How will they rule ??!

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I didn't feel like I needed to make an exception for the 1% of liberals that aren't extremists. My bad.

Look on the bright side - you are now more educated on the issue than you previously were.

You're welcome.

And I'll never be as good at painting with a broad brush as you are.

I didn’t read it. Don’t flatter yourself.
Clinton merely one-upped Reagan with his “nobody is tougher on crime than me” policies. Why provide government assistance to poor black people when instead we can either put them in prison or make them ineligible?

Generations of families were, and still are, unfairly punished by this bullshit.

Reparations are not the answer.

Whatever Kushner and them helped pass in terms of prison reform is where we need to be focusing our attention, for sure. Keep it going by releasing everyone who’s locked up for weed and then offer them the jobs you guys think are going to illegal immigrants. In today’s economy, we can surely employ more of these Americans in an attempt to give them a fresh start and assimilate back into our society.

Oh and then legalize weed federally.

Hell, legalize all drugs. Let the chips fall where they may. We’ll all be better off in 25 years or so.

You act as if people are simply being locked up due to their race, that is a dangerous lie.

I can agree on one aspect, when a prisoner has paid their debt to society they shouldn’t be stigmatized forever in the hiring process.
Which is where illegal immigration and free trade comes into play. When the hiring pool is deep, companies have no need to hire felons.
Allowing millions of illegals entry, in tandem with shipping millions of jobs offshore creates a wealth of available workers for diminishing job openings. Wages decrease as do opportunities.
Now, look at what’s happened since electing Trump. That’s exactly how you rehabilitate convicts, give them opportunity at something other than crime.
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You act as if people are simply being locked up due to their race, that is a dangerous lie.

I can agree on one aspect, when a prisoner has paid their debt to society they shouldn’t be stigmatized forever in the hiring process.
Which is where illegal immigration and free trade comes into play. When the hiring pool is deep, companies have no need to hire felons.
Allowing millions of illegals entry, in tandem with shipping millions of jobs offshore creates a wealth of available workers for diminishing job openings. Wages decrease as do opportunities.
Now, look at what’s happened since electing Trump. That’s exactly how you rehabilitate convicts, give them opportunity at something other than crime.
Young black males are responsible for a majority of violent crime, who is forcing young black males to assault people , throw babies off mall balconies and shoot each other ?
Young black males are responsible for a majority of violent crime, who is forcing young black males to assault people , throw babies off mall balconies and shoot each other ?

Harsh reality but it's the truth. Nobody wants to talk about it. High violent crime rates correlate very well with black populations. It's in their DNA.
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One could just as easily argue that the Confederate deaths were a more valuable payment than those of the Union. They did indirectly represent the pro-slavery position and were killed for it. Don't be so myopic when the subject is one of absurdity in the first place.

Did WWII soldiers indirectly represent Jim Crow?

Slippery path to go down IMO .
Another Karmala gaffe. [laughing]

Why is reparations all of a sudden a thing again? First of all, it's a logistical nightmare to even think about finding a fair way to disseminate money. Second, where does the money come from? Third, what wrongs have been perpetrated on current blacks that would make them worthy of monetary compensation?

This is the kind of shit our politicians waste their time on. They're all idiots.

The wrong perpetrated was the welfare state encouraging them to fail. Along with tons of poor whites in this state.
Reparations are brought up by the race hustlers nearly every presidential election cycle. They don't want any real solutions to the problems facing AA's. Then their honey hole would dry up.

Real solutions would involve an honest examination of the culture and dependency. I’ll help offer a suggestion to fix the issues.

- Marry and have kids. Father’s, stick around.
- Stop idolizing street culture. There’s nothing cool about crime and protecting criminals. You need a better game plan than rap and pro sports.
- Value actual education and demand the same standards as everyone else. Stop with the mentality of thinking being able to read and speak properly is “acting white.”
- Stop blaming white people and the world for your problems. Asians are a third of your population and are absolutely killing it in the US. Why? Their culture.
- Realize you’re being exploited by Democrats who have no desire for you to actually succeed and want you to be dependent on the government forever. Democrats know that they still own you and have now looked to the third world as their top priority all while they run your communities into the ground.
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Real solutions would revolve an honest examination of the culture and dependency. I’ll help offer a suggestion to fix the issues.

- Marry and have kids. Father’s, stick around.
- Stop idolizing street culture. There’s nothing cool about crime and protecting criminals. You need a better game plan than rap and pro sports.
- Value actual education and demand the same standards as everyone else. Stop with the mentality of thinking being able to read and speak properly as “acting white.”
- Stop blaming white people and the world for your problems. Asians are a third of your population and are absolutely killing it in the US. Why? Their culture.
- Realize you’re being exploited by Democrats who have no desire for you to actually succeed and want you to be dependent on the government forever. Democrats know that they still own you and have now looked to the third world as their top priority all while they run your communities into the ground.
A damn good post
The Supreme Court is absolutely killing it today. A magnificent Peace Cross erected outside DC to honor the World War 1 dead -- regardless of their religion or lack of one -- won't be torn down because a few nuts were offended. I used to drive by the memorial on my way to work. Very happy to know it'll be there for decades to come.
Just thinking out loud here but the Iranians and John Kerry are comrades. Is it crazy to think that a back room deal has been made by the Dems and Iranians to create a conflict in the middle east in hopes that it help sway the elections to the Dems? IMO there is no bar to low for the Dems to cross so long as they quench their thirst for power.