How will they rule ??!

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100% agree. One can disagree with the idea of reparations and do so on solid footing without resorting to racist innuendo and stereotyping. Sadly, most on this board can’t help but expose their racist inner selves when discussing the matter.
Language and discourse that can never be taken back. Ever.
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Dion and his family
I said it once before and I’ll say it again. The biggest racists are the ones who have to go to these sorts of lengths to prove they’re not.
Wtf...LA is gonna die

Typhoid, Black Plague...

What in the world are they not doing in that shithole city? They don’t even have rodent control, only city in the country. City Hall and police headquarters is infested with rats, typhoid cases in both buildings. This is some sort of conspiracy. To be this negligent is sinister.

They better ban guns before the rats take over.

Now we have tuberculosis, measles, typhus…I started looking at what usually comes on the heels of typhus in this area, and that’s Yersinia (bubonic plague),” Pinsky told Contagion®. “It has been documented on the squirrels, and it’s just a matter of time before it gets on the rats, then our pets, and then on us.”

“I really dread what’s coming this year. We have essentially every means of transmission of infectious diseases represented in these outbreaks,” he continued. “We have oral-fecal with the typhoid. We have airborne with the tuberculosis and measles. We have rodent-vector with the typhus and the Yersinia. So here we go. Every major means and component of severe dangerous epidemic infectious disease are set up to go and nothing is being done.”

This is the #1 shithole in the country, but certainly not the only city in deep financial trouble, unable or unwilling to provide basic necessities. This is decades of criminal corruption.

Yea, but the 30% of honkies born out of wedlock is just fine, right?
You know, sometimes I have a hard time reading you.

But if for whatever reason you are actually serious, I can assure you that 3/10 is better than 7/10 with this particular statistic.

And for the record, 30% is not fine. But, it should be noted that ‘out of wedlock’ isn’t as detrimental as ‘single parent’. As long as both mom and dad are involved, chance of success goes up. Married or otherwise.
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Ah, the good ol’ “absent black father” routine that everyone loves so much. Even Obama’s bum ass tried that shit anytime it was election season and he was being televised in front of a black crowd.

Everyone knows the studies you’re talking about.

But have you seen the ones about how chronic unemployment/job discrimination, mass incarceration, and generational poverty have impacted the “traditional (read: approved by white people) family structure” in poor black communities?

Slavery wasn’t that long ago. Add in Jim Crow, segregation, the “War on Drugs” and the Clinton years, and here we are.

Yet here you are, thinking that if only poor black people in America got married...even married and then divorced...then our societal issues would just melt away.

Give me whatever the hell you’re toking on, assuming it’s that sweet sweet ganja. Party on, my bro, but life isn’t as simple as you make it sometimes.
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Sure. Look for places like Planned Parenthood, right?

And all those damn LIBERAL COLLEGES with the bowls of free condoms for their students.
Um. Nope. Every county has a health department. That's where my wife got hers for the 4 years before we got married. Cost her $8.00 for a 90 day supply. And she had a decent income at the time. The health department had nothing to do with planned parenthood. And if planned parenthood was only giving out birth control instead of killing babies, no one would have a problem with them.
^^^ you guys support this line of thought

Holy hell. He’s drunk. Take him home. Piss all over him while you’re at it.

P* W********* would make him bleed. B**** S**** would wipe his ass with the Steelers tickets he already bought. T**** H**** would run him over with that overpriced Maserati.

Y’all are spineless.

Yeah, you dumb piece of shit, the descendants of American slaves are way better off than the ones enslaved by Arabs and Africans. This isn’t even debatable. Your fragile ears and inability to understand the obvious make this sound like poison to you.

EAD, bitch or shall I say, EAD, bro.
You’re arguing the slaves were the lucky ones and should be thanking us. Holy crap this place is messed up.
That isnt what he stated at all, but you know that, you’re deflecting because you know he’s right.
You’re living in the past, Cro is speaking about the present.
Wtf is the NYTs doing reporting this????? Completely ridiculous and borderline treason if you ask me.

I’ll bet a dollar to a donut the White House wanted that article out there.
I hope thats the case. If someone leaked that BS to harm Trump/America though that person should be strung up by their balls. And saying its irresponsible for the NYTs to put that out there is an understatement.
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No, you said all blacks were slaves because of their race. Once you were proven wrong, you moved the goal post.
No one said every single person of color in America was a slave. I said in American slavery one was born into slavery because of their race. Individuals could be free, the race was enslaved. As opposed to historical slavery where it wasn’t generational and individuals could be slaves but races were free. Sowell was trying to equate the two when they’re fundamentally different.
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Trump backed down on attacking Iran apparently while it was in mid action. First smart thing he has done his entire presidency. Bet Netanyahu doesn't let Trump use his safe word tonight. Bolton can be heard weeping in the closet.
I hope thats the case. If someone leaked that BS to harm Trump/America though that person should be strung up by their balls. And saying its irresponsible for the NYTs to put that out there is an understatement.
Their job is to report on stuff like this. It's what the media used to do instead of the bullshit they do now, spending all day pandering to their audience. When we bombed Iraq they were reporting on it days before it happened.