How will they rule ??!

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If you really want to examine what rq/fuzz calls "lies", each of his claims must be looked at in detail and in context. He picks this shit up on lib twitter (litter?). A favorite move is to pick out some irrelevant technicality and that becomes his big "lie". This morning was a prime example.

When you clearly explain it, mistaking him for a logical, rational human being, he pretends to not understand and wants you to waste more time putting it in terms for a 3 year old.

If you're dumb enough to follow him down his TDS rabbit hole, he'll try to draw you into his madness arguing shades of gray, etc., and you'll end up wishing you'd just put a bullet in his head in the first place and saved yourself the aggravation, which is how I handle the scumbag.
Do you need to have "real-life" connections in order to understand that 3 out of 4 African-American babies being born out of wedlock is a major problem that needs to be fixed?
Yea, but the 30% of honkies born out of wedlock is just fine, right?
The world will be better off with less children being born. Doesn’t matter what color their skin is. Doesn’t matter if the mom and dad are married or not.

This weirdo “out of wedlock” stuff is some Christian bullshit. The same stuff that gets you a shotgun wedding and a 50% shot at a divorce.

What we REALLY need is free access to birth control for every single person on the planet.
Birth is OK. World population on track to stabilize at 11B by 2100. Relax. And if climate change is really a big deal, it will stabilize at less than that before that. So what's not to like about cc?
Yep. You tell'em Mash. I'm black Irish. Not only was my DNA confirmed black and able to receive reparations, but my Irish side were a part of the Irish Appalachians who were also slaves. So technically, American tax payers owe me double reparations. With gays trying to cut in, I'm about to suck my first first dong to be paid triple reparations. Life is good.. quit work today...

Willy cleans up well and he is well-spoken (sorta). But he'll steal your stuff if you don't watch him. Genetics.
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Yea, but the 30% of honkies born out of wedlock is just fine, right?
But 75% vs 30% not counting the millions of babies aborted, that is a culture that is in serious trouble, it also puts a big hole in the white privelege myth , all cultures look better when yours is in total disarray..
So you’re saying that “libs” run all the youth sports leagues?

If not, who’s buying all those trophies?

They run them by being ridiculous and crying because some team is better and it's not fair. People who run youth sports have to crave to dip sh#@ libs because of the PC crap going on.

USA woman's soccer was just bashed for kicking the shit out of a forgein nation. Kiss my ass go USA. It's getting nuts.
False. There were always free blacks in the colonies & early USA.
Having to point out the exceptions reinforces my point. Freed blacks had to constantly prove their legal status was legitimate because the system was built around racial discrimination.
Having to point out the exceptions reinforces my point. Freed blacks had to constantly prove their legal status was legitimate because the system was built around racial discrimination.
That’s a good point , it’s actually evidence that there was a system built around discriminating against blacks. You would have been necessary then , you are not now , everyone is free to pursue their dreams . And there is no evidence you can point to now that proves your point valid... because it is not
So were the nazi concentration camps a place where you could leave and go back home? Considering you can do that at the border and I've been told they are the exact same thing
Their point is the past oppression and current oppression prevents them from achieving the same results as anybody else in America which is malarkey.

Nigerians were oppressed more than black Americans.

The reality is the black American descendant already won the lottery... of the 10 million or so slaves brought to the Americas, about 300k were brought to America. (iirc numbers but thereabouts) No group of black people has a had a better outcome. Not in Jamaica, not in Brazil... not in Africa.

What prevents economic mobility more than anything is the cultural norms, problems and defeatist attitudes.

Dion and his family
Sad irony is that the old unfiltered Joe Biden who would tell everyone to kiss his ass could compete with and maybe even beat Trump, especially if he dropped the progressive platform and moved towards a more reasonable moderate democrat agenda.

This beaten down, censored, apologetic, "look at me, I can be liberal too" Joe Biden has no chance. He was Obama's VP because he brought the moderate, working and middle class americans to the table...basically the people Trump won over...Now he's abandoned that at the behest of the feral wing, and it will be his and ultimately the party's undoing.

If not for 9/11, the wars, and recession that followed, Obama wouldn't have won and the libs would be 0-3 on running left of Bill.

Just think, Obama won because A) he’s black B) Republicans ran Dem-lite McCain and Romney.

It took two of the biggest RINOs to give us Obama. The Republican Party tried to give us Jeb Bush.
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Their point is the past oppression and current oppression prevents them from achieving the same results as anybody else in America which is malarkey.

Nigerians were oppressed more than black Americans.

The reality is the black American descendant already won the lottery... of the 10 million or so slaves brought to the Americas, about 300k were brought to America. (iirc numbers but thereabouts) No group of black people has a had a better outcome. Not in Jamaica, not in Brazil... not in Africa.

What prevents economic mobility more than anything is the cultural norms, problems and defeatist attitudes.
You’re arguing the slaves were the lucky ones and should be thanking us. Holy crap this place is messed up.
Birth is OK. World population on track to stabilize at 11B by 2100. Relax. And if climate change is really a big deal, it will stabilize at less than that before that. So what's not to like about cc?

Why are you bringing up climate change, bro? Freaking weirdos, the lot of you.
Just think, Obama won because A) he’s black B) Republicans ran Dem-lite McCain and Romney.

It took two of the biggest RINOs to give us Obama. The Republican Party tried to give us Jeb Bush.

^^^ more bitchmade posts by your boy

Can’t believe you guys still claim him.
Isn’t it incredible how many slavery obsessed dipshits are oblivious to the role of Arabs and Africans? They really believe whites just went over there with a butterfly net and snatched them up. They’re oblivious to the fact that they were already slaves.

Like CRO said, the best thing to ever happen to black Americans is slavery. “OMG! Can’t believe you said that.” Yeah, I said it because it’s true. Being able to grow up in the United States due to the sacrifice of your ancestors, puts you way ahead of those whose ancestors didn’t come to the US. Instead of bitching about stuff like “cultural appropriation” they could be living in the third world.
Indentured servitude
That's one way of putting it, but no not the words I would use.

My claim is that your argument is specious. I have sufficiently demonstrated it as such already and have no interest whatsoever in debating on whether or not they should thank you for it, because I am not part of that us.
How the hell did we get on reparations? Did the loony toons really decide to move on from post-birth abortions to arguing for reparations while claiming Mexicans are flocking here to voluntarily stay in Nazi death camps?

I'm no Poli Sci major, but that doesn't seem like a winning platform in the rust belt.
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Having to point out the exceptions reinforces my point. Freed blacks had to constantly prove their legal status was legitimate because the system was built around racial discrimination.
I ddin't have to do anything. But when someone makes a global pronouncement like "entire" & is wrong, the joke is on him//her/it.

Rather than this crappy comeback, why not just admit the incorrectness of your post? You'd come across as a better/bigger person that way.
Isn’t it incredible how many slavery obsessed dipshits are oblivious to the role of Arabs and Africans? They really believe whites just went over there with a butterfly net and snatched them up. They’re oblivious to the fact that they were already slaves.

Like CRO said, the best thing to ever happen to black Americans is slavery. “OMG! Can’t believe you said that.” Yeah, I said it because it’s true. Being able to grow up in the United States due to the sacrifice of your ancestors, puts you way ahead of those whose ancestors didn’t come to the US. Instead of bitching about stuff like “cultural appropriation” they could be living in the third world.

^^^ you guys support this line of thought

Holy hell. He’s drunk. Take him home. Piss all over him while you’re at it.

P* W********* would make him bleed. B**** S**** would wipe his ass with the Steelers tickets he already bought. T**** H**** would run him over with that overpriced Maserati.

Y’all are spineless.
How the hell did we get on reparations? Did the loony toons really decide to move on from post-birth abortions to arguing for reparations while claiming Mexicans are flocking here to voluntarily stay in Nazi death camps?

I'm no Poli Sci major, but that doesn't seem like a winning platform in the rust belt.

It's close to election. Time to bring out democrat vote buying to keep black voters on the donkey plantation.

Reparations has the chance of passing as does the green new deal.

Shit policy and everyone knows it
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