception in that it WAS generationally tied to race. He illustrates why his own point and yours are stupid.

First off, you’re mad. Why are you mad?

Second, I know you don’t pay shit when it comes to taxes. Pennies on the dollar. You get emotional when it comes to “your money” like every other pussy conservative. If you can’t afford to lose an extra $50 a year, then get a better job. What a bum you are.

Many states already offer free trade school/community college offers. That should be every state, by the way. In any case...the last time I checked...everybody who works there still gets paid.

You sound miserable.

You should try being a libertarian, bro.
Ahh, so a cool fitty bucks is all it’s gonna take? We’ll sign me up then. I’m all for the free shit if all it costs me is fitty bucks a year. Hell, thats cheaper than Hulu.
You got he was defending American slavery from his quote?? [roll]
Uhh duh? He's saying, "people of virtually every race, color, and creed engaged in it on every inhabited continent" and hence African Americans weren't singularly victimized by it. Neither of which is true. Only we forced African Americans into generational slavery based on their skin color.
7-2 vote and we can guess who the two were. Great victory in memory our brave WWI boys.
It is a magnificent memorial, Sawnee. The photos don't do it justice. I used to take my kids there to remember the fallen when they were little. Only the most miserable, foul-spirited, American hating miscreants would have insisted it be torn down. Even those with a healthy respect for the separation of Church and State, which I share, wouldn't have picked this landmark as a target.
Uhh duh? He's saying, "people of virtually every race, color, and creed engaged in it on every inhabited continent" and hence African Americans weren't singularly victimized by it. Neither of which is true.
SMH. He was saying EVERY race has been enslaved. Again, for the dim, no where did he give reasons why. You are seeing what you want because you can't deal with the facts.
It is a magnificent memorial, Sawnee. The photos don't do it justice. I used to take my kids there to remember the fallen when they were little. Only the most miserable, foul-spirited, American hating miscreants would have insisted it be torn down. Even those with a healthy respect for the separation of Church and State, which I share, wouldn't have picked this landmark as a target.
The people who are behind the removal of our historical monuments are very sick, hate filled, miserable people.
SMH. He was saying EVERY race has been enslaved. Again, for the dim, no where did he give reasons why. You are seeing what you want because you can't deal with the facts.
That's straight up not true though. Individuals of every race have been enslaved. The entire African American "race" was enslaved.
Blind squirrel......

I agree with most of what he said though. I’m shocked to be saying that.

Seriously? Dude sounds like he was raised in the 90’s by racist parents. The “culture” jabs are the cherry on top. That dude does not associate with black people. Period. He’s said as much. LMAO!

He sounds like a dumbass trying to “fix their problems” while he has zero real-life connections to black Americans, besides when he stands in line to get autographs from college football and basketball players.

This dude would get destroyed in real life, but he sure is popular on the POLITICAL THREAD. Hmmm.....

My god, people are actually trying to defend this.


That is horrifying...

Of course if I say a female colleague close to the same age as myself looks good in a dress I'll be #METOOed and perp walked right out of the office.

God forbid I bump up against a girl at a club...but go ahead and let children take photos with Buffalo Bill...

I imagine this is how the Romans behaved near the end...
Biden is a marked man now, even ABC is reporting on Hunter Biden's business dealings...

Because Biden's politics aren't left of Hugo Chavez, the media is going to treat him like they do Republicans. He better do something fast like announce Mike Obama will be his VP or the bad press is only going to get worse.

That’s the dumbest thing you’ve said, so far. They were Africans when brought here. The entire African race wasn’t enslaved, was it?
And they were African Americans when they were born here. That's the difference. If enslaved Africans had had free children in our system just like the rest of history we wouldn't be having this conversation about the distinction. The African American population was legally tied to servitude because of their race. Not the African population. There were many slaves in Africa at that time. They weren't born into it because of their skin color.
Biden is a marked man now, even ABC is reporting on Hunter Biden's business dealings...

Because Biden's politics aren't left of Hugo Chavez, the media is going to treat him like they do Republicans. He better do something fast like announce Mike Obama will be his VP or the bad press is only going to get worse.

Biden is toast. The liberal media knows he can not beat Trump so they are going to get him off the stage as soon as possible because his presence in the debates will blow the stage up. He will be called out by black candidates and women and he will get defensive and tell them to go to hell like he always has in the past. He can not help it. That is who he is. So they are going into full attack to stop in his tracks.
He sounds like a dumbass trying to “fix their problems” while he has zero real-life connections to black Americans, besides when he stands in line to get autographs from college football and basketball players.

Do you need to have "real-life" connections in order to understand that 3 out of 4 African-American babies being born out of wedlock is a major problem that needs to be fixed?

Honestly, that's one of the easiest problems in the world to identify. How to actually fix it is another story, but some of what he posted would be a good start.
And they were African Americans when they were born here. That's the difference. If enslaved Africans had had free children in our system just like the rest of history we wouldn't be having this conversation about the distinction. The African American population was legally tied to servitude because of their race. Not the African population.
Again, RACE was not mentioned in the quote. If you’re a slave, I don’t imagine the color of the master makes you feel better or worse.
Again, RACE was not mentioned in the quote. If you’re a slave, I don’t imagine the color of the master makes you feel better or worse.
WTF are you talking about race wasn't mentioned in the quote? He says it TWICE.

Also what does the color of the master have to do with anything? We're talking about the generational and racial nature of American/British colonial slavery and contrasting that to historical slavery. Whereas Sowell was lumping all slavery together and trying to make a point about American slavery being more of the same, "people of virtually every race, color, and creed engaged in it on every inhabited continent."
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Do you need to have "real-life" connections in order to understand that 3 out of 4 African-American babies being born out of wedlock is a major problem that needs to be fixed?

Honestly, that's one of the easiest problems in the world to identify. How to actually fix it is another story, but some of what he posted would be a good start.

The world will be better off with less children being born. Doesn’t matter what color their skin is. Doesn’t matter if the mom and dad are married or not.

This weirdo “out of wedlock” stuff is some Christian bullshit. The same stuff that gets you a shotgun wedding and a 50% shot at a divorce.

What we REALLY need is free access to birth control for every single person on the planet.
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That is all you have? Racist, racist, racist, racist. There were more blacks at the Trump Rally in Orlando than all of the blacks who have attended all 20 of the Democrat presidential candidates announcements. You might want to look around. The brothers are on the Trump Train. They are working now and making good money. This changes things.

You might wanna follow along a bit better...see the clowns post I quoted. I like to point out hypocrisy in a smart ass way.
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The world will be better off with less children being born. Doesn’t matter what color their skin is. Doesn’t matter if the mom and dad are married or not.

This weirdo “out of wedlock” stuff is some Christian bullshit. The same stuff that gets you a shotgun wedding and a 50% shot at a divorce.

What we REALLY need is free access to birth control for every single person on the planet.

Birth Control Pills, Shot, Implant, IUD, Condoms and other methods at the Downtown Austin ... Ask our staff if you qualify for free or reduced-cost birth control.

Eligible Travis County residents may qualify for FREE implant or IUD birth control. Need more answers? Our healthcare experts have them. Call today.

Free birth control is out there for US residents. Just gotta look.
Biden is a marked man now, even ABC is reporting on Hunter Biden's business dealings...

Because Biden's politics aren't left of Hugo Chavez, the media is going to treat him like they do Republicans. He better do something fast like announce Mike Obama will be his VP or the bad press is only going to get worse.

Amazing to watch the machine in blatant action with no shame.
Just thinking out loud here but the Iranians and John Kerry are comrades. Is it crazy to think that a back room deal has been made by the Dems and Iranians to create a conflict in the middle east in hopes that it help sway the elections to the Dems? IMO there is no bar to low for the Dems to cross so long as they quench their thirst for power.
Sad as it is, I thought the exact same thing.